Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Alfredo Olivas Reportedly Abducted After Presentation in Zacatecas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Different media report that regional Mexican singer Alfredo Olivas was allegedly kidnapped by an armed criminal cell after having performed in Zacatecas. According to information from Telediario, a group of armed men intercepted the vans in which they were traveling.

Alfredo Olivas reportedly abducted after a presentation in Zacatecas

During the robbery, the armed group robbed them of their belongings and the vehicles in which they were traveling near the community of Concha de Oro. According to the same media, five of the people who were with the singer have already been released, although investigations continue.

At the moment there are no more details about what happened to the singer and if he has been released, so it is expected that in the next few hours the singer's team will make a statement about what happened in the last hours.

As far as it is known, authorities of Zacatecas and Coahuila are in the middle of a joint operation to find the criminals who kidnapped Alfredo Olivas, a singer who in the last months has increased his popularity.

It should be noted that the singer's last publications on his social networks were 15 hours ago in a video in which he thanked the public for the concert he recently offered in Monterrey with Luis R. Conriquez, at the same time he announced a solo concert at the Monterrey Arena on October 7, in fact, this February 14 the tickets would go on sale.



  1. Goddam this guy deserves a corrido for himself after everything he been through

    1. Alfredo is the son of the leader of Los Alfas, a subgroup of the Caborca Cartel. His dad is Alfredo Olivas Valenzuela, aliases “El Chapo Alfredo” and "El Alfa 1".

      He's targeted because he's a cartel leader's son, not because of his music.

    2. Oh no
      Looks like there going to cut him up.
      And put a Narco message.


      His brother along with his family were killed almost 2 years ago.

  2. Se Llamaba ... ni modos se rumoraba que ya la tenia sentenciada desde hace mucho tiempo

  3. He’s not coming back, singing to rivals in Sonora, probably chapiza called in a favor with MZ group after what happened with grupo arriesgado in Tijuana..

    1. Doesn’t make sense, Arriesgado is MZ not Chapiza

  4. He's been released , dude is close to CJNG

  5. He's good, released an hour ago

  6. CDS Territory near Saltillo and across the state border with Nuevo Le贸n

  7. hey guys,had a thought reading some old posts, here in Canada we have a service run by the bank of Canada for old and unclaimed bank accounts.This may sound simplistic but does Mexico have a similar system?

    1. 11:47 @canada did you find one of Chapo's slush fund accounts??

    2. Nah had just smoked a joint and thought about the survivors getting some money by claiming old and hidden money.Here you look it up by name but was thinking accounts of dead criminals.just high thoughts

    3. You have to produce ID plus signture and ifyour family court papers saying your the head of the estate signed by a Judge not easy getting that money But u can buy abandon safety deposit box's at auctions.

  8. This kidnapp makes Cds look weak 馃ぃ馃ぃ

    1. This has nothing to do with cds

    2. He's not even CDS 馃ぁ

    3. Supposedly he was picked up in Northern Zacatecas close to Southern Coahuila.
      Who controls that area?

    4. 1:10 he's BLO is he not?

    5. 4:40 I think CDS

  9. calm down funny guy, it never happened. even if it did it wouldn't affect them at all


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