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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

San Miguel Totolapan, Guerrero: The Interrogation Of Samuel Ávila Marín AKA El Vago

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place to form a complete picture. The criminal mastermind behind the massacre that took place over two months ago in San Miguel Totolapan where 18 individuals were killed has surfaced. 

For this broadcast Samuel Avila Marin aka El Vago under captivity gives up the key players involved in the successful execution implemented by Los Tequileros against their adversaries. 

Following the attack José Alfredo Hurtado Olascoaga aka El Fresa, one of the leaders of the Familia Michoacana in Guerrero's Tierra Caliente swore revenge. Yesterday he came through with his threats. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive: My name is Samuel Avila Marin aka El Vago. 

Sicario: Where are you from El Vago?

Captive : I’m from Acapulco, Guerrero.  

Sicario: Where were you living?

Captive: I was living in Chilpancingo (Chilpancingo, Guerrero). 

Sicario: Ok. Now how about you tell me about the events that took place in San Miguel. 

Captive: I was the individual who planned that attack. 

Sicario: On whose orders?

Captive: It was done on the orders of Saul Beltran. 

Sicario: Saul Beltran then. 

Captive: I waited outside coordinating the armed attack. We had a mole inside the mayor’s office. 

Sicario: What’s the name of that informant who was giving you guys all that intel inside that meeting?

Captive: His name is José Alberto Nava Palacios. 

Sicario: He’s the person who told you guys everything?

Captive: He’s the individual who told us ahead of time about the meeting and who all was going to be there. 

Sicario: Who contacted this mole?

Captive: It was Saul Beltran. 

Sicario: Is he a friend of Saul Beltran?

Captive: I would have to say yes because he’s the one who gave us that connect in order for him to tell us what all we needed to know. 

Sicario: Why did Saul want to kill this person?

Captive: He said that was his worse enemy. 

Sicario: His enemy huh?

Captive: Yes. 

Sicario: Wasn’t Saul once the municipal president of San Miguel Totolapan and afterwards he became a congressman?

Captive: Yes. He was initially a mayor and then went on to become a congressman. 

Sicario: Who provided you guys with the firearms for that attack?

Captive: Saul gave us the weapons and funds to pay off the gunmen. 

Sicario: He provided everything?

Captive: Yes. 

Sicario: Ok. Was he thinking of taking over the whole town or what?

Captive: Yes. He wanted for us to take out everyone who stood in the way. And take control of the plaza so that we could move forward. 

Sicario: Well, take a look around you. There’s many of us here that you’d have to get rid of first. (Camera pans right to left showing a complete picture of the armed mob of men) Are you in any way hurt, has anyone psychically hurt you on your way here?

Captive: No one has hurt me. You’re seeing me as I was brought here, free of any injuries. 

Sicario: Ok then Vago. We wanted for you to clear our doubts about the events in San Miguel and now those doubts have been cleared for us. I had initially told you this wasn’t going to last long. Do you remember that I mentioned this beforehand when I first spoke to you? 

Captive: Yes, you said it wasn’t going to last long. 

Sicario: Very well then. I’ll see you Vago…

Los Tequileros Leader Saul Beltran Orozco 

La Masakr3  Voz de La Noticia  Quadratin


  1. why is he wearing different clothes on the interrogation and when found ? and he wasnt handcuffed with the penitentiary cuffs at the interr but then when he is dismembered they put them back on ?

    1. Vago may have been held in captivity for a while between when the video was made and when he was murdered. That could account for the change of clothes.

    2. @11.14 They didn't dismember him. I thought the same when I first saw the photo, but its a bullet wound from a rifle on his left arm. If they thought he was responsible they'd have held him for as long as it took to get the bosses to be able to ask the questions they wanted to, which can take a couple of days if those bosses have to be careful.

    3. @Breakmylegs Looks like he was shot. The black eye is common from ballistic trauma to the head.

    4. 03:59 he committed suicide

    5. This is the same guy they broke out of prison huh ? He wasn’t held that long. A couple of days from what the news articles say.

    6. He was busted out on December 7th they found his body on the 11th

  2. He looks peaceful, so quiet 🤫

  3. For context, when Fresa released the video after the San Miguel massacre, he specifically threatened Saul Beltran, "El Vago", and "La Mula" as being responsible for the massacre. I doubt FM gets Saul Beltran like they captured Vago; he has too many political connections and will instead be arrested, if anything happens to him at all. Maybe we will see a video of La Mula next.

    1. A little more context: Jose Nava Palacios was the interim mayor of San Miguel Totolapan after the massacre took place. He was deputy mayor prior to that.
      Also, that city hall was clearly built with narco money. Reminds me of the city hall in El Paraiso Honduras built by Alexander Ardon. A giant ostentatious city hall in a town of 20,000 people in bumfuck nowhere. Not suspicious at all.

  4. Que putiza le arrimaron.

  5. There! It's like it never happened. Oh well if your feelings were hurt ladies. 😂

    1. Can't take the heat huh @sol
      🥲🙂🤭 pobre wey! Lmao

    2. If you guys have something important to say then by all means say it. But if you're saying dumb shit that serves no purpose here then don't expect to see your words posted. Its that simple. If any clown wants to insist on doing dumb shit it's only going to cause the comments to get shut down all together. The choice is yours. Choose wisely for your good. Don't be that dumb ass who fucks it up for everyone else.

    3. Cancel it sol then maybe people will appreciate it

    4. Sol keep doing what you doing brotha sorry if I troll every now and then. f*** the haters

    5. Haters gonna hate, dumb asses will continue to be dumb asses. Just keep not posting them. Don't let a few idiots fuck it up for the rest of us

    6. Grandma says "...or i'll just turn this car around and go back home!"

  6. Borderlandbeat trolls are ruthless lol leave sol alone fuck!



    Un grupo de migrantes de origen asiático, entre ellos un menor de edad, fue privado de su libertad en la ciudad de Gómez Palacio, por un grupo de integrantes de #LosCabrera del Cártel de Sinaloa que les exigía dinero en efectivo para poderlos liberar, logrando ser rescatados por elementos de la Guardia Nacional y el Instituto Nacional de Migración.

    Fue el día de ayer Lunes cuando a los números de emergencia 911 entró una denuncia anónima en donde reportaban que un grupo de hombres mantenían privadas de su libertad de varias personas en un domicilio al norte de la ciudad de Gómez Palacio.

    Gracias a dicha llamada se logró ubicar el domicilio en fraccionamiento Rinconada Villa Nápoles, en donde elementos de la #GuardiaNacional con apoyo del Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) ingresaron a la vivienda en donde encontraron a 5 personas del sexo masculino, 1 del sexo femenino y 1 menor de edad, originarios de Uzbekistán, los cuales se encontraban privados de su libertad por el grupo criminal.

    En dicho rescate fue necesaria la intervención de un intérprete para comunicarse con el grupo, quienes narraron que en su afán por llegar a los Estados Unidos, tomaron un autobús en la #CDMX donde pretendían dirigirse al estado de #BajaCalifornia, donde el grupo criminal al que le pagaron les mencionó que harían una escala en Gómez Palacio, Durango, donde se refugiaron temporalmente en una casa.

    Sin embargo, los delincuentes los privaron de su libertad y con amenazas les exigieron el pago de mil 200 dólares a cambio de dejarlos continuar con su camino. Imposibilitados para pagarlos, quedaron retenidos en el inmueble bajo el cuidado de una mujer, mientras buscaban la forma de hacerse del recurso económico, donde el grupo delincuencial pretendía comunicarse con sus familias para obtener el dinero.

    Fue gracias a dicha llamada anónima ciudadana que finalmente, los migrantes fueron liberados por los elementos federales. En esta acción una mujer fue detenida, quien sería la encargada del cuidado de los secuestrados, la cual fue puesta a disposición del Ministerio Público por su probable responsabilidad en la comisión de un delito,

    Por su parte los 7 uzbekos fueron puestas en manos del Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) para su resguardo y apoyo correspondiente, quienes serán valorados médicamente. Este es el segundo rescate de migrantes secuestrados por este grupo del Crimen Organizado en La Laguna de Durango en lo que va del mes.

    1. Many Cartels are charging $10,000 at the northern border to cross. If you're from a non Latin american country YOU GE CHARGED MORE... Safer racket than DRUGS ....

    2. Samulel Beltran Orozco has a lot of political power. He was saved by the Federal Government with those famous "Amparos" when locally he was ordered in court for murder. He also has a team of Federal body guards at his feet 24/7.

    3. I, I live amongst the creatures of night. 😎🌃 vice city vibes

      puro fresh&fit

    4. There 10,000 is the complete trip , but you pay 1,000 dollars to the plaza where your crossing thru at the border

    5. 4:54 Laura Brinigan

    6. @sol


  8. 401 thats a lie, central and south Americans get abused all throughout Méxicos borders. Nationality matter nothing.

    1. If the abuse was there the ... Caravans say the opposite

    2. 4:24 he's writing that people from countries farther from the USA are charged more than those from Latin America. Me entiendes Mendez?
      Another issue I notice is some Central Americans have hate for Mexicanos? I get it that some government workers mistreated you pero la gente que los ayuda que? Some of those fools están traumados, you can tell when the selección plays they all cheer for the rivals. Déjense de mamadas bueyes

    3. 12:09 I love your Spanglish.
      Orale vato local.

  9. El fresca had already killed the "aggressors" that chased him from the place where they murdered 18 persons, and they shot up his bullet proof SUV, but he never showed their corpses, now he gets some other fall guy, makes him confess and say he was respected and shit before murdering him to leave no witnesses behind, fresa kills two birds with one stone again...

    1. @sir. Ain’t nobody believe that it was El Vago who orchestrated the massacre en San Miguel. Everyone especially the ppl who live in those communities know it was El fresa who did that in fear that the mayor was going to switch sides. The fresa orchestraded another massacre this week. He had citizens gathered up & killed the community leader. They were trying to create a new community with a military base and the fresa didn’t like that

    2. El fresas a psychopath, to add insult to injury, olascoaga bros are literally undisputed in the territories they control. So the innocent people will continue to pay what the wicked sow. Ay mexico! tan bonito, pero que jodido.

    3. Thank you for calling Sir's BS .

    4. 2:41 read again,
      ain't no BS anywhere but yours pinchi vaca flaca y pedorra.

    5. 11:12 You are right,you are in agreement with 9:09

  10. El Fresca sounds ruthless.

  11. Thank you, Sol and all at BB! I really appreciate all your hard work!

  12. Fresa, not Fresca. Strawberry, not shitty flavored soda.

    1. I'm pretty sure that was just a typo on their end. I've also had that happen when rushing

  13. Why is Vago cited for snitching when pretty much all captives-Legal & Criminal-do the exact same thing?

  14. " I'll see you Vago" Ahh..A planned reunion in the depths of Hell!


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