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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Ovidio: Colossal Blow To The Pride Of Los Chapitos

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

It was a moral defeat for Los Chapitos, a huge blow, especially to their pride. And a victory for the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, without him and the armed forces allowing themselves to celebrate it. The balance, or part of the balance that we knew until Friday in the voice of the Secretary of Defense, speaks of the intensity of an operation planned in advance and directed specifically to apprehend or kill Ovidio Guzmán López. In blood and fire, as it happened. That is why it was planned at dawn. That is why the cost in lives did not matter. Nor to break with "strategies" that the president of the republic himself "repudiated" and said they were a thing of the past.

In time, perhaps we will know why the federal government decided to lie about the way it arrested Ovidio Guzmán López for the second time, this time successfully, in spite of the disorder caused by the hired killers under the command of Los Chapitos, including deaths and injuries to federal forces.

When informing about the facts, the General Secretary of Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, said that, prior to the arrest, a six-month intelligence work was carried out, but then he affirmed that the arrest was circumstantial, because the C-4 detected in the vicinity of Jesus Maria -one of the main enclaves of the Guzman Lopez family-, a convoy of alleged criminals that was confronted by elements of the National Guard and that it was known that among them was the son of Chapo Guzman. But he lied, because Ovidio was asleep when they arrived for him at the house where he was hiding.

What the general secretary said does not hold up for a moment if one takes into account the quality of the operation, supported by helicopter gunships that shot at targets that cannot be seen but which, it can be presumed, correspond to the security rings of the main target. From the first hours there was talk of many dead in the initial zone of the operation, but this is information that only the government could give, as the Secretary General did the following day. Federal actions of this nature are not carried out in a reactive manner -that is, when the attacked party responds to the aggression- because they do not have the capacity to do so. This means that it is not that they ran into a convoy of alleged criminals, but that it was a surgically planned operation.

All in all, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador shakes off the defeat he carried on his back since October 2019, when he was forced to order Ovidio's release to avoid, he said, the death of innocent people.

Nothing will change -- or if anything, very little -- with this arrest, because the head of the organization led by Los Chapitos is Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, Ovidio's half-brother. The government knows that. But it is Ovidio Guzman to whom the US government blames the production of fentanyl that is killing tens of thousands of addicts in the United States and who should be targeted for extradition. Moreover, for the last three years, he has been the most appetizing target in terms of the media.

The operation was a success if we assume that this time there were apparently no civilian victims. And that is no coincidence. The operation was carried out in the early morning, when people have not even got out of bed. Then the call of authorities and media alerting the population not to leave their homes, helped to reduce the risks. Also the suspension of activities in many areas of the government. And the lessons left by Black Thursday 2019. And what for years the population has seen in many parts of the country. In the eventuality of events like this, the immediate reaction of the people is to take shelter.

It is impossible not to link this apprehension with the visit, this Sunday, of the presidents of the United States and Canada. Above all, the pressure that the U.S. government has surely been exerting on Mexico to tighten its strategy against drug trafficking along the same lines it has been doing for many years, which is to focus on the leaders of the cartels... even though this has never solved the underlying problem.

Ball and chain

ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR has done everything possible to escape the pressures of the United States on drug trafficking and organized crime because the gringo vision does not match his "strategy" of hugs instead of bullets. But it is not possible given the power and information that the gringos have over us in many areas, not only in this one. It is no coincidence that three days after AMLO meets with Joe Biden in Washington, Rafael Caro Quintero has been caught in Sinaloa. I have no doubt that Ovid's head is the Mexican government's offering to Biden on his visit to Mexico.

Contrary meaning

WAS THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT INTERESTED IN Ovidio's arrest? I really don't think so. There are no elements to think that it was interested in fighting or at least stopping the strengthening of the criminal organization commanded by Los Chapitos. There was no known action, after the first culiacanazo, that would indicate such purposes. None. On the contrary, it seems that the slogan was to let them grow, strengthen their armies and their finances, their presence in the streets, in the economy, in the black business, even in politics, since in 2021 they meddled at will and with full impunity in the electoral process, to favor the candidates of Morena and PAS.

Black smoke

2023 STARTED VERY HOT and will most likely stay that way. It is the year leading up to the presidential election on the 24th and in these contexts passions tend to run high. Let's hope it goes well for all of us. Thank you for following us, for reading us, for joining us. In February we will be 20 years old. In spite of everything. Happy New Year.

Article published on January 08, 2023 in the 1041st edition of the weekly Ríodoce.



  1. Some scum will rise to the top and lead to be later skimmed away by the government, and so on, to start the process over.

    1. 6:03. True and some most in Los Chapitos case; and Corp America are born into leadership.

  2. By all means that money gonna keep flowing south and dope running north. It’s just too many factors than simple crime. It’s about the peso to dollar valuation, it’s about geography, it’s about a million other variables. But it’s set up to hold unless everything is legalized. Then if that ever happens heaven help us all.

    1. you are funny because legalization of all drugs is already happening.....

  3. Ovidio is at fault for the death of his daughter by helicopter shooters,didn't he knew that his dad always kept all the family away from him if any of you guys get in the game please keep your morritos away because your conscience is going to eat you alive

    1. His daughter didn't die dummy 😂

    2. Was that confirmed or is it just a rumor?

    3. His daughter didnt die and even if she did I put it on Ovidio. You cant be a cartel leader and move around with you family.

    4. 11:55 you're the dummy.
      Didn't you see the video of of the blood, in the girls bedroom bed, blood soaked Red. The Blackhawk mini gun, was firing from above.

  4. so what are the charges then!? cause before & after the first attempt he didn’t have any in mexico.! was it just a berrinche they had on their backs like it says here!?

    1. go to 0:34 what is the charge ??? Eating a meal ?

  5. People think that the brothers are in the Sierra where you can only get in by ATV but I think this operation shows that they are in rural communities not far from Culiacan and not far from major highways/roads because that's how the backup sicarios can come and help.

    After the incident in PV and Ovidio being 👀 in Mex City, I think they feel safest in Sinaloa and specifically near Culiacan, their base of power.

    That's my opinion.

    1. 7:40 they were not raised in the sierra, so been in la sierra for a week is like been in jail for them chaputitos, they will get caught cause they just cant lay low, they need that attention like his dad

    2. 7:40 I agree there are rumors that Ivan is really upset about the military moving on Ovidio when his family was there. Tells me maybe hes also is that stupid. He cant be in Culiacan anymore if he is hes going down.

    3. 6:44 it's ok for Ivan's cartel to murder people in front of their families but its not ok for one of his family members to be captured in front of other family members.
      Wow! Can't expect any less hypocrisy from them can we?

    4. 8:44 AM They pay those military good money!

    5. 10:52 they don't pay the U.S. who is the country asking for Ovidio enough.
      The U.S. does not give money directly to Mexico because of the corruption there but it does however give them millions in surplus military equipment aid in anything from guns to tanks and helicopters.
      Guess who sold out to the highest bidder this time?

    6. @6:41 Smart and accurate comment

  6. All these illegality of drugs evades the central question,why do people like putting things in their mouths,nose,veins,get some kind of headache and hallucinate.
    Policies are in favor of 10 dollars worth of drugs becomes 100 dollars or more in Europe,USA,Australia,etc.

    1. They say addiction is a disease , after a while the physical and psychological dependence happens, the damage to the body is permanent.

    2. I manage to quit crack and powder cocaine,occasional meth,and weed,although a few times a year I smoke weed.A lot of it is psychological,your viewpoint is just screwed,for this you gravitate towards drugs.
      Stopping watching TV,movies,stopping believing in religion,all these fantasy things ,helped,you become stronger and become more in touch with your brain,nerves,gut,will,nature,etc..
      Granted it was not heroin and injection,which could or is different.

    3. that's very simple to explain - drugs produce endorphins and neurochemicals which are produced by the human body/brain for various reasons, eg to provide satisfaction after eating food(dopamine/cocaine), or to relax after going for a run (opiates). drugs cause the same thing, but often more intense. so everyone is practically guaranteed to enjoy them if they ever experience them.

    4. Tweaker Hunters channel youtube explains addiction.

    5. 02:54 cocaine let’s people absorb more oxygen

    6. So what you guys are saying is there are no solutions.We have to accept the facts, people like neurochemicals and endorphins?

  7. Article published on January 08, 2023 The day my nephew was murdered in San Diego East Village.

    Ovidio was a rock on AMLO’s shoe. And even when Ivan is El Jefe Ovidio has some real power otherwise why so many people happened to be around him at all times. His dad didn’t had so much security around him like his sons.

  8. Regardless of what happened or who turned him in, the real reason is because him and the rest los chupas wanna act stupid with the government and they are ultimately the ones who are in charge and call the shots and they eventually get tired of their bs .... This is the government basically telling em they aint about shi- ....

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. They got him because he was moving alot of Feytnal

    1. Correct and thats why the others will go down. Its only a matter of time and all Guzmans will be property of the United States

  11. Should of been hiding in mountains egotistical ass wipe.

  12. El Cholo Ivan would have saved Ovidio

    1. Yea like he saved chapo the last time he got caught

  13. The US is playing it smart. First they used Mayos people to bury Chapo. Now I want to assume they will extradite Ovidio and maybe another one or two bros and use the same strategy to take out Mayo. Unless all this is above many peoples pay grade and the US/MX govt prefer to have Mayo running shit. Which i rly doubt due to the fact that Culiacan was a lot more violent when Chino had the plaza in Culiacan. But who knows whats being cooked up behind the scenes, we can only speculate. I honestly think its fucked up though how Mexico let this get out of control being that they could have easily eradicated these organizations when they were starting but preferred to turn a blind eye to further their own interests. Political Corruption at the highest levels has let these organizations become what they have and now they can’t control these beasts they helped create.

    1. The Mexican Government is in bed with all the cartels in this mega billion dollar business. The US Government is is bed with thousands of mega billion dollar business. Which is really more corrupt. And for sure drugs are a CIA finance tool. Cops are partners here also. Lawyers and judges are. The private prison industry is booming from Arizona to the Deep South. Our government doesn’t care if addicts die. If they did they would send them to treatment instead of prison.

    2. 3:17 "The Mexican Government is in bed with all the cartels in this mega billion dollar business", not like that anymore.

    3. @3:17 So true. The US civilian elected officials allowed the - now heroin demand to escalate over 20 years. I was Fed what in late 90s-2004 Vicodin by the US AFSOC to keep me armed and ready to be deployed and Pres Nixson started the drug war arms race that modern politicians still fund in return for political contributions.
      Is the US any more ethical or better representing its populace than 🇲🇽? I think we are one in the same but our laws influence the world and our drug dealers and arms dealers are technically w/in the laws our civilian Representatives write and sponsor - how copy?

  14. What I don’t understand is the narrative of Fentanyl this and that with Ovidio, and the Indictment I read on the DOJ website charging he and his brother Joaquin is for Conspiracy to Distribute 5kgs or more of Cocaine, 500 grams or more of Methamphetamine, and 1000 kgs of Marijuana for importation into the United States.

    So unless there is another Indictment that remains sealed, I’m really curious as to where those allegations transpired from? Or there documentation charging him for fentanyl that I have not found? I really doubt he controls the vast majority or plays that of a significant role in all the Fentanyl Production going on in Sinaloa and Mexico atm.

    1. It probably would be added to the first indictment, which is bare bones, typical, all that is needed for an arrest warrant and extradition. They also don't need to prove anything about fentanyl, or put it in an indictment, they can run with the original indictment.

      The fentanyl came from, I believe, the State Department 2021 release, which also pointed to him having ordered the killing of a singer who refused to play at his wedding.

      They probably have cooperating witnesses, and seizures, electronic intercepts

    2. What I posted stands, but that State Department wanted info doesn't say anything about fentanyl. They do mention 11 meth labs.

      It doesn't appear there is an original government public sourse for the fentanyl allegations, though I am sure he i does have hands in that. At least 1/3 of all the people working in Culiacan are running fentanyl labs.

  15. If any European country had a neighbour like Mexico it would be regime change and war

  16. I dont get why the cartels dont behave like the brazilian cali cartel back in the day they kept everything hidden and low key. If all cartels did that the govt would leave them be


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