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Friday, January 13, 2023

Sinaloa State Policeman Angel Rivera was Reportedly Mistakenly Killed by Mexican Military During Culiacanazo 2.0

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

His name is Ángel Eduardo Rivera Mondaca and he was killed by gunfire from a Sedena helicopter.

"He's pulling at us, he's pulling at us!" shouts over the radio warning of an attack. It's a friendly fire. “The idiot is shooting at us, C4.” The voice is that of the Undersecretary of Security, Carlos Alberto Hernández Leyva, who led a group of State Police in La Campana, Jesús María, Sinaloa. 

A second voice alerted on the radio the same thing and then again that of Hernández Leyva. “They are shooting at us here in La Campana, C4”. In the headquarters of the Command, Control, Communications, Computing, and Intelligence Center (C4I), they are told that they are trying to communicate with the headquarters.

But it was too late. The young State Police agent died in the attack.

The operation by the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) in coordination with the National Guard (GN) and the Attorney General's Office was the capture of Ovidio "El Raton" Guzman Lopez of Los Chapitos/CDS in Jesús María, Sinaloa. The Secretary of State Public Security confirmed the death of agent Ángel Eduardo Rivera Mondaca, "who lost his life in the line of duty."

Angel became a policeman just two years ago.

Rivera Mondaca was part of the elite group that escorted Undersecretary Hernández Leyva. He had graduated from the Academy of the then-State Institute of Criminal Sciences of the State of Sinaloa (INECIPE) with honors just two years ago. 

"This agent was wounded and killed by an error [in firing from a] Sedena helicopter," reveals a source.

"The military are suspects in the policeman's death and no one will investigate, they only say collateral damage," explains a police officer, who requested anonymity.

Another source from the institution points out that the only people injured and killed in the State Police were shot by that helicopter. "If it hadn't been for that mistake, the guys [army] comes out clean," he says.

Two agents were transferred to Hospital Ángeles to be treated, but Rivera Mondaca's injuries were too severe to be saved, and just before 2:00PM on Friday, January 6, the Security Secretary, Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo, announced the news of his death.

"We deeply regret the death of the member of the State Preventive Police, Ángel Eduardo Rivera Mondaca, who lost his life in the line of duty, as well as the rest of the state police officers who were injured and fallen elements of the federal forces," he wrote.

But what the Secretary omitted was who caused his death.

At the start of his weekly press conference, Rubén Rocha Moya expressed his condolences to the family of Ángel Eduardo Rivera Mondaca. He asserted that he will be very attentive to the children and the family, and emphasized that they will receive compensation.

"First of all, I want to express my condolences to the family of police officer Ángel Rivera Mondaca from the city of Los Mochis, a state police officer killed in Thursday's operation," he stressed.


  1. This war you can’t and never will be able to tell who’s who !!

  2. Well at least they did not to a cover up.
    They could have scapegoated a cartel member killed him.

    1. They haven’t admitted it was friendly fire. Just that he was killed in the line of duty.

  3. Collateral damage sucks, but it’s part of war.

    1. I wouldn’t even consider it collateral damage… sounds pretty damn deliberate what happened and it sure as hell calls for an investigation…


    2. There will not be an investigation. It’ll just be seen as an accidental shooting, unfortunately

    3. I always wonder what the morale is like for the marina and military overall in MX… it can’t be good, sucks

    4. 11:31 Not in a properly planned and coordinated mission. My military unit did hundreds of missions with joint participation and there was not a single friendly fire injury or casualty. As long as this mission was being executed and planned they should have not happened.

    5. 10:52 Was successful thank to proper coordination. And estate agencies in Sinaloa aren't precisely "friends" of federal government. dont think was an accident, mostly neutralizing them to avoid them to help Ovidio in some way, just like they used to for decades.

  4. What was State Police doing patrolling Jesus Maria at exactly the same time the raid occurred? State police was left out of the operation and not told about it, yet they are there when it occurred? I’ve seen some claims that State Police was firing on the helicopter, then when the helicopter would return fire the State Police would cry out friendly fire, then the State Police would go back to shooting at the helicopter.

    1. In fact, even Sinaloa governor wasnt informed.

    2. Could be the State Police was on the payroll to protect Olividio, from anything.

    3. @1:02 I think that was what happened. State Police had a few units and the sub-director patrolling around Ovidio’s location as part of the security circle. I can’t believe State Police just happened to be at Ovidio’s location when the raid occurred.

    4. 11:34 trying to start rumors. The state police participated in the raid. D.E.P. brave policeman.

    5. They said there was some state police participation from the get go what you talking about

    6. This article doesn’t state why he was there. We don’t know if he was part of the operation or there when they raided

  5. Interesting policeman killed by Mexican Military by mistake in Sinaloa.

  6. Ovidio paid the state for protection that’s why he was there at HIS house everyone knew of….the state police 👮🏻‍♂️ were protecting him at all times that’s why they were not informed of the operation…the combat plane Shooting at them has technology that can pinpoint enemy fire locations it was probably autonomous..could have even been a drone who really knows…it is well know by everyone in Sinaloa that most local police are on the payrolls of cartels..this is a must for location security and operations..this operation was all federal..state police could have gotten involved after Ovidio was secured..

  7. Did Grisella pay for that funeral too?

    1. No, but paid population for their damaged cars up to 10,000 USD per car.

    2. 12:05 Esa ni tu te la crees

    3. 1:05 Salio comunicado oficial por parte del Gobierno del Estado de Sinaloa, y lo puedes corroborar, Tontin.

    4. 4:10 🤣🤣 y que quieres que le agamos una fiesta? La canonisamos? Perdon esta señora es mas viegen que la virguen 😂 asi de mal se a de sentir por engendran una pinche rata

    5. 1:24 Nada tontin, solo puntualizando los hechos. Ponte listito.

  8. It is sad to see this loses especially by friendly fire. RIP.

    1. no fue fuego amigo, la policia estatal protege al crimen organizado en Sinaloa...

  9. An audio exists of the radio transmission where you can hear the minigun firing

  10. I saw footage of a plane that day…was it legit? Did Mexican navy actually have planes fighting?

  11. As long as everyone bows down to America. Its supposed to be ok. We are the biggest crooks in the world.

    1. Already in America, they werent sent to Europe, Africa or Asia.

  12. He might have been working for the cartel but it just wasn't linked .

    1. Governor, state and local authorities are on the payroll of CDS. For a reason governor wasnt informed about the operation.

  13. When a cartel member gets killed the fam gets some feria well some do so it’s only right the f’n government give his family some paper! Nuff Said!!

  14. Mexican armed forces are a motherfucking joke. 😂😂😂

    1. 6:32:
      SEDENA and SEMAR are kicking cartel's ass.

    2. @Detroit the Mexican Marina and Army ain’t no joke. Don’t fuck with La gobierno de Mexico 🇲🇽


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