Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Tepetongo, Zacatecas: 4 Bodies Found In A Clandestine Grave

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The National Registry of Missing and Unaccounted for Persons of the Ministry of the Interior reports more than 110,000 missing persons in Mexico.

Grave found in Mexico with possible corpses

The Mexican National Guard found on Thursday four bodies in a clandestine grave in the state of Zacatecas that presumably belong to the four young individuals, one of them a U.S. citizen, who disappeared on December 25 in the border between Zacatecas and Jalisco.

The Zacatecas Attorney General's Office informed in a press release of the discovery of an "irregular burial zone" with human bodies and other evidence in the ranch "Monte de la Presa Vieja", in the municipality of Tepetongo, near where the four young people from Jalisco last communicated with each other.

"The preliminary analysis of forensic anthropology shows that they could be at least four different victims, three females and one male; for the moment they remain unidentified since it will be necessary to carry out a confrontation of genetic profiles to determine their identity", the text deepened.

The prosecutor's office had notified on Tuesday that the National Guard and the Army found the truck in which the young people were traveling in the community "El Cuidado", close to the ranch where the grave is located.

Next to the vehicle they found another in whose trunk was the body of a person between 20 and 25 years old wearing a tactical uniform.

Daniela Márquez Pichardo, 31 years old; her fiancé José Melesio Gutiérrez Farias, 36 years old; her sister Viviana Márquez Pichardo, 26 years old, and her cousin Irma Paola Vargas Montoya, 27 years old, disappeared on Christmas in the town of Víboras, municipality of Tepetongo, near the border with Jalisco.

Melesio Gutiérrez, a U.S. citizen and resident of the state of Ohio, had traveled to Colotlán, in northern Jalisco, on December 23 to spend the Christmas holidays with his fiancée.

The group decided to go on a trip to the town of Jerez, Zacatecas, on December 25; upon their return they communicated with their relatives for the last time while they were driving on Federal Highway 23, near Víboras, and then they were never heard from again.

At the same time, the Government of Jalisco informed that after intervening the municipal police of Colotlán and Villa Guerrero they found that some elements were carrying weapons that were not registered, besides the fact that the commissioners of both corporations did not show up and have not been located.

The border zone between Jeréz and Colotlán has been the scene of armed confrontations between organized crime groups during 2022 and there have also been reports of other disappearances.

The Interior Ministry's National Registry of Disappeared and Missing Persons (RNPDNO) reports more than 110,000 missing persons in Mexico.

Jalisco is the state with the highest number of cases, with 15,043 as of January 18, followed by Tamaulipas, with 12,471, and the State of Mexico, with 11,884 cases. Zacatecas has 3,363 cases. EFE

MVS Noticias Borderland Beat Archives  Jose Diaz

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  1. Who ever has the most presences in that area are 100% responsible for these murders

  2. Most likely CJNG they own most of Zacatecas

    1. Jajajajja 🤣🤣🤣

    2. They own the southern parts for sure where these young people were stopped. Idk about most of the state

    3. Jerez and Tepetongo is currently run by CDS. CJNG controls outside Tepetongo headed to Jalisco.

    4. The got kidnapped in viboras maybe they did it in a tactic to calentar la plaza?

    5. 10:15 is right they've been this state for a while,

    6. Lol Jeréz & Tepetongo are still in dispute. If you say CDS is tuning Tepetongo that means they killed this 4 ppl

  3. Actually cjng doesn’t control Zacatecas,

  4. I want to know how where they found?

  5. Good work by the FGE of Zacatecas and Jalisco. Law enforcement capacity is slowly improving in Mexico.

  6. Last February 4 students the same situation were picked up by a group with help of authorities same as these group of people in tepetongo. the same criminal organization making big headlines in Zacatecas once again messing with innocent people

    1. Bola de lacras ocupan hacer una limpia el pueblo ya está cansado

    2. 6:21 ya an desaparecido y matado a medio zacatecas esos lacras. Cuando se va levantar en armas la gente que queda en el estado si todo la gente de bien se revolta y se apuntan como la autoridad no podran aser nada el gobierno de mierda de zacatecas que no cuida ala gente. Toda la gente que an matado de okis podra ver sido defensor del estado y mejor aver morido con honor peleando al mal. Seguiran matando a gente inocente en zacatecas que estamos esperando para ser futuras vicitimas

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Pure evil, RIP to the victims and condolences to their families.

  9. Complete bs. What excuse do they have to murder innocent people. Pathetic government. Make pistols legal for civilians

    1. What is a Pistol going to do when the sicarios pull up in 5 or 10 trucks with 6 people in each holding Ks and a SAW? Use it for suicide ?

    2. You’re right. Expand on the right and allow rifles.

  10. Thank you for covering this. My family is from Colotlán. It’s sad to see what’s happening in my hometown. Viviana was a local known makeup artist. Please drop the jealous boyfriend theory. RIP Vivi 🙏🏼

  11. Never hear of rape, only of death & mutilation as if "we would never rape anyone, after all, we're not uncivilized animals you know!"

  12. The U.S. Consulate has confirmed that the 3 female bodies are the 3 women who disappeared. The male hasn't been identified yet but is most likely the U.S. citizen from Ohio.


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