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Monday, February 20, 2023

Garcia Harfuch: Gomez Leyva's Aggressors Identified; CJNG Member Under Investigation

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Security Secretary said that although some of the detainees have referred to alleged links with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), the investigations are still ongoing and there is no confirmation of such information.

Omar García Harfuch, head of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSS-CdMx), said this afternoon that the presumed mastermind of the assassination attempt against journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva has already been identified. Without giving a full name, he only identified the man as "El Patrón," an alleged criminal leader who, they are investigating, could be part of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

The capital police chief also said that they are investigating whether there are more suspects of the assassination attempt against the journalist, and that the investigation is still open.

"What we have is several references from the detainees, who have, let's say, mentioned two or three different people. We have identified all of them, and the Public Prosecutor's Office also has to prove that these people are related to the facts, not only because they are mentioned by the detainees. There are people identified, not only him ('El Patrón'), but also those that other detainees have made reference to. El Patrón' is one of the identified persons and we are going to analyze everything that the detainees have mentioned and have declared," he said in a press conference.

Omar García @OHarfuch reported that a man identified as "El Patrón" was the one who allegedly ordered the killing of journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva.

They are also investigating if he belongs to the CJNG

According to the Secretary of Security, although several of the detainees have referred to alleged links with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), the investigations are still ongoing and there is no confirmation of such information.

"They themselves, as they commented in the public hearing, allude to or make reference to this criminal group (Jalisco New Generation Cartel ). However, now that the arrest warrants have been served, we are obviously continuing the investigation so that, according to the statements of the detainees themselves, we can make other arrests," he said at a press conference.

Likewise, he confirmed that all the confirmed suspects have been arrested and the investigation continues now to go after the masterminds.

Harfuch García pointed out that Héctor Eduardo "N", alias "El Bart", allegedly murdered a person in Tanzínguaro, Michoacán, who would be the person driving the motorcycle in which the journalist was followed the night of the attack.

Secretary @OHarfuch commented that the mastermind of the attack on Ciro Gomez Leyva is probably a NARCO called "El Patron" of the CJNG....

"We know that he ('El Bart') commits a homicide, we are going to determine the identity of this person, there are lines of investigation that point to him being the person who was driving the motorcycle, but as I have always said, we never give information that is speculation, whenever we say a piece of information, it has to be concrete and proven. So, we are going to wait, what came out in these first hearings, to determine where the homicide took place, I understand that it was in Tancítaro, Michoacán, but let's wait for the information from the Prosecutor's Office itself", he said.

Just last February 16, the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSC-CdMx) announced that 12 arrest warrants had already been issued against the persons arrested for their alleged relationship with the attack on journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, which occurred on December 15.

Omar García Harfuch, head of the Secretariat of Security of the capital, announced on his Twitter account that after the arrest of the 12 people, the 12 arrest warrants were obtained: four of them for attempted homicide and the remaining eight for criminal association.

Pedro "N", alias "Pool"; Israel "N"; Juan Antonio "N" and "Héctor Eduardo "N" are the four persons charged with the crime of attempted homicide against the journalist and host of the star news program on Imagen TV.

On January 18, the Mexico City Attorney General's Office (FGJ-CdMx) announced the indictment of two people, a man and a woman, for their alleged relationship with the attack against Ciro Gómez Leyva.

Through a message published on social networks, the capital agency detailed that the persons were identified as Israel "N" and Cinthia "N". Both will be remanded in custody for the duration of the process.

Israel "N" and Cinthia Yeyetci "N" were arrested for the possible commission of crimes against health in its modality of drug dealing, possession for commercial purposes; in addition to possession of firearms and rounds for the exclusive use of the Army.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, this was the first of five hearings that will be held that day as part of the follow-up of the investigations that the authorities have carried out for the aggression against the journalist, which occurred on December 15, 2022.

Ciro Gómez Leyva Attack


  1. Nope. CGL had been recently mentioning a certain individual from Parácuaro that sang the mañanitas to Lupita with Cheke Peña

    1. Bro that guy is a free man and he has no pending charges.

  2. Investigating or more like torturing to get info on these bastards

    1. "Investigating or more like torturing to get info on these bastards"
      They have human rights you know,we cant just kick the shit out of people?Can we?

    2. These scumbags deserve no human rights they are parasites 🦠

  3. Whats the motive for CJNG killing CGL? He doesnt really report on any unbroken news right?

  4. This guy is another Garcia Luna helping a cartel and blaming everything on another cartel, i wouldnt be surprise if he gets arrested later on

    1. He's as dirty as garcia Luna but I wouldn't be surprised if he's NOT arrested

  5. Harfuch has a hard on for CJNG. If he gets a flat tire, it was CJNG. If he drops a call, not poor cellular coberage it had to be CJNG. Harfuch gets a warm coca cola on a hot day, it is because CJNG!!!!

  6. If this guy ever gets his political power taken away he is not gonna last one day, he has been knucking on the devils door fir a long time, wonder what his motives are for hating on CJNG so much, i mean in the Defectuoso all the cartels are dealing but for some unknown reason he is only and always mentioning CJNG

    1. He even faked a cjng ambush. He's up to something 🤔


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