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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Opinion: A Bloody Failure

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Sickened by all the filth that was made public in the New York court and sickened by all the filth that was deliberately hidden from the jury and from the people in the United States who followed the trial in Mexico, I arrive - as a spectator from a distance - at the end, or almost so, of the trial against Genaro García Luna.

Washington could not, its prosecutors could not, the U.S. media could not look in the mirror. They did not want to recognize the bloody failure of their anti-drug strategy in order to survive as a nation.

They did not have the honesty, the courage and the intelligence to accept that both the criminals who testified against García Luna and the "supercop" who has been in prison for three years, are nothing more than their front men, their servants, the scum that this world power needs to function.

A servant of Washington was Vicente Fox, who first abdicated to the mass media and then graciously ceded national territory to criminal organizations.

Executor of the extermination orders and servant of Washington was also Felipe Calderón, in whose six-year term and thanks to the war he imposed on us, the drug cartels multiplied, grew, consolidated themselves as powerful multinational companies and became a bloodthirsty fighting force.

These two PAN members were and are scum; a traitor to democracy and a traitor to the homeland. A democratically elected president and a usurper; both responsible for the rise -and enrichment- of García Luna. As scum of the empire, so is Enrique Peña Nieto, who simply continued the slaughter.

The prosecutors failed, the defense lawyers failed, the judge failed, the U.S. justice failed; they failed the citizens of that country who are dying in droves from the fentanyl plague or saturate the largest and most populated prison system in history.

Not a single English surname was mentioned. Nothing was said about those who paid those three billion dollars a month to the cartels for their merchandise. Of those who ran the warehouses where hundreds of tons of drugs were stored. Of the police and judicial protection required by this gigantic and complex criminal operation.

The justice of the United States failed us Latin Americans who have lost, in these 37 years of war against drugs, millions of compatriots. What a long war, so unfair, so devastating, so dirty!

So useless!

Garcia Luna's fate is sealed. The jury will decide his fate. They may condemn him, acquit him, or make a pact with him. One more foreigner will have been judged. As before were the Irish, the Italians, the Afro-Americans, the Russians, the Colombians and today it is the turn of the capos and the corrupt of Mexico.

Once again, as Carlos Fuentes said, the Americans will try to kill Moby Dick; that mythical monster that, outside their borders, threatens them and that, outside their borders, they shoot, bomb and try to annihilate without even stopping to think about the so-called collateral casualties.

This brutal disregard for life is the sister of two conservatives, two crusaders: Ronald Reagan, the initiator of the war on drugs in 1986, and Felipe Calderón, who imposed it on us in 2006.

If in the United States they want to close their eyes and mouths, honor Reagan and continue his crusade; let them do it now in their own territory and against their own drug cartels.

Here, since 2018, we put a stop to the systematic killing by the State and we are determined to build peace. For this to be possible, those responsible for the violence - Felipe Calderón and Genaro García Luna, among others - must pay, here in their own land, for all their crimes.


  1. What a bullshit, guys like him are part of the problem. He is the same, just not yet in power and bitching about.

    1. Guys like you are part of the problem . Tell me what part of what he said is bullshit ? This war on drugs is bullshit . It’s just a screen to get the publics attention away from the real culprits , the politicians, the government . Both US and Mexican governments control drug trafficking . I mean who arms one cartel to kill the other ( fast and furious) and who wants to have meetings with all drug cartel leaders to negotiate ( Felipe Calderón )

    2. 5:51
      Get onboard, your talking nonsense about the past. You ight to know Mexico is curupt in many avenues.
      Quick to blame another country about Mexico's ills.

    3. Right.. so only Mexico is corrupt and your beloved US isn’t? . Are you serious have you been living under a rock . CIA , DEA every levels have been involved directly or through a third person in the drug trade . The US is quick to bury any proof of this . Why do you think they tried to “punish “ Rafael caro Quintero so much because he knew the CIA involvement and the DEAs involvement. Also to answer your statement ,”your quick to blame other countries” no dude no one’s blaming your country over the other, there both the same (corrupt)and they’re both involved . You really believe the supposedly most powerful country in the world can’t secure their borders ??Of course they can ! Look at what happened after 911 -all security became super strict on all borders , no terrorist have been know to enter since- well if they can do that ,wouldn’t it be safe to assume they can do the same for dugs ? The government doesn’t care about stopping the flow of drugs they just pretend to , for the public .

    4. I agree. He's part of the problem too. He's also scum. He's not telling us anything we don't know, plus his history is skewed: Nixon, not Regan, started the war on drug. There's lots of blame to go around but his grandstanding is slanted. He's not practicing what he's preaching.

  2. Sol, if you see this I am a longtime Veterano here… since the old days (2010)*

    Thank you for everything you do, you and the team have really helped keep the placing running AND better than ever!

    1. Saludos my friend! I wish you a great day and weekend!

      Who is that in your user pic btw? Lol not sure if a wrestler or metal singer.. both of wish I’ve always been a fan of.

      I grew up on Carcass, Napalm Death, and of course Brujeria!!!! 🤘🤘🤘

    2. It's the infamous black metal singer Gaahl.

      Have you heard Flowers by Godflesh? Trust me when I say that it'll take you places if you're naturally tuned in.

    3. Of course! The real ones know what’s up with Gaahl and old school Gorgoroth baby!!!

      RIP Pelle — and not the soccer player…

    4. P.S. I have the same bday as Max Cavalera… just 3 days shy of Gaahl lol

      I have the same axe as Max too… maybe we’ll both jam together one day in an alternate dimension 🤘

    5. Sol:
      I have never heard of Gaahl. I looked up his bio and he had a drummer named Goat Pervertor. I am not into satanism or molesting goats so I will pass on listening to his music.
      Have you ever heard of Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry or the Beatles (LOL).
      If you read my other comment, you will see that I don't agree with your editorial.
      If I recall correctly, you did serve in the Marines. I do appreciate your courage in serving our country and will always respect you for the that.
      The saying attributed to Voltaire says it best: I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.

    6. Detroit — hate to break it you, but Chuck Berry often told people he sold his soul to devil (joking or not) and Aleister Crowley is in the cover of Sgt Pepper… All of the Beatles albums involve sacred geometry as well, which is considered witchcraft and heresy to Christians.. of which none of the Beatles themselves ever claimed to be; may wanna look into these things more.

    7. Detroit

      All of metal and its subgenres do trace back to those groups you mentioned. If you go back even further, Rock originated out of Africa. It has just evolved a lot since then in the hands of musicians.

      U.S. Army, to be exact. Stationed at Fort Bragg for many years as a paratrooper.

      For the Christians who complain: you guys could do more for the world other than just taking people's money to fatten your wallets and lifestyles. And if by any chance you guys ever reach perfection, please let me know. Cause I sure as fuck haven't seen that in any one human.

    8. @Sol — did you know that the Vatican is the 3rd largest landowner in the world, trailing only to the United Kingdom who is 2nd?

      With that much money, and that much land, it really is unnerving to think how they still make their churches ask for a “10% tide”

      Wait a minute, who else was infamous with demanding 10% of all earnings?

      Oh yeah, the Mafia!

    9. 10:38 i think the only ones who ask for that 10% are the mormons, not the catholics, how ever they do wash your brain really good so you give them a diesmo

    10. @6:26 — ah yes, the Mormons… who (somewhat) secretly have over $100billiion stashed away…

    11. Sol:
      The human race originated in Africa. We are all Africans if you go far enough back in our ancestory. I guess Rock-n-Roll started with some guy in Africa banging two rocks together. The ones banging their heads on the walls of their caves are the ancestors of Heavy Metal.
      Actually, I thought Heavy Metal originated with the Beatles Helter Skelter and other songs from rockers in the 60's.
      I do appreciate that you have the courage to be a paratrooper. I'm sure you don't fear these narco-terrorists. I hope your knees are in good shape.

  3. Couldn't agree more. 👏 Garcia Luna will be acquitted. What a shame.

    1. Too much evidence on the fool Keep dreaming.

    2. From my understanding there is Zero evidence and a lot of questionable testimonials. Big difference between a picture of him with a witness receiving a suitcase, to someone saying they they gave a dead general money that was meant for GGL. If the jury buys it, great, but personally I see it very hard to pin, from an unbiased standpoint.

  4. Richard Nixon started the “ war on drugs “ not Regan. Regan only responded to the drug trafficking threat presented by Pablo Escobar. They need to get their story straight.

    1. I think of more importance during Regan's presidency was the Camarena case and Iran Contra, when Escobar started his terrorist campaign is when the governments went after him.
      Drug trafficking is a business, stay within the rules and you might not die in a USA prison

    2. This is true. Nixon inducted the draconian laws, while accepting money from traffickers like the mob. Reagan and Bush however insured that it would never end…

    3. Escobar was once a CIA asset FYI… look into Suarez from Bolivia and the infamous “Cocaine Coup” … if it wasn’t for that Suarez, and the CIA, there would have been no Escobar.

    4. Drugs have been with us as long as humans have been on this earth. Nixon declared the modern war on drugs and Reagan continued the rhetoric.
      The problem is that both Nixon and Reagan declared a war but didn't send in the troops. Neither provided any significant funding to back up their claims that they were declaring war on drugs. Had they responded like we responded during World War II and made a significant effort, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today.
      Opium has led to the destruction of many generations. In most recent times it destroyed China.
      We have a greater variety of drugs thanks to chemistry. The majority of drug addicts will live in the gutter whether drugs are legal or not. No different from the majority of drunks.
      There are drunks that can hold jobs but most bounce in and out of jail until they learn to control their drinking. This is why any attempts to legalize all drugs leads to failure.
      We need to recognize that marijuana isn't as severe as hard drugs and can be controlled and taxed like alcohol. But as far as legalizing heroin, meth, cocaine, etc., that would only lead to our downfall as a nation.
      Drugs like heroin and cocaine can be administered in a medical environment in increasingly lower doses to break the addiction, but politics prevents this from happening.
      Drugs like meth cannot be administered in a medical environment because they are so damaging to the human body. What meth does to your teeth is only what you see on the outside. It interferes with the chemistry in your brain and long term use can make you, quite literally, crazy. Meth destroys your kidneys and liver far worse than alcohol. Meth would never work being administered to break an addiction. We would have to develop a safer substance to break meth addiction.
      We still need to vigorously prosecute people who peddle these poisons, especially when they peddle it to children.
      An enforcement mechanism will only work if marijuana is taxed and controlled like alcohol and doctors can prescribe heroin and cocaine in a controlled environment.
      China got out of the death spiral of opium by executing all of the dealers in opium. Such drastic action isn't necessary. Common sense can get us out of the current mess that we are in.

    5. @Detroit

      Wow, you actually wrote and intelligent message for once.

      Meth is administered in controlled environment all the time
      It's RX pharmaceutical methamphetamine. Just like RX amphetamine. Your opinions are cute though. Hey whatever you have to tell yourself yo feel good inside.

    6. @Detroit "China got out of the death spiral of opium by..." Making synthetic opium like fentanyl

    7. @9:37 — to back you up; don’t forget how there is now a shortage on adderall in America… with a convenient and coincidental surplus of meth…

      Kinda reminds you of what happened with the opiates being restricted by the DEA and the following heroin/fentanyl epidemic, doesn’t it?

  5. sorry but his words confused the hell outta me

  6. What happened to Barbie testifying...

    1. He’s enjoying a tan somewhere in Miami right now.

  7. Amen to that! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  8. He forgot to mention "To Ban corridos" and that would fix the problem!
    Mexicans and Americans luv their booze and drugs!
    Actually Luna's plan of reducing violence against ordinary Mexicans worked! Now there is much more drugs and violence than before Luna and his crew!

    1. Lmao… not sure if you are serious or trolling. Take a look at how many Mexicans today are using drugs, more than ever…. Especially fent in places like TJ and Juarez…

  9. Nothing will change until Mexico looks in the mirror and stops trying to blame other people and rather tries to be a good neighbour like Canada

    1. Mexico isn’t the problem…. There was a drug epidemic before them, and there would still be one without them.

    2. I doubt that very serious. If the Mexican cartels weren’t literally next door the streets in United States wouldn’t be flooded with fentanyl and meth. Yes it may still be here but not nearly in the quantities it is because of the cartels. So save that shit for some other moron. And when you lace other drugs to get everyone hooked on a certain drug that’s easy to produce then it’s 100% mexicos fault. All the way from Los pinos to the barrios in tj and Juarez.

    3. Its not the USA's fault or anyone else apart from Mexico's that Mexico is not a great neighbour like Canada is. Time to take responsibility and sort it out

    4. Canada was the first to have a fentanyl epidemic and they were flooded big time…. Not an ounce of came from Mexico either… it all came from the Chinese at the docks….

    5. Maybe so but Canada is the kind of country you want next door to you not Mexico. Nobody wants to build a wall with Canada. Mexico needs to man up and sort out its problems and stop blaming other people

    6. @7:07 stop blaming Mexico for everything and take some responsibility . The US has a big problem with drug addiction . If you know basic economy then you know if you have a huge demand someone will fill in the supply . If it’s not Mexico it will be Canada or anyone for that matter. Yes I said it , the US isn’t perfect , so get out of your little ignorant bubble . Travel a little , it will be good for you .

    7. @9:46 so you are trying to justify Mexico being a narco state. People like you are part of the problem. Try joining the developed world where people actually have proper jobs, education and real legal economies and dont try to blame everyone else for their amoral government and citizens . If you think supplying the scum of the earth in other countries with drugs is the best Mexico can do then you are part of the problem. A bottom feeder like a big chunk of Mexico

    8. @9:46 is correct… the day all Americans decide to never purchase drugs again, is the day the war on drugs will end…

      With no market, there are no suppliers… right ???

      The US had a huge heroin epidemic during the 60s and 70s. If you look at the math, there were more heroin users per capita back then, then there is now…

      Who was supplying it?? The French Connection and the Sicilians, all with ASIAN based opium…

      MORON @ 7:07

    9. @10:30 so that is the best Mexico is capable of. Violent serial killer drug dealers and totally corrupt government. Lets build a wall all around Mexico until they are willing to join the civilized world. You think playing with meth heads and fentanyl addicts is Mexico social level?

    10. 10:30 that’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard on this sight. Well of course there wasn’t more addicted back in the 60s and 70s. And wait for this on. It wasn’t that big of a deal because ex soldiers and minorities were the only ones using it. But see with this fent it’s totally different. You got rich college kids trying to by Xanax and Percs , but instead they get fent and OD. So naturally it’s a much bigger problem. What planet have you been living on ? That’s right Mexico so you wouldn’t know.

    11. @10:11 am Im the one that commented on 9:46 and let me tell you I don’t even feel like arguing with you about this, because you hardly make any valid points . So let say hypothetically speaking , that instead of Mexico it was Canada who was supplying most of the drugs .Would you still say it’s Canadas fault what’s going on ? When do you stop blaming others ?When do you realize, maybe it has something to do with the insane number of drug addicts - that’s calling for the insane number of drugs being supplied . (Where it’s coming from isn’t the main point or the root of the problem . )It’s the demand that calls for the supply without the high demand, there’s no one supplying anything . Both countries are wrong and selling drugs isn’t correct but avoiding the root issue helps no one .

    12. So we are going to blame the boy in school walking home and not the schoolyard drug dealer?

      I am not following the logic?

    13. Good neighbor Canada? Canadian cross border scammers steal HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars from Americans but you'll never hear it in the news.

    14. And up here in Canada I just got back from the reservation with 1.5 ounces of weed,2 -1gram vape pens,2 cartons of smokes for the princely sum of 120 canadian.I like the idea of Natives profiting from unpaid taxes.

    15. @1:11 — Read again; more heroin users PER CAPITA….

  10. Legalize plant based drug and label fet and meth weapons of mass destruction. Move forward with clarity and admittance for past mistakes on WOD. This is a solution I doubt I'll see in my lifetime.

  11. If Luna had been paid in crypto no suitcases would've been exchanged and there would be no case!

    1. It would leave a digital footprint... crypto sucks though.

  12. The US has a functioning and robust legal system that pursues all the players you mention. Mexico does not. The focus here is this one defendant, not the drug trade at large. The government is attempting to make the best case they can, and trust me, they have more information about the strength and weaknesses of their case than your opinion from the outside looking in. I live in Mexico now and I have witnessed first hand (not second hand partial reports) how dysfunctional (absent is a better descriptor) your legal system is - and "corruption" doesn't quite capture the essence of power, politics, insecurity or impunity here...your State and local governments (perhaps higher) and law enforcement agencies are criminal in nature and complicit in the plague of violence and insecurity that afflicts most Mexicans. There are no clear lines here between criminals and the State. Do not blame your problems on the US's appetite for drugs. Mexico is a beautiful country with a fabulous culture and people, but your problems are rooted in your systems which fuel the impunity and insecurity. Mexico needs a revolution to give its people the security and resources they deserve.

    1. Well said 100%.
      Without being biased.
      People tend to be egotistical, and only think for one side, for when they don't see the whole picture.

    2. How much you want to bet he will be acquitted ? The US knew he did that for years (that he received bribes )they even mentioned it , so why didn’t they put a stop to it , would that mean that they were accomplices in a way ?? Didn’t Garcia Luna meet up with Hillary Clinton ?? Also what you mentioned about Mexico is correct , a revolution is needed as the government is tainted to the core.

    3. Luna committed crimes, he will do the time, stop defending his azz.

      Time in prison is up courts.

    4. 9:04 best reply on this site. It’s 100% truth.

    5. 12:06
      It should be assumed Best Reply on this Article.

    6. @9:04 Well , let’s see how functioning and robust that legal system is once he is acquitted of the charges .

    7. This is "9:04" replying. He just might be acquitted. The case against him isn't particularly strong and it's probably why the government offered him a relatively good deal. It appears this prosecution is entirely based upon criminal testimony without any independent evidence to corroborate the allegations (from what I have read). That does not mean the US system is not robust. It just means this particular case might not be very strong. I suggest you check the US Federal system's greater than 98% conviction rate and compare it to Mexico's greater than 90% crimes not prosecuted rate. "The US knew he did that for years." You do not know what the US knew and when, and whether it was corroborated and/or actionable. And, I think some of you forget Mexico is a sovereign country and the US can't just do what it wants in Mexico. The US moved some point after he relocated to the US.

  13. Old school Forum "troll" here. Since the Buela days. GGL is pure evil. Can't believe they finally did something about it. I swear the PAN/Sinaloa bromance was so obvious back then. Hope they throw away the key.

  14. I thought this post might be constructive,but,its the same old crying game,the gringos the gringos wha wah wah,and what the fuck is Mexico doing in all of this?More of the self serving politically correct shit

  15. Well at least the U.S. prosecuted him,and because theirs no anglo names in it its hypocrisy.MEXICO KNOWS ALL ABOUT HYPOCRISY.

  16. Political whining again.Throw some english names in their it might stop the endless fuckin whingeing from mexico."the homeland"fuck outta here,where you all run when you want to?

  17. I’m a daily ready of Boderland and big fam. This article is complete garbage. It sounds like it’s written by a self hating liberal person with a savior mentality and a need to constantly protect the people they see as dumb (minority). I’m Mexican and we don’t need a savior. We normally call it bad behavior and corruption and acknowledge that our culture tends to be politically corrupt in our native countries. No need to defend or minimize our Bad behavior and hating your country just to make us feel loved. We’re not like other minorities that need a savior or always look for someone else to blame

    1. 3:36 I too can see through the smoke screen he is trying to convey, making us believe what is not true. Talking about the US Courts system as if he knows it all. Reminds me of paid internet influencers, that get online to spill fake news, and people with low brains cells end up believing.

  18. 3:36 and 7:53:
    I heard this Sol guy (or girl or guy/girl) is from Russia and is posting from his mother's basement in Moscow. He's probably never been to Mexico before. He's a head banger and has banged his head against the wall one time too many.
    We've had a few ELMO paid internet influencers here and he is probably picking up a few extra rubles from ELMO to spread fake news on BB. At least that is what the Trumpster is saying so it must be true.

    1. Detroit yep
      Just like Mr. T.
      Had his believers think the election was rigged, which never was.

  19. Richard Nixon started the war on drugs, not reagan.

  20. Heroin stopped a long cocaine binge, allowed the poor guy to sleep and may do same for meth. Just dont take H again after sleepy time is over.


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