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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Colima: CJNG Assassins Dispose Of A Corpse

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A video of alleged gunmen from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has appeared online. For this broadcast several armed enforcers find themselves standing around ridiculing a deceased nude male. 

All clothing and personal belongings were stripped from the corpse beforehand. This was primarily done to make the dismembering easier for the man tasked with the profane act. 

The cadaver will be turned into a human puzzle by a right handed male who is holding a very large knife. Towards the end of this film the dead man’s feet will appear burning away inside of an oil drum, the rest of his body parts are also in there. 

Warning: Graphic Video

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1 mockingly says to the dead male: I don’t have a place to go to. But yes I’m going to send you to meet the apostle Saint Peter. 

Sicario #2 also mocks the dead male: So, now you’re going to have a place to go to. Ok?

Sicario #1: Take a look at this everyone. This is the before and it will be followed by the after. 

Sicario #3: Pick up his arm like this. Go ahead, go ahead. Put some strength into it. Put some strength into it. Cut into his arm like this. That’s good young man. Slice away as fast as you can. You’ve reached to the bone, you’ve reached to the bone. There’s a ball at the end of that bone. Cut into the middle part. But do so with some pressure applied to it. Don’t stop. Keep slicing into it. 

Sicario #4:  Don’t be afraid young man. Don’t let your hand tremble. Keep cutting away. 

Sicario #3: Where’s the machete?

Sicario #4: Hey brother where’s the machete?

Sicario #5: So, both of those bodies are in there? 

Sicario #6: Yes, they’re both in there. 

Sicario #7:  They actually both fit in there?

Sicario #6: Yes, they both fit in there. The thing is that drum is on its side. 

Sicario #7: What?

Sicario #6: They both fit in there. But you wouldn’t imagine that because of how that oil drum is laying on its side…


  1. Off topic but of interest, US militia crossed into Mexico:

    1. 9:08:
      I wouldn't worry about these militias crossing into Mexico. The first time that get caught in Mexico with a firearm will be their last. I don't believe that they would like to experience a Mexican prison.

    2. I hope the entire US military goes to Mexico

    3. 12:02 ok the US Military goes to Mexico. Finish your story....they go to Mexico for vacation, they go to Mexico for Military exercises, they go Mexico to sing. They go to Mexico for the Tacos.

    4. Yeah, I heard about this too from a YouTube personality who was portraying it as heroic, but I was thinking the exact same thing. They're in for a ride awakening when they get caught violating Mexico's border especially with firearms. They're going to get their shit seriously fucked up. Wether by the Mexican government (hopefully for their sake)or by you know who. They were all kitted up feeling like they're badass but I think they're in for a big surprise.

    5. You know who? Haha a bunch of coke boys will get there shit rocked, you really don’t understand the kinds of things some Americans own

  2. Damn, vid already unavailable.

    1. Where’s the video ?

    2. Video is up and running, maybe your old school cell phone, does not capture video speed.
      Don't recommend the video, it's a dead man being sliced up, fortunately the gruesome parts are covered.

    3. Blogger algorithms are freaking out. It already disappeared once. So if it disappears again everyone should know why. If the words change its to confuse Blogger. I've noticed that nice soft words work better than the ugly explicit ones. Can't be too honest with this platform lol.

  3. Seriously sick country. An armed intervention and regime change won't remove this sickness infecting the Mexicans

    1. All humans are the same. It's only language and artificial borders that separate us. Whether people are from Iran, China, Mexico or the U.S. is irrelevant. Everyone has the same hopes for a good life. The problem with Mexico is the people who are running the country. Mexico wanted a populist president and now they have one. It's only a matter of time until Mexican authorities get this situation under control no matter who is elected president.

    2. If you think the rest of the world would behave like that you are seriously delusional. Not in this modern era

    3. 8:43 you just haven't traveled throughout the world's hot spots long enough. Nonetheless there are recent videos online where Russian soldiers are castrating Ukrainians for no other reason than to humiliate them. There's heinous activities happening everywhere.

    4. It's only a matter of time until Mexican authorities get this situation under control no matter who is elected president...have to disagree, the president is important but what can he do without the support of the eleceted gob in each state. and too much people profit from this mayhem.not talking about rich but middle and lower class. All this dirty money that flows into legit businesses. it will stop if mexicans stand up against the corrupt and when the western country´s really starting to go after the money.
      otherwise the bad times of today are the good times of tomorrow

    5. @Sol can you share some with ? They like to follow Ukraine conflict//Russian Invasion

  4. Are CJNG the dominant cartel in Colima?

    1. It sure in hell ain't cds ill tell that much lol

    2. 817 yes. CDS is there but not dominant.

    3. 12:06 It’s pretty contested there between both CDS and CJNG actually

  5. Peter Griffin:
    “I took one step outside the resort”

  6. I’m going to ask serious questions and I’m going to get heckel by many Mexicans.
    Is this ok what’s going on in Mexico all the perverted or daily massacres such as beheadings, hangings and politicians getting killed?
    People is going to critized me with a phrase “USA has lots of gun problems, deal with that first”
    Boy, Mexico is to another level of brutality and it seems cartels has embedded in society and either the government officials are complicit.
    Cartel killings and lack of justice are the main reasons my family would not vacationing in Mexico. Way too dangerous!

    1. You just need to read all the BB ( your new Borderland Beat) articles, to get well informed, of what is transpiring in Mexico
      Brutality is not only happening, in Mexico but other parts of the world.
      Ukraine, Venezuela.

    2. You didn’t really ask any questions but I can tell you, even as an American that it completely depends where you go in Mexico. Some regions are some of the safest in the world while others are some of the most dangerous.

    3. It's not OK, of course it's not, but I'd recommend ignoring all but the basic facts when reading/watching US media if you're trying to get a grip on how organised crime operates in Mexico. I'm always stunned by the depiction of ''The Cartel'' in the US media. I finally signed up for Netflix recently and the documentaries on the Mexico are shockingly bad. So take everything with a pinch of salt dude.

  7. More info on cjng activities


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