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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

BLO takes on CDS and the Mexican Federal Government

Buggs for Borderland Beat

Segment 2
Members of organized crime in Mexico spend millions of dollars to corrupt government officials. These criminal organizations see this as an investment in their drug trafficking enterprise. It is the price of doing business in Mexico. The expensive bribes they pay gets them protection, access to sensitive information, targeting of rival cartels and assistance to move their drugs north. 

The corrupt government usually will ask the cartels to keep the violence to a minimum to avoid attracting attention. No one does it better than the Sinaloa cartel. But not everything always runs smoothly. Many times, this is not possible due to conflict within cartels and the fight from cartels for position of power. 

In 2008 people started to notice that the Felipe Calderon government was not targeting the Sinaloa Cartel as he was other cartels. High level leaders of the Sinaloa cartel had to be sacrificed to give a perception that Sinaloa was not being favored. It is believed that several high-ranking members of the Sinaloa cartel had to be surrendered. 

It is said that Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel Villarreal, Alfredo Beltrán Leyva El Mochomo and Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza El Macho Prieto were a few high-level capos that were surrendered by the Sinaloa Syndicate. Except, the arrest of El Mochomo caused major problems for the CDS and the federal government. 

A bloody war like never seen before.

The war started on a Monday, January 21, 2008. On board Hummer vehicles, and with heavy artillery, more than 300 elements of the Special Forces Aeromobile Group (GAFE) of the Mexican Army, positioned themselves in the area of a residence located in the Burócratas community in Culiacán, Sinaloa. An anonymous call had told them that the youngest of the Beltrán brothers, Alfredo, alias El Mochomo, was waiting at that address for a shipment of money on an outstanding settlement from some of his Colombian associates. 

Near dawn, a gate opened. A white BMW van came out with four men on board. The team of elite military commandos blocked their way. The men in the vehicle surrendered without firing a single shot. Inside the vehicle was El Mochomo while inside the house military officials recovered $900,000 in dollars, 11 expensive watches, an AK-47 and eight handguns. 

In the news of the arrest of El Mochomo was presented as the most important arrest carried out by the government in the war against drug trafficking that Felipe Calderón had carried out. El Mochomo would be extradited to the US. 

The arrest of El Mochomo caused immediate panic from federal police agencies that were receiving brides to protect the Beltran Leyva brothers. The BLO led by the Beltran Leyva brothers had corrupted the highest level of that federal institution by paying monthly bribes of between $150,000 and $450,000 in dollars. These bribes were supposed insure that officials of the highest level were to provide leaks of sensitive information to the BLO. 

That day of El Mochomo arrest, several high-ranking officials were very nervous. They had received reports that El Mochomo was going to be arrested by the military but could do nothing to avoid it. They expected the leadership of Arturo Beltrán to call them to explain why Alfredo was arrested.

Hector Beltra leyva "El Hache," was upset with El Grande over the arrest of his brother Alfredo Beltran Leyva. Sergio Enrique Villarreal Barragán, El Grande, was a former Mexican federal police officer who worked as a lieutenant for Arturo Beltrán Leyva. He got his name El Grande ("The Big One") because he is 6 feet 7 inches tall. El Grande was extradited to the United States on May 23, 2012, and may possibly be serving as a "protected witness" for the DEA. 

Although El Grande was not directly responsible for the security of El Mochomo, he oversaw the cartel relationship with the federal government and the arrest caused suspicion for El Grande. 

Hector Beltran was resting at his home in Morelos when he was told about the arrest of El Mochomo and became so upset that he took out a firearm from inside his waist and started shooting up to the ceiling while his escort looked on very nervous. He smashed a bottle of wine that was on top of a table against a European table that had been a gift from the Panista governor Marco Antonio Adame Castillo. Hector Beltran requested the immediate presence of his most trusted man, El Grande. He was brought in all the way from Puebla in a helicopter from the state police of Morelos.

With his eyes red from anger and anguish, Hector Beltran Leyva requested a quick explanation why his brother was arrested. He reminded El Grande about the millions of dollars in bribes that the cartel paid to ensure the protection of his family from many levels of the government. There was a clear understanding that his family would not be touched. Hector Beltran requested that El Grande conduct a complete thorough investigation to find out who they had to kill.

El Grande started making phone calls to his contacts with the PGR. He spoke with Captain Fernando Rivera of the PGR. He arranged for a meeting in the city of Mexico to get the information on the arrest Alfredo Beltran Leyva in Culiacan. El Grande told him that Arturo Beltrán Leyva was pissed off, very pissed off. Captain Rivera promised to give him a detailed report of the operation no later than the next day.

The next day captain Rivera met with El Grande in a restaurant on Avenida Reforma and the captain was also in the company of commanders Menton Silia and Roberto Garcia. Rivera ordered the commanders to gather the information immediately in less than 24 hours. El Grande was given the names of the supposed “snitches.” He was told it was two agents of the ministerial police in Sinaloa. Their prompt death was surely assured. 

Rivera told El Grande that from 11 o'clock onwards, the special forces of the army would no longer be present, and that only 11 agents of the Federal Investigation Agency, AFI, would remain on scene to provide security. He told El Grande that with the delivery of one million pesos for AFI's, as well as three million that would be to pay off Fernando Rivera and his people, it would be possible to get the cooperation of the security detail and allow an armored truck to break into the gate to give them access to the facility.

After El Grande gave the information to his boss, Hector Beltran ordered El Grande to take immediate action to rescue his detained brother. El Grande gathered about 100 men, that came from different parts of the country to the city of Mexico, to carry out an assault of the headquarters where El Mochomo was being held. But El Grande ran into some problems. 

The top bosses of the Beltran Leyva clan; Joaquin Guzman Loera El Chapo and Ismael El Mayo Zambada refused to authorize the rescue attempt. They explained that the conditions were not right for a rescue attempt. They further explained that Mochomo would have to be sacrificed. The assault had been planned for midnight on January 24th but in the end, it did not take place because El Mochomo was transferred to the federal prison Puente Grande.

The refusal of El Chapo and El Mayo to help secure the freedom of Alfredo Beltran prompted bad blood between the Beltran brothers. This caused the breakup of the two factions. This would be the start of the bloody war between the BLO and the Sinaloa Cartel. This is when El Grande brought up the notion that perhaps the people responsible for the arrest of El Mochomo were attributed to El Chapo Guzman and Mayo Zambada.

It is believed that in the drug trafficking business where there is a blood alliance, it is virtually indestructible. El Mochomo was married to a cousin of El Chapo. But Arturo Beltrán felt that the blood alliance had been broken. From now on he was going to have to be killed or arrested, for he did not care anymore of the consequences. El Chapo and El Mayo knew that this would result in a war with the BLO but they accepted the risk. They just wanted to move on. They either did not want to bring heat from the federal government or perhaps they were working another angle with the top levels of the federal government, or both.

Then, there was the rumor that the El Chapo had made a deal with the highest levels of the federal government that he would deliver El Mochomo in exchange for the release of his son, El Chapito. At the end of April 2008, the same month that El Chapito was released, a shootout occurred in Culiacán. A house which allegedly belonged to the children of Arturo Beltrán, was targeted by elements of the Federal Police, supported by municipal police. Five sicarios and two ministerial police agents were killed during a fierce battle. 

Arturo Beltrán accused the feds of serving as an armed wing for El Chapo and ordered his people to kill any federal police officer wherever they were found. He placed narcomantas in which he wrote: "Policemen, soldiers, so that it is clear to you, El Mochomo continues to reign. Atte. Arturo Beltrán Leyva." And also: "Warrying Soldiers, little federal police forces, this place is the territory of Arturo Beltrán." 

By the end of April of 2008 there was blood running down the streets of Culiacan after the demons were unleashed, causing a string of confrontations that in a month alone resulted in 1,156 executions.

Arturo Beltrán assassinated the regional director of the PFP, Édgar Eusebio Millán. Millán was ambushed and killed when he arrived at his parents' house in a building located in a community in Guerrero. Although only a handful of people had access to the itinerary of Millán, the information was leaked from within the PFP to the BLO.

The real revenge for Arturo Beltrán came on May 8, 2008. Five SUVs loaded with sicarios surrounded a vehicle carrying Edgar Guzman, another son of El Chapo, in a parking lot in Culiacán, Sinaloa. Edgar Guzman was executed. Five hundred gunshots were fired along with a grenade deployed from a grenade launcher. In addition to the execution of Edgar, a nephew of the drug trafficker, César Loera, was also killed.

In Culiacán the evil rage was unleashed. The local media did not dare to report the news. They only did it two days later, attributing the information to newspapers and news agencies in Mexico City. Borderland Beat was the place where some information could be obtained. The blood of the son of El Chapo was still fresh on the ground when the cries from the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel pledged that he would erase the name of Arturo Beltrán from the face of the earth.

The murder of El Chapo's son was part of the same MO that killed the police chief Millán. Millan had been the "brain" of the secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, in many anti-drug operations. His death caused a change in the upper level of the structure of the PFP. Genaro García Luna replaced Millan with an old friend with whom he had collaborated closely while working with the AFI. It was Gerardo Garay. But as things happen in Mexico from time to time, Garay only lasted a few months in that position. Commissioner Garay was accused of serving two masters: the Beltrán Cartel and that of El Mayo Zambada. A judge ordered him to be formally apprehended in October 2008.

In December of 2009, Inspector Edgar Enrique Bayardo, who was a protected witness, was killed at a Starbucks in Mexico City after he had confessed of colluding with organized crime by allowing infiltrations to the agency, tapping telephone calls to benefit specific cartels, allowing cartel operators to interrogate captured adversaries, and then presenting the arrestees as "as achievements of the PFP."


  1. Replies
    1. Buggs, will you go into the “12 Apostles” of the AFI or the “7 Horsemen” of the SSP/PGR under Garcia Luna?

  2. There's multiple theories as to who killed El Chapo Moreno, nothing concrete.


    1. Over 500 shots definitely seems personal

    2. I remember when that happened but I thought they were trying to kill the son of el animal but got confused because of the car he was driving, el animal son was driving a white lambo and edgar was driving a white ferrari and chapo sent el Mp to kill him but got confused because of the car, i remember this because i was amazed when i saw the white ferrari driving around las quintas as in those times there weren’t so many exotic cars like right now, and because of that mistake chapo sent a small plane to throw thousands of flowers around el centro .
      That’s how i remember that happened but i was younger so i could be misinformed but Culiacan ‘08 was total WAR alot of my friend’s lost they’re dad in shootings.

    3. Ivan was the target who El Guacho was supposed to kill, he couldn't differentiate between a Lamborghini and a Ferrari and instead killed El Animals son Marcial

    4. Biggest lie of the Chapizza marcial was Ivans competition and was getting all the hoes in Culiacán Ivan couldn’t stand marcial any longer and had him killed there was other crimes committed i those months if you investigate just a little bit you will find that Ivan was beefing with marcial after his death and cover up people knew there was a clean up being done in Culiacán

  3. Did yall see the new photos of Emma Coronel in prison? It's on "narco noticias" channel on YouTube, it shoes her posing with some black people.

    1. Is she wearing glasses in one of the pics, all raggidy looking? I saw it like 2 or 3 months ago, i mentioned it here in BB, not sure if they are leggit though

  4. 450Kpesos a month. I wouldn't even pickup the phone for less than 10 million us$. Mexico has always been smalltime.

    1. 450,000 DOLLARS a month and it was to the top boss of SIEDO so it wasn’t for a bunch of people . That was just one of the levels of government being bribed at the time

    2. Hunter what type of work will it take to earn a quick 100k USD hypothetically in your business

    3. If I want some chump change for a few party girls and pipe-filler, I can sell a painting for 300KUS.

    4. 07:16 six months of 9-5 computer work

    5. Damn we've got a big baller in here. Stand back mexicanitos 🤣

    6. Hunter you got your math wrong.
      It never said 450k in Pesos.
      The article says it
      450k in dollars.
      Common bro you can do better, who you fooling.🤣😂😷.

    7. @4:10 Hunter how much you getting for fraudelent PPP loans and fraudelent unemployment ?

    8. That almost 1 million every 2 months so in a year they were paying close to 6 million every year damn no wonder their brothers were pissed !

    9. That chump change make a difference for me my family and the city where I’m at you have any work available in Asia

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Buggs posting Good to see him doing work on here

  7. What an article A+

  8. Arturo went crazy after his brother was arrested . Before that he was practically unheard of to the public . Of course not to the highest levels of criminals he was already a big timer, but to the public he only came out after his brother was arrested . At the time he was already running all criminal activities in states like Guerrero, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León ,Coahuila , Zacatecas , Puebla ,ran Mexico City , Chiapas parts of Sinaloa , Sonora , was cool with Vicente Carrillo Fuentes in Chihuahua was cool with osiel cardenas and Heriberto lazcano in Tamaulipas , had generals all over Mexico working for him … the guy was arguably the most powerful drug lord in Mexico at the time .There was no border city which he was not allowed to cross his drugs .

    1. Estos si eran la mera verga. No como los culos de los chapos. Sobrepeso de puros huevos. Sinaloa sin BLO se convirtio en un festival de puñales. Por eso aqui en Chihuas los andamos arrastrando cada vez que nos topamos con ellos. Dejando cabezas sobre cofres.

    2. 10-4 por eso fue el Jefe de las Plazas and el Jefe de Jefes. He was about business and BLO was pushing alot of weight in their heyday. Chapito Isidro learned alot from El Senor de los cien corridos.

  9. Arturo had a lot of power mainly because he controlled the airport in El DF. Penanieto was getting a piece of the action, probably from the front and behind since he was the governor.

  10. Arturo had some power but the real Jefe de Jefe was El Señoron JGL aka El Chapo aka #701 aka El Jefe de la Sierra aka El Rapido.
    Arturo had to go after he started making business with Los Zetas therefore betraying the blood pact of the Pacific Cartel

    # GenteNueva # LosTalibanes # LaChapiza .
    Shout out to Sic#006

    1. Arturo operated in northeastern Mexico he was friends with Osiel Cardenas even before the federation because he’s the only one from Sinaloa that would work over there No one really liked Chapo because he wasn’t trustworthy … so you saying “making business with zetas “is a dumb statement even Zeta leaders on there interview when they were still part of CDG mention that Arturo was one of their main wholesale providers and was close to Osiel Cardenas

  11. We now know it was La Barbie that betrayed Arturo is it safe to assume La Barbie was the one who turned in Alfredo?

    1. We don't really know that Barbie betrayed Arturo, anymore than we know that Chapo Guzman betrayed Alfredo. So much guesswork, and so many assumptions, based on a barrage of news that was pretending Garcia Luna was a hero. This article was such a breath of fresh air, hinting that it might have been a little more complicated than the usual simplified explanations. Looking forward to the next one.

    2. As much as anything can be confirmed in that murkiness
      Barbie did and was giving info to the DEA, whether that’s how they took him down that final night?

      Garcia Luna wants him gone, who else is the DEA going to pass the intel to but their most trusted ally?

    3. @J ''Murkiness'' is exactly the right word. And you're right. It's not that I don't believe Barbie gave up Arturos location for that meeting, and that Luna had him effectively assassinated, I just get unnerved by the certainty, and how it builds momentum until everybody seems to take it for granted.

  12. Not sure how much truth it has to it but the show El Chapo lays out plausible scenarios for all of this. And it’s situations I’ve also heard on here before so it may actually be some truth in it.

  13. Look at this glossy profile of Garcia Luna from the Times, summer 2008


  14. Didint macho prieto killed Edgar guzman on accident ?

    1. I had heard that also, that macho prieto was the one who killed him

  15. Barbie didn't snitch on arturo it was el chapo y el mayo, barbie fault was that he didn't come to the rescue when arturo when down in Cuernavaca the only one that showed up was chalito Araujo, arturo had barbie run like 2000 pistoleros and barbie didn't called no one

    1. They are all snitches. Every boss of every Cartel will snitch when it suits them. And Arturo was coked out of his mind and caused his own downfall. No one wanted to help him because he was out of control.


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