Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Carlos Caro Quintero, Brother of RCQ, Arrested in Mexico City

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Carlos Caro Quintero, the brother of Rafael Caro Quintero, was arrested in Mexico City on charges of illegal firearm and drug possession. 

The Arrest

At 4:00 pm on February 6, 2023, Mexico City’s Head of Security, Omar Garcia Harfuch, announced on Twitter that: 

"This afternoon, colleagues from Mexico City Police arrested Carlos 'N', a member of a criminal group that operates in the north of the country, in Alcadia.  

They seized a vehicle without a license plate and a firearm.  

The CDMX Police are currently on high alert."

According to later reports, the arrest took place at approximately 12:00 pm, on February 6, police officers noticed a gray Mercedes sedan vehicle driving without a license plate on Montes Auvernia Avenue. 

Montes Auvernia Ave is located in the Lomas de Chapultepec neighborhood in the Miguel Hidalgo district of Mexico City.

The police patrol car signaled for the grey vehicle to stop due to the lack of a license plate. 

The grey vehicle complied, pulling over to the side of the road. 

When officers spoke to the driver, they noticed that he had a firearm on him. The driver could not produce a firearm permit, which civilians are required to obtain in order to legally carry a firearm.

The officers then searched his vehicle and found an 8 kilo package of marijuana and 124 packages of cocaine. 

It was quickly surmised by the press that the Carlos 'N' in custody was actually Carlos Caro Quintero, the brother of Rafael Caro Quintero and Miguel Angel Caro Quintero, the former leaders of what is now known as the Caborca Cartel.

Carlos's Family

Carlos Caro Quintero, much like his brothers Rafael and Miguel, is believed to be the son of Emilio Caro Payán and Hermelinda Quintero.

Emilio and Hermelinda are believed to have a total of 12 children together, which means there are a decent number of RCQ's siblings who have not been charged with criminal activity.

Despite the countless articles about Rafael, the actual family tree of the Caro Quintero clan is more unclear than you might think. 

Based on the last names, Hermelinda is thought to be the sister of Juan Jose Quintero Payán, making Juan Jose the brother-in-law of Emilio, however there are some sources which allege Juan Jose is the brother of Emilio, whose last names - they allege - are actually Quintero Payán.

The historical cartel figure Lamberto Quintero Payán is believed to be the uncle of Rafael, Miguel and Carlos, although the differing reports on Emilio’s last name make it unclear whose brother Lamberto was.

The brothers Sajid Emilio Quintero Navidad, alias “El Cadete”, and Juan Pablo Quintero Navidad, alias “El 25”, are believed to cousins of Rafael, Miguel and Carlos. It is worth noting that El 25 is believed to still be involved in leading a part of the Caborca cartel.

José Gil Caro Quintero, alias “El Pelo Chino”, is believed to be the nephew of Rafael Caro Quintero, but it is unclear which of Rafael’s 11 siblings is the parent of José Gil. However, other sources such as Zeta allege he is their cousin.

Rafael Caro Quintero (RCQ) was arrested last year, after 12 prior attempts which failed to catch him. The fateful attempt which proved a success occurred on July 15, 2022, in Choix, Sinaloa, after the US DEA bribed Sinaloa Cartel figures into “lowering the protection” they were giving him.

RCQ is currently going through the appeal (amparo) process against a potential extradition to the US.

On the other hand, Miguel Angel Caro Quintero was deported back to Mexico in 2019 after serving time in the US prison ADX Florence. Miguel Angel was sent there after being convicted on charges of organized crime in Colorado and conspiracy to smuggle marijuana in Arizona.

Miguel Angel was not re-arrested upon re-entry into Mexico and he is believed to currently be living as a free man. Recent narco banners calling out Caborca Cartel leadership have not mentioned Miguel Angel as someone who is involved in the organization so its likely that he retired from a life of organized crime.

The Transport & Security Measures

Currently, Mexico City police are said to be heavily guarding the facilities where Carlos Quintero is being held and specialty armored transport vehicles are being used to transfer him between locations. 

The newspaper El Sol de Mexico reports that Carlos Caro Quintero has previously been arrested in the states of Jalisco and Durango on charges of illegal possession of a firearm and disorderly conduct. 

Further details on these incidents, frustratingly, could not be found. 

Sources: Harfuch’s Statement, El Sol de Mexico, El Economista, Univision, LatinUS, AFN Tijuana, NMás

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  1. Carlos looks like he has been using his product.

    1. Tiene cara de teporocho.

    2. 1:18. Jaja! Claro k si

    3. He looks like the uncle who already reeks of Budweiser at 11am

    4. And by 5 pm he’s got a wet circle in the crotchular area

  2. Lamberto Quintero Paez is his name. Not Payan.


      Trust me when I say that articles differ on almost everything in this family tree.

  3. Quintero, Páez, Payan, Elenes, Caro, there’s always some relation somehow.

  4. I think Juan José Quintero Payan and Emilio were brothers.

    1. I thought the same thing but Rafael's paternal last name is Caro, not Quintero, right?

      And Juan Jose's paternal last name is Quintero, therefore a brother of Juan Jose can't be the father of Rafael.

      Rafael's father has to have Caro as his paternal last name.

    2. Emilio Quintero Payán and Juan Jose were brothers and Emilio was the father of the Quintero Navidad brothers, Sayid/Sahid being the one to make claims that RCQ is once again involved in drug trafficking.
      EQP "El Baron de Babunica" was killed in the 90s.
      In one of the RCQ interviews by Anabel Hernández I think he calls him his nephew and says Sayid/Sahid "El Cadete" is lying and only looking to get a deal for himself which he did as if I remember correctly he was sentenced to time served.

    3. According to corridos RCQ father died when he was a plebe and his father never reached the level of trafficking that EQP did. They were two different individuals

    4. So, if I'm understanding you guys, there is Emilio Quintero Payán (EQP), the famous dude and brother of Juan Jose.

      EQP is the father of Juan Pablo and Sajid Quintero Navidad. He is not the father of RCQ.

      There is another guy, Emilio Caro Payán (ECP), who is not famous. He is the father of Rafael, Miguel, and Carlos.

      So, I'm trying to understand is RCQ the uncle or cousin of Juan Pablo and Sajid Quintero Navidad?

      If yes, how? Is Hermelinda related to EQP?

    5. If we go by what RCQ said in his second interview with A Hernandez, the Quintero Navidad brothers would be his nephews so EQP and JJQP must be his cousins. How they're (QP bros) related to his mother is unknown to me.
      A family tree can give an idea of how they're related but that's above my ability and interest level. Surely the governments will know....

    6. Solo hablan por lo que escuchan oh leen, yo soy de badiraguato, Emilio quintero Payán y Juanjo quintero son hermanos de la señora Hermelinda, don Rafa es primo hermano de sajid y Juan pablo, Lamberto quintero Páez era primo de Emilio quintero, Emilio caro era el papá de don Rafa, hay muchos con apeidos parecidos, caro Payán, quintero Páez, Payán quintero etc, todos están familiarizados.. ese señor de la foto tal ves pueda ser familia de eyos, pero no es hermano nunca lo había mirado, si ubico a los otros 2, el que empieza con J y el otro con G

    7. @2:55 Hola. Estas diciendo que Carlos, el hombre que detuvieron en DF, no es el hermano de Rafael?

      Tengo curiosidad por saber mas sobre los hermanos. Gracias por su comentario.

    8. I stand corrected, in the second interview of RCQ by Anabel Hernández he specifically says "mi primo hermano Sajid".

    9. @Hearst es primo o es hermano?

    10. Los caro Quintero tienen unos primos que se apeidan igual, pero son de los sitios badiraguato, y ese señor tampoco se párese al pelo chino, don Rafa tiene algunos hermanos vivos y otros que ya murieron hace tiempo, uno se llamaba Mario, otro Héctor que murió en la balacera en la clínica Santa María, y el otro nombre no recuerdo pero lo mataron unos que se apeidaban Miranda, Emilio quintero mato a todos los de esa familia por la muerte de su sobrino.. los que están vivos es Miguel Ángel, Genaro y Jorge que es un tipazo ese sr

  5. thats strange that he would be riding around with no plates , weed and coke in an old model benz , we call that being " burnt out " in other words sketchhhh.

  6. Lol this is ridiculous… why would he need to carry around a brick of shit weed and 120 packets of coke

    1. I haven't even seen dirt weed like that since the 70's!

    2. 11:11 planted by police

    3. They need to get on the chapitos train premium culiacan indoor

    4. He got on ovidios level.

  7. The authorities put those with him. To certify the process. Almost all the time, when you have "brand name" figures caught, they have no charges, so they need something to get the provisional detention started.

    1. Wouldn't provisional be for extradition?

    2. I probably used wrong term

      What’s the phrase when they announce like a 90 day detention in Mexico

    3. Prisión preventiva or pretrial detention

    4. That too but also

      Link to the process is the translated one I hear

  8. WoW Marijuana and small packages of coke. That’s ridiculous. A big name doing small deals.

  9. OT but a good read:

  10. “The US DEA bribed Sinaloa Cartel figures into “lowering the protection” they were giving him.” What the hell does this mean!!!!

    1. The Sinaloa cartel figures were providing protection to RCQ. The DEA bribed these figures into not really protecting RCQ anymore.

    2. 3:04 Seriously? That’s interesting! This was personal for DEA and I’m glad they got their scumbag!

    3. It’s all confusing I thought he was from the caborca cartel fighting the Sinaloa cartel sometimes it doesn’t make no sense

    4. @4:57 he’s fighting the chapitos side of Sinaloa Cartel but he’s in good terms with mayos side of the Sinaloa Cartel 2 separate factions from same organization

    5. Is this a common tactic for high priority cartel tactics or was this only because RCQ is so specifically wanted/hated by the US govt? Seems like it could be a somewhat effective tactic.

  11. 09:48 those assholes just seized Quintero's personal stash. Hahaha 😁😂 ..."officers then searched his vehicle and found an 8 kilo package of marijuana and 124 packages of cocaine.."

    That's 124 lines of party powder with just enough mota to make sure you don't get all bugged out geeked up and edgy and shit.....

  12. Wish me and my crew had time to come and safe him.🕷️

  13. Why are you driving a benz if you want to be low profile. Another dumbass cought for acting stupid.

  14. I read a comment before saying Caro looked like Alf, in the photo of his latest arrest😅 now I can’t unsee it

    1. His brother Carlos looks like Rodney Dangerfield in the main picture

  15. Ovidio, RCQ, Huevo, La Vaca, El 85, Menchos brother and now RCQ's brother. ELMO does nada for Mexico 🇲🇽.

    1. It's all a show, they will never stop the drug game. Too much money that even the gringos rely on

    2. El 85 está libre en Uruapan

    3. 540...El chapo is in La Tuna and Amado is in Cuba along with Tupac.

    4. 10:22 Does more than your mind can handle.

  16. How much does a single white packet go for in Mexico right where he was ?
    This is a question is there that many drug users in that area. and a Nice area it is. Makes me jealous beautiful be tress beautiful be honest. Beautiful sun

    1. 09:48 are you looking for the tourist price, immigrant price, blood price, Mexican price or the cost from Colombia to his neck of Mexico?

      They start off at $700 peso dollars for .2

    2. @1:08 $700MEX ÷ $19USA =$36+USA for 1/5 of a gram? That shit cost more than USA. 0.2g used to be $10 for clean perico in some parts of Cali


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