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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Military Captures Largest Meth Lab in Mexican History in "Los Chapitos"-Controlled Angostura, Sinaloa

 By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

The Mexican Military recently captured the largest methamphetamine lab in Mexico's history in Angostura, Sinaloa, reported newspaper Milenio. This capture comes one week after another major drug lab bust and a methamphetamine seizure in the countryside surrounding Culiacán.

The article reports that the tarp tent-covered narco lab spans 3 hectares squared, and was hidden in Rafael Buelna, a region in the municipality of Angostura, to the west of CuliacánAccording to Milenio, this lab had the capacity to produce 3 tons of methamphetamine daily, a figure based on the 36 Chemical Synthesis Reactors found at the site.

The date of this seizure is not reported.

Just five days earlier, on February 17, the Army found 1,380 liquid liters and 483 solid kilograms of methamphetamine in this same municipality.

Before that, on February 14, the Mexican army seized a large methamphetamine and fentanyl producing drug lab in Pueblos Unidos, a small town to the south of Culiacán. This lab likely belonged to the Mayo faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, based on their control of the municipality. 

The Context

Citing military figures, Milenio reported that 1071 out of 1206, or 88% of synthetic drug labs found in Mexico during the López Obrador administration have been found in the state of Sinaloa, highlighting the role of the Sinaloa Cartel in the synthetic drug crisis.

Decreasing fentanyl production and traffic into the United States is a top priority for the US government. Recently, US DEA director Anne Milgram expressed that the DEA is unhappy with the inadequate cooperation with the Mexican government.

The state of Sinaloa is firmly under control of the Sinaloa Cartel, which is split into two factions, one led by the sons of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, commonly called "Los Chapitos", and the other led by Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada. This particular area, around the municipality of Angostura, is controlled by Los Chapitos.

This first part of this article relies heavily on reporting by Amílcar Salazar Méndez for Milenio.

Sources: Milenio, Borderland Beat Archives (2/14) Borderland Beat Archives via Noroeste(2/17)


  1. Replies
    1. Wow that's awesome thanks BB! Hey guys, gals, and non-binary robots - How much meth does the USA consume every month!?

      3 tons a day WTF. I wonder how much fentanyl they're putting on the market too

      "3 tons of methamphetamine daily, a figure based on the 36 Chemical Synthesis Reactors found at the site

    2. Imagine how many more labs throughout Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Baja, Sonora, Michoacan, Coahuila, and the list goes on. Thats why that shit cost 75 bucks a pound in Mexico. Shits cheap af! Modern day brick weed.

    3. Most are in Sinaloa though there aren’t many in other states

    4. 5:12 true, most if the Sinaloas dont know hiw to work leggit so they deal drugs, the sad and cringy thing is they are really proud about it, but o well they love that shitty life

    5. @5:12 — those are the ones that are found…

    6. @8:11 or another perspective is that the entrepreneur mentality is common among Sinaloans. Who realize that working a normal job where the price for a gallon of gas is close to half a full days pay, is not going to help them achieve any type of financial freedom. Many drug traffickers from the area utilize their profits to start successful businesses and only view the drug trade as a mean to gain capital. Since the drug trade as a business has deep roots in Sinaloa ( Guadalajara cartel aka Badiraguato cartel) connections to the drug trade are common among its citizens. With that being said, many could understand why the drug trade is common in the state of Sinaloa, most are taking advantage of the opportunities around them. Similar to citizens of any oil related state, they work in the business because it’s a good form of pay, even though the topic has caused a tremendous amount of deaths(Wars,etc..,,) The big difference between the two topics are one has an easier mean of controlling or taxing.

    7. Yeah that’s like saying people in coal country love to work in dark, dingy, and deadly places! Obviously many would jump at better opportunities if they existed. Honestly being a drug dealer is better than being a thief in my book. In the 90s as a kid I remember people saying that in Mexico City ‘they will steal your socks without taking off your shoes’ I’ll take the person who will sell me what I asking for over the dude robbing me any day

    8. 11:25 Aka Badiraguato cartel?

    9. 07:50 ahh the days of honorable drug kingpins and mafia, old school dealers and chemists synthesizing designer drugs from plant extracts….. maybe they will sell you what you ask for in Mexico City or Arizona but truth be told the opposite is occurring in the North American illegal underworld and dope dealers…..

      Now everyone is a Smurf driving to Mexico to get meth and blues and smuggle it back maybe you can find a brick of tar or brown too if you’re lucky

    10. See you guys all think these criminals is dumb and that people are actually getting busted.

      But what I see is reality, which is the cartel making the meth is the cartel calling in the location of an old meth-creation site to keep the cops busy there while the "newer" and bigger lab is set up and safely operating elsewhere.

      As long as cops are meeting their bust quotas and the right peeps is paid off, then this is the best idea yet. Sure some expendable workers may fall but they are easy to replace. Just keep the cooks safe.

      No where in this article was an amount of drugs seized noted about the most current bust.

    11. @10:53 all of the founders and most of the main members were from Badiraguato: Miguel Ángel, Rafa, Don Neto, el azul, etc..,, and that’s why many in Sinaloa are still in the trade. When the members were arrested, family members and associates from the area continued to carry out operations. All though Sinaloa is a big state, there has always been a relationship between people all across the state.

    12. 11:25 if you think drugvdealing is a smart thing to do, your not very bright. I seen many have money for a while but later get kidnapped, killed or end up in prison and with no money but a bad drug habit.
      Sinaloas are just lazy people, I seen many in arizona selling dirt weed and Coke back in the day. They ALL got deported after their prison sentence. We all have a choice to do things.
      That's not entrepreneurship

    13. @3:59
      Definition of an Entrepreneur; ",a person who operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks to do so".
      I never stated that it was a smart thing to do but instead I made a statement to comprehend the reasons behind their actions. There has been kidnappings and deaths among many different industries, not just the drug trade, it comes with the territory of a business where the with high literal cash flow.
      It does not mean a person is lazy, ambitious is a better word and more closely related to the motive. Some people work with their heads and others with their hands, it's how the world works. Some are comfortable with a Honda Civic and others desire a Ferrari, it's freedom of choice.

    14. 12:47 you really sound like your 17

  2. All these meth lab busts got me started thinking. Like why not just give up and decontrol the chemical markets and let trailer trash be trailer trash?

    Or legalize it already. If people want to use that shit let ‘em do it but make it in the USA. That’s all or the Taliban

    1. Trailer trash money is good money

    2. I agree with 4:00 legalize all drugs even fent, and take that revenue from the cartels, shit if people are stupid enough to take any kind of drugs that can kill them maybe their genes are not needed in this world

    3. take that revenue from the cartels…how should this work? Cartels would be the first to setup up shops in every American neighborhood. They have the knowledge and the resources. And most important you guys cant blame mexico anymore for stupid kids going OD.

    4. 8:23 We would evolve over time to be able to handle them. Joey Diaz’s genes would make it a long way.

    5. 10:51 better yet they can now pay taxes and stop killing for the cornes were they use to sell those drugs

    6. 1:54 isnt tgat the hole point? But mean while the weakest genes can be taken out of the equation

    7. Prohibition itself creates demand. The teacher points out an apple on her desk, and tells the class to not touch the apple. Then the teacher leaves the room for five minutes. Will the kids want the apple more than they otherwise would have? Will they all be able to resist the temptation? Might taking it boost a rebel's status?

      But there is an industrial complex in the so-called 'war on drugs.' Too many well paid people in a special interest group, along with USA's prison industrial complex, to have much chance of attaining any legislative solution.

  3. This might be part of the deal between AMLO and Biden.

    1. You mean a deal between AMLO and Chapitos? Because that is more likely.

    2. Ironically it is a part of the AMLO/ Biden deal. It's one of the points outlined in the Bicentennial Framework that AMLO introduced to the U.S a year ago. Check it out, I even provided a link for you and cut and paste the section where it's mentioned. What a lot of people don't realize is that AMLO is pretty transparent when it comes to his agenda. Mind you the link was taken from the official U.S government website.

      Cooperation Area 2.3:  Disrupt the capacity of TCOs and their illicit supply chains

      Joint objective 2.3.1:  Disrupt and dismantle narcotics production.

      Joint objective 2.3.2:  Reduce the capacity of TCOs to distribute and sell controlled substances.

      Joint objective 2.3.3:  Strengthen and expand regulatory and law enforcement capacity to address the trafficking of synthetic drugs and precursors

    3. Yeah because Biden totally tipped them off…

    4. Viene el Commandante Biden de las tres letras (USA) por tus narco laboratorios

    5. 545 en silla de rueda o andadera?🤣🤣🤣

    6. 05:45 Cartel Biden baby

  4. Kiss Chapitos goodbye

    1. Little do you know the chapitos are in linea with el mz! @4:54!

    2. 5:42 not really helping them all that much

  5. Meth till death 😂

  6. Fetty and waters are basically worthless theirs is zero money to be made by anyone except the people that actually cook it. Blues are available anywhere for less than one dollar even less in bulk meth is hovering around 4-500 a pound even less is bulk..the penalties are way too harsh in my opinion and there little money to make….I remember when pounds of meth were at 8-9k a pound..the cartels killed their own business. Now they are setting up laws were they can charge you with manslaughter for even possessing blues..good luck with all that

    1. Hell even ❄️ is super cheap on a certain level. 12K in the Caribbean. 15-16K Miami and 18-19k NYC. The profit margin is low right now. Maybe a recession will hit all aspects of life soon.

    2. Yep u are right. Number are super low up north and also there's while lot of ❄️

    3. For the good ones? The South Florida route is entirely different than the SW border

    4. What are waters?

    5. But the ❄️ is trash tho

    6. 7:52 👮‍♂️ ⚠️ 📢 🚨 come on coper boy that liquid stuff you drink to stay hydrated

    7. 7:53 Not that bad. Marginally improved from what it was during pandemic

    8. 06:24 and less than $3500 a kilo in Colombia

    9. 05:33 are those live spot prices or daily highs for trading contraband commodities?

    10. Profit margin remains the same for people in Mx. S. America is saturated so they are selling for the low. As a matter of fact better for them because they can send 10 from CLN to So Cal and if something go bad they do not have a big loss when COVID Scamdemic was going on.

  7. But but they're Sinaloa not the "evil" chilangos... I forgot Sinaloans get a pass.

  8. Crazy how far chapitos gotten i remember going to Culiacán every summer as a kid and seeing ivan driving a corrvette

    1. 8:56 how far? They already had chapos loggistics and mayo backing them up so it's not surprising at all, any ways they have been hitt pretty hard lately in their home turf so it seems mayo tooks his protection and is now ratting their labs big time

    2. Lol. How far? They were born Rich.

    3. 08:56 ahh those were the days

  9. I’ve read for every lb of ice made, there’s like 5 lbs of toxic waste I’ve wondered how much toxic sludge the cartels just dump in the ground and pollute the area

    1. 9:14 por eso los de Sinaloa estan tan piratones por toda la contaminacion en el agua y el aire 🤣😂🤣

    2. @0914 that’s hilarious!

    3. Here we go with the "gilbertona" and "michoachango" cheerleaders. Sol, nip it in the bud before we go back to these cheerleaders turning the comments into a toxic waste dump.

    4. @754, its not, just a few more years and you will see all funny sorts of birth defects and cancer popping up. Just check out what happens to the fueled coca leaves.

    5. 9:14 I put two ice trays in the fridge with water, and I get CO-2. No toxics from water.

    6. 8:24 I didn't read any of what you said. It's perfectly stated in sinaloa, not snitchaloa. It was really respectful.
      Truth hurts, go to church

  10. Ever noticed that blo is often overlooked as as a significant force in Sinaloa? Kinda shady imo…

  11. SNITCHaloa now has the crown of the tweeker cartel.


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