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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Judge Transfers Jurisdiction But Green Lights Ovidio Guzman's Extradition Process

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Ovidio Guzmán López, "El Ratón", was notified of the refusal of an Amparo judge to grant him a definitive stay against extradition to the United States. This gives the green light for authorities to continue with his extradition process to the United States where he has been charged with multiple counts of drug trafficking put forth in a 2019 indictment. 

His attempted arrest in 2019, resulted in the first Culiacanazo, violent attacks on troops, and threatening military families until President AMLO authorized his release to prevent further loss of life. The warrant for that arrest was for the purpose of extradition.

Ovidio Guzmán can again appeal the decision in a Collegiate Court of Mexico City.

Judge Declines Jurisdiction to Continue

Due to the fact that Guzmán López is at the disposal of a control judge of the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Mexico with residence in Almoloya de Juárez, physically confined inside the Social Readaptation Center number 1 "Altiplano", the Judge of the Amparo declared itself unable to continue hearing the case.

"This judge considers that he lacks legal competence by reason of territory [jurisdiction] to hear and resolve this trial of guarantees, the foregoing, based on articles 37, first paragraph and 48 of the Law of Amparo" pointed out the judicial official.

The Federal Judge in Mexico City believes that it should be a District Judge in Matters of Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Mexico, residing in Toluca, on duty, who should continue with the fundamental rights lawsuit filed by "El Raton."

According to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), the competent district judge to hear the claim in the extradition procedure "is the one whose jurisdiction the investigating judge of the respective procedure resides, especially if the complainant is confined in that same territorial circumscription so that the execution of the acts that he claims will be verified in that jurisdiction.” 

US Government Has Not Formalized Extradition Request Yet

While the decision to refuse his request for a definitive suspension against the extradition process means that the process will continue, it will not take place until a formal extradition request has been given by the US. However, this is likely already in process; possibly having waited until the end of the recent North American Summit with US President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visiting Mexico City. Among the issues discussed was the increase in fentanyl trafficking and overdose deaths as well as migration issues and solidifying economic and political relationships across North America.

The sixth criminal Amparo judge of Mexico City ordered the remission of the original of the file, as well as the suspension decision turned over to the appropriate court. Ovidio Guzmán requested the expansion of the lawsuit with respect to various authorities and authorized various lawyers to assist him in the Amparo trial. The Almoloya de Juárez maximum security federal prison, where Ovidio is being held, has sent over his psychological records and transcripts of the telephone call that was authorized to him.


  1. Yuppie! aye cabron, que pasa no tienes queso 🤣🤣🎉🎉🎉🌵💯👌🏽🪖👍🇺🇦🇺🇲🇲🇽🏳️‍🌈💊💸💸💸💸😃✌️🎉🧼😹

  2. Another sacrificial lamb sooner or later someone pays keeps everyone in line reminds all pawns in the board that they are not jefe no matter how much bread is accumulated

  3. Any judge approving extradition will have a target on their back so no surprises here. But meanwhile there is a cell next to his fathers with his name on it and eventually that is where he will go

    1. Have there been judges killed after approving extraditions?

    2. @5:54 of course the judge that approved chapós extradition is long gone not with us anymore. This was on the papers years back.

  4. He’ll be in the States by the summer. Luck finally ran out. I bet a month ago getting extradited was the furthest thing on his mind. Now that’s literally all that’s on his mind now. If he has any sense he’ll waive extradition get to United States and cut a deal just like all his compadres before him. DEA isn’t gonna want info they already have or info that’s old and stale. Or he can ride it out and end up like his pops still labeled a snitch with multiple life sentences.

    1. Correct the longer he takes to cut a deal the less valuable his info becomes. Cartel info has a half life in more ways than one

    2. 09:31 El Raton is not gonna be released. He has intimate details about the operations of his family. Will he snitch ? Probably it’s El Raton Head Snitcher in Charge….
      If he’s a good boy he can go find some new customers and friends in the American penitentiary system and send kikes with locations for M30 pills to be smuggled

      You the the drill PBj , hold hands sing Cumbia, and get high in prison while you sell dope to all the prisoners’ contacts outside

      It’s an elite social networking club and very exclusive

  5. The judge who extradited his dad got smoked within weeks, every judge in Mexico knows what will happen if they ok it. Their family too will be in harms way. There’s no benefit in extraditing him.

    1. Yes he must go to US prison.
      To many drugs shipped to USA.

    2. And get a ridiculous sentence for snitching?, even freedom... Dont think that will solve nothing.

    3. 10:02 mitotero 🤣🤣🤣 gudges can only get capped if the government gives the green light, if you kill a high ranking judge in mexico you will get persued,this judge got the green light from AMLO to extradite Raton, theres no coming back, he will be ok, i dont thing the chaputos want that heat

    4. 10:02 got a link to that story?

    5. 1:20 no cause its a lie, you should already know how mich lies Sinaloas make up from all those fake corridos

    6. Man some of these people that comment in here need to be his attorney the way they plead his case in here. Relax he’s a ghost in Mexico now. Never to return.


  6. It’s funny to hear all the CDS fanboys and their illusions of grandeur.. send that rat to USA. Mexico has a new father 🐓🐓🐓

    1. Mexico?, new father? lol

    2. Don Mencho has been Sinaloas father since CJNG was formed

    3. Mencho is no more than a gofer for CDS.

    4. 8:36 Well that gofer took half of cds plazas in less than a year, Aouchhhh!!!

  7. Irónico, pagara la soberbia de Iván el qué menos papaya daba Nacionalmente (previo al primer Culiacanazo)

    1. Los Chapitos estan destinados a desaparecer. Son muy pendejos, igual que su padre. Es como si el Mayo se limitara a dejarlos ser y meterse solos el dedo en la cola.

    2. Hablo con respecto a sus polemica conflictos internos externos y como corre el agua por su terreno ustedes saben Bien y yo no. Es mi opinion que lideraba a una milicia mas o menos organizada con recursos acceptables. Lo que yo vi fue jovenes con mala forma en tactica y manejo de armas. Y bajo la enfluencia. Saben Que soldado privado de contracto existen? Saben que paises los contractan como sopporte a sus funciones? Que se note la differencia en estar preparado y entrenado al contrario estar desvelado y drogado con inexpertos en funciones y operacciones. La ventaja de terreno lo tienen y dierron un concierto largo. Perdieron pedazo important pero ganaron muchos con experencia en guerra Urbana.

  8. Menchito is waiting for his uncle to arrive to Colorado

    1. Cds asslickers mad hurt 🤣 😂

    2. Menchito aint snitching, he was in the USA before the Mayitos and Mayitos are out, wonder why? 🤔 Snitching? 🫢

    3. 12:38 did his sister cooperate ? The system has a loop hole and you can cooperate off the record to be immune from some charges, but let me tell you they don't hand those oaths out to just anyone. One thing about prison is you can learn in there what is never taught. CJNG has taken many many hits, I remember circa 2010 the reason the compania was able to expand quickly was it's elite officers training with Israeli mossad agents in communication tactics. That's 15 years ago. Today Mexico uses Israeli software to silence reporters, you don't think Mexico has capability to eradicate clandestine operations??? Learn this the student should never out shine the master, there has to be a clear difference between student and master other wise problems happen. And mexico is neighbor to the Master of the world. So Baja le al ruido y Mira la movie John Wayne

    4. 4:38 Nope she didnt, the only charge she had was money laundering, they wont give you much prison time for that, shit we have seen a bunch of bigger money launderers doing way less time (of course they snitched) but she didnt, she spent more time in jail than the Mayitos 🤣🤣🤣 and they did have some real serious charges

    5. 6:19 Money laundering is the final level of operations, it's not something that's easy, wether it's large sums or small sums. Asset forfeiture / Civil Forfeiture is the legal way to bribe the system, how can you bribe the system with out using the system to launder money? Cash is King but it doesn't move the way a clean wire can. Find out about FinCEN the hard way like I did and your know. Yeah she really is a gangster, idgaf if outside the court I have a deal with my friend that we will cooperate against each other within the courts but double cross the courts like the wolf on wall street then that's what we have to do. But a full debrief has to happen frame by frame play by play. Have y'all ever thought maybe chino was whacked because he didn't cooperate against a player that Vicente did cooperate against ? And Vicente knew that chino knew that Vincent was the real snitch and chino was the silent and loyal solider? Every real snitch I ve ever really uncovered wanted to eliminate the person that knew about them and call them a snitch so they can continue being cowards snitches. They call it tying up lose ends -little grapes

    6. 2:13 come on son you know how many guys have been trialed and let go for money laundering? All you gotta do is pay a big fine and do the time, "which is not that much" if any body of you wanna get involved in the srug bussiness do it as a money launderer those guys really do make some money and enjoy it, than if you get caugh you only have to payba fine and get like 5 yes probation or some shit like that

  9. Why not fly this guy straight to the US like they did with Huevo.

    1. Mijo paperwork must be done first.

    2. Huevo is a USA citizen who never bothered to apply for citizenship in México

    3. 11:44:
      Huevo was deported not extradited.

  10. The US should Reopen Alcatraz just for all this clowns who have destroyed mexico and many lives in the US.

  11. That was a legal resource to block any attempt from Ovidios lawyers. With an extradition petition on course, "amparos" are useless.

  12. And some Sinalocas were making shit up and said he was gonna be realesed this month 😆😭 where you at homie?

  13. I don't care if gets extradited or not drugs are still coming in with or without him. We here in US have a drug problem

    1. 1:15 yes drugs will keep being smuggled into the USA but neither me or my children will consume them. That's the best we can do, by not purchasing narcotics we don't finance the murdering in México

  14. United States hasn’t done anything this start the extradition process. One again they will lose the opportunity.

    1. What a dumb un-realistic comment.
      You know the paperwork starts on the Mexican Court, should they take days months, blame it on them Mijo.

    2. 2:33 I don't anything about extradition relations between the two countries, but I've been incarcerated and sometimes they play like they are stalling out just to build a better case gather more Intel make the accused feel more hopeless, I think it's a tactic. Get fed through a slit in a door with lights on 247 and nothing to do for 2-3 years with out being sentenced and the likely hood of full cooperation is high. Btw I'm not anon 1:37 , I'm just a spectator.

    3. I'd send word to my attorneys in Mexico and USA that I'll fully cooperate with both be willing to include asset forfeiture for 4 years witness protection program in USA and flee to the Balkans with my new identity, and be known as the youngest snitch son of a trafficker who snitched out of greed and envy and didn't have leverage to negotiate a deal with USA because there was no one left to snitch on. But hey at least that's what I would do, yes that means giving up people inside my organization

    4. 4:27:
      I don't believe Ovidio would turn on his brothers. I'm sure he has good intel on El Mayo that might get him some action. It's still early in the process. Extradition could take years so it might be a while before this plays out. It is good to read everyone's predictions on BB though. I appreciate your and other posters thoughts.

    5. They don’t want Bimbo bread if they did they would had him for breakfast long time ago

    6. I’m sure Mayo doesn’t disclose his info to anyone outside of maybe his other son el Mayito Flaco and is close circle. A Don doesn’t last as much as him by not knowing how to take care of his safety. Chapós kids ran their crew and that’s about it. The loyalty there is because of El Chapo and those were kids that grew up with his.

  15. Aight ... Plot twist he cooperates and gets out like Tekashi69, Zambada and Edgar?

  16. The whole family is snitches, and if they didn't have their bodyguards to protect em they wouldn't be about a damn thing ....

  17. Raton is a rat 🐀 why woukd he mane himself that?

    1. 6:10 raton means mouse, rata means rat, he is a step down from rat but once he gets extradited he will reach the RAT status thats for sure

  18. Great news. This little punk better not drop the soap in front of Jerome or Tyrone when he gets in our prison system! 😃

  19. I can't speak on it like that but what a coincidence that every time Chapo opened up dialogue with a frontera plaza a short time after operations all of a sudden the military would take out the regional head and then suddenly Chapo no longer wanted dialogue because who he made a deal with wasn't around any more.if what I'm speculating is true it's Literally a tactic of a peon. It's a shame too because Sinaloa is a money laundering powerhouse since the 70s he was just to inept to offer money laundering as a service instead of paying piso. Favor for a favor but nooooooo....

  20. What happened to the guy who was saying raton was gonna be relesed this week? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


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