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Friday, January 13, 2023

'Involvement Of Mexican Cartels In Crystal Meth In The Netherlands Not Proven'

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Europol states in a report that Mexican drug cartels may have had involvement in the smuggling and production of the drug crystal meth in the Netherlands. Field research by journalist Arthur Debruyne does not show this. 'In no file does this emerge,' he tells Crimesite.


Europol and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) released the results of a joint investigation in early December. This looked at the extent to which Mexican drug cartels use Europe as a transit port, or production location, for methamphetamine, also known as "crystal meth.


The report states that in 2019, Dutch police seized 1.9 tons of methamphetamine from Mexico in Rotterdam. Two other cases also involved Mexican involvement in importing the illegal drug.

In the same year, police dismantled three meth labs in our country, arresting Mexican suspects. Europol and the DEA claim that Mexican cartels also played a role here.


Belgian journalist Arthur Debruyne has been investigating the trafficking and production of crystal meth from Mexico and by Mexican cooks in the Netherlands for some time. Among other things, he looked - for a book to be published - at the role of the Mexican 'Pablo Icobar' arrested in the Netherlands. He would have been the coordinator of some labs in our country. Debruyne also interviewed some of the cooks from the Moerdijk 'drug boat' in 2019.

Debruyne is critical of the Europol/DEA report. The researcher to Crimesite: 'No link to a large drug cartel has been substantiated in any file. Justice and police officers confirm this to me. It is more about crystal meth cooks, who are used as disposable workers here. The mention in the DEA's report of involvement with cartels is also with quite a few beats.'

According to Debruyne, it is more about occasional networks formed with local drug organizations, rather than the Mexicans wanting to take over the market here. 'You can also wonder what the exact definition of "cartel" is,' the journalist said. 'In Mexico, the Sinaloa cartel has long been splintered into a lot of clans, families and a multitude of independent narcos who cooperate with each other when it suits them. Also, you don't have initiation rituals there like in the Italian mafia, making it sometimes difficult to speak of membership.'


The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction EMCDDA is also cautious in a 2022 report. 'Despite recent developments, there is no indication that Mexican cartels are stocking camp in the EU with the intention of competing for control of drug markets.'

Crimesite previously discovered that the suspect nicknamed "Pablo Icecobar," whose real name is Pavel N., had previously been convicted in the U.S. of trafficking crystal meth. In the US, Mexican cartels do have plenty of involvement in importing cocaine and crystal meth, according to the DEA.

Crime Site


  1. Seems legit I wouldn't doubt it.

    1. I doubt it. Mx DTOs have been importing meth and cocaine into Holland per this article on Insightcrime: Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport Becoming Arrival Point for Mexican Drugs

  2. We've had arrests after drug lab seizures and the majority of them have been cooks from Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia. I can't imagine that there is close to no Mexican involvement in these cases

    1. I think it is a mix of independent contractors and people who have been sent by a Mexican DTO to assist in a partnership with a European DTO.

    2. You are talking bout the coke conversion labs busted out there. Mexicans have been busted in Europe for cooking meth.

  3. I am a dutch citizen and i used to live in lage zwaluwe (near moerdijk) when i was younger. In the little harbor of moerdijk, where the boat was stationed, we used to swim a lot. The funny thing is we used the exact same boat on which the lab was found as a jumping platform to jump into the harbor. The next lab was found in my little village lage zwaluwe about 100 meters from where my dad used to have a storage. That storage was acting raided by the police once because they thought we were stashing drugs over there. Crazy how the drug war i am interested in came so close to home.

    1. You can't tell these cheerleaders nothing. It's come to my knowledge that a gram of MDMA sugar brown crystal is less than 20 euro. As big as the country borders are in Euro-Asian it's only a matter of logistics to acquire the precursors. Since the Dutch invented corporations and have the port to receive material for it's large pharmaceutical partnerships. Synthesizing illicit compounds at record low prices isn't unbelievable. The Dutch know the law well and the common citizen would rather own copyright patents and other assets for long term wealth. But let's pretend it's the Mexicans and not the Italians sending synthetics to the mujadeen :) this message is brought to you by little grapes

    2. I love pure mdma just had some light purple Molly very clean roll 100usd for 2grams before I left CA I fully agree meth precursors is coming from Asia not from the west what’s good little grapes

  4. I am from Rotterdam, in fact the biggest problem the port where the drugcontainers are located is right behind my neighbourhood

    1. The port is mainly for coke. In the countryside there is more weed and chrystal (mainly for Eastern-Europe).

      Groetjes uit het noorden.

    2. 3:06 Isn’t meth and even normal amphetamine more of a ‘central’ European thing rather than a western or eastern European thing though?

    3. 4:35 Yes, MDMA is a lot more common in especially the Netherlands, as opposed to meth (luckily)

    4. 5:08 and normal amphetamine too right?

  5. It’s either the Mexican Cartels or Chinese Big Circle Gang.. MAYBE ISIS or North Korea… lol no joke

    1. Even locals would be trying to get it if no one else have an offer.

  6. Mexicans, Schemexicans! Who cares who supplies the dope. Most of us want it, so there will always be customers and huge profits to be made.

  7. I heard meth makes people be Weird??

    1. Fucks up your mind & introduces demons into your body n conscious

    2. And today’s lesson is brought to you by the letter D… for DUMBASS

  8. Pablo ICEcobar the king of crystal meth

  9. If we had a country like Mexico as a neighbour here in Europe like the USA does we would have invaded and had regime change years ago

    1. You don't necessarily have to go too far genius. Handle yo business with Putin first. And then come talk to us tough guy.

    2. Putin is doing nothing to the European countries apart from Ukraine. And definitely nothing compared to what Mexico is doing to the rest of the world and especially the USA, Drugs and drug cartels area far more serious threat to the people of Europe than Russia.

    3. LMAO. Europe would invade a country if it had its version of Mexico?! Really? All of Europe was Hitlers bitch! Many of you fucking fell in line when the nazi’s crushed you. Let’s be honest, the industrial complex of the usa, the military might of the USA fucking saved ALL of Europe! You ungrateful fuck! Without young American soldiers, our factories, and supplies you would be goose stepping right fucking now! Say what you want about our immigration problem and forget my opinions on the matter. The fact is the overwhelming majority of the Mexicans, Central Americans, and South Americans who come to USA are very hard workers and easily become highly skilled in whatever career they choose in USA. Whereas the people FLOODING Europe are places on disgusting camps, don’t want to work, and are basically invaders whose will
      Is to change the face of Europe. The shitholes in Africa and Middle East where those mostly fighting age male invaders come from are a million times worse than south of our border! AND, you can barely own guns, LMAO! GOD BLESS my numerous LEGAL firearms. GOD bless the 2nd amendment. God bless the USA!
      Next time you look around your European country I demand you loudly shout out loud God bless the USA for saving me from goose stepping and saluting the Furer!

    4. @ 5.34 When has that happened in Europe, with the exception of tyrants like Hitler and communist warhorses like Brezhnev? Besides, ''Regime change'' would do fuck all to stem the flow of drugs because the new regime would face the exact same problems as the old one. All it would do is re-direct the flow of money.

  10. Russia was pushed out of Europe nearly 30 years ago. They haven't been a serious threat to anyone except Ukraine since then. Did the same to Serbia and Turkey long ago

  11. The Netherlands has been involved in the drug trade for many centuries. They created XTC, they are the leaders in speed or PCP worldwide and in ketamine plus 2cb 4cb. In the Netherlands in the 19th century you had cocaine factories for medical purposes. (Read it on Wikipedia) And that has gotten a bit out of hand.

    1. Dont really think they need mexican meth... They are known as fine "shit" exporters.

  12. Probably the same thing that happened to MDMA. People only want Dutch-made MDMA now in all these first world nations, not Mexican MDMA, which probably doesn’t even come in crystal form.

    1. 12:41 In fact, theres no "mexican MDMA", nor US or Canadian. Most (by not saying ALL) MDMA comes from Europe, specially Netherlands.

      XTC pills are mostly Pseudoephedrine (although is known other drugs could be present), in simple terms, meth in pills, with a different dosage and administration. Which results to be MUCH simpler and cheaper than real MDMA.

      In Mexico, an "xtc" pill costs from $2-$15 USD.

      US, range from 10-30 USD

      In Mexico, MDMA may range from $30-$120 USD per dose/pill/capsule, if you are lucky to find a dealer dealing with that type of stuff.

      Same in the US, real MDMA isnt available like pot, meth, coke or "XTC pills". May be available in places like NY, LA, Miami or where the rave scene is big enough to have a descent market. Ranging from $30-$150 per capsule/dose/pill.

    2. 3:53 Lol you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. This isn’t 2008 or even 2012. There are virtually no “XTC/ecstasy pills” in America anymore and there hasn’t been since the early 2010s. Ever since 2015/2016 the U.S., U.K. and Canada have been flooded with high-quality, very pure MDMA crystals from Europe. No one takes MDMA in pill or powder form anymore.. And quality is way better now than in past decades.

      Mexican cartels used to be involved in MDMA manufacturing and trafficking to a much larger extent in the early 2000s when Ecstasy quality in America was questionable or mediocre or dodgy at best. These days people only want crystal form though and they want that Dutch fire. Mexican cartels probably realized about 7 or 8 years ago that they can’t compete with European quality/purity and even marketing (crystal form is harder to cut therefore it’s more desirable to the user) so the Mexican organizations probably just went back to the meth and fentanyl and their more reliable trades like coca. High-quality European produced MDMA has been very widespread and available in the United States for the past 7 years. Catch up.

    3. My homie bought a whole 30G from the dark net 10 years ago straight brown crystal. Sat on it for a few months to lay low and one night decided to tell us what he did and involve us all in a conspiracy to cap up the product into point 2 per cap at 100 a gr, I respectfully ingested as much as I could and declined to assist in anything illegal. $600 for 30Gr would have been a great profit had he not decided to donate it to charity ...

    4. They produce high quality MDMA in Canada it gets traded in the US for other drugs.

    5. 732 try 1200$ to 1400$ for 30g of pure mdma at least to the fiends I know

  13. 4:47 Mexican cartels vaguely have something to do with MDMA and many other drugs.

    However what cartels deal with is pills of pseudoepherine and other mixes, but not MDMA. Can be called "ecstasy" or other way.

    Mexican cartels never even tried to deal with MDMA, you probably in your dreams.

    MDMA available in Mexico comes from Europe, not cartels. They are not cheap and availability may vary.

    Same scenario if you want to get other drugs like peyote, some type of mushrooms, weird varieties of Marijane, Ketamine, etc... comes from specialty dealers dealing small amounts to a small group of customers, not from cartels. Grow up kid.

    1. 3:04 I never said any of that wtf. Now you’re flip flopping? Loll

    2. 3:04 No one was even talking about the MDMA market in Mexico.. lol who even cares?


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