Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Querobabi, Sonora: More Than 600 Kilos Of Dugs Confiscated

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Thanks to intelligence work carried out in coordination with the three levels of government, more than 600 kilograms of different narcotics were seized last Monday.

The drugs were seized in a tractor-trailer that came from Tecomán, Colima and was bound for Rosarito, Baja California, and was crewed by two people.

Mexican Army personnel and members of the National Guard, deployed at the Querobabi checkpoint, carried out a search of the unit by means of Full Scan gamma ray equipment, locating 577 plastic wrappers in the load being transported by the vehicle, which contained the drugs inside:

-573 thousand 740 doses of possible methamphetamine, weighing approximately 573 kilograms.

-714,975 tablets of possible fentanyl, weighing approximately 77 kilograms.

-1,390 doses of possible opium gum, weighing approximately one kilogram.

The narcotics, the detainees and the unit were handed over to the corresponding authorities.

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  1. I don't get the fentanyl bs they make enough money from other drugs why are they hell bent on bringing more DEA heat by selling it?

    1. Greed, demand and potential for addiction. The profit margin on it is unbelievable. From very little pure product it's possible to to make 1000 times more profit than conventional weight/volume. It makes sense right now it's what people are demanding, even if it's hurting everyone greed doesn't stop for any one

    2. I think the main reason being that they cracked down too hard on heroin (poppy farming). Plus with heroin you have to spend money on irrigation and cultivation and you need sunlight and more time (for the plants to actually grow).

      Also there’s this thing called the “iron law of prohibition” which means that in theory; the more law enforcement cracks down the more potent drugs become because they pack tighter and are easier to smuggle when they’re active in the microgram range. You don’t have to traffic metric tons of fentanyl like you do for cocaine or heroin.

    3. 5:31 Fent isn’t as addictive or as pleasurable as heroin or oxycodone though… I have to think that the only reason they’re so hellbent on pushing fentanyl specifically is merely because it packs tighter when smuggling. It has to be that… otherwise the cartels would almost certainly be producing other synthetics like oxy instead. Unless fentanyl is just so dramatically ‘easier’ to synthesize chemically but other than those two possible reasons, there’s no other reason that I could possibly conceive of. Unless cartels are just so stupid that when they hear something is “50 times more powerful than heroin“ they assume that that translates into euphoria/addiction ‘strength’ as well... Obviously it doesn’t but these people are not necessarily the brightest so maybe they really do believe that. Either way, then choosing to synthesize fentanyl instead of oxycodone is totally them shooting themselves in the foot. Complete self sabotage. Horrible for business.

    4. The heat is already there, when you are trafficking large sums of drugs… it’s all about profit and nothing else

    5. 2:06 But fentanyl is what gets congressional attention. It’s not the same

    6. 7:31 would a opiate addict prefer Heroin over Fent ?

  2. Who controls that plaza?

  3. Seems like drug seizures at all time high !!

    1. Almost always happens during an election year. But most of this shit is staged and done for public approval and support. Also. Crazy no Coke got busted. That’s too valuable for all parties involved to be confiscating and destroying.

    2. Yeah that whipped dope is cheap and easy to make. That coke has to come up from South America. It’s not an endless supply like the manufactured drugs. It’s called GREED. Sums it up.

    3. So is drug usage…

  4. Makes my eyes go wide with so many pipe loads sitting there.

  5. Saludos pa La Army y Guardia Nacional! 🇲🇽💚👊🏽🩸🎉🎉🎉🎉💪

  6. 701 Chapiza Bust?! Mees think Ovidio El Raton is already snitching on his brothers for extra ice cream and a congical visit

    1. He will roll 100% I just don't think it will happen in Mexico. But in the US he would testify against his father to save himself

  7. Allegedly they busted 6 armed camps of cds in sonora

    1. Hope they gave them the ol’ firing squad treatment right there on site. Scum isn’t a strong enough word.. CDS has turned their PR image completely lopsided. Now everyone hates them, especially the gringos.

  8. Opium gum? Yum 😋

  9. Is heroin ever gonna come back? I feel like I see it slightly more frequently in drug seizures lately but still have yet to see any in the streets. Now of course in places which are classic heroin markets like Seattle there will always be some degree of heroin, even in other states there will still inevitably be limited amounts of it but you must have to have rocksolid connections for it these days. Will people have to start going on the dark web for the real sought-after opioids? Have they already started? Are darknet markets even still a thing or did they all get shutdown? I can’t picture everyone just switching to something else like ketamine or Xanax, and average people won’t even consider trying bullshit like fentanyl. It seems like this is the single best way to crush the opioid demand market altogether… Just infect it with fentanyl and its crap analogues.

  10. 573 thousand 740 doses of possible methamphetamine, weighing approximately 573 kilograms. - There are 1,000 grams in a kilo. So a dose is a gram?

    1. Must be some bunk product

    2. Pretty much everyone that buys drugs get a gram..or 2 know..only crack heads buy lil $5 rocks.

    3. 1:15 A dose would still be considered no more than 0.1 grams for meth. One might take “2 doses” if they have a high tolerance but a gram, half gram, quarter gram are not single doses.


  12. It came from tecoman most likely cjng or los viagras crew.


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