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Friday, February 17, 2023

Largest Methamphetamine seizure Of The Year In Angostura: Sinaloa

 “Ivan” for Borderland Beat 


17 February 2023

Due to the quantity of substances, this seizure is considered the most relevant this year.

Mexican Army personnel seized approximately 1,380 liters and 483 kilograms of possible methamphetamine in the municipality of Angostura, Sinaloa.

Military personnel intensified surveillance patrols in the town of Campo San Miguel, Angostura, Sinaloa.

The Mexican Army personnel observed 3 individuals outside a black construction site located in the aforementioned town, who upon noticing the presence of the authorities, fled in different directions, abandoning containers, plastic bags and coolers; consequently, a security device was implemented to carry out a search, securing the following:

- 1,380 liters approximately of possible liquid methamphetamine.

- Approximately 483 kilograms of probable solid methamphetamine.

Due to the quantity of substances, this seizure is considered the most relevant this year.

Likewise, the suspected illicit substances were handed over to the competent authorities, so that investigations and expert actions can be carried out to confirm the type and quantity of drugs.

These actions were carried out in strict compliance with the rule of law.



  1. Does Mexico ever publish lab testing of the busts and resulting evidence.... Like do it say if this is s+methamphetamine or d-methamphetamine or l-methamphetamine

    And what do the purity be?? I would love to see statistics and scientific samples....

    1. For real , we don’t even know if it’s different qualities we can assume but we don’t know cause we’re not junkies or meth heads.

    2. 06:26 oh yeah right, because all junkies and drug addicts have HPLC // LCMS // GCMS Chromatography mass spectrum analyzers and test their $10 baggie of drugs before injecting and smoking

    3. I heard somewhere that most cartel meth is racemic mix of dextro and levo.

    4. 7:00 “a crime laboratory-the Gas Chromatograph with Mass Spectrometry has a limitation. It’s limitation is in its ability to be stereoselective. As we blogged before, GC-MS is not perfect: The case study of methamphetamine there is a large issue in the ability of the GC-MS to distinguish between steroisomers of methamphetamine.”

  2. Ive been telling yall, back and forth snitching between Chapitos and mayos

  3. Literally half a TON…

  4. Damn ! Someone is keen on dismantling the chapitos

    1. 7:04 it's not like that's a bad thing good Riddance

  5. Do you guys think China is the one sending all this feny to the u.s and the u.s is blaming Mexican cartels instead? Why would a cartel kill off its customers?

    1. Because the cartels don’t care about long term anymore. It’s get in and get out as fast as possible. Some people say the demand is so high BECAUSE it’s killing people but I’m not sure how that really works. Also everyone knows the precursors are coming from China, that’s just common sense now. What people don’t mention as much is how often the precursors come from India or even Germany as well.

    2. 9:08 Mijo rookie
      You need to continue reading more,
      BB has so many articles.
      No China does not send Fentanyl to USA , (if that was the case no Cartels needed).
      The precursor chemicals are shipped to Mexico, to make the Fentynal. Then sent illegally to USA where addicts pay wholesale.

    3. 11:56 ya meant to say they pay RETAIL.

  6. it's on every corner of the globe Drugs Meth is a plauge the devil's drug. Hati was a paradise now in ruins because of Meth Africa Germany Netherlands

    1. Yea honestly amphetamines in general really suck. Even MDMA I find to be tacky and something to do only once every like 4 or 5 years.

      Cocaine and morphinan-based opioids are where it’s at. Fent is an opioid but not a morphinan one so it still sucks.

  7. A lot of the overdoses in the US are not accidental. It’s how they get away with murder in the United States. Out of the 50 or so that I have heard of in the past few years I would bet less than 10 ten were accidental.


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