Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, January 6, 2023

SEDENA Confirms 10 Soldiers & 19 Sicarios Killed in the Aftermath of Ovidio’s Capture

 “Socalj” for Borderland Beat

No civilians lost their lives during the operation to capture Ovidio Guzmán Lopez and the subsequent attacks by the Sinaloa Cartel faction.

At President AMLO's morning press conference, the first and primary topic of the day was the capture and subsequent violence following the arrest of Ovidio Guzman Lopez, "El Raton" the day prior. Statements from the President, Secretary of Security, and head of SEDENA were provided alongside details of the operation and resulting casualties and plans for security going forward.

"We are very sorry for the loss of life, of course, of those who lost their lives in the line of duty: soldiers and members of the Guard; and we also regret all the loss of life of the human beings who participated in these clashes yesterday," began President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at his morning press conference."

"And finally, to reiterate: we have not come to win a war, we have come to build peace," stated Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez.

Luis Crescencio Sandoval, Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) stated that during the early morning of January 5, 2023, a National Guard patrol was deployed to the north of the town of Jesús María, in the municipality of Culiacán, Sinaloa. The patrol detected 6 suspicious armored vehicles. It had been suspected through intel and surveillance that Ovidio had been operating in the area for at least the past 6 months. 

Following an attempt to stop and detain the men in the vehicles, they began to fire back. The attackers fled by entering a home in the town of Jesús María, where they continued shooting. The Army and National Guard soldiers responded to the attack, detaining 18 armed people, one of them identified himself as Ovidio.

As a result of the events, a considerable number of criminal cells managed to group together with the intention of rescuing Ovidio by attacking military personnel who were at the scene. Unfortunately, 7 soldiers lost their lives in the line of duty, and 9 were wounded there in Jesús María.

He confirmed the death of 10 soldiers and 35 soldiers were injured during the violent day that took place this Thursday in Sinaloa after the capture of Ovidio Guzmán, son of "El Chapo." There were also 19 deaths of cartel gunmen associated with the Sinaloa Cartel and 21 more were detained. Confiscated weapons including 26 Barrett rifles, 6 50-caliber machine guns, 26 long arms, two short arms, 111 chargers, 595 cartridges of different calibers, and bulletproof vests; 13 insured vehicles, 40 were disabled; and 26 of which were armored.

"Ten soldiers, unfortunately, lost their lives in the line of duty, in order to guarantee the safety of the citizens and the people of Sinaloa," he stated during the morning conference. 3,586 members of the Armed Forces participated in the capture and subsequent defense of facilities and cities during confrontations with cartel gunmen.

Narco Blockades & Retaliation

Narco blockades were set up across the state with confrontations starting at 5:30AM Thursday morning; almost an hour after Ovidio's capture. Cartel gunmen begin to block highways in Mazatlán and Escuinapa, as well as in Ahome, El Fuerte, and Choix; in Culiacán multiple confrontations were reported including the looting of stores. Federal Highway Mexico 15 there are blocked from north to south, and truck trailers and convenience stores are set on fire.

Attacks on military personnel took place in Culiacán and Escuinapa. The Governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya mentioned that there are no detainees from the Culiacanazo 2.0. There was one dead police officer and 27 were wounded. He stated that 4 paramedics were kidnapped to treat hitmen and were later released.

Two aircraft of the Mexican Air Force that participated in the operations had to make an emergency landing after being shot at by cartel gunmen on the ground. "There were other attacks on our aircraft, a personnel transport aircraft, while at the airport was attacked and a soldier was injured. Also, a civilian AeroMexico plane was shot at," stated Luis Crescencio Sandoval, Secretary of National Defense (Sedena). 

The violence began to subside in the evening, with any attempt to retrieve Ovidio from custody or force his release gone with his internment in federal prison in Mexico City. "There are no armed groups in Sinaloa, in blockades, which are already removing since yesterday all the cars that were set on fire and that they used to block the streets, practically in the entire city (of Culiacán)," he explained.

Increased Planning & Security Made the Recapture Successful

In 2019, Ovidio's arrest took place in the afternoon daylight, and the military wasn’t prepared for the aftermath. So they were reactionary. With this recent capture being part of a six-month operation and knowing what happened before. It looks like they prepared for the attacks that took place afterward.  The military, FGR, and police started setting up security at Altiplano 6 hours before he got there.   

The head of SEDENA explained that a helicopter extracted Ovidio in the town of Jesús María and transferred him to the Bachihualato Federal airport, where a military aircraft took him to Mexico City, to make him available to the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime Investigation (FENDO) and later transferred to the Almoloya prison. 

Ovidio at Altiplano No. 1 Prison

An armored decoy convoy left prior to Ovidio's transfer via the helicopter and two circular security perimeters had been set up surrounding the prison in case of a possible attack and escape attempt. He arrived at the prison around 6:00PM.

Starting at noon after the wave of violence unleashed in Culiacán and other cities by the capture of Ovidio Guzmán, the security elements began to assemble around the federal prison. Dozens of soldiers and police were deployed at strategic points in the area, all carrying assault weapons and aboard military-style armored vehicles. That perimeter security force was reinforced today with 1,000 additional elements from the Mexico Joint Task Force.

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  1. Replies
    1. That day was worse. During the TT shootout in 2010, over 100 people were killed. Sicarios from Valle Hermoso and Reynosa poured into Matamoros too. It was a bloodshed. But back in the day smart phones weren't as common so we don't have a lot of info. In the old BB forum, there were a few people from Matamoros/Bville who posted their experiences that day. Mike7, Browntown, MX, and others...

    2. Usually the aftermath when 2 High skill security forces clash 😱

  2. that's BS there's way more dead !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Where is all those special tier mossad.You said he was heavily guarded.

    2. Who is the images of those men behind that military man. They look nothing like Aztec. There's no cafesito in their midst other than than man in military clothes making a statement. Failed mission? This more than that. This is you brought it over here and couldn't grasp it for your own but mine are now in the own. You're gonna get the image of one sent long ago who's mission is at work. This is more than that.

  4. Im pretty sure more sicarios died.. question tho why is Ovidio on the radar more than Ivan? Is he more important in the organization?

    1. The government works there way up from the bottom. El Raton will live up to his name.

    2. First attempt at his arrest embarrased the government .. made them look like a failed state . He had to become a priority . No other way around it .

    3. Don’t be surprised if MX and his own half-brothers gave him up. Cause once the feds/mil have the green light to come at you, you need to play a bit or all of them go

    4. This clown took after his father and bragged in his corrido about his escape the last time. Dumbasses don’t know how to lay low.

    5. @4:06 I was just thinking about the nexus in that city and state and how contact tracing could really fill in the questions authorities have. An example "Jane" is caught in California her cellphone has data that can be traced to a border town. Authorities ask for records on a subject. Authorities share information and discover they are both looking for the same subject that has been in contact with "John" at a port. Neither John or Jane want to give up "X" once authorities identify X they find his nexus and their nexus etc... Till it gets to some one with carte blanche
      @4:34 I stopped listening to those embellished verses a while back. You're right to infer that stepping away from the spotlight would have been good strategy.

    6. El Benny, probably but the number of marina that were killed is high. Sicarios run from the marina but to have that many dead is crazy.

    7. 3:13:
      I agree that Ivan is most likely the Chapito calling the shots. I believe that they went after Ovidio because they were embarrassed by the Culiacanazo.

      Five soldiers were killed in the confrontation during the capture of Ovidio and five were killed in an ambush in Esquinapa.
      The number of soldiers and sicarios killed is because of the ferocity of the fight. I believe that there were some civilian casualties as well that they are not mentioning.
      These are brave soldiers that are taking on these cartels and everyone needs to appreciate the incredible sacrifices that they are making to bring peace to Mexico.
      D.E.P. brave Mexican soldiers.

  5. All for Biden’s trophy

    1. Nah.. the real trophy here goes to entire team at BB.

      Congrats to everyone for not just being on it, but more informative than any other news outlet or website!

    2. I couldn't agree more BB is the best...watching from the UK

  6. Mexico was better off snaching him in 2019 when they had him, lost of military life would of been less.

    1. 03:15 the military didn't capture him (Guzman) in 2019 because the Chapitos wanted to kill all their neighbors, peepaw, memaw, mom, and the dog... And paid sicarios from all over Mexico to shoot the police army marina

      The Gobierno did nice job here minimum loss for Citizens of Mexico so far....

  7. 40 soldiers actually died

    1. 3:17 let me guess, you heard it in a corrido?

    2. I don't know how many soilders died, but on Twitter Jesus Maria , a convey of sicarios got eviscerated probably 40 dudes.

  8. There no one country in the world that have soo many organized crime activity like Mexico,and soo many gangland killings

    1. Lol! Organize crime doesnt mean shooting and all the bs .. that is not organize

    2. 6:11 In what world is this not organized crime?

  9. “Ten soldiers died to secure the safety of the people of Sinaloa” what a fukn joke. This isn’t going to change anything in regards to the drug trade. Also Culiacan is a lot safer than Chicago tbh. And detroit. Cincinnati. Philadelphia.

    1. Don’t forget the long-time running champ; St. Louis, or the often underrated — and unfortunate — cesspools out in Cali… like Fresno or Stockton 🤕🤢🥴☠️

    2. The USA cities tou mentioned are crime infested shitholes no doubt. First thing is nobody knows the true crime stats of culican or Chicago for that matter culican for lack of ability, corruption, or fear-Chicago for political reasons. The question everybody needs to ask themselves is when the list the kill count every weekend in Chicago why don’t they say who is getting killed and who is doin the killing. “Gun violence” is pathetic liberal racist code for black in black murder. Every one of those cities you mentioned well over 80% of all murders are committed by black males 14-40 years old. FBI says 98% of all black murder victims are murdered by other black males. NOT the mythical White supremacists fraud joe says is the real threat. What’s the impunity % for rape, kidnapping, murder in culican? Even Chicago has a 40% murder clearance rate and that’s extremely low for USA. Like it or not hate it or not until every single cartel scum is decimated by the USA special forces or marines where many innocents will die, the Mexican on Mexican genocide will not stop.

    3. Well spoken. There is a Mexican genocide but for the same reasons in Chicago nobody gives a fuck, especially if it's Mexican on Mexican

      I just think that El Raton 🐁 Ovidio is definitely going to start snitching like his papa did.... So no more cocaine or heroin for rats.....

      There will be more murders. I'm not Asian but I think that the police being executed maybe some military SEDENA etc are or were "on the take" in the rats pouch 👝 as they say in Texas, is horrible and maybe some were paid for info failed to deliver and got murdered as a reprecussin

      However this is pure speculation. Maybe CDS isn't honorable and they're killing innocent police military local residents Guatemalan migrants on the way to pick grass in Redford

    4. 03:22 hey whatchu know bout dat homie???

      I beez in tha D, Chiraq, Philly and ATL 💚🔫🔫🔫

    5. 6:22 ive lived in cincy and stayed in Pontiac for a while. Live in Culiacan and Guadalajara off and on. And At least where I be staying at in Culiacan Ive left my car outside with keys inside when Theres no room in the garage anymore and no one has ever stole it. Walked around late at night and never had any issues. Left to maza and left my front door open and cane back two days later and no one went inside. Maybe its luck. But to me its culiacan is full of a bunch of alucines tbh. As long as u mind ur own business ur good. That works almost everywhere tho. Im also 40 and ganged banged my whole life. And did 15 years in the feds. So idk to me Culiacan is nothing but a bunch of bars and restaurants with mfs wearing tight ass jeans hugo boss shirt and now they rock jordan 1s which looks weird af with their clothes but to each its own. Just a bunch of dudes wearing literally the same outfit with a man purse. They could be doctors engineers teachers or a cashier at oxxo they all dress up the same. That shit is funny ngl. And they all think they the shit, other than that, fine bitches galore.

    6. 7:09 you don’t live in culiacan mentiroso

  10. A victory for ordinary people.

  11. Chapitos sicarios tried doing what menchos sicarios did in jalisco but I dont think his security is nowhere near as effective.
    There's stories of mencho escaping many attempts to capture him and how skilled and effective his security team is.

    M3ncho is onother level of ruthlessness though.
    I wonder if they will ever catch him or kill him.
    It's inevitable, he will be an example for the gringos to act like the war on drugs is going good.
    We all know the truth though. They can catch mencho, mayo or all chapitos but the flow of drugs will not get interrupted

    1. Mencho might have more experience but there’s always some one better or bigger . In Menchos case it’s el Mayo . And in el Mayo case its most likely a politician who we know know nothing about .. runs things behind the scenes . There’s levels to everything.

    2. Wtf you talking about mencho died awhile back

    3. 4:24 just like chapo and Mayo were dead cause no new pics of them came out in years. Give your head a shake

    4. 4:20 of course there is levels and as far as mench being more ruthless, he is and even more than mayo.
      Mayo now is playing on mencho's terms because of his level of ruthlessness. His cartel has been on a different level and it showed when he created the mata-zetas. He went to their plazas while everyone including mayo were avoiding them.
      At the end of the day they can all get killed or captured because they both are not the main cartel heads of the drug game. Those people are way behind the scenes. The only way, or reason they capture Mexican capos is to brain wash the masses that there's a war on drugs. Haha

    5. What do you mean a different level of ruthlessness ?? there is nothing CJNG has done that other cartels haven’t done before or that Mayo hasn’t faced against. Did you forget CDS created the mata zetas not CJNG yes Mayo was at war with Zetas and zetas were ruthless and at the end Mayo still came out on top. You give Mencho too much credit his cartel is Zetas 2.0 nothing new they expand quickly all throughout using sheer violence just like zetas and when there leader dies the whole cartel is practically in trouble of disappearing.

    6. Cjng is not even a real cartel they are just a bunch os sicarios

    7. 6:24 now mayo created mata zetas? Hahaha
      You cds groupies are hilarious..
      It was mencho who created the mata zetas dint lie through your teeth boy, you sound stupid

    8. Sorry to burst your bubble guys but no other capo has done what mencho has, he is on another level, perfect smarts mixed with ruthlesness, i have to say the no one can top Lazca on the violence department but mencho is way smarter than Lazca and more violent than MZ, a cartel cant spand as fast and stay on top as CJNG has just by having killers, you have to have a perfect balance and Mencho has found it 😉

    9. 6:53 Chill snitchloas

    10. 7:39 u right for the other Groupies don’t forget Mencho Knock down couple helicopters

    11. 7;39
      Mencho esta muerto mijo.

    12. Mayo is The Godfather

    13. Jaliscas kill kids with their parents and post it on videos so sick fucks can watch. Mencha is lower than even lazcano and that human excrement el z40 whom killed elderly women for their properties. If mexico went after the jaliscas and the cuinis and the cdn and destroy them. Lock up not just the bosses but all their plaza bosses mexico wld be better just like that.

    14. And Mencho got to Chapo’s kids, just to show his flex

    15. Mencho was head of sicarios for El Barbas and El Barbas worked for Chapo and Mayo at the time. Sinaloa funded Mencho to start mata zetas.

    16. 1:27 incorrect los cuinis funded CJNG. CDS and Milenio aka CJNG formed an alliance for a moment because they had a enemy in common. It was a alliance nothing more nothing less

    17. @1:27 - Nacho Coronel not Arturo

    18. 1:27 you have no clue of what your saying boy 😂

    19. 11:10 no it wouldn't, the snitchaloas will go inn after no competition and set up shop. They would start killing priest, make curfews, kidnap and kill pretty women and flood the location with fentynil and cheap pills and sell it to the little boys and girls 💊
      They are all pieces of shit.

      6:27 Mencho showed the world snitchaloas are not untouchable like they claim in their fantasy music 🎶 hahaha
      Yes, cjng has corridos but look at the difference. They don't brag how they are the most powerful and can defy gravity and bla bla bla

  12. Jesus Mariscal, aka. "El Padrino", Los Chapiza leader in Los Angeles has been reported missing.

    1. i notice on other bb article you keep ratting him out.

    2. Can we get more info on this guy? Thought “el mago” was the chapitos guy over there

    3. Puro mitote con los Sinaloas, en la tribu ahi mas Jefes que indios, if you know what i mean

    4. Reported missing by who? Where is info on this jesus mariscal

  13. Someone on this site called Amlo a moreno. Can you guys believe that?
    It still fkn baffles me.

  14. El del sombrero puso a ovidio , osea que ya valio madre en cds se va a dividir.

    1. Será verdad ?

    2. No ande con mamadas… cada vez que caí un cabron dormido empiezan con sus rumores. La verdad es que cada vez que viene un presidente gabacho hacen un operativo para casar venados grandes para negociar mas feria de los gabachos. Los políticos no tienen vergüenza gabachos ni mexicanos.

    3. What a stupid ass thing to say. Why the fuck el mayo wld set up this punk ass kid? What wld el mayo gain from getting the kid arrested? Fucking chapos kids snitch on themselves on social media. They were on this punk for months. If the rest of this idiots brothers got any common sense theyre doing what mayo does. No phones and move into the sierra like fucking hermits.

    4. @11:03. Why you mad bro? 😂😂😂 relax keyboard warrior

  15. Amlo had no other choice but to capture chapito because his big daddy "sleepy joe" was about to touch base.
    Just like when they captured his dad "El chapo", Obama was about to go to Mexico right around that time.
    If both governments really wanted to stop drug trafficking they would.. as easy as 1 2 3

    1. Drug trafficking will never stop... It employs too many people.. prison guards,lawyers, parole officer,the list is endless

    2. Drug trafficking will never stop but the asshole chapos son career as a drug trafficker stopped for shit sure

    3. Grampa Obrador wants to continue getting yearly aid from USA. His cabinet told him to make the move.
      Once bribes stop coming from cjng, they to will be raked up.

    4. Amlo gets money from cartels and the US too, but when they need a trophy, AMLO better get it or else..

  16. Hola, Buenas tardes! Mi Gente es activado y preparando para guerra 👊🏾👌🏽💯🇲🇽🏳️‍🌈🌵

  17. Too bad it was only 10 soldiers

    1. 6:35 10 scumbags less that nobody will miss.... too bad it's only 10 😞😔😞😔

  18. Raton Special Forces and the Mob of El Raton were unable to save him.

    1. Raton Special Forces got caught taking some zzzzz's

  19. Now multiply that number by 2 or 3 and that's the real number

  20. Well written article socalj

    Are these numbers real? I know AMLO says they are but he lies often. I think they are higher

  21. Y las 4 letras reorganizandose para meterseles a culiacan segun ta reportando pinche pedoiiilkkmmm?m

  22. Good analysis here for those of you who can read at a high-school level

  23. If those guys can hire hitmen why can't they hire medical personnel to treat their wounded? No common sense or too stinchy to pay.while theyake all the money in the world and they dress like bums at. Least dress casual if they know what that means and that goes for everyone.

  24. El Gordo has secured his stay in the USA

  25. The US knows where mencho is too. Will mexico let them take him out is the question.

  26. When a boss gets captured the cartel members throw a temper tantrum like a bunch of spoiled brats.

  27. It was great to see the video, where the military Blackhawk was used, to fire the machine gun, on the Cartel safehouse killing all those Sicarios.


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