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Saturday, December 17, 2022

This Is How The Plastic Surgeons Of Amado Carrillo 'El Señor de los Cielos' Ended Up

"Sol Prendido"for Borderland Beat

One of the most influential capos in the country's history met a tragic end, according to authorities.

Amado had an outcome he never imagined.

One of the most powerful drug lords in Mexico was Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who was born in Navolato, Sinaloa, on a day like today but in 1956. El Señor de los Cielos (Lord of the Skies) worked his way up in the drug business. His influence was such that even soap opera series have been dedicated to him. His death in 1997 was not the only news that impacted the national and international media, but the outcome of the plastic surgeons who were in a procedure to transform his face was terrible. She was 40 years old when she died.

Authorities discovered a terrible finding on the road

It was on a Sunday in November 1997, on the Mexico-Acapulco highway that the authorities found three drums. A foul odor emanated from the containers, even though they were sealed.

At the same location, the feds opened one of the containers and discovered the remains of a man.

The drums were taken to the Forensic Medical Service in Iguala, where they extracted two more bodies, corresponding to other men.

Remains of the surgeons

It was that same day that the authorities released the identities of the people who were in the drums. They were Jaime Godoy, an otorhinolaryngologist, Carlos Avila and Ricardo Reyes, two plastic surgeons. Reyes was Colombian.

Two more doctors also died, while one more was missing.

Amado was being followed

All of them participated in the plastic surgery performed on Amado Carrillo on July 3, 1997, months before the discovery. It was a cosmetic procedure to change his face, in addition to liposuction, so that he could not be identified by Mexican authorities and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

The version of the authorities indicated that during the operation, Amado Carrillo suffered a cardiac arrest, after 8 hours in the operating room. When the autopsy was performed, it was revealed that he was given hypnotic medication mixed with anesthesia, which would have caused a respiratory arrest.

After 8 hours he died of cardiac arrest.

The surgery was performed at Santa Monica Hospital, in Polanco, Mexico City. Amado Carrillo identified himself as Antonio Flores Montes to undergo surgery with the prestigious doctor Ricardo Reyes. Everyone in the hospital knew what this matter was all about.

The authorities announced Amado's death and the DEA backed up the information.

Days later, photographs were released showing Amado's body in a coffin, with a different face.

Amado Carrillo amassed a fortune of at least US$25 billion, while his fleet of aircraft, which included Boeings, exceeds 60.

Thus, the surgeons who were in his surgery died in such a horrible way, while another one disappeared.

El Mañana


  1. If you believe that he didn't get away then I got sum swamp land in Florida to sell ya

    1. 9:52AM I have a bridge to sell you.

    2. @9.52. If you believe that a man like Amado would walk away, leaving his entire family at the mercy of his enemies, then I'm guessing that swamp land in Florida you have for sale is land you bought.

  2. Even after being told that 200 clown comments can be deleted within 1 second there's this dumb bitch who's still trying in the dark. Talk about a fucking stupid person 🤣

    1. Hey Sol hope you're well buddy. Do you know what this person's agenda is, or have an idea?

    2. This persons feelings got hurt some time ago over something i said here and ever since then they've been running their mouths. My email has been open for years but the shit talkers can only be tough anonymously. It was 7 simple words that caused little man sargy to do his rant video some time ago. A curious person would wonder what those words could've been to have driven that little turd into his frenzy for almost an hour on video. Without going into those details it's no different either with this other person. Their own pride is what makes it so easy for me to victimize them.

    3. Bro I appreciate you answering. You know though that you are a popular person here. And wellllllll you're bound to piss some people off. It sucks that we have become so sensitive with each other. And instead of talking about it first and resolving the issue. We decide it's best to insult in demean. Especially when it's not In front of the person. Man I hope this passes in a few years. All the crazy tik tok, and Instagram. And people needing to have people clicking the LIKE button to feel good about themselves.

      Always be safe brother and happy holidays.


    5. I hope the hate grows and grows and grows...
      the unreasonable deserves no better.

  3. Some of the physicians escaped to the US. 1 with the help of the DEA, the other all by himself and continued to practice Plastic Surgery in California for 20 years.

    TcR Narconomics 11111

  4. Is it true that the Columbian doctor was paid off from Ochoa cartel to kill Amado, becuz Amado killed an Ochoa family member and stole thousands of kilos??and is it true the Ochoa send flowers to Amado funeral?

    1. @4.20 It's speculation. The first part, that they killed him by paying the surgeons, is based on an unconfirmed rumour that a wreath of black flowers was left by the Ochoas at his funeral.

    2. I heard that they accidentally stitched on the new face upside down, Amado took one look in the mirror, his eyeballs were looking out from his mouth, so he pulled out his gun and ended it all. True story, I heard...

    3. That is some funny shit.
      Made my night.
      It's good to laugh at least once a day!

    4. It is no speculation that Amado Carrillo Fuentes' and every other cartel after him has been steamrolled by mexican government administrations and the Culombians got the upper hand all over México, even the mexican "Fiscalias" adopted their name from Colombia's, the tops of the shit was when colombian general oscar naranjas came to michuacan to organize the Autodefensas for the CJNG, at least until they toppled the CT.
      Even the culombian allied FECAL government is biting the pillows now

    5. @SIR- The Colombians you are talking about no longer have a stake, which is why they are selling their skills instead. The development you talk about actually shows a loss of Colombian influence. They are just mercs, paid specialists, employed and controlled by Mexicans, and as such they have little power. No pillow biting involved, unless it's for fun.

    6. Alvaro Uribe Velez has not been arrested yet, mexicans who stole from culombians and abused their trust and made billions of dollars are all gone except for el Mayo,
      the golfo de México seems to be back in fashion, given Florida resurgence as an economic and political power, I don't believe it is due to tortas cubanas,
      Mexican narcos got to scrap pots for the last gram of meth and fentanyl and the local consummers por chaqueteros.

    7. @SIR- I wasn't dissing Colombians. Just pointing out that when corrupt Colombian generals are coaxed to Michoacan it's the people who employ them that have the power. And Florida's resurgence has nothing to do with cocaine.

    8. 12:12 before Jeb was governor and after him, Florida has been attractive to criminals, and not because of its sun and beaches but because of pirates, mafioso opportunist businessmen and trafficantes.
      Governor Rick Scott from Texas used it to defraud medicare and had to pay back .ore than 2 billion dollars, before getting kicked out of his own fraudulent corporation, Columbia Healthcare funded by a mafioso in the first place, then he gave it back to Jeb to become a politician, a senator and a living dead carcass.
      The Red Mafiya in New Jersey was smarter than Rick, they never paid back more than 2 billion dollars defrauded from medicare, sent their own criminals to Marla-lago and stole the Mafia's Cosa Nostra from all the NY Mafiosos with help of America's Mayor.

  5. hace mucho, hace mucho, mucho tiempo atrás el señor dijo que alguien tiene que hacerlo por México. es por eso que parece la muerte principal porque ahí mismo hay pruebas en las imágenes de que él es el principal que lo hizo. por eso recibió su nombre llamado el Señor de los cielos. porque lo voló directo a la línea desde el cielo.

  6. This is a myth. Only one of the surgeons who operated on Amado was killed. The others received protection in the United States.

    1. @10:23 thanks. It would be nice to have a few links like these in all the BB articles, or even better have the writers research them

    2. Most every new regime in México and the US wants to have their own men running their favorite cartels, then they topple the established organizations for all the marbles, cabinet members are expert pickers, like garcia luna amd Cienpedos.

  7. "Uno de los capos más poderosos en México fue Amado Carrillo Fuentes, quien nació en Navolato, Sinaloa, un día como hoy pero de 1956. El Señor de los Cielos fue escalando en el negocio del narco. Su influencia fue tal que hasta series le han dedicado. Su muerte, en 1997 no fue la única noticia que impactó en los medios nacionales e internacionales, sino que el desenlace de los cirujanos plásticos que estuvieron en un procedimiento para transformarle el rostro fue terrible. Cuando murió tenía 40 años."


  8. True Sinaloa gallo.. it all went downhill after his reign

  9. “When the autopsy was performed, it was revealed that he was given hypnotic medication mixed with anesthesia, which would have caused a respiratory arrest.” The 3 letters or someone found out about his surgery beforehand. You know the government wasn’t going to let him leave that life. There’s a reason that doctor is under witness protection, im sure he’s the one who slipped in the hypnotic medication that resulted in his heart attack. Those doctors already knew what would happen by mixing those medications.

  10. Funniest part about the death of Amado was that when Mexico broke off relations with Cuba , Fidel Castro asked the Mexican government to take Amado with then lmao

    1. 6:12 there have been problems, but México has never broken relations with Cuba, matter of fack, México even helped the US and CIA in assisting Castro and his revolution to have a communist regime in LatinAmerica to fight, DFS Director fernando Gutierrez barrios also helped Castro and co, Communist League 23 of September and any and all leftist movements in México to have control of them.

    2. @6.12. That it is a misunderstood story. Castro was playing them, being mischievous- it was a diplomatic joke, like asking The US to take Elvis with them. But people take it seriously.


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