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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca: Commander Sierra From CJNG Threatens Locals

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

A video release by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel announces their arrival in southwestern Mexico. 

For this broadcast the 6 man team of armed enforcers find themselves in Istmo de Tehuantepec, this is the largest region of the state of Oaxaca. 

Threats of violence and impending doom awaits everyone mentioned within this film.  

Video translation is as follows:

This message is for all the citizens in the Istmo de Tehuantepec region. Specifically those in the towns of Taniche, Palomares, Matías Romero, Huajuapan, Tehuantepec, Salina Cruz, Santa María Jalapa del Marqués, and all of its surroundings. 

We are a force with a suicidal mindset. We are the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. We have arrived here and we wont be leaving. 

We’ve come to clean the terrain of scumbags, extortionists, kidnappers, thieves, and turncoats. All the criminals who are working independently will fall. Individuals who traffic humans, drugs, or anyone who is doing something beneficial isn’t going to be allowed here. 

Those individuals who are passing themselves off as belonging to our enterprise will also fall. No sales will be allowed in the Isthmus region without our CJNG seal. For all the fucking turncoats, no one will work be allowed to work independently here. 

We will only support everyone who is on good terms with our enterprise. And for those who are not, your fucking worlds will go to shit. We will start abducting, torturing, and disposing of the trash. 

I’m in command here, Commander Sierra. 4 letters make up the enterprise for which I belong and work for. You sons of bitches we are the 4 letters Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 



  1. Puro Vieja Scuela #Mamalon

    1. How noble of these men to eliminate the criminals…or the criminals not aligned with their more ethical extortion, kidnapping, drug dealing and murder.

  2. Doesn’t seem like the other CJNG groups. But you’d have to be stupid to impersonate them. It’d be pretty easy to find them just ask where the CJNG guys are at. Is this a new front or just small cell trying to take over.

  3. So If you’re some criminal scumbag do you ask to fall in line, do you continue on and say fuck it, do you run, do you fight or do you stop?

  4. These guys have some nerves claiming to be CJNG..
    Definitely not Cjng.. I guess since they have on those homemade face covers they feel like they won't know not to find out who they really are because they really got some balls claiming the four letters these guys are definitely not from Jalisco

    1. Weirdo fool, all cartels recruit people from everywhere.

  5. If they're going to wipe out the turncoats, then they're going to end up killing more then half of their own. A bunch of CJNG fall in that lane.

  6. All these guys jump from cartel to cartel. Look at Mayo he’s been in Juarez , Tijuana , Sinaloa , Guadalajara and pacific cartel. Mencho been in 3-4 cartels. They all go where they have the most power.

    1. Mencho have only been with 1 other cartel and that’s the milieno cartel….

    2. 12:43 I would argue CJNG is Milenio

    3. El mayo was never with the juarez cartel. The usa government and many writers about the mexican narco world did not know that the sinaloa cartel was totally independent from Amado Carrillo Fuentes or that from the get go the sonora corridor was theirs. They were neighbors of the juarez cartel on one side and the arellano felix cartel on the other. And el mayo was more powerful from the get go than el chapo or adrian gomez or el guero palma or any other founder of the sinaloa cartel. La mencha is a chapulin and a traitor for sure. Thats why las jaliscas first name were las torcidas. Look it up.

    4. What about matazetas ? Guess he wasn’t actually this big bad zeta killer like they claim. And he worked under Nacho for Sinaloa. Then milenio now CJNG. That’s 4

  7. 1999 called they want their nokia phone back

  8. This looks low budget, I don't doubt these people mean business but I doubt they say who they say they are. For example I know these guys from Tierra Cali that got popped in an operation, and told the detectives they were Compania just to throw them off. Well the media took that information and ran with it, so for the past few years if you were popped you'd tell em you were Compania just to throw every one off. Even though for a long while in these parts Compania no longer had the power they once had. They are still here but not where this event happened.

  9. LoL 😂
    Friday the 13th Black masks made out of ceramic and painted matte Black.


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