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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Genaro García Luna in Collusion with Organized Crime

 Buggs for Borderland Beat

Genaro García Luna (GGL), The Fall

Segment 1
In lieu of the pending trial of Genaro García Luna (GGL), I want to share some observations and events related to GGL. Borderland Beat was already tracking the collusion of GGL starting around 2001 when GGL served in the newly created Agencia Federal de Investigación (AFI) under Mexican President Vicente Fox Quesada. Genaro García would go on to serve in the federal cabinet of President Felipe Calderón as Secretary of Public Security. 

Genaro García Luna is arrested on December 2019 in Dallas, TX

García Luna was arrested on December 9, 2019, by federal agents in Dallas, Texas, and he is presently pending trial in the Eastern District of New York to face charges of engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise. It is alleged that García Luna received multimillion-dollar bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for permitting the Sinaloa Cartel to operate with impunity in Mexico. "As alleged, for nearly two decades Garcia Luna betrayed those he was sworn to protect by accepting bribes from members of the Sinaloa Cartel to facilitate their crimes and empower their criminal enterprise,” stated Acting United States Attorney DuCharme. 

If convicted of the continuing criminal enterprise charge, Garcia Luna could face a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment and a maximum of life in prison.


Genaro García Luna right hand man of Former President Felipe Calderón

Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa, a conservative Mexican politician served as the president of Mexico from December 2006 to November 2012. As a member of the National Action Party (Partido Acción Nacional, PAN) for 30 years, he had made the issue of organize crime the central part of his campaign for president. When he took office in 2006, he wasted no time in taking on the Mexican cartels head on. He dismantled the Tijuana cartel on the border of California, the Cartel del Golfo in the Gulf Coast, La Familia Michioacana (this was personal, as Calderon was from Michoacan) in the Tierra Caliente region and almost decimated the very powerful Juarez cartel. Calderón had entrusted his right-hand man and personal friend, Genaro García Luna to accomplish this task. He had appointed García Luna as Secretary of Public Security in his cabinet. 

García Luna started by rebuilding the Federal Police Force that began operating in June 2009 under a New Police Model. Felipe Calderon beefed up the federal police and changed their role to strictly take on the cartels. They became a huge nationwide tactical unit, operating in hot spots around the country. Under President Vicente Fox, from 2000 to 2006, there were 11,989 federal police. Under President Felipe Calderon, the number of federal police officers was increase to 34,846. This was in addition to the Mexican military that also played a key role in taking on the cartels. 

Felipe Calderon used the federal police extensively to combat the Mexican cartels

Calderón kept García Luna very close in his circle of trusted politicians. García Luna was considered untouchable and was Calderón's favorite cabinet member.  Yes, Calderón managed to keep his campaign promise, he hit all the criminal cartels in Mexico hard, except for one.  There was a little secret that was starting to pop its ugly head. There were very credible rumors that García Luna was colluding with organized crime, specifically the Cártel del Pacífico under the very command of Ismael Zambada García, El Mayo. The group was mainly composed of the Beltrán-Leyva brothers that were based in the Mexican state of Morelos.

Garcia Luna and his collusion with organized crime

On October 19, 2008, Genaro García Luna (GGL) was travelling from Cuernavaca to Tepoztlán with an escort of 27 armed bodyguards. His escort was intercepted by approximately 10 armored Suburban vehicles carrying a large commando of heavily armed sicarios. García Luna ordered his bodyguards to stand down and comply with the directions given by the sicarios. The bodyguards were stripped of their weapons and were blindfolded. They were not just concerned for the dignitary they were supposed to protect, but for their own safety. Some of the bodyguards overheard one of the sicarios yell at García Luna, "This is the first and last warning, so that you know that we can reach you anytime we want, if you do not comply with the mutual agreement we forged." 

The day Arturo Beltran Leyva reminded GGL his role

It is said that the voice came from Arturo Beltran Leyva, a top lieutenant for the Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS). García Luna left with Beltran Leyva abandoning his escorts to their fate. The bodyguards did now know where García Luna went and what he did during those four long hours he was away meeting with Arturo Beltran Leyva. When García Luna returned, the sicarios returned the weapons to the bodyguards and they proceeded with the escort of García Luna. The bodyguards, who were professionally trained to protect dignitaries and high-level politicians, felt humiliated. They were not happy with how they were treated, while García Luna was complicit with the sicarios.

The bodyguards narrated the details of the event in a letter sent to the legislators of the Senate in order to exposed what they say was how dangerous it is to grant more power to the SSP (Secretaría de Seguridad Pública or Secretariat of Public Safety) under the control of GGL. A good portion of the high-level officials of the SSP were at the service of drug traffickers. According to the investigations carried out by the Office of the Assistant Attorney General for Specialized Investigation in Organized Crime (SIEDO), many of the officials closest to García Luna seem to be corrupted by drug traffickers. Under the watch of the Calderon administration, evidence started to emerge that the SSP was one of the institutions most infiltrated by the Sinaloa cartel and other criminal organizations.

The only interview of El Mayo by Proceso Magazine

In 2010 Zambada did an interview with Julio Scherer Garcia of Proceso Magazine. He criticized the government's effort to take him down, saying it was a little too late, if the goal was to hurt the drug trade. "The problem with the narco business is that it involves millions of dollars. How do you dominate that?" Zambada said. "As for the bosses, locked up, dead or extradited, their replacements are already standing by. The government's drug war," he said, "is already lost." 

Why lost? 

"The narcotics trade and everything that goes along with it," Zambada responded, "are inside the society, it is deeply rooted in corruption, it always has."

El Mayo is the last powerful boss of the old guard. All the others have either died or are in prison. There are not many pictures that have been made public of Mayo Zambada. El Mayo has managed to avoid capture by keeping a low profile and by corrupting the Mexican government at the highest level.


On the next short  segment, I will cover how the arrest of one of the Beltran Leyva brothers, resulted in the betrayal of GGL and CDS, that would ultimately unleash a bloody war between each other and the downfall of the BLO (Beltran Leyva Organization).


  1. Oh cool I didn't know that Mayo and Beltran Leyva we're tight

    So, really Chapo fucked up the Cartel Sinaloa Federation?! And his kids

    What about that other Caborca Cartel Sonora Cartel Mayo Cartel CAF etc...

    We're they all united in 2007?

    1. At that time of agreement it was the Federation and Mayo always respected the Beltan Leyva's and more importantly Arturo. Most don't recall or remember or for fate of purpose acknowledge how powerful Arturo was and BLO in the heyday. He was the man with the most plazas in Mexico at one time before his downfall but he knew where to put his money and protection.

    2. chapo - chapitos = love to snitch, betray and brake truces. Thats why Mayo isnt very happy, since those practices arent good for business on the long term.

    3. The Arellanos were willing to enter a truce and possibly an alliance with MZ but yeah el chapo kinda got in the way. That’s why soon after Benjamin’s arrest it was unclear wether Javier AF, MZ or someone else would be the next boss of the TJ cartel. Gilberto Higuera supported MZ but was arrested shortly after and Javier stayed in charge.

    4. All of el Mayo family have snitch on everyone, Vicente got alot of ppl arrested with his cooperation. A lot of heavy hitters in Sinaloa don’t mess with Mayo, that’s why they are split 50/50.

    5. BLO took care of chapós plazas while he was in jail and they expended to south of Mexico on their own and that’s when they got really strong.

    6. BLO and Chapo are Blood Cousins FYI.

    7. 3:08 Where did you get the information you're writing about? MIZG is the mastermind behind Ramon AF killing, the chisme was JT was the one who shot him. A person (Carlos Tirado Lizarraga) that was close to the Aretes lured Ramon to Mazatlan telling them that he had good information regarding Mayos presence during the carnival. Years later he (CTL) was also killed and my opinion is that AFO wouldn't make an alliance or give the Boss position to the individual responsible for killing of RAF

  2. Great read. I didn't know the story about the BLO kidnapping Garcia Luna. Hope all is well Buggs.

    1. It's the reason Arturo was taken down the way he was. A protected witness claimed that when Hector found out that Arturo he'd let him go, he said ''Why didn't you kill him? His revenge will be terrible''. Not sure if that's true, but the story about the Luna kidnapping was because the men with Luna made a complaint.

  3. Luego que no estaba este cuate en la politica entonces si atraparon a el Chapo y ahora hasta a su hijo.
    Pinche perro de mierda fue la causa de que Sinaloa matara a tanta gente por todo el pais. Ahora les esta tocando a Sinaloa que les den sus enemigos.
    Y claro. Ahora si lloran las porristas de estos.

  4. Pinchi genaro hasta la cara se le ve de puerco corrupto con cida.

  5. Awesome pulling out a gem story like that, I remembered that Luna was being pulled in two directions upon the Sinaloa/BLO split but I had forgotten about the whole kidnapping thing.

    On a side note, and this may be part of the coming article, but if memory serves me correctly Luna was also involved in the peace accord reached in 2007 between various cartel groups that lasted around six months.

  6. Is Don Sol from the Netflix series El Chapo based on this man?

    1. But in the series they made him gay. Maybe he is . He did escape with Arturo Beltran Leyva for 4 hours .

    2. Very loosely. Alot of it is clearly based on him under Calderon, but because he was still alive and free they had to muddy the waters with the politics and his personal life. (If it comes out during his trial that he fell in love with a rent boy and murdered him then I'll delete this)

    3. The fact they named him "Sol" instead of "Luna" was a definite nod to him too.

  7. MZ and BLO says allowed for civilians to have businesses open, “safer” towns/cities, and they wouldn’t mess with many people who were not involved.

    Chapo and his kids days… no control, many kidnappings, homicides, femicides, higher drug use rates, etc.

    This is mainly what we saw in SONMEX, especially fronteras

    1. Chapo never charged piso or extortion, it’s olvidó and his crew that changed that.


    I wonder how many Comandantes of los chapitos died on jan.5


  9. Mayo old and weak, funeral soon!
    Atte. Chapizas

  10. Theirs a Reason why he's the Smartest

  11. Voy a llevar a mi amiga al aeropuerto este viernes porque ella volará a México nuevamente para sus pequeñas vacaciones. Se queda entre la HWY 200 de Puerto Vallarta y el restaurante Margarita's on the Hills/hwy 200. No tiene ni idea y se enfada cuando hablo de la espantosa violencia y el sufrimiento del buen pueblo mexicano. Me preguntó qué me gustaría de recuerdo, así que, por supuesto, dije un TrackingPoint XS1 de diamantes y oro o, como alternativa, una cabeza decapitada. Recuerdo un gran tiroteo en Puerto Vallarta y algunos allanamientos. Así que vamos a reírnos BB amigos + enemigos ¿cuál es la situación en esa área?

    Canadian girl 💋

  12. I'm going to take my friend to the airport this Friday because she's flying back to Mexico for her little vacation. She stays between Puerto Vallarta HWY 200 and Margarita's on the Hills restaurant / hwy 200. She is Clueless and gets angry when I talk about the appalling violence and suffering of the good Mexican people. She asked me what I'd like as a souvenir, so of course I said a diamond and gold TrackingPoint XS1 or, alternatively, a decapitated head. I remember a big shooting in Puerto Vallarta and some break-ins. So let's laugh BB friends + enemies what is the situation in that area?

    Canadian girl 💋

    1. Looking for some girls who know how to party. Down here with The Big Guy for a few days.

    2. 5:24:
      This isn't a dating site. Go jack off.

    3. Oh she knows what she's specifically coming down for. Mm-hmm

    4. Sol:
      She's looking for a decapitated head to take back to CG. Hopefully she doesn't wind up on a BB video.

    5. Wow, didn't realise I mumbled so allow me to rephrase:

      Has there or is there anything bad happening in the area of Puerto Vallarta and highway 200 restaurant Margarita's on the Hills restaurant? I won't say where precisely but my friend will be there Friday for one week. I think there was a major shootout in PV a while back but wanted to know if there are other problems? Thank you/Gracias.

      Canadian girl💋

  13. It was "cold" when Arturo Beltran had his people break into the old Policia Federal #1 guy living in CDMX and they execute him.

  14. Only a fucking idiot wouldn’t believe at the very least Calderón was also taking bribes! He probably wasn’t part of any operational aspects of the conspiracy just accepting money, but dirty none the less. Reagan, bush sr , clinton, bush jr, Obama ,,Calderón, neito, AMLO, fox —-on both sides these men are corrupt-in diff ways, and have greatly contributed to all the destruction on both sides. These bastards will never be held accountable and the truth about any of them won’t matter. Hate trump all you want, let him own you, but his want of sending in seals, special forces, drone strikes, etc… is the best plan any of the above listed men has ever had. ALL of the ideas tried/implemented have only perpetuated the Mexican genocide,and the USA prison explosion, drug deaths, murders, etc to a FAR greater extent.

    1. Trumps bitch ass doesn’t understand politics. His idea was to send in US soldiers and they didn’t care of innocent Mexicans were killed. Trump isn’t a smart man at all, so many failed businesses.

  15. I am not a Trump fan, but I agree with your take. H2, Chapo, Arturo, Lacza, Z40, Z42......Any of them can be had, any time. Mencho, and Mayo too. Any time and very easily. IF.....they really want them. The thing that will get you in big trouble is when you start causing more trouble, and damage, vs the money you're bringing in. Ovidio took no knowledge from his dad's fuck ups. If they would've stuck with just selling the fent in Heroin, there would be no where near the backlash. The fake Oxy's, and adding the fent to other drugs has caused too many suburban white kids out. No one cares about IV drug users. They seal their own fate the 1st time they stick a needle in their vein. But, start selling shit to white kids, that think they're getting a "Party Drug", and OD, or strung out and their rich parents start raising hell, and politicians start feeling the heat, and someone's gotta be the fall guy. Greed and ambition are their downfall. Only 1 guy has so far stayed unscathed. And his entire family has paid the price. MZ. Mencho is nearly identical, except he did time when young. Crack was perfectly acceptable to politicians until too many white kids started getting fucked up by it. As of right now the US and Mexico are being destroyed by China. At this rate, both nations are gonna implode. Greed by all from Presidents down to street dealers will eventually bring it all down. JMO

    1. El Grande Red
      I agree with your view points.
      China with the precursor chemicals being shipped to Mexico, and putting the Fentynal laced drugs, is really killing people, like you say, it's hard to believe, that 107,000 drug users from USA, died to illegal drugs, that come from Mexico, in 2021.

    2. @8:07
      That is a crazy number for sure. It should not be acceptable. I've been saying for years that no one can move that kind of weight in and out of both of our countries without help from gov officials on both sides of the border. Even the guns going south and money being laundered in both countries generate their own economies. Between the dope, guns, LE budgets, rehabs, studies etc we must be talking in the 100's of billions of dollars. Even the crumbs of that pie are lucrative. The only way I see this scourge ending, is when the Europeans and Asians start experiencing our level of crime, addiction, and the corruption it breeds, is if all the Nations in the World make some Global laws, and ways to deal with offenders (on the spot executions), it's going to keep steamrolling our youth. The people perpetrating thes crimes are evil, sadistic, savages, and must be dealt with accordingly. Our societies are far to soft on violent drug offenders. Examples need to be set. And, if you're involved in that trade, even indirectly, you're just as guilty as someone like Compayito, and should be dispatched in a manner, that he supposedly favored for his victims.
      Grotesque violence like they practice, especially to innocents, women, children, or the elderly, is a supreme show of cowardice, and tiny dick and mind syndrome. If you are going to kill someone, just kill them. The shock value is ancient history.

    3. @9:15
      You cut everything to a T.
      Elmo nutthuggers would sure love to censor your truthful comments, thank God we live in freedom of speech.
      Other countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, will put one in prison or even have one disappeared.
      Yes lots of innocents are getting killed in Mexico,bthe tables would be turned if they would carry weapons for self defense.

  16. Buggs, nice report well researched as always, awesome to see you doing your work here again. Much respect. I'm not clear on how and why BLO moved so quickly and easily from Sinaloa to Morelos; what's the pathway, connection? How did they build their empire to get so many plazas?

    1. They already had their own plazas before allying themselves in the "blood alliance" aka "The New Federation". They use to be a part of CDJ under ACF, so that would be late 80's early 90's

  17. Check Douglas Macgregor Col on YouTube - The only truly existential threat


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