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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Edgar Veytia Implicates Felipe Calderon On Protection Of "El Chapo" In The Trial Of Genaro Garcia Luna

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

For the first time, a witness in the trial of Genaro García Luna implicates former President Felipe Calderón in the conspiracy to protect drug leaders, in this case "El Chapo" Guzmán; the reference came from former Nayarit prosecutor Édgar Veytia.

The former prosecutor of Nayarit, Mexico, Édgar Veytia, implicated former President Felipe Calderón in the protection orders for Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, in the midst of the war between drug traffickers.

Veytia, also known as "El Diablo," claimed that his then boss, former governor Ney Gonzalez, and his nephew had met in Mexico City with former President Calderon and former Public Security Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna, who allegedly told him that "El Chapo" and his associates in the Sinaloa Cartel should be protected.

"That the line was El Chapo," Veytia said tersely about the result of that meeting, which he did not attend, since he was on a tour with Luis Cardenas Palominos, a former high-ranking police official - and people close to Garcia Luna - of El Búnker, an area of the Secretariat where state-of-the-art technology for surveillance and espionage operated.

The former prosecutor of Nayarit, Mexico, Édgar Veytia, implicated former President Felipe Calderón in the protection orders for Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, in the midst of the war between drug traffickers.

Veytia, also known as "El Diablo," claimed that his then boss, former governor Ney Gonzalez, and his nephew had met in Mexico City with former President Calderon and former Public Security Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna, who allegedly told him that "El Chapo" and his associates in the Sinaloa Cartel should be protected.

"That the connection was El Chapo," Veytia said tersely about the result of that meeting, which he did not attend, since he was on a tour with Luis Cardenas Palominos, a former high-ranking police official - and people close to Garcia Luna - of El Búnker, an area of the Secretariat where state-of-the-art technology for surveillance and espionage operated.

There was an objection from the defense, led by Cesar de Castro, but Assistant U.S. Attorney Saritha Komatireddy rephrased the question, and Veytia confirmed.

"The order was to protect Los Chapos, not the Beltrán Leyva," said the eighth cooperating witness of the García Luna trial.

The prosecutor asked Veytia if he asked his boss about that decision since Gonzalez was protecting Hector Beltran Leyva, who was then in charge of that criminal group.

"The governor is not asked for an explanation," Veytia justified. He said he then contacted "El Chapo's" people, a guy known as "El Pelocho," who controlled the plaza.

However, previously "El Chapo" Guzman's lawyers had gone to Nayarit to tell Veytia that they wanted to "buy the plaza", that is, to have the protection of authorities and pay them for it in order to operate freely.

Gonzalez and his people resisted, but the pressure from the federal government was greater and, on one occasion, there was a confrontation between state and federal police over the detention of a van with an unidentified person in it.

According to a report from the Beltran Leyva family, "El Chapo" was in the vehicle.

Veytia said he questioned the federal agent in charge, Jorge Anguiano Terríquez, who convinced him to let the vehicle go with the promise of an explanation. The next day Veytia visited Anguiano Terríquez in his office, who handed him the phone with a call in progress.

"Thank you very much...anything with Terríquez," the caller told him.

"Who was that on the phone?" the prosecutor asked Veytia. "Mr. García Luna," he answered.

Other witnesses have exposed that Garcia Luna's decision to support "El Chapo" was part of the war between leaders of different criminal organizations.

Edgar Veytia


  1. Fuck that mentiroso. FC was the best President in history.

    1. What did he do besides initiate the fake war on drugs.

    2. Say it aint sooooo! 🤣🤣🤣🤣No llore mija, noy hay politico que no sea corrupto.

    3. FC ruined Mexico.

    4. 8:44 For a reason hes now hiding in Spain with Enrique Peña Nieto.... best is stealing $.

  2. So if Nayarit was once a BLO plaza and then was handed over to CDS and according to many on here is now CJNG, how do you figure that AMLO is getting bribes when he just captured Menchos brother and a handful of CJNG operators including his wife. Let's not forget to mention the recapture of RCQ, RCQ's brother, Ovidio, Huevo, La Vaca, El 85 and a handful of others.

    1. Well chief its called collateral damage .. every now and then they must have to give someone up notice those cjng captures did not involve narco blockades fires or gun fights

    2. 12:25 just a big show. There's no such thing as war on drugs.
      At thevend of the day the capos and government work closely together

    3. So El Senor Del Sombrero quietly running things. Don't recall anyone from El Mayo's fact

    4. Got everyone that isnt important. When they catch Mencho or his nephew then you can talk.

    5. 840, BB wrote an article categorizing by importance everyone I mentioned with the exception of Ovidio and Menchos brother because they hadn't been caught. Maybe you should stop talking until you actually know what you're talking about.

    6. AnonymousFebruary 7, 2023 at 10:03 PM
      no se la dieron a CDS era de beltranes apoyaron alos beltranes pero debian de apoyar al CDS pero como ya tenian acuerdo siguieron el apoyo a beltranes. despues matan al H2 y le dan la plaza a el jardinero.

  3. Not sure how much weight you can put in something the devil tells you.

  4. I don't understand how people like FC. He is just another piece of shit that kept his godless country in the gutter. Hey he was the best piece of shit out of all of them. I'm not at all surprised about the corruption, I mean Hillary Clinton's Bank laundered billions of dollars worth of drug money so you know White gate?

    1. What's or where is the evidence linking Hillary? Wells Fargo,HSBC and I think Bank of America did laundered drug money but only fined,which is BS .

    2. Think dude is talking about white water which I thought was a real estate scandal not something to do with banking

    3. This Chambito is talking
      about Blackwater.

    4. Think maybe he’s talking about watergate scandal with Richard Nixon. And I think he’s being sarcastic talking about how old all that stuff is.

    5. You think Mexico is Godless? If you mean unreligious you've never been, if you mean evil and pagan you're dumb as a post.

  5. FC life was under control of El Sombrero.

  6. FC even came up in chapos trial but let's be real here, he ain't EVER getting any heat from helping chapo and cds.
    Just remember, Mexican presidents are just puppets with benefits. The U S tells them when and how to jump

    1. 12:35 Much more complex than that kid. For a reason hes out of Mexico and US... since hes wanted by mexican authorities. Spain is his new home, with EPN.

    2. 12:35;You have it wrong, Almo is puppetized, by old school military generals, cartels that pay his government bribes. Why do you think he approach is not to bother cartels, but to kiss them.

    3. 652 I have a hard time believing what your saying. Take a look at every major cartel player that has been captured or extradited during this administration. The proof is in the articles.

  7. The U.S. is adamant that Felipe Calderon knew nothing of Luna Garcias involvement with CDS so this means nothing.
    After all the U.S. did invite Calderon to teach at Harvard University.

  8. This trial would make a good short series on Netflix. Crazy that no matter how strong you think a cartel or cartel figure is, they are just pawns in these greedy ass, corrupt af politicians chess game..

    1. Watch the El Chapo series Lunsa character is actually played in the show by Don Sol. Check it out.

    2. @10.24 There are lots of similarities, especially with important moments like meeting with Chapo and the war with Arturo, but Sol is based on a mixture of characters, and a load of fiction. It's like Don Winslows Cartel novels- He mixed Chapo Guzman with the Arrelano Felix brothers, so people recognise elements but it's still deniable.

    3. I did see the El Chapo series... it was good because it showed the relationship between politicians n narcos more than any other series / show.

    4. 8:21 I agree. Most American made cartel shows or movies never focus on the nexus between trafficking and politics, but they both need one another to function. I saw this other show about a French couple that kidnapped some people. Come to find out it was Luna the whole time. Set it all up for the press. There’s not something someone like that would be scared to do. He’s the real threat. Not the traffickers. I hate to say it they only do what the politicians allow or in some cases coerce them into doing. It’s a big greedy mess in Mexico. Apart from US military intervention I don’t see an answer. Legalization definitely isn’t the answer.

  9. CIA/US ruined Mexico

    1. CIA Special Activities Center title 50 National Security even if that means destroying other countries with drug wars,terrorism,death squads etc
      Examples include Iran (prior to Islamic government) ,Guatemala (Banana Republic) .

    2. Mexicans ruined Mexico. Greed corruption low marality and 0 respect for life ruined mexico. How many kids or innocents died im mexico this week? Did the usa do that?

    3. You will never win against mexican hate,they hate white people,blacks,themselves,they hate the state of mexico but dont do shit about it.These fools would know fuck all about all these politicos if it wasnt for the U.S, prosecuting them,The U.S, not mexico,how easy it is to blame everyone else for your failures.

    4. Viva la raza lmfao

    5. "Mexicans ruined Mexico. Greed corruption low marality and 0 respect for life ruined mexico" The whole world knows that,except for mexicans,what else could they say for how bad they let it get

    6. You cheer for criminality and anti authority,deal with it

    7. 4:45 and "expats" still flooding Mexico... whats wrong?

  10. Hasta con la ayuda del gobierno el pinche chapo guzman mira donde esta. Vato pendejo.

  11. Calderon was on Chapos payroll..tell us something we dont know.


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