Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: The Los Mexicles Gang Had A Cartel Cat Inside Cereso #3 Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Egyptian cat rescued inside the Cereso

The cat was tattooed with symbols used by members of a criminal group.

A brown feline, of the breed known as Egyptian, was secured from the modules of the Centro de Readaptación Social No. 3 in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.

The cat was tattooed with symbols used by members of a criminal group.

Elements of the State Public Security Secretariat (SSPE), attached to the K-9 Group, secured the feline inside the Cereso and it was there that they noticed that the animal's skin was tattooed with several drawings, one of them with the legend "Made in Mexico", which alludes to one of the criminal groups operating in Chihuahua.

The feline was taken out of Cereso No. 3 and taken to the RAMM animal shelter, where it was handed over to its caretakers for safekeeping.

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  1. They a put a trece 13 on it 🤣

    1. ??
      Always thought 13 for the letter M meaning Mexican or High Power aka Mafia?
      Mostly used by La eMe and it’s army of southern Cali gang members to represent their allegiance.

    2. I can hear their funny paisano giggles while doing that to the cat saying “no mames wey”

    3. Thirteen in Mexico means bad luck as this is considered such a number. Meaning if you mess with this gang you are in for bad luck.
      Lots of Mexican gangs us this number but has nothing to do with American prison gangs.

    4. @3:52
      That is not a 13.
      Just saw another photo of cat and it is a flag or banner tattoo next to the hecho en Mexico tat.

  2. Things could've been worse for that cat. There are recent news videos and articles out of Ciudad Juárez where some people are eating dogs for some strange reason. The authorities busted a butcher who was selling the dog meat. It's one of those weird things that happen inside Latin America.

    1. No reason to eat dog when you can get a Hot N Ready for 6$. Plus i doubt dog taste good.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Happens in China as well.

    4. Happens in Mexicali! Filled with chinos there! No stray dogs or cats wandering around Mexicali! 😂🤣

    5. Maybe Asian cultural influence. Northern Mexico seems to have a decent amount of that.

    6. 3.59
      China and South Korea it's a privilege to eat dog meat. Some activist brought dogs from South Korea, rescued from the slaughter house. I now see a dog owner, that walks them as his pets.
      There's also videos of dog nappers, in China, that sell them to restaurants.

  3. Guess this means they are pussies.


    Some rumors been going on

  5. i remenber an old video of 18sr .and they had a dog with a xv3 tattoo .

  6. When the Mexicles told the paid-off guards that "they needed some pussy up in here", I'm not certain that this was the desired result. Just saying.

  7. My Vietnamese father in law eats dog, he calls it “black meat” very popular in Vietnam. The reason they eat it is they think it’s an aphrodisiac. Puts wood in your pencil. My Vietnamese wife eats a few things I can’t stand, I usually leave the house when she’s preparing or eating them. duck embryos still In egg, cooked. 2. Pigs blood jelly. No thanks, sweetheart.


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