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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Don't Let The Plane Take Off, Was The Slogan For 'Black Thursday II'

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The story of a hitman who was lowered from the mountains to prevent Ovidio Guzmán from being apprehended.

"Move everyone to the airport! To the airport!" was heard on the hitmen's Motorola radios. The voice of the one coordinating the operation sounded energetic and decisive, and there was no time to hesitate. The gunmen ran to their vehicles, and then an impressive deployment of gunmen to the Culiacan airport began.

When they arrived at the air terminal, they rushed to the military hangar and tried to force their way in, but several commando soldiers were already waiting for them... and again they clashed, just as an hour earlier they had clashed in Jesús María, where the difference was a Black Hawk helicopter that was annihilating them from the air.


When they arrived at the airport, the hitmen had only one order: to kill any soldier they found along the way, and to prevent the olive green Boeing of the Sedena Special Forces, where they were taking Ovidio Guzmán López prisoner, from taking off at any cost.

The above account was given by a Sinaloa Cartel hitman to whom this weekly had access, and who recounted the clashes that Los Chapitos gunmen had with the army during the operation to capture Guzmán López, son of Joaquín, El Chapo Guzmán.

The Calm

At four o'clock in the morning on January 5, the nighttime calm in the Sinaloa highlands was profound. It was the typical calm of the mountains, according to the hitman, who operates somewhere in the mountains of Sinaloa.

The account, made via telephone, is given with some hesitation for fear that others of his colleagues would find out he was talking to the press.

"The Motorola began to ring at four o'clock; there was a lot of noise and there was a lot of urgency because the government had fallen in Jesús María, and Los Menores needed support, and the order we were given was that all the groups in the mountains should go to that ranch to provide support," recalls the hitman, who asked only to be identified by a false name.

The group of gunmen commanded by "Marquillo", made up of six hitmen, took their AK47, AR15, a grenade launcher, and a Barret .50 that was placed on a tripod installed on the base of a pickup truck, took all the ammunition they could, and set off at full speed towards Jesús María.

"On the radio we were hearing that they were plotting, and that we had to arrive to destroy every soldier we could find, so from the moment we left, we had our adrenaline pumping," recalled the hitman.

The initial surprise and adrenaline collapsed along the way. Between jokes, cocaine passes, and his finger always on the trigger, fear began to seduce "Marquillo". He knew he might not make it back alive and for a moment he thought about his family. What would happen if he did not return. But at that moment it was too late to repent, and a new pass of coke gave him courage to think that this was his life, and for that alone he would go for everything or nothing, or in his own words, "when you are a hitman and you go to fight, you know you are going to kill or get killed."

"That's why I thought, I'm going to kill," he recounted.

AIR FORCE PLANE. The attack on the airport.

While it is true that most of the time the life of a hit man is calm, "without getting into the lion's den," he is always aware that at any moment the time may come when he has to go to fight. And that Thursday at dawn the bad hour had arrived, and it was only a matter of time before he would be killing, or dying.

He did not know at what moment they arrived at the junction with Pericos, nor was he aware when they turned south on Mexico 15 towards Culiacán. It wasn't fear, he recalls, because that's what a hit man is made for... it was adrenaline.

Long before arriving, at the height of Dique II, they heard one or two helicopters flying overhead, but they also heard the "rockets" of the confrontation, and they didn't need to be fortune tellers to know that the military and "la plebada," as he calls the hired killers, were going at it full force.

The Bullets Thundered 

Along the sidewalks of the road, next to the town of La Campana, the smoke of the rifles and the smell of gunpowder could be seen rising over the hills. "Marquillo" and the other five hired assassins prepared themselves; they cut the cartridges of the "horns" and the comrade with the Barret .50 also prepared his weapon, because they knew that at any moment the soldiers could shoot at them from anywhere, or they could shoot at the soldiers.

Finger on the trigger, alert as could be, "Marquillo" and his people advanced trying first to position themselves in a strategic point where they could take cover... and start shooting.

There was no time for anything and they quickly fired their rifles. The rest of the assassins had formed a front of more than 300 men thundering their weapons against the soldiers who, although they were guarding the area where they had apparently subdued Ovidio, had a similar number of elements and were defending themselves, until a military helicopter rose in the air, just as another one was shooting at them from another angle with a .50 caliber.


"It got very ugly; many people dead! I don't know how many, but there were more dead than the government says; cars, houses destroyed, very ugly," he says.

And although the Black Hawk that had been raised earlier was already far away, the soldiers below were still shooting at them, and the hired assassins were also responding, as the shots from the helicopter had stunned them while they tried to take cover.

It is believed that the air and ground attack was a strategy, since the helicopter that took off minutes before from Jesus Maria was carrying Ovidio on its way to the airport.

The day had already dawned when his group received the order to move towards the airport, to prevent any aircraft from taking off or landing at the Culiacán air terminal. "If a plane approached, or if one tried to take off, especially if it was an army or navy plane, we were going to shoot it."

An impressive deployment of vehicles full of gunmen, arrived at the airport and set up outside the army hangar, and they readied their weapons trying to get in, but they were already waiting for them.

"They did what they could to stop the army plane from taking off, but the army had everything well prepared," he said.

Several of the airlines that had their flights scheduled months before were already on their way, and they had no choice but to land in Culiacán. The gunman did not specify if they shot at any of those planes, what he did say was that they were part of the group that was plotting with the government there at the air terminal.

Around 10:00 a.m., after a new confrontation, a military Boeing of Sedena Special Forces made a very risky take-off while being covered by hundreds of soldiers who were trying to cover the plane, and at that moment they released everything they had against the armed groups.

Finally, the aircraft had managed to take off, and a few minutes later, national media reported that Ovidio Guzmán López was already at Military Camp 1 in Mexico City.

A neighbor of Bachigualato remembers the spectacular roar made by the military Boeing, and the great maneuver he had to make to be able to take off.

"We did what we could, but the "plebada" was not happy because Ovidio could not be rescued, and I think it will not end there," said the hitman.

Article published on January 08, 2023 in the 1041st edition of the weekly Ríodoce.

Source: RIODOCE 


  1. Nothing suggests that there were 300 sicarios at the airport. Just another embellishment.

    1. 300 is used a lot . I think its a refrence to the Spartans.

    2. According to a (somewhat) older Wikileaks cable, Chapo regularly travelled with a team of 300 bodyguards/sicarios…

      That’s why I always felt his arrests were strange

    3. Yeah if I had a logistics commander in the military that could tell me it was safe to travel to distant location I wouldn't move unless I brought enough elements to complete the journey. I was I would get to the location let them all party till they are stupid and suddenly disappear by myself to not attract attention while at my location. Makes sense ? This message is brought to you by little grapes

  2. All that money can't buy him a brain 🧠
    Too flashy and loves the attention like a teenage girl 😂

    1. Extreme narcissism trumps all intelligence

  3. Those Black 🚁Hawk Helicopters made the difference both groups in ground are and where at same level

    1. Trained elite special operators, marines, etc against drug addicted innocent raping and killing untrained thugs. You’re really desperate to root for those rapists aren’t you! I think your should go down there and volunteer to be cannon fodder like the lol 14 year old who was equal to the gov troops
      Keep cheering on the punks who have to hire kids to die

    2. That’s funny you say that cuz there are allegations out there of police/military abusing civilians just like the cartel. The fact is neither side gives a shit about us especially not our respective govts wake up @544

    3. 12:28 buchonna no seas altanera, the black hawks was over kill it reminded me of the morning mission on the Beltran Operative and Macho Prieto balacera in Puerto penasco. I doubt a cigarette smoking weed rolling beer drinking powder dusting crystal huffing pill popping fatty could compete against true members of an infantry regime. Unless it was me, then I could believe it otherwise the sicarios have the terrain advantage. "I go to Lego land @ 15 Frames Per Second with 240 Pixels so when I come back I hear all about it and pretend it wasn't me" - Brought to you by little grapes

  4. Haha, that is great man, what a story and what a fight, love it. This one was for the military. Battle lost, but not the war against satanic government. I think, reading la Barbie's letter, that the State has already lost the war for the citizens of Mexico against the criminals. Because they are one and the same.

    1. US lost it against drugs decades ago... dont even dare to mention Mexico about that matters.

  5. I suspected Ivan was the crazy brother b/c when his dad became solitary Ivan rearranged to heavy and local dist. He organized previously non-existant marketing, poor cut, and bars clubs that had tights to sell. Ivan’s mind is wired for profit but with non-tradicional diplomacy.

  6. Those men perform more like soldiers (hurry up and wait) personnel with the nerves and training to deploy to an urban combat field. Quite a different fight than the mountains!

  7. A few dozen of those ukeland stingers and manpads that fell off the ukeland army truck will tilt the battlefield in the sicarios favor. Coke and captagon are in great demand in ukeland.

    1. I am glad today is Friday, I can drink Vodka, without driving.

    2. Flood the world with weapons and profit.

  8. I wonder if the cartels will be smart enough to form new strategies, put old grievances aside and form a super cartel. Obviously, the deals with the devil as it now stands are sending them to hell one by one.

    1. You saying the politicians take your money and break their promises?

    2. They are all in heaven

    3. Wars are only good for the government and arms industry. That's why the love them.

    4. 3:00 Cartels have problems between brothers and father/son. What makes you think they will share their territories with other cartels?

    5. @5:12 — is Changuito the monkey in heaven too by chance? 🙉

  9. My only question is ....and I think the 6 million
    dollar question....WHY DONT THEY DO THAT

    1. Cause they have a good payoff and they afraid of him

    2. 8:10 they already tried and didnt go well for them, 3 choppers down (even though they say it was only 1) over 30 soldiers dead (and that was in the first attack cause the next day CJNG ambushed the Federal police and killed another 20 +) its not the same getting a Narco wanna be than getting the boggie man, Don Mencho is in a league of his own no one can touch him

    3. 9:33 that was the movie black hawk down man

    4. 12:35 it was actually covered by every news network in mexico when it happened and i can tell you for sure it wasnt a fake CDS corrido, o and i forgot to mention thats the reason why the Federales went on a rampage and hitt a CJNG rancho and killed a bunch of workers who were at the ranch, if i remember correctly it was a lil bit over 40, of curse there were a few sicarios but they took everybody out with a helicopter and mini machine gun

  10. Reminds me of that line from Blood In Blood Out: "A todo madre o un desmadre."

  11. Why didn't those pus--ies calling the shots go to the airport ... I would of td em f u u go to the airport pu-o ..

  12. Those sicarios would be in unmarked graves by now they failed badly.

  13. Con razon no le pegavan a nada, andavan bien 🥥🥥🥥's

  14. I'll never understand how hitmen take cocaine when going into battle as it makes you very paranoid if you take to much. I'm an ex addict of 20 years now wheelchair bound because of it.

    Scottish guy

    1. Actually it's good if you know how to poly substance use. Cannabis mild euphoria mild pain relief , tobacco mental alertness mild dopamine, alcohol pain relieve euphoria, cocaine high euphoria and physical endurance, methamphetamine mental wakefulness mild physical endurance, benzodiazapan mental relief and some physical relaxation. Take any one of these at the wrong time or in excess dosage and you'll have to wait on the half life excretion time to start coping with the unwanted side effects.
      When I see sicarios stuffing the whole bag in their nasal cavity I wonder if it's reduced purity or if they know that the adrenal system can only go so much before it shuts down and dosing is purely to function. The military on the other hand they know to be well rested well fed well trained and well taught in the use of pharmaceuticals. THEY TRAIN weapons handling the way it actually happens , dynamically. Sicarios try to practice after 2 days of no sleep and never with the same amount of substance. It's a mystery more didn't fall, considering it was a 6 hour event. Lately Sinaloa hasn't been seen in a good light but they do have some real gangsters there. And the vatos cagados altaneros ruin it for them smh

  15. I don’t get it… why would they shoot at the plane knowing he was on it?

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 porque andavan bien cocos y no savian lo que hacian

    2. Only an excessive amount of small rounds could damage a craft enough for it not to be air worthy. If I ran that plaza my resources would be on flight monitoring, they already have the largest private air service in the world. But a BlackHawk Gatling 30MM rounds at 4AM was the last thing they were expecting. Reminded me of the extra judicial killings on Rancho Sol carried out against "cjng" there isn't much that can take a blackhawk out the sky if it's specialized in surprise.

      I don't have any good information on what happened but it seemed like the military kept the sicarios occupied , while the sicarios scrambled organized and regrouped over and over again. Skirmishes arent like the movies at all, it's usually about survival aka fight or flight , the old Tom and Jerry cat and mouse of not dying

    3. Raton ordered in advance the plane be shot down if he was captured, so he wouldnt give up facts under torture. Thats why his peeps tried to shoot down thee plane, thee plane, boss.

  16. How did sicario 006 let this happen?

    1. He was bussy kneeling on Ivan's picture

  17. Narco communism, Mexican citizens sympathetic, govt wants to control it to turn falsely proud Mexicans into slaves. Viva mexico now means viva savagery


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