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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Tijuana, Baja California: More Than Half A Million Dollars Seized From A Russian Couple And A Mexican

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Tijuana Municipal Police officers seized 587,550 dollars in cash from a woman and a man of Russian origin, who were traveling in a vehicle together with another subject from the state of Sinaloa, in the Libertad neighborhood.

The arrest of the three people was made following a citizen's report about the existence of armed persons, municipal police officers went to José María Larroque Avenue and Amistad Street in the Libertad neighborhood, where they detained the crew members of a white Toyota Sienna, which matched the description in the report.

Andrei "N", 48, and Olga "N", 48, both born in Russia, as well as Francisco Javier "N", 28, of Mexican origin, got out of the vehicle; when the car was searched, a bag containing 587,550 dollars in cash, more than half a million dollars, was found.

The three detainees were handed over to the federal authorities along with the cash and the vehicle in which they were traveling, in order to carry out the corresponding investigations.

Libertad Neighborhood 
Tijuana, Baja California 


  1. Its well known that the Sinaloa Cartel has ties to the 🇷🇺 Mafia and Ex Especial Forces Who give military training to the Cartel Armed Groups Every day more and more proof of these comes out to light 😱 its a fact that nobody can denied anymore

    1. They bust some bum and your trying to claim he's spetsnaz ur delusional

    2. The Russian Mafia in Tijuana is tied to CAF always has been always will be. There former spetsnaz only ever trained Ramon Arellano and his core hit teams, that's where that estimated 200k a week was going and why Sinaloa was never able to gain an edge while the brothers were free and still don't even really have one to this day.

  2. Does this have anything to do with Russia meddling in Mexico's elections? Remember back to 2018 when ELMO joked that he was in Veracruz to wait on a Russian submarine that was bringing Russia's gold.

    1. Detroit, don't be a dumb ass...
      Javier lozano was accusing AMLO of receiving "oro de Moscú, and AMLO went to veracrú to get
      "El Loro de Mo'cú"

    2. Sir:
      Put that pipe down. You can't understand anything when you're smoking that shit.

    3. 8:54 Lapping up every little bit of crap off every dog dish is not good for your health, after a while they sprinkle glass shards or cyanide on it, or rat poison on the kooley

  3. They were just trying to get Raz Putin some fentanyl. He needs to cope with his humiliation he’s feeling from getting his ass handed to him by the Ukrainian’s

    1. Negativo ask Mozart group Ukrainians are taking losses of 70% plus of there troops in every battle no exaggeration I’ll wait for you to fact check me while you think and speak out between your gluteus Maximus culero

    2. Ayye no lie tho. has some crazy vids from that conflict

    3. @9:02😂😂😂

    4. Unfortunately 9:02 is correct

    5. loosing 70% and still keeping russians away mmhhh you guys should be worried about the prisoner exchange. You delivered a big arms dealer and got a stupid drug addict in return. Did she serve the country like the other guy who is left behind.

    6. 8:46 Eat a snicker take a vacation quit your whining pick 1

    7. Paul Whelan need to be clear about his business dealings in russia, viktor bout need to be exposed for all of his dirty deals too, along with their dirty dealers.
      If putin is winning shit, why is he threatening to break the "no first nuclear strike" agreements?
      Putin lovers want to install an autocratic anti-democratic oligarchy in the US to easier serve their greedy satrap instincts.
      May Putin's bombs boomerang back on his and 9:02 asses.

    8. Siri your credibility and responses are usually halfway cuckoo since you become a church mouse when your arse get fact checked may I say mental health check please with squeezed Limoń on top for the sake of all the pobrecito miserable babblers specifically you Pudicitia

    9. Sir try harder till you get hernia. and try harder some more

    10. 5:38:
      Sir is actually above average in intelligence. Every time he picks that pipe up, you can't understand what he is saying.
      I've learned that the secret decoder ring works for Sicario 006's comments but not Sir's.

    11. Madame Detroit, your head is so full of poopoo there is no room for new learning, just because your long winded comments, (and your anonymous husband's) sound educated, professional and informed, it does not make them so, smoke some yourself shit and pray for the best.

    12. I'm a HS dropout no college degree no professional and I guarantee you sir you ain't worth no more than any other soul in this earth no matter your background finance connection or status Ive eaten with ridiculously filthy rich and to this day feed help break bread and give to the poor as much as iam able turned down offer money more than I can spend to join a family I eat well I get as much pussy as I want plus multiple options of beautiful women you can only dream of having if I choose to without paying I'm blessed with love from blood and non blood don't beg or borrow don't pay for respect or loyalty don't bend for anyone live with principles blessed to be alive almost retired pass mid 30s never told never a get along healthy happy full of life experience never been a pimp but had women pay me while they turn tricks and I never asked I can keep going but you think your better and you ain't not even more than my semen in my scrotum

    13. 8:07 no future for a high school dropout. It's ok to dream what you want.

    14. 8:07 are you Detroit's husband?
      I have noticed my girlfriends' pioresnada/pinchegüeyes try to hook with me, a poor ignorant homeless but interesting nobody.

  4. What crime have they committed?
    Is carrying cash a crime?
    Besides Mexico is becoming a Third World Country. You got the Chinese wanting to open laundering money, you got Punjabi Indians from India wanting a piece of the pie.

    1. Very true about those Punjabi Indians laundering money. There is a guy from California (Punjabi Indian) who goes by Sid who was well known for laundering money for El Omega of Los Rusos (Mayos CDS) through his business that sells new and used industrial machines. I believe it is called Machine Station, or something like that.

    2. 9:34 ya los agarraron
      y ya se chingaron...
      On the US they will steal from students moving to another place and won't give it back until all the courts and appeals are lost, imagine México, poor zjenli ye gone is still demanding his millions back, along with 70 million dollars extra his captors stole and weapons and jewelry and other foreign currency.

  5. In the last 2 months an increase of Russians I have seen specially with kids in Tijuana grocery stores. The like the Plaza Rio Zone. Usually small kids pre teen and mid age adults. If you are escaping the war you leave with everything. Colonia Libertad is an old colonia near the border with lots of polleros. If Russia was sending assets they would be in the US already not 10 months later. Families are leaving Russia due to mandatory enlistment to the needs of the war.

    1. Just some russian who tried to buy dope and got tipped off cause buying from the wrong ppl. No guns where reported, and i doubt that many locals are exposing themself by calling the cops on armed ppl.

  6. Are you sure that's a Mexican?! Looks like a southeast Asian trying to blend in. Idk ese! Take off the blindfold! I want to look at him looking at me. Quita la garra guey. Toda la cara quero ver. Fucking off ain't never been shit to mine. We'll ride the clock to get overtime. Puro extrapay is the way y sambuta se trata un buey. You ever ever seen a vaca get locked in the shoots? At a cattle feeders business? We lock'em up for extra ese con puros shots paque se coma mas carne. We want everyone to have a good wholesome eating of beef parnita. We're muerto de hambre to around here to primo. There's no soon as you stop eating. We cut into meat from produce at all hours.

    1. 10:53 you did not read the article, it tells you what country they are from.

  7. It was probably more like $600,000 but the police took some before giving it over to feds

  8. Sounds what we gringos call racial profiling. See a black guy and white guy in a car pull them over they can’t be doing anything good together. That’s illegal here. They say they got a call about someone being armed. I guess that’s their probable cause to search. Sounds like they got tipped off and used the armed part to justify meddling with 2 white people and a Mexican.

  9. "Reported the existence of armed persons" you would think with that much cash and two Caucasians, they would have been more discreet, no?

  10. Ukrainians are coming to Tijuana to seek asylum to US.
    Russians are coming to Tijuana to seek asylum to US.
    Haitians are coming to Tijuana to seek asylum to US.
    Venezuelans are coming to Tijuana to seek asylum in US.
    El Salvadorians are coming to Tijuana to seek asylum in US.
    What next?

  11. Lol Russians setting up Camp in Mexico.

    1. 4:02 looks like the republican drug trafficking attracts too many foreigners to their shit, the poor couldn't contribute much more to the Crack Epidemic and the fentanyl/meth new age is running out of prospects due to untimely deaths, Nicaraguan refugees are in, along with Perú's Presidente coming to México on his way to a US Refugee Visa, better than having a leftist in charge in Perú.

    2. The have been in Mexico for like 40 years by this point, CAF has incredibly deep ties with them as do several other very high level groups, Like for example the minister of defense who got caught on wiretap giving the Russian Mafia a 5 million dollar bounty for Mayo Zamabadas brother "El Rey".

  12. Dicen que soy terrorista
    Que traigo árabes y rusos
    En mi escolta personal
    Se equibocan cargo puro mexicano
    De veractuz y durango
    de jalisco y michocan

  13. Communist Count Leon Trotsky died in México, Stalin got to him, in the 40s or 50s, but Operation 40 members like "felix rodriguez" became drug traffickers and have got the russians back in México and all over the American continent, damnit, they even got their own russian puppet US prezidhent...

    1. Bejing Biden is owned by China not russia.


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