Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpión, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpión, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off its power by abducting and interrogating alleged dealers and consumers of crystal meth and fentanyl. 

The following broadcast has been deemed safe for everyone to see.

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: What’s your name?

Captive #1: Ezequiel Sosa Zamarripa. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive #1: 56. 

Sicario : Where are you from?

Captive #1: Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: What’s your address?

Captive #1: I live at Soledad 26 in the Ricardo A. Basso neighborhood. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive #1: Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: Why were you detained?

Captive #1: Because I sold crystal meth. 

Sicario: Where do you get your product from?

Captive #1: From Monterrey, Nuevo León. 

Sicario: What’s your name?

Captive #2: My name is Jaime Narciso Ramírez González. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive #2: I am 30 years old. 

Sicario: Where are you from?

Captive #2: I’m originally from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: What’s your address?

Captive #2: (unintelligible)

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive: I live in the San Francisco neighborhood. 

Sicario: Why were you detained?

Captive #2: Because I was selling crystal meth. 

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive #3: My name is Raquel Salinas Diseñó. 

Sicario: Whats your age?

Captive #3: I am 41 years old. 

Sicario:  Where are you originally from?

Captive #3: I’m from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: Whats your address?

Captive #3: My address is 310 Calle 523 in the Popular neighborhood. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive #3: I live in the Buena Vista neighborhood. 

Sicario: Why were you detained?

Captive #3: I was selling crystal meth. 

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive #4: Rosalia Garcia Herrera. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive #4: I’m 49 years old. 

Sicario: Where are you originally from?

Captive #4: I’m from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: What’s your address?

Captive #4: My address is on Calle Revolución in the Mexico Agrario neighborhood. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive #4: I live in the Mexico Agrario neighborhood. 

Sicario: Why were you detained?

Captive #4: I was selling crystal meth. 

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive #5: My name is Ernesto Carranza. 

Sicario: Whats your age?

Captive #5: I’m 37 years old. 

Sicario: Where are you originally from?

Captive #5: I’m from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: Whats your address?

Captive #5: My address is 34 Calle Calgary in the Fraccionamiento Canadá neighborhood. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive #5: I live in the Fraccionamiento Canadá neighborhood. 

Sicario: Why were you detained?

Captive #5: I was buying crystal meth. 

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive #6: My name is Javier Gonzalez Suarez. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive #6: I am 56 years old. 

Sicario: Where are you originally from?

Captive #6: I’m originally from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. 

Sicario: What’s your address?

Captive #6: My address is in the Lucio Blanco neighborhood. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive #6: I live in the Campestre del Río 1 neighborhood. 

Sicario: Why were you detained?

Captive #6: I was buying crystal meth. 

Sicario: The Scorpion Group doesn’t permit the sale of crystal meth or fentanyl here at the border. Do you regret your actions?

All captives answer: yes sir! 

Sicario: There will be no forgiveness for anyone who is selling or consuming crystal meth. 

Yours truly, Grupo Escorpión, armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo

La Voz del Pueblo

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  1. Wow so they can snort coca though right?

    1. Coca is a classy drug remember, for movie stars and…..drug traffickers….🤨

    2. 9:57 Mexicans like coca and have since the 80s. Ever seen that funeral of the Gulf Cartel member where people were snorting lines off his glass see-through casket?

  2. We are the absolute mob of Grupo Escorpion Cartel del Golfo !

  3. Sr Sicalio 006 can we get some intel on Grupo Escorpion

    1. Tier 7 operators trained by CIA and MI6 with support from Mossad. Formerly led by Tom Clancy, but current commander is Rambo and Mickey Mouse.

  4. The great CDG how low can you go.Cartel scrubs all of them.Taking women and punters ?
    Esta es nuestra plaza for us to cross our meth,no one else can sell unless its our shit and we get our tribute

  5. CDG lovers out there,heres your heroes

    1. Theyre pieces of shit but they run our side of the border. Better cdg matamoros than the cdn or jalisco cartel.

  6. Wish this happened in America

    1. It happens in a different way and without videos. I know a couple of gangsters who got the shit beat out of them by their own gang because their heroin use was getting out of control. They were also forbidden to use fent.

    2. 12:05 Hm now that I think about it, I remember seeing a documentary or video segment with some Bloods and they talked about beating up people in the park for smoking crack. I wouldn’t do that to people using heroin if I was a criminal street enforcer but I could understand it for meth and fentanyl.

      The interesting thing is that where I actually grew up in the suburbs, I know people who would jump other people for using DXM oddly enough of all things. Seems kind of random but hey, I kinda hate robo-trippers too. I was more so just talking about how I wish there were strict street codes against meth and fentanyl here in the states and that some gang or mafia could mitigate its presence through force.

    3. 10:06 if "this happened in america" probably 80% of the people would get killed starting with 80% of your family

    4. It happens everywhere. It just doesn't get leaked by police, or sent to people who will leak it for other purposes.

    5. 3:34 You clearly don’t live in America. Normal people here don’t use meth and fent unless by accident because they got laced.

    6. 3:47 No it doesn’t. Gangs don’t control shit anymore. And the mafia and Irish mob are shadows of what it once were.

    7. 4:44 Who is normal in America?

    8. 4:44 i actually do live in america, thats why i said it

    9. 7:12 People who don’t use meth, fent, crack or PCP.

    10. 2:01AM
      So, nobody then.

    11. 9:14 Again, you clearly don’t live in America or you just don’t know anyone. I find it hard to believe any American would even claim that as hyperbole

  7. So if they are CDG dealers in Matamoros, where are they getting meth then? They must have unauthorized suppliers or who knows. Shows lack of control from CDG if you ask me.

    Btw. Ciclón 7 was from Buena Vista.

    1. 10:15 Covert labs are everywhere whatchu mean where

    2. One of them mentioned getting it from Monterrey

    3. 1015
      " where are they getting meth then? "
      Do you people even read the whole story?
      Probably blame Sol for your inadequate reading of the article as many here do?

  8. I wonder if they were let go…

    1. More than likely they were all killed. I've met the Gulf and Zetas here in Houston. Both cartels have even offered me work. That's how fucking wild these guys actually are. They just don't give a fuck when it comes to how they run their business.

    2. Their heads were let go inside a cooler and limbs in plastic bag.

    3. "No forgiveness"

    4. Say something meaningful @903 lmfao

  9. I can only imagine how terrified they must feel,kneeling there wondering what’s coming next!

  10. looks like only 3


  12. I'm going to sleep well knowing that the Mexican government will do an extensive investigation to identify and locate the gunmen in this video. They probably have several detectives working leads right now. The families of the victims know that all the resources of the State are being mobilized. I'm serious.

  13. Grupo espcorpions and sombra are enemies?

  14. Damn the first girl (at 0:50) seems like she’s holding back a panic attack

    1. 2:30 🤣 wouldnt you of you were about to get your head cut off? Me personaly dont mined knuckiling up, but knowing you are about to die in one of the worse ways ever i would for sure be having a panic attack

    2. I noticed that too. Her breathing is intense. Csnt imagine the terror kneeling there waiting.

    3. 6:35 Yeah it seems like surreal and hopeless position to be in

    4. I’ll probably crap my pants then die of ❤️ attack if that was me. Then it wouldn’t happen cause I’ll never step foot in Mexico.

    5. 8:28 we have plenty of serias killers here in the USA so dont worrie it can happen to you too here

  15. Well if they wanted to prove how dominate they are, I’m sure many were already aware.

    Who are these guys aligned with, cds?

    1. Cdg matamoros takes plazas from cds.

  16. Can we have these guys clean up skid-row? 😂

    1. How about by Venice and the 405?? They made an effort but 2 days later it looks even worse. Plus it seems narco culture here in LA only embraces/identifies with Sinaloa... CDG will not be embraced.

    2. 3:14 That would only work for about 10 minutes and then skid row would soon return back to what it was. They’d have a better chance of fighting the source directly, which would be other cartels.

    3. Ye man lets clean it up for Crocodile Dundee,the Aussies dont even want that prick.He was all American,now hes all Australian again,reminds you of something else?

  17. Pobre vatos, matamoros dont play around!

  18. Something about the last guy, the guy on the far right strikes me as possibly being their leader (assuming it’s a meth distribution ring). I know he just said he was buying, implying that he’s just a customer but I really wonder how they caught him that way.

  19. Did one of them get killed for simply buying meth for personal use?

    1. Something tells me they didn’t actually get killed. It’s not like they had to or anything and if they did I’m pretty sure they would video that part as well

    2. @2:30 — lol you clearly haven’t been following this shit in Mexico have you?

      They clearly were trying to portray themselves as “prestigious”.. so the message should have been pretty clear, these folks were dead meat…

      Letting them go would contradict their “efforts to clean up the plaza”

  20. Nothing to do with the article, but people asked for my list of original Metros. I posted it here:


  21. Seems they were not killed after all.

    1. They went with our interrogation transcript, only they did it in Spanish. Nice!

  22. Here is the fuk up thing. I am from durango, in the city meth is legal to use, even the merchants sell meth pipes on the street (no joke) but in some of the cities of the state, meth is illegal, and if you get busted consuming you get beat up, paying a fee, and getting your self in a rehab center, that is a 30 minute difference where meth is illegal and legal. same cartel runs Durango, supposedly they prohibit meth in small cities because they turn people into thieves and bring poverty, yet in the city is complete fine.

    1. Selling “meth pipes” happens everywhere. Meth doesn’t have to be legal for that.


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