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Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Risks of Being A 'Snitch' In The U.S.

 "Ivan" for Borderland Bea

There are only two inmates that everyone wants to kill: protected witnesses and child rapists, reveals a U.S. Marshal interviewed by Ríodoce.

The list seems endless; Dámaso López Nuñez, el Licenciado, Reynaldo, el Rey Zambada García, Lucero Guadalupe Sánchez López la Chapo diputada, Édgar Valdez Villarreal, la Barbie, José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, el Chino Ántrax, Heriberto Zazueta Godoy, el Capi Beto, Damaso López Serrano, el Mini lic, Humberto Loya Castro?

All of them high-level members of the Sinaloa Cartel, who after having every imaginable luxury and in almost all cases, great power, were arrested and extradited and, knowing they were lost, decided to negotiate with the DEA in order to gain a few more years of freedom in exchange for not spending the rest of their lives in a maximum security prison.

The price, however, would have a very high cost, since joining the protected witness program also meant giving up the little freedom they had in prison to interact with other prisoners and share a dining room with other inmates, since there is no greater hatred that an inmate can have in a prison in the United States than to know that one of his fellow inmates is collaborating with the U.S. government.

According to a telephone conversation that Ríodoce had with a US Marshal, the so-called US Marshals, when an inmate knows that he collaborates with the government, they kill him.

He explains: "it is an unwritten law, because you don't face your reality as a man, and there is nothing worse than having a rat for a partner, because you know that person is a traitor who will end up revealing names, places, and how the criminal organization he belongs to operates".

"That is why, when an inmate agrees to negotiate with the prosecutors in the case, they quickly take him out of prison and relocate him to a special prison, but they also change his name, so that no one knows where he is, and that is why when you try to locate him in the U.S. Bureau of Prisons system, you can't find him, and you simply read that he is not in their possession; He is, but under a different name, and in special prisons where they have no contact with absolutely no one," explained the sheriff, who agreed to speak with this newspaper on the condition that his name would not be revealed.

Seven destinations

According to the sheriff contacted for this article, information that was corroborated by a retired FBI agent, the negotiation begins when the detainee offers his lawyer information that apparently can be used to get to a drug lord and thus dismantle a criminal organization, in this case the Sinaloa Cartel.

"If the prosecutors consider that the information is truthful and can serve as a guide to arrest a high-level drug trafficker, a very long process begins, which includes polygraph tests, analysis by a psychologist, verification of initial data that he can provide; and once the prosecutors determine that the information is real, a judge is asked to relocate the prisoner and change his identity," explained the U.S. agent.

According to information from the U.S. government, there are seven prisons in that country that incarcerate protected witnesses, but the confinement is perhaps one of the most atrocious, because the collaborator is forbidden to talk to friends, acquaintances and relatives, and they are only allowed to go for a walk for an hour a day, but alone, and they maintain communication with their lawyer and some of their relatives, with whom they talk through a very sophisticated communication system, because not only the protected witness is in danger, but also his family may be in danger.

"It changes his life, because from that moment on he can no longer interact with anyone, he no longer lives with other inmates, he no longer eats together with the rest of the inmates, and the interaction with the custodians is very limited, which is done for security, because when they know that this inmate is a collaborator, they are going to kill him. There are only two inmates that everyone wants to kill: protected witnesses and child rapists; when someone is in prison for those crimes, he is a dead man walking, as they are called; that is why our job is to protect them and for that, we have to relocate them," explained the federal agent.

-Is it real that a protected witness is relocated in safe houses with an ankle bracelet?

-It is a myth! Because the penitentiary system would allow a criminal, considered of the highest danger, to be only in a home. I would cut off the bracelet! All those criminals are in maximum security prisons, and all monitored 24 hours a day, and completely incommunicado, it's like when they don't appear in the penitentiary system, it doesn't mean they are free, but as I say, their identity was changed and they were relocated.

-Is that why the protected witnesses who testified against Joaquín 'Chapo' Guzmán do not appear in the Federal Bureau of Prisons system," he is questioned.

-Exactly. They were relocated from the very moment they said they would testify against El Chapo, and then their names were changed so they could not be located. And for that reason their new identity and location is not revealed, because if the Bureau of Prisons does so, they are dead men. There are cases where they are released, but only once they have served their sentence, not before.

Either they kill you outside or they kill you inside.

The case of José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, El Chino Ántrax, is contrary to what the Sheriff says, because according to international media, the drug trafficker escaped from a house where he was under house arrest.

The information that transcended at that time is that, in May 2020, a federal judge in Southern California granted the request of his lawyers for him to serve the last five years of his sentence under house arrest, at a home in San Diego.

A few days later, on May 6 of that same year, El Chino escaped from the place, and a few days later, he appeared in Culiacán.

Ríodoce sources said that when he arrived in the Sinaloa capital, he asked to meet with Ismael El Mayo Zambada to restart his business. But no one would take him to his former boss. El Chino insisted, but the doors seemed closed. Desperate, he went to the Agua Caliente community, north of Culiacan, to ask the Russian to get him an audience with El Mayo, because it was important.

"They checked him and ran a scanner on him, and they say that they detected a location chip, and that's when they found out that he was wired and that maybe he had negotiated with the U.S. government to hand over El Mayo in exchange for his freedom," the source said.

A couple of days later, on May 16, 2020, Chino Ántrax was shot to death in Culiacán.

The sheriff interviewed said he was unaware of the case of Chino Anthrax, but considered it ridiculous that they were granted house arrest and that he only wore an ankle bracelet.

"The bracelet does exist, but only in minor crimes, not with criminals who are considered the most dangerous in the world," he said.

The sheriff's observation would demystify the "disappearance" of drug traffickers from the Sinaloa Cartel who, although they do not appear with their real names in the Bureau of Prisons system, are imprisoned revealing information to the U.S. government.

The protected witness system began in 1971, and since then has integrated more than 19,000 collaborators from the DEA, the FBI and the CIA, in their efforts to dismantle criminal networks, including terrorist, drug trafficking and white slavery groups.

The program also covers the collaborator's family, whose members are relocated with new names, and in some cases, they are only allowed to keep their first name.

In the case of Mexican nationals, the authorities do not immediately send them to Mexico, but keep them in the United States for fear of being killed, although it depends on the agreement the accused has made with the U.S. government.

Article published on December 11, 2022 in the 1037th edition of the weekly Ríodoce.



  1. Carlos Alberto Monsiváis Treviño, “La Bola z 40 nephew was set free from alitano prison

    1. Carlos Monsiváis was gay,
      get a paternity test.
      La Bola has a twin, Gibran Ramirez...

  2. Riodoce🥰🥰 always has great articles on CDS surprisingly they havent been attacked

    1. I think RIODOCE has a personal vendetta against CDS... just m.o

    2. I believe they want revenge on Mini Lic for killing Javier Valdez

    3. Vice-versa @245
      For killing Javier Valdez

    4. They are both from the same place, locals in the same city, maybe even grown up in the same bario. Then you understand and how who to ask.
      DEP Javier

  3. Replies
    1. Chapo wrote the book on snitching

    2. Chapo is the snitching god! No one comes close but Mayo! Chapo is vegeta and mayo is goku in the snitching world

    3. Nah the Flores twins snitched

    4. Look here you joe shmo pos.
      Nothing was ever the same after they got the legend. Ppl like you still talk about him and the man will never know your pathetic ass even existed.

    5. 12:58 chapo still snitched bud

    6. 1258 is a chapo nuthugger lol

  4. Lol what’s happening to comments

    1. Comment on the article Mijo and quit whining Sol don't like whinners.

    2. Some piece of shit hater is trying to spam us with moronic words and this program that we're using is knocking everything in sight the fuck out. So whatever good comments could be here have become victims of unintended collateral damage at this point.

    3. Russians spyware

    4. Blame it on China..tik tok

  5. That whole chip with Chino is bullshit. Thats not how that went down. If he wanted to see Mayo he could’ve went to Chango. Thats a lie. They wouldve held him on the spot. Not let him go then go kidnap him. They went and got him at that house.

    1. 3:37 PM

      I agree. That story is from the imagination of Riodece's sources. Implanted chips do not work like that especially for enormous distances, from the USA to Culiacan Mexico. The true story is yet to be told.

    2. I believe they're confusing chip with ankle bracelet since he was under house arrest.

    3. Los aretes pidieron su cabeza. Los demás es historia. Los que saben saben.

    4. I agree as well. He could’ve also gone to cheyo. This is the first I hear that he went to agua caliente to talk to Ruso. If they would’ve found a supposedly tracker on him don’t you think they would’ve blasted him there and then? He was picked up at his sisters house after some resistance. I don’t think we’ll ever get the truth. I still think nini was sent to get him with no permission from el sombrero.

    5. 8:17 The article says he was scanned for a chip in Mexico.

    6. Oh fuck, now the Arellanos wanted his head and Mayo just said “yes, Master, anything, Master!” Lmao. Yeah and Cocheritas mato a la loba because she cheated on him! I bet none of you foos here can tell me why they call them foos Cocheras and Cocherias. What? Who? When? And Where? If you can then I’ll believe any conspiracy you spew out there. If you in the mix then you should know. Point blank simple.

    7. @4:21pm. Would you bet your life on your assessment of the limitations of implanted surveillance technologies? I damn sure wouldn't. DARPA and NSA are filled with fiendishly clever grads from the likes of MIT and CalTech. You would match wits with them?
      Or perhaps you can. Do tell, please.

    8. If you are familiar with batteries and to some level of electronics…i would take that bet. Hidden in your body, all the way from the US to culiacan. No way.
      He just got killed for some personal reasons and coming back ballsy demanding his share and place at the table.

    9. 6:11 Mayo pidió tregua con Tijuana. La ah tenido varios años ya su representante es Aquiles. Los chapitos apenas hace 2 años pidieron tregua con Tijuana al igual. Los que saben saben. En Tijuas no está tan pelada la cosa. Con tal de sacar el negocio adelante los sacrificios se cumplen en caliente la rana ya sabe qué pedo

    10. 6:11 “If you in the mix then you should know. Point blank simple.“ oh que no. Lol

    11. 4:29

      Yes. I would bet my life on it. That type of technology - specifically the one about Chino - does not presently exist.

    12. @8:50am. Considering that the CIA and NSA or whatever has operatives scattered throughout Mexico, what need for the signal to be monitored from US soil?
      And what about satellites?

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.

  7. Was it ever confirmed that Chino antrax snitched?

    1. Absolutely. Full cooperation. What we don't know, is if he got permission from Zambada's to do so. He was released around the same time Mayito came in.

  8. Vicente Zambada and lil bro Serafin Zambada spilled their guts

  9. My tio heard from his neighbors tio who heard from his Tia neighbor that chino was gunna heat up the plaza and the neighbors where all scared so that’s what happen

  10. you did the crime, now do the time.!! man the FUCK UP!

    1. No Sinaloa ever said!!!!

    2. Idk theres a bunch of foos from Sinaloa doing a grip of time in Fed joints and state joints. Solid ass ones too. Idk bout these foos at the top being pussies but i know for a fact I’ve met foos sentenced to 30 plus years fed and state while i was fighting my case. And they took it straight to the chin

    3. There are solid people and rat people from every walk of life. None of this is exclusive to the other.

    4. 6:45 when I clown on Sinaloas with the snitch label I'm specifically writing about CDS.
      Zambadas, Damasos y Chapos have all either given information to USA authorities on rivals, turned in their own lugartenientes or sicario bosses and in some cases testified in court against their own people or government contacts.
      Some CDS cheerleaders try to rationalize as normal or smart that high ranking members turn bitch when they are arrested but any hardcore criminal knows that snitching isn't honorable. All the killings they order y resultan ser culones cuando les toca.

  11. No Sinaloa ever said 🤣

  12. El Rey Zambada's son was also being held in a military base because he was a protected witness ... but mysteriously one day he was found hanging. Mexican government said suicide but i believe there was foul play.

  13. No witness in Witsec has ever been killed. That's a pretty extraordinary accomplishment on the part of the U.S. Marshall's Service. It's not as dangerous as you think.

    1. @Detroit bullshit

    2. @9.50- It might sound unlikely, but it's true. You might be able to find cases of people who reneged on the conditions and aren't accounted for, but they never had a loss. It's not that surprising.

    3. 6:00:
      The only person in Witsec that I am aware that broke their conditions is Sammy the Bull and he is still alive, and believe it or not, trying to earn money legitimately.
      For everyone in the game, cooperating with Uncle Sam is their best option.

    4. Detroit do you have Sinaloan blood?

    5. A lot of them broke conditions and are alive but others dead. However, those who have followed conditions have never been whacked. They have never lost any.

    6. @Detroit- they don't publicise it when conditions are broken, for obvious reasons, but its fairly common. For every Sammy there are a dozen who leave, or tiptoe back into the world they left because its all they know. If they end up dead then it isn't their problem, and they don't count it as a ''loss''. Though people hugely overestimate the Mafias motivation, and ability, to find these people in the first place. Makes for good films though.

  14. A la hora de la hora todos le cantan al Uncle Sam. No que muy huevudos. #narco corridos = lies.

    1. Not caro quintero!
      El no canta en ingles.

    2. 7:24 no puede porque se muere como el Barry Seal, of American Made movie fame

  15. Los corridos del Chino decian que he was smart, brave, era hombre blah blah blah lol... He was so smart he went abroad knowing he was a wanted man they forget uncle Sam has a long reach

  16. @Ivan OUCH! Thanks for the sobering and badass article on the Snitcholas… CDS Sinaloa Cartel 🤣

    I was going to say a bunch of the content here in the comments about the DoJ and La Barbie’s disappearance from the system….. we all know what’s up haha 😂 but this is just the beginning

    Wait until more Guacamole leaks and executions rock Mexico as the DoJ tries to clean up loose ends as fast as possible and eat all the MDMA before it runs out

  17. Is it a coincidence that they’re all from SNITCHaloa?? I think not.

  18. Nothing is more annoying when the fangirls appear on the comments. Chapo snitched mencho this. It's actually pathetic and sad how many dickriders there are on here

    1. They are reddit kids, that have nothing better to do in here, than annoy Sol.

    2. 9:28 are you mad at the fact that chapo snitched?

    3. 10:15 get a life, that's all you know how to say.

    4. 6:39 would me getting a life change the fact that chapo snitched?

    5. You 1:05 you really have a mental issue.
      So fuken what if he snitched.

  19. Cumplen condena y regresan a mexico despues de sapear a todo mundo y son heroes ,, tienen corridos que matan y entierran pero cuando usa les amenaza con muchos años colaboran y salen mas pronto , que verguenza de personas que dicen ser hombres

  20. " .... the confinement is perhaps one of the most atrocious, because the collaborator is forbidden to talk to friends, acquaintances and relatives, and they are only allowed to go for a walk for an hour a day, but alone, and they maintain communication with their lawyer and some of their relatives, with whom they talk through a very sophisticated communication system, because not only the protected witness is in danger, but also his family may be in danger."

    WELL if you want one thing it's never going to be a party for life!!


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