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Thursday, February 9, 2023

How Cartels Took Over California's Desert and Turned It to Lawless Land

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

“Just in 2022…our Sheriff's Department…eradicated 1100 Illegal cannabis locations…they seized 1.4 million plants, cannabis plants 97 tons of processed marijuana…350 illegal firearms.”

Siyamak sits down with Dawn Rowe, San Bernardino County Supervisor.  Today she explains the impacts of illegal growth sites in San Bernardino County and what the county is doing to eradicate illegal growth.


  1. Weed and mushrooms are the only drug markets that can never be controlled. They will always have a notable black market. You could literally grow them in your closet and produce semi-commercial amounts.

  2. This story needs some desert music.

  3. Probably not just Mexican but other nationalities.My friend had a dispensary in LA.He buys sometimes from Armenians.Armenians have lots of land in Kern and Fresno counties.

  4. Crazy they don’t refer to the white guys cooking up meth up north as “cartels”. If they are brown, they must be cartel related. BOOMERS

    1. 908 This is exactly how it is with the gabachos in this area. Whites love all types of drugs

    2. 9:08 naming cartels in any drug deals or topic discussed makes the drug trade sound more alarming to Americans. Blaming others.
      If you name white people in the drug trade they make movies and tv shows about these white fold making them look almost innocent of their involvement.
      Look at the movie Blow, The Mule and the show Breaking Bad.
      These white characters are portrayed as almost naive in the drug trade while Hispanic characters are portrayed as hardcore drug members and killers.

    3. If it’s white people they will most likely be called “super cartel” or some bs like that. Always gotta make them better in some way.

    4. @9:08
      Meth cooking in small town USA in 2023. Really? I thought it was not viable anymore

    5. It’s not, and it hasn’t been for quite some time now Mexicans can make it for dirt cheap

  5. I have never seen a legitimate law enforcement action where cartels and growing ops in CA were linked. It's like an urban legend.

    1. You sound new to this site

    2. J's first article on BB was posted on May 10, 2011. So, safe to say he's not new.

  6. But but I thought US gun proponents said this can't happen because they have guns to protect the good ol' USA.

    1. We don't have that shit going on up here in the PNW. White boys control the weed game up here. You go down the wrong dirt road or driveway in my area, you get shot. Cops will not go down a dirt driveway up here unless they come heavy. More guns than people here.

  7. Lmao she said theirs watch towers in the desert now that's a Damm lie it's bad outbhere but she's exaggerating way too much

  8. Her obsession with prohibition guarantees the profit and perpetuation of the black market.


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