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Friday, January 20, 2023

Teocaltiche, Jalisco: Military And CJNG Assassins Clashed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In Teocaltiche, Jalisco this morning a shooting woke up its inhabitants. The confrontation took place between CJNG assassins and Mexican Army troops. The CJNG members abandoned two monster trucks.

They secured a monster and there were blockades

The blockades took place in Encarnación de Díaz. Photo: Courtesy of the Secretary of Public Security of the State.

Military personnel and a group of organized crime groups clashed in the municipality of Teocaltiche, in the Altos Norte region. The exchange of gunfire lasted almost half an hour and later there were blockades in Encarnacion de Diaz.

The confrontation occurred around 4:00 am, at the intersection of Benito Juarez and Juan Pablo II in the Juarez neighborhood of Teocaltiche, near a supermarket. At that location, members of the National Defense Secretariat were patrolling when they came across a convoy of alleged members of organized crime.

One of the vehicles was modified, black in color and had handmade armor. For more than 20 minutes the residents heard gunshots, they decided to take shelter in their homes.

After the confrontation, the Mexican Army confirmed that the modified vehicle with homemade armor, which bore the CJNG initials, as well as a .40 caliber grenade and shell casings of different calibers, were secured.

Following the exchange of gunfire, state police from the State Public Security Secretariat found in the neighboring municipality of Encarnacion de Diaz, two vehicles with gunshot holes, obstructing the road from Encarnacion de Diaz to San Juan de los Lagos.

The first of the vehicles is a silver 2013 GMC Yukon truck with Federal District license plates and armor plating.

The second vehicle is a  tan 2007 Honda CRV with Aguascalientes license plates, which upon inspection in the database was found to have a theft report dated January 3 of this year.

The vehicles were immediately removed and the traffic was restored. No injured or deceased persons were found at the scene.

Other confrontations in the area

Last Monday, May 16, 2022, elements of the National Guard and armed subjects had a confrontation for more than two hours in the mountainous zone of the municipality of Teocaltiche. Casualties were four dead: three members of the National Guard and one assailant.

That same day, around 3:00 p.m., a confrontation took place between armed individuals and municipal police of Villa Hidalgo and members of the National Guard in the community of La Huerta, about 8 kilometers from the state border with Aguascalientes, with no injuries or arrests.

On June 20, 2022, armed subjects on board a pickup truck attacked with gunfire elements of the Teocaltiche municipal police at the crossroads located in Tenayuca and Huejotitán, in the Zacatecas territorial limits, in the aggression one of the officers was injured.

On June 8, 2022, there was a confrontation between agents of the State Prosecutor's Office and armed subjects, which ended with two dead assailants, in the municipality of Encarnacion de Diaz.

El Occidental  Dominio Publico  Dominio Público


  1. That’s by my parents house. Don Mario’s people used to control many of the surrounding areas but seem to to only be hanging onto Teocaltiche, Villa Hidalgo, and Encarnación de Díaz. I think they might be in Aguascalientes. Don Mario was good friends with Chapo. Don Mario jr is cool with IAG and used to date one of his cousins. It’s weird news places link this group to Nueva Plaza because I’ve never heard any locals make this association. There are a lot of posters of missing people from surrounding ranchos posted in the plaza. Rumors are CJNG is forcibly recruiting. People from Teocaltiche and Nochistlán are nervous about traveling back and forth between these two places. It’s a shame because these are two places I love visiting. Good birria in Nochistlán.

    1. I don’t think Mario Gonzalez is CNP, but the reports are that Mario’s group is allied with CNP. Just like Mario’s group is allied with El 30 de Aguascalientes’ group. There was a rumor of “La Nueva Resistencia” made up of CNP, Mario Gonzalez, El 30, El Aguila Beltran, and El Pilo.

    2. 6:22:
      Thanks for the info. Any updates will be gratefully appreciated.

  2. So what, a big shot was in the area thus the heavy response? Or moving the monsters?

    1. 6:56 Maybe a disposable big shot with a month to year shelf life as plaza jefe but not a challenge to replace bigshot given the homemade armor and criminal response (of course there were likely criminal deaths picked up); but I digress...I suspect it was either 1) an accidental NG passing of convoy where someone got trigger happy or 2) NG trying to bite off more than the local plaza chief is willing to pay.

  3. Las jaliscas estan agarrando vergasos por todos lados

  4. I'm not sure where Junior lives, but Senior had a rancho in Teocaltiche. His rancho was famous. This is in the very heart of CDS territory in the area. All of the operators twenty years ago seemed to be aligned with Senior if they weren't independent.
    I don't know much about Junior. Little was heard about him until Senior's death. I do know that it was incredibly calm when Senior was alive. A very nice area. After senior's death it became incredibly violent. They killed the chief of police in Mexti, busted a bunch of meth labs, etc.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 6:54:
      I never said anything about a cartel plaza being nice. Stop being delusional.

    3. Detroit, don't mind the morons. They tend to run their mouths a lot 'anonymously'. That in itself should give you an idea of how cowardly they actually are.

    4. Yeah I'm seeing the difference already 🤣

    5. 8:37 the post are "anonymous" publicly but internally through the timestamps Google captcha and through the ip trackers it's de anonymized internally. It's simple, it's PsyOps :) I know that you know that I know that I know that you know that I know :) but you don't know what I know ;) todavia hay muchas guardadas 😶

  5. Sol, dos abogados were kidnapped and tortured in Nuevo León. They were found dead en el ejido San Jose entre Linares y Montemorelos. Simon Pedro de la Rosa Hernández y Jair Obed Santoyo Resendiz, originarios de Linares y Monterrey.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. CNJG try to take over Teocaltiche in a 2007 Honda CRV and failed. CJNG have yet to take over any city or state, they share everything.

    1. 2007? Cjng broke from CDM in 2010, what are you talking about

    2. Just like every cartel dumie!
      Tell me what state cartel de snitchaloa has full control?

    3. 11:21 CJNG is CDM

    4. @12:06 CDS has full control of the state of Durango . As a matter of fact most of the people in Culiacán originally came from the Sierra madre of Durango who went down to the city .

    5. There's other cartels in Gomez Palacio

    6. 9:11 nice to know cause in Durango theres a ton of young girls who go missing and no body reports them, now i know why and who is doing it

  8. Every one saying CDS is deep in Zacatecas doesn't know that Zacatecas is a cross point with very different topology. There have always been players there. La compania at one point built a strong hold there. Only people that came to kick them out was CDG, it's no man's land right now. CNG might be the only ones trying to take it but doesn't look good for either side.

    1. Yeah if you go over to reddit Zacatecas is 100% CDS.

    2. Lol we all know Zacatecas is 50% CDS since there no CJNG in the North of Zacate & Durango easily took over those areas. They then flipped Talibanes & allied with CDN to fight CJNG

  9. Any word on G1 getting caught in Durango? He was The boss in Durango

  10. Capturaron ase unas horas al G1 operador financial clave de los Cabrera Sarabia en Durango ...operador international segun la DEA

  11. Don't know if anyone's on this story yet, but here it is:

  12. Onother plaza taken from the snitchaloas

  13. Teocaltiche is a beautiful town. I haven't been there in 20 years. I was hoping the cartels wouldn't infest that town

    1. The whole area is a nice area. Very nice people in the ranchos. About 12 years ago, the Mexican government named Nochistlan a Pueblo Magico and tried to promote tourism there.
      Mario Gonzales Sr. has a rancho just outside of Teocal. Things were quiet when Mario Sr. ran the show. Unfortunately, he died about 15 years ago and that's when all of the violence started. Some of the local families involved in drug smuggling are responsible for some of the violence. Then there were incursions by the Golf Cartel and the Zetas. Currently, the fighting is primarily between CDS and CJNG.

    2. I believe I saw Mario’s ranch on the outskirts of Teocaltiche. My then-boyfriend was from Teocaltiche and he told me somebody that owned car dealerships in California lived there. I've seen armed personnel on the grounds of that ranch but I was told they were security. When I was there the Federales came in the town taking residents possessions and money. They were all calling each other letting residents know they were there. It's still one of the most beautiful places I've been traveling.


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