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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Mexico Has 9 of the 10 Cities with the Highest Homicide Rates in the World

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Although the homicide rate in Mexico for 2022 decreased by 7.1% compared to 2021 (from 33,308 to 30,968), it was not enough for the levels of crime in the nation to present a significant reduction compared to other countries.

This list consists of cities with over 300,000 people that are not currently involved in recognized armed conflicts, such as Syria, Sudan, or Yemen. Rated on the number of homicides per capita of 100,000 residents of the city.

Of the Top 10 places, 9 cities are in Mexico. Most of them are located in the north of the country and along the Pacific coast.

Colima (Colima)

Zamora (Michoacán)

Ciudad Obregón (Sonora)

Zacatecas (Zacatecas)

Tijuana (Baja California)

Celaya (Guanajuato)

Uruapan (Michoacán)

Juárez (Chihuahua)

Acapulco (Guerrero)

New Orleans, Louisiana sits at number 8 as the sole city outside of Mexico in the top 10.

The rest of the list includes Mexico with the largest number of cities (17 in total) followed by Brazil (10), the United States (7), Colombia (6), South Africa (4), Honduras (2), Puerto Rico (1), Haiti (1), Ecuador (1) and Jamaica (1).


  1. Wow! Where is the lowest homicide rates??? I’m moving

    1. there's places with 0 per 100,000 but usually like tiny countries or islands.

    2. Wikipedia and other websites differ: El Salvador dwarfs all nations while Mexico is on the middle. Interestingly, the U S. Virgins Islands are in the top 5.

    3. Maybe we’ll see more drugs coming in thru El Salvador… and that’s why their prez “cleaned things up”

  2. I would like to know the safest places as well, in Mexico. Good article.

  3. Most are located North of the country? Only Sonora, Baja California, and Chihuahua are North of the country.

    1. No shit, they’re by the border

  4. Where's the fool, that says Mexico does not have a high homicide rate?
    Elmo would pay a lot to have this article hidden from public view.

    1. 😂😂😂😂

    2. The Big Nutt Truther is the one who says Mexico is safer then cities like Chicago,L.A etc .. I think 🤔

    3. Nobody says it doesn't have a high murder rate. The people who said (me included) that for murders Mexico as a whole is nowhere near the top, were usually responding to dipshits who said ''Mexico is the worst country in the world'', and people who misrepresent the data. This isn't Mexico as a whole, it is Mexican cities.

    4. It is said Mexico as a whole TOTAL.

    5. 06:50 hey now let's not point fingers 🤌

    6. Nobody ever said that here in BB.

    7. Ha I was thinking about that guy that is always saying how safe Mexico is. He is insane

  5. Congrats Mexico. You did it again.
    I’m surprise Chicago is not in the list.

    1. When you look at the murder per capita rate for US cities, Chicago is ranked as the #28 highest. Meaning there are 27 US cities with a higher murder rate.

      It's not even close to being the top.

    2. “That’s not what Faux news told me”

    3. 9:54: HOWEVER, overall, Mexican as country has a lower murder rate than about a dozen countries

    4. Lmao @ 1:59 where did you learn math?

  6. ELMO not letting us down. Hugs, not bullets.

    1. Zedillo 1995-2000 murders 79759

      Fox 2001-2006 murders 60073

      Calderon 2006-2012 murders 122319

      Peña Nieto 2013-2017 murders 150,451

      Amlo 2018-now 72000

      According to Statista. Im sure theres a +/- but from the looks of it theres been a drastic improvement from the previous two Presidents.

    2. 2:46 wherever you got your "stats" from the years of each presidential term are incorrect

    3. 2:46:
      There have been more than 120,000 homicides in Mexico since ELMO took office. Your stats are way off.

    4. 2:46
      Yes I noticed your statistics are way off, I believe your trying to paint the picture, that on Elmo's watch, less homicides. On gramps's watch he averages 30,000-35,000+ the disappeared and unaccounted.
      Well over 130,000.

    5. 6.38

      35,000 homicides a year while Almo is president, that's about 140,000.

  7. Check the homicide rate for L.A county in 1992... Shit will surprise you

    1. Mijo the topic is Mexico on this article.

    2. Juarez beat those numbers in 2010 a shame tho

    3. It was 21.3.

  8. Which cartel controls Colima?

  9. This list is only based upon cities with more than 300,000 people. Sonora only has two cities with more than 300,000....Hermosillo (not on list) and Obregon (#3). If you were to include the murders in Guaymas (pop 150K) and Empalme (pop 40K), I suspect the region would be near or at #1. Hermosillo still pretty safe, but things getting worse lately.

    I used to have a home in the area. Shame to see this happening. Shocking that Obregon is now worse than Tijuana. I wonder what Guaymas' rate is? Probably higher than Obregon.

    1. Absolutely, but worse than that, it makes Mexico look like the most violent country in the world by deliberately excluding data from so many other countries that have a much higher murder rate but smaller cities, and it extends the ''cities'' by including urban areas when it suits them. People should read the ''Methodology'' behind the data on this website before judging. Their purpose is to shame the Mexican Government into action- a good thing in theory, I guess. But there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

  10. US Cities on List:
    8th - New Orleans - 70.56
    17 - Baltimore - 57.76
    23 - Detroit - 48.86
    25 - Memphis - 47.75
    27 - Cleveland - 45.65
    39 - Milwaukee - 37.59
    46 - Philadelphia - 32.74

  11. What places are Guadalajara and Culiacan in?

    1. Fuckit I am moving to Switzerland or Amsterdam where it's safe

    2. Rusinola is dope and beautiful this time of year featuring a temperate climate this time of the year.

  12. So no countries from Africa (with actual wars going in there), no countries from middle east (syria, Iraq, Yemen...), no Haiti, or other countries... thats a weird list. New Orleans is more violent than Damascus?

  13. weird source.... with no external sources or no methodology at all. Put most mexican cities on chart, but obvious places are not on it.


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