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Monday, February 20, 2023

Dog Whose Paws Were Cut Off By Drug Cartel Members Is In The Running To Be "America's Favorite Pet"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An elderly dog whose front paws were cut off by Mexican drug cartel members is in the running for the title of pet of the year in the United States.

Pay de Limon (Lemon Pie) is already a star among the roughly 500 residents of an animal shelter on the outskirts of Mexico City.

He has made multiple international television appearances, including on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

"Pay de Limon" (Lemon Pie), a dog that had its front paws cut off by the drug trafficking group Los Zetas, rests at "Milagros Caninos", the first sanctuary in Latin America for dogs in extreme situation, in Xohimilco neighborhood, Mexico City on February 7, 2023.

Pay de Limon's fame could now reach new heights thanks to a nomination for the prize of "America's Favorite Pet" -- the winner of which appears in Dogster Magazine and receives $5,000.

The award would be another remarkable chapter in the life of a dog whose toes were cut off by gang members as practice for torturing kidnap victims.

"Milagros Caninos received a call 14 years ago saying that a dog's front paws had been cut off and thrown in the trash," said Patricia Ruiz, founder of the Milagros Caninos (Canine Miracles) shelter.

Pay de Limon was rescued and now walks and runs with prostheses from the United States.

He is currently first in the dog category of "America's Favorite Pet" based on votes received from the public so far, according to organizers.

"His life is an example of courage," according to a short biography on the competition website that describes him as a "hero."

"The case of Pay de Limon has moved Mexicans, perhaps because it is a simple, brutal and moving proof of the cruelty of the drug cartels," it adds.

Initially, taking care of Pay de Limon came with some risks, according to the shelter.

"While at Milagros Caninos we had him hidden for several months, for fear of reprisals, until we decided that it was time for him to lead a normal life like the others," the shelter said.

Ruiz created the shelter after the death of her own dog, Salchicha, who died of suffocation.

"From that moment, I said to myself: I will help all the dogs who are suffering," she said.

"Milagros Caninos only takes in dogs in extreme situations. Dogs with cancer, without legs, blind, deaf, burnt, tortured, paralyzed, raped, drugged, beaten, mutilated," she said.

Fresa Milagros Caninos

The other residents include Fresa (Strawberry), who underwent reconstructive surgery after her face was bashed in when she tried to steal meat from a butcher.

"Now she is very happy," according to the dog's bio, which adds that Fresa "is not spiteful" despite her horrific past.

Chocolata also lost both her front paws and has prostheses after being tied up and dragged behind a truck.

She was brought to the shelter by the police on the verge of death and needed amputation.

"Little by little, she is learning to walk," according to the dog's bio.

Milagros Caninos has taken in some 3,000 to 4,000 dogs over 18 years, according to Ruiz.

The shelter uses four tons of dog food per month, at a cost of more than $30,000, for which it relies on donations.

"Milagros Caninos" sanctuary owner Patricia Ruiz gives some attention to Belgian shepherd mix, Pay de Limon or Lemon Pie, on the grounds the sanctuary for abused and abandoned dogs, in Mexico City, Friday, Jan. 11, 2013

CBS News


  1. living beings: exist
    zetas: chop chop

  2. Great to hear there is love and caring, for this dog.

  3. El Changuito Sicario could have been America's Favorite Pet !
    QEPD Changuito !
    We are the absolute mob of El Changuito !

    1. E1 gonna kill all the cartel members in the US watch slowly pulling them apart

    2. It's "Monkey changuito sicario".

  4. The height of human cruelty

  5. Just when you think Mexico cant sink any lower they pull out a shovel and start digging

    1. 859
      Yes indeed,cutting a dogs paws off?
      Something to be really proud of mi gente.
      Look the other way,here they come

    2. Hopefully the old guy has a better life away from people who can sink this low

    3. Did you read the article? It was the zetas not Mexico.

  6. I think that if you find these perpetrators and put up a gofundme of a 1 million dollar goal, to torture these people alive it would be reached in a few days

    1. I regret to inform you, GoFundMe platform is not that type of platform.

    2. I agree, these are subhuman scum.

  7. I could care less if these scumbags kill or torture each other for whatever stupid reason. "But" when they start fucking around and killing animals! No mercy for them, they deserve the worse pain inflicted on their soul without thinking twice

    1. 💯💯💯💯 I can watch Gore videos any day anytime..even while havin dinner..yes Im sick I know..but just reading this made me so fuckin mad..It made me feel sad .poor lil animals..they dont deserve that shit!! Hope who ever did this shit gets caught in video gettin chopped up in pieces..can wait to eat a Sandwich while watchin his beheading.

  8. That's why I say the Only problem with this Planet is Humans... Only humans come defective with the virus of Greed.. which causes to perform shit like this. This Earth will be at peace... when All us Humans are wiped off the Earth.

    1. Animals can be just as fucked up and cruel to each other. It's just nature. What separates us humans from animals is the fact we have a conscious to develop moral ethics. Not all humans do however...

    2. And that is what makes us worse. We have the choice and we still do it. The planet will be better off when we are all gone. We are around 200000 years and we won't get another 200

  9. yup no tolerance,dogs and cats are one of the GOOD things humans have done.No bad side just pure positivity.We dont deserve them

  10. Thank God theres still good people left in mexico. Have you guys seen Fresa La Perra Sin Cara “the dog without a face” the one pictured on here without a face is her. They reconstructed her face thanks to people that rescued her and were able to get the job done. People like those prove that there is still some good out there.

  11. Chingen su madre de aqui hasta que respiren por hacer esas mamadas

  12. Sol should adopt this dog, the dog has a few years of life left. Sol has a big yard.

  13. Heartless scumbags! I still haven't lost faith in humanity though. There is still some good out there. Like those behind Milagros Caninos, but above all a John Wick in the US and hopefully a Juan Wick in Mexico. Don't f**k with dogs. I am literally infuriated. It is beyond disturbing.

  14. Unfucking real.

  15. When is Mexico going to get rid of scum like that? Who would cut off a. Dogs paws? If Mexico doesn't have people who have the guts to get rid of them then let the USA do it.

    1. The US can't get rid of gangs and cartels in their own country let alone Mexico

    2. 9:17
      For reals Nino.
      You're right, law enforcement don't do nothing. They sit around playing cards.

  16. I guess these POS in groups feel real manly doing this to a innocent dog. I so wish the United States would unleash its wrath on all the cartels and see how it ends when they are at the end of the crosshairs!

  17. Abartige Monster....Leider gibt es solche Menschen in jedem Land


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