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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Morelos: CJNG Video Message Of Impending Doom For Targeted Citizens And Dogs

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The murderous Jalisco New Generation Cartel announces their presence in the state of Morelos. For this broadcast a brigade of armed assassins stand in formation behind their spokesman in a heavily wooded area at an undisclosed location somewhere inside the Mexican Republic. 

Threatening words of murder and doom for specific individuals who are targeted for death, some free others incarcerated, are blurted out before the camera. In addition pet dogs have also been forewarned of their coming annihilation. 

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to the state of Morelos. We have arrived and we’re coming after that gang of assholes who are using the Jalisco New Generation Cartel name to continue extorting citizens through phone calls. Just the same for those who are kidnapping and leaving narco messages out in public with Mr. Mencho’s name. All the beautiful citizens of Morelos need to know that we haven’t come here to extort or charge protection fees with anyone. 

The first individuals who will be killed here are Saul El Lentes from Jojutla, El Tlalquitenango, La Liz aka The Lady from Tlaltizapán. We’re coming after Homero Figueroa, you like to hide behind the shirts of the Beltráns. The same fate will befall Milton aka El Chilango, or whatever it is that they know you by. You currently have your chaotic ways in the municipality of Jojotla. And you’ve already been warned in a previous video. In addition just to clarify some matters here. 

Your compadre Alonso from Yautepec won’t have his position forever. The same fate awaits every politician who wants to play the narco trafficker. Case in point would be Enrique Alonso aka El 00 from Tlalquitenango. Chapis, you and your faggot boss need to apprehend those cop killers in Barranca Honda. The same goes for Nico for all that shit you’ve got going on in Yautepec. The city of Cuernavaca already has an owner. And it sure isn’t you Abel Maya, you’re also on our hit list. 

This also goes for Santos, you’re the individual who runs the train station and buyer’s market in Cuernavaca, your time is up. Crispín Gaspar, your nephew Jesús Gaspar aka El Maltiadas, and the syndicates who support you guys. I’m going to kill everyone of you. Including your pet dogs for having claimed that you belonged to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Just as well for also having done dumb shit in the name of our enterprise. Don’t think that because you’re incarcerated in Tlachaloya we can’t get to you. 

If it’s necessary we will go in there after you. Alfredo Baldomino from Yautepec, we’re also coming after you. We reiterate to all society and authorities of Morelos. We’re not going to allow abductions, extortions, or the charging of protection fees here. Whoever isn’t aligned with our principals and ideals will be our enemy. You’ve all been warned. Yours truly, Jalisco New Generation Cartel. The state of Morelos already has an owner. And it belongs to Lord Mencho. 

Sicarios scream: We are the absolute mob of Lord Mencho, we are the absolute mob of Lord Mencho, we are the absolute mob of Lord Mencho! 

'El Peligroso' by Los Tucanes de Tijuana is the name of the song that plays at the beginning of this video. 

La Voz del Pueblo


  1. Damn! Shit is heating up…..

    1. Shits been on fire since 2003….

  2. Bunch of heads going to roll
    I thought cjng was already deep n morelos abd had a truce with Familia michoacana 🤔

  3. My favorite part of the video is when they all scream "pura gente del Señor Mencho" .

    This is an well organized paramilitary unit of Special Operations Operators .

    1. Lmao special operations operators! Maybe a few military deserts and some mass killing rapists soldiers from Guatemala. One Seal Team would wipe the floor with these drug addicts. A small amount of Mexican marines would also wipe the floor with them

    2. The taliban destroyed the seal myth. Just saying. Don't think they would do much better against Mexicans without air cover like the army had against Ovidio's crew!

    3. The Taliban didnt destroy any myth...anywhere seal teams were they destroyed the Taliban. Most fatalities were from helicopter and osprey crashes.

    4. @11:02 taliban took out seal team 6 with a rocket propelled grenade into the belly of the helicopter. Running around for 24 hours with a log while whacked out on drugs doesn't make you a real soldier. A Hollywood soldier but that's all. Number 1 phrase by troops in afgh and vietnam, "We need Air Support."

    5. If The Truth Be ToldJanuary 12, 2023 at 11:33 AM

      So, what makes Seals so tough? They have special Apache Indian training to sneak up on the enemy while they are sleeping or they can aim and shoot their weapons using a mirror?

    6. @11;33 the only thing you need to know is the SEALS were "officially" formed in 1962 and were never killed in large numbers until 2011 when the helicopter the were in got shot down. So yah I'd say that's pretty tough.

    7. The Navy SEALs are overrated and not the only elite special forces group that the U.S military has at their disposal. Los gabachos who get on their knees for Chris “🤥 Lying” Kyle stories are the ones who believe that SEALs are the most tough hahahaha!!

      Semper Fi

    8. 6:33 GREAT comment Sir!

  4. It'll never end because of all the sorry ass dope users who keep funding these pieces of shit. So yeah fuck it. Chinga su madre! War without end. Amen and amen!!!

    1. As someone that’s been knowing the news since the late. 80’s thru now - gotta say BB guides my professional career and helps me get gringo thoughts. Most are garbage but many are clever.

      Oh my comment; I’ve observed Mata Zetas funded by CDS to where they are now as CJNG. My hypotheses is their only strategy to grow; is to enter with a show of force in as many less “well governed rural then more suburbs establish prénsense and show of force so they can own in previous unknown racktes with piso, extortion, narco tiendas , etc. I that is an easier space to compete with than the crowded international smuggling business.

    2. It will never end because poison is being smuggled across the border you silly wanker

  5. Unbelievable how CJNG, brainwashes the local towns people. We come to clean the town of kidnappers, give me a break.
    They remind me of Mr. T. ...lie after lie and make the people believe in him.

    1. Every group says the same bullshit. Locals have no choice since local government is useless

    2. They remind me of Biden. "I didnt know I had classified docs, the border is secure" 🤣

    3. 1103 thas a bu-n-nch of-of malarkey! 🤣

    4. 8:25 they remind me of CDS in culiacan last week 🤣🤣🤣

    5. @9:29 … Agreed

      You would think the message is a little old by now? Lol

  6. If CDS had not betrayed CJNG they both together had already cleaned up all of mexico and there will be peace but CDS are a bunch of traidors

    1. 8:48 💯🎯 CDS are the biggest backstabbers, they pretty much broke all the unwritten rules of the narcos and backed stabbed every cartel they worked with, Don Mencho is not stupid and knew Cds will try and do the same but he is always a step ahead and took a bunch of plazas from cds

    2. 8:48: 80% of all criminals being investigated by police share intel with police in return for protection

    3. 2:06 you are correct and the other 20% are CJNG

  7. Cartels are definitely more on the cult side now. Lord Mencho. Gotta admit though. Cjng has really expanded and grown. It went from a few grass hoppers to one. Mencho. How many cartels has he been in ? 3-5. How can you trust anyone that jumps ship to fit their agenda?

    1. He's only really been in one cartel and thats cartel milenio. CJNG is just cartel Milenio

    2. Matazetas milenio familia Michoacán and Sinaloa

    3. 10:06 🤣🤣🤣 no mames, cuando dijiste Matazetas perdiste toda credibilidad, nomas a estado con con el Milenio, y pues el Milenio se partio en 2 y CJNG fue el que quedo, nunca estuvo con Sinaloa nunca estuvo con La Familia y Matazetas eran solo una celula no eran un cartel, CJNG es el Cartel de Milenio solo con un nuevo nombre

    4. @1:27 From my understanding mencho was under nacho coronel as head of sicarios for the sinaloa cartel, him and his sicarios were created by cds as Mata zetas when cds was at war with the zetas, when nacho coronel was killed mencho and others formed cartel del millennial then later eventually cjng. Ps I'm from michoacan and that's been the story.

    5. 6:15 you got it wrong

    6. 6:15 you couldnt be more wrong, Nacho was in charge of Guadalajara and Milenio got kicked out of Michoacan by LFM so Milenio went to Jalisco and worked along side Nacho (not under him but more like a partner, they sold him meth and he would send it up north through CDS plazas, just like colombians sending coke to mexico and mexicans smugling up north) even Molca explained it i the video when he caught, come on! Why do we always have to splain the same shit over and over to you CDS cheerleaders, CJNG is Cartel de Milenio just renamed🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    7. 9:29 estos peeves estan vien pendejos
      Don't waste your time, they will write the same shit in every mencho post.
      I'm surprised they didn't say mayo created the mata zetas this time 😂

    8. 6:15. Yessir. Those facts are correct as described.

    9. 11:04 you are right why even bother🤣 this dudes think what every CDS corrido says is true 🤦‍♂️

    10. @7:46I don't go by corridos I'm just telling you the facts, everyone from michoacan knows this.

    11. 11:21 well your facts are way off bud

    12. 11:21 whatever part of Michoacán you're from and they tell that supposed story is wrong

    13. 11:21 plz dont tell me you heard that story from the Chirrios Revueltas, cause the are the equivalent of the Culichis, they are some lying MF's

  8. CJNG guards their brand intensely. They care a lot

    1. And they sure do hate dogs.. 🐾 👀

    2. Ruthless mf even kills the goldfish nothing about hate for dogs

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Just curious do support for another cartel?

  10. Send that group to zacatecas see how long they last

    1. Bro tere r in Zacatecas

    2. 917
      Not that group, cjng needs reinforcement in Zac.

    3. 9:33 maybe on reddit they do but this is reality. No group has shown dominance in Zacatecas

  11. Don't even get me started about threatening dogs now. I'm a PETA girl.

    1. Living in a PETA world
      So craptastic
      Brain made of plastic! 🎵

  12. Damn sinaloa was never this powerful! I bet sinaloenses are shaking with jealousy right now!

    1. January 12, 2023 at 9:02 AM
      muy poderosos los hubieran mandado a teocaltiche mejor ahi estan temblando de miedo.

  13. Keep kicking up the $$$ and that's how the traffic lights go green!

  14. Hookers are getting more expensive, with inflation and all, so as long as the crack price stays low I'm all for it.

    1. How much you paying per gram? What region?

    2. Who the hell even uses crack these days? Besides the kids of politicians that is*

    3. Usually the older generation likes cooked coke

    4. @7:54 you mean the generation that’s decimated and close to being wiped out?

  15. CJNG are like the zetas sooner or later they will fall its inevitable. Mencho will go out like lazcano. CJNG is basically the ISIS of mexico.

    1. 9:20 i agree ill say no more than 10 yrs they will end up like CDS now that they are fighting each other, CDS are closer to ending up like Z's but for sure CJNG will end up the same

    2. Yep CDS is a shadow of what it used to be. Chapitos ruining CDS but I feel soon they will he gone and CDS will benefit

    3. Cds groupies been saying CJNG will fall within a year, since 10 years ago.
      Now at least they give them 10 years 😂

    4. 1:32 im not a CDS cheerleader, im just speaking facts from what ive seen, by the way CDS are gonna break up before CJNG thats a fact, CDS are long do for a real war and chapitos and mayos are gonna go at it pretty soon and CDS is gonna become another CDG, and CJNG will raing king for about 10-15 more yrs and the same will happen to them, this story has repeted it self over and over again, no cartel will last forever

    5. No cartel lasts for ever one day CDS and CJNG will both be gone

  16. Soon they will be arrogantly displaying some of the 1000s of manpads that fell off the back of the ukeland army truck! Going to be a scramble for all the cartels to stock-up!

  17. Replies
    1. I just remember blo but that was a long time ago.

  18. People inside prisons in Morelos and people claiming to be a part of CJNG are the ones to be targeted for elimination.

  19. Morelos is Run by the BLO... Very quietly... CJNG has NO JUICE in Cuernavaca... So let them try to run the show so close to the Capital, in fact we prefer that. The government would like nothing more than to have CJNG at arms length

  20. This is going to get interesting.

    Also extortion or crime in general on behalf of cjng without actually belonging to the org seems like a pretty common practice now. Hopefully these guys clean morelos of lacras

  21. All i thought about while watching this video was COD:MW2 🥷🏼 not going to lie lol

  22. Ya me dio miedo tendré que alcoholizarme con varias caguamas .

  23. Imagine hearing your name called out lmao

    1. Hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ dogs!

  24. They sure do have a thing against dogs… Cat lovers are no problem to CJNG! 😝😹🐈‍⬛

  25. WtF... Who Hurts Dogs ... Talk about bums. Their gonna make a video interrogating a Dog. Then beheading the dog. No Mames

    1. The CDS fanatics can't see straight, you guys are easily manipulated by fake news.

  26. Good luck in taking Morelos. Ray swapped to cjng then got got in prison like the punk he was

  27. All that money for equipment, gear, etc but not enough for a decent camera? Awful quality.

    1. Cameras doesn't penetrate flesh but you did get the message Right

  28. Add onother plaza to cjng, this should be easier than guanajuato.
    Beltranes will run north, these are not the REAL BLO. Those bosses would be respected but not the new unknowns or even chapo isidro.

  29. CDS is only waiting... Because The drug market is about to change. Sometimes people fall. Not everyone makes it. But they are well prepared for everything

    1. Wait for what? For mayo to give up everyone else


  31. Killing pet dogs now stay classy cjng 😳 hope dogs bite em

  32. How many headcount is this anyone guess? Also is this RR group combined or there are more?

    1. About 80 guys, really well equiped, not a nutt hugher but CJNG is the strongest cartel for sure, just imagine what a blood bath it would of been id this guys were actually guarding Raton instead of those cooked up teens, at least a hundred dead from both sides, 60 sicarios and 40 soldiers

  33. Mexican gob allowing these militia to grow and prosper,you couldn't make this shit up


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