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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Governor of Michoacan Asks FCH To Testify In Trial of Garcia Luna For The "Michoacanazo"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla, current governor of Michoacan and member of the Morena political party, requested, on February 6, 2023, that Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa - president of Mexico from December 1, 2006 to November 30, 2012 - be investigated and testify in Courtroom 8D-South of the Federal Court of the Eastern District of New York, in the trial against Genaro Garcia Luna, former head of the Federal Public Security Secretariat (SSP), during the administration of said national leader.

The case of the so-called "Michoacanazo", as the operation carried out on May 26, 2009 by elements of the Federal Preventive Police (PFP) and the Mexican Army, in which 11 mayors, 18 state officials, a judge of the state of Michoacán, as well as a businessman were arrested for alleged ties to organized crime, specifically with La Familia Michoacana and Los Caballeros Templarios.

The following day, the state prosecutor Miguel García Hurtado and the deputy prosecutor in Morelia, Ignacio Mendoza Jiménez, presented themselves for arrest, of their own free will. Later, two other mayors were apprehended and one more, who was accused, but could not be arrested by the now defunct Attorney General's Office (PGR), whose head at the time was Eduardo Medina Mora, and who could not prove any crime against the accused, they were all released.

During his weekly press conference, Ramirez Bedolla stated that former senator and twice former gubernatorial candidate for the National Action Party (PAN), Luisa Maria Calderon Hinojosa, sister of the former president, was the one who "produced" the list of those implicated in the "Michoacanazo".

"Either Felipe Calderón was under the orders of García Luna, or García Luna was under the orders of Felipe Calderón, that is what is in doubt, who was under whose orders," said the state governor, who added that the former president should answer for the "bad strategy" with which he allegedly tried to leave the state in the hands of a single organized crime group.

According to Ramirez Bedolla, part of Calderon Hinojosa's strategy was to pressure then Governor Leonel Godoy Rangel, a militant of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), so that the state's security would be in the hands of the Federation.

The state governor regretted that as a result of the "Michoacanazo," self-defense groups emerged, new cartels and organized crime were strengthened, and today, the consequences are still being suffered. "Calderón should also be investigated by the U.S. Court and testify," insisted the governor.

Finally, Ramirez Bedolla regretted that the also former president of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of PAN -from March 9, 1996 to March 9, 1999-, now lives in Spain, which he described as an escape route, to avoid facing his responsibilities.


  1. Alfredo Bedolla governor of Michoacan, steps out to voice out, something from ages ago. He knows 80%of government is curupt.
    Governors should be voicing the high crimes, homicides in there States, instead of finger pointing an old retired president, give me a break.

    1. They can do both. You think Calderon will ever get a reckoning unless a trial like this makes it possible? It isn't about what percentage of the government is corrupt, it's about the old balance of the protection rackets- if a President was trading in money and power while also turning the country into a war zone then it doesn't matter to me that he is being called out by somebody just as crooked.

    2. Same prediction will happen to ELMO, he is collecting all those bribes right now. A few years later he, will be implicated in curupt activities.

  2. In Spanish, if the suffix -azo is used (as in Culiacànazo) does that mean, loosely, like a big event happened in Culiacàn? A big scandal? Thanks.

    1. (azo) is attached to a place or means it was a big or historic event

    2. No mames (azo) is used to exagerate or make it seem bigger, like saying Vergazo para tu culazo!

  3. When Governor Bedolla leaves office and if CJNG continues to make inroads into Michoacán -he will not be able to stay in one place too long. His family Fructuoso Comparan ex - Mayor of Aguililla & son arrested for Meth trafficking sold him down the river.

    1. He'll seek another political post for the immunity from prosecution those positions enable


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