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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Year 2022: Period With The Most Clandestine Graves In Jalisco

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

17 victims were found in February at a clandestine burial site

Román Ortega | El Occidental

The present 2022 is the year with the highest number of clandestine graves in Jalisco in the current state administration.

According to the portal of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Missing Persons, from December 2018 to November of this year, 128 clandestine graves were counted throughout the state.

In this 2022 alone, 41 clandestine burial sites were registered. Last year there were 23 graves, in 2020, 27 were located; in 2019 36 graves were detected and one in December 2018.

In the breakdown by municipality, Tlajomulco tops the list with a total of 54 graves detected, from December 2018 to November of this year.

It is followed by Zapopan with 18; San Pedro Tlaquepaque with 15; El Salto with 11; Tonalá with six; Lagos de Moreno with five; Chapala and Guadalajara with four; Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos with three and Juanacatlán with two.

The list is completed by San Juan de los Lagos, Puerto Vallarta, Ojuelos, Villa Guerrero and Jocotepec, with one grave each.

In the same period, 1,426 victims have been located in clandestine graves.

This year 301 were found; last year there were 280; in 2020 there were 544; in 2019 there were 291 and 10 victims were found in December 2010.

In the Colonia Francisco Villa in the municipality of Tonala alone, 31 bodies were exhumed in January. Of the total, 13 victims were identified, 12 men and one woman.

In Colonia Lomas del Tizate and Lomas del Refugio, in Zapopan, 27 bodies were located in each of the two graves last July. From the first site, nine victims were identified (eight men and one woman). At the second site, nine men and one woman were handed over to their families.

In February, 17 victims were found in a clandestine burial site on Carro Quemado Street, in Fraccionamiento Chulavista, in Tlajomulco. Eight men and one woman were identified by their relatives.



  1. Anyone who thinks that ELMO really cares is a fool.

    1. Stop crying dang it’s annoying

    2. Anyone who thinks that any politician actually cares is an idiot

    3. But Elmo does care about receiving suitcases full of money from cartels.

    4. Anti "ELMO" cartel in action, how old are the cadavers found?
      AMLO is handling billions and billions of peisos, and dollars, he does not need your loose change, but La Samuelita and Colossio need all the change you can spare to buy Perrier, NL keeps running out of water for coca~cola and cervezas for MC

  2. Las 4 letras del terror

    1. USSR hasn't existed since the early 90s, they failed as a state.

    2. 3:52 ELMO te aterroriza???

    3. 12:41 lol 4 letter word of lazy terror..

    4. ELMO made Circo Gomez Leyva cry years of sentiment, after saying he is against shooting up journalistas bullet proof vehicles, AMLO said the incident "will be investigated", as if Circo's word is not good enough...
      well, if Chayotero Circo is a product of CISEN, he can't just be trusted.

  3. Nothing but teens and women word on the street

    1. Those are the sicarios currently "working"

  4. Pero aguevo quieren regresar los Sinalocas, y ahi terminan

    1. Ahuevo quieren matar gente inocente ,extorsionar ,cobrar cuotas, deja de estar alabando a tus ídolos. Son los que estan causando un gran dolor al pueblo jalisciense.

    2. 3:51 te lo digo por lo que dice la gente de bien que vive ahi, estan asta la madre de ellos, por cualquier mamada levantan a alguien asta por vender un caro y no pagarles a ellos una parte. Son la mierda dela ciudad

    3. 9:45 alfaro steals everything, his state police need to get fed three meals a day and pay the quota upstairs and to their cartel boss, "entiendes, güey?"

  5. Pura gente innocente muerte en esa fosas clandestino Por parte de los lacras los lacrajaliscos

    1. Apoco si?
      Y los mentado "La Corona" y CNP ya los acabaron en la ZMG?

    2. Dicen los menchos que jalisco es 100% de ellos, entonces son las 4 letras que traen el relajo.


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