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Friday, February 24, 2023

Operation In Tamazula, Durango: Would Be To Capture Aureliano Guzman Loera 'El Guano'

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

After information began to circulate this afternoon about an alleged armed confrontation in the municipality of Tamazula, Durango, the cause was allegedly a heavy operation by the Mexican Army and the Navy to capture the brother of Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo". 

According to a Sinaloa media, more than 200 troops were deployed in the town of El Durazno in order to arrest Aureliano Guzmán Loera "El Guano", who is part of his brother's criminal organization, the Sinaloa Cartel. 

According to unofficial information, there is talk of the seizure of several properties, including a hotel, and some vehicles, which could belong to "El Guano". In addition to the number of people detained, the number and whether Aureliano is among them has not been confirmed.

The operation involved at least eight helicopters, which flew over the community.

So far, no authorities from either Durango or Sinaloa have taken a position on the matter, and official information is expected in the next few hours.



  1. Will keep you updated

    1. Isn't guano, caca

    2. 9:41 Caca de güampiro (muscielago)

    3. 9:41 bat caca to be precise. I hope he was apprehended!

    4. I know a female that is bat shit crazy

    5. Very good for cannabis

  2. alright alright. that S.O.B. (sonna bish) is next. Hey anybody know who the rest of the chapitos are and where they're hiding?? Do you think they're close to Culiacán too or living large in LA? or possible Vegas? Paris?

    1. Durango. A lot of the Sinaloa's guys hide in Durango. Guanos, cabrera, salazar, etc even when el chapo was around used to hang out in durango a lot, rumor has that even mayo is hidden some where la sierra of Durango. Back in the zeta days, el chapo used to had a girlfriend in a town nearby where a live

    2. They're in jalisco. Hiding obvy not showing their faces

    3. Menores are rumored to be in Canada

    4. 9:20 not really all that surprised if the ndrangheta and Asian triads are going to hide in Canada why not the Chapitos.

    5. 9:20:
      I saw them working at Burger King with Elvis.

    6. Cabrera’s are from Durango, they don’t hide in Durango.

  3. Unrelated:
    Three fires broke out on Thursday at different facilities in Mexico and the United States operated by state-owned Mexican oil company Pemex.

    Five missing, eight injured.


    1. Interesting… wonder if they’re related

    2. Imo, it's too weird to be a coincidence. "Puts on tinfoil hat"


  4. Some people are hurting right about now. Run Guano run...

  5. CDS ain't like CJNG you can tell by the way the Mexican army is using helicopters like we never seen before these just shows that organization is more likely a highly trained army that the military needs to bring out 8 helicopters 😮

    1. 🤦‍♂️ they're in the sierras⛰️

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Chapo has been in US custody for a minute, smh.

    4. 7:19 Everyone has their moment. El Cholo Ivan tambien tumbo hizo de las suyas.

    5. Menchito el 2 had the backing of CJNG and he got caught😂 what happened there???!!!!

    6. Didnt they have 10k rifles para accionar?????!

    7. AnonymousFebruary 24, 2023 at 6:37 PM
      they after the fentanil guys.

    8. 6:37 tienes pucha razon, se estan entrenando con los Sinaloas para que algun dia le puedan lleagar al señor de los gallos, porque la ultina vez que le entraron a Don Mencho les fue como en feria, pero pues tienen que empesar en las ligas menores para algun dia llegar a las ligas mayores, esperemos que la neta si acaven con todos los carteles algun dia, y que chinguen su madre todos los porristas! No importa al cartel que le anden mamando las bolas, el cjng y el cds son la misma mierda

    9. Training? This is no longer training, the Mexican Government is strategically accomplishing their missions to reduce the death toll. Just as Sinaloa has seen the destruction of these clandestine labs, Jalisco and Michoacan have also seen the dismantling of these clandestine training camps. Mark my words, both cartels will be significantly weakened by the government. Expect more high profile captures, more drug lab confiscations, more dismantling of training camps and more drug and firearm seizures.

    10. What's the point of fight over who stronger nobody here has the financials for both cartel so none of you know

  6. El Debate of Culiacán is reporting that 10 captured and one of them might be El Guano Guzmán- Iván

  7. Why have they been on there ass latley!!??

    1. Fentanyl=USA heat
      They might also be "fighting" internally

    2. It's all part of AMLO's cuarta transformacion. He's written 3 books and lays it all out in black and white. From social programs to combating crime and corruption. Aside from that, his daily press conferences aren't all about nonsense and jibberish as some of the anti AMLO commenters suggest. He's combating these cartels with a strategy. Mark my words, when CDS is significantly weakened, CJNG will be next.

    3. It's called real life human chess

  8. There is no way the scum whose dad is a PROVEN little girl raper would travel to USA. They are hiding like the rats they are in one of their strong holds. You know, where there is an epidemic of missing young girls/women! Yeah, I fucking said it! If you fucking glorify chapitos or any cartel scum for that matter you are glorifying the mass kidnapping and rape of young females!!! So fuck you cartel dick suckers. Fuck you! El fatso, we have a concrete box for you where you can whine like a bitch how you are mistreated for the rest of your life!

    1. @7:22 damn somebody got their bootyhole tickled

    2. 722
      Bro chill out your raving.Who you want in your bed a young woman or an old wrinkly fat woman?Stop with the shit you sheep,its natural.Propaganda and wok-ism tries to tell us its unnatural,Its called reproduction,young women healthy child bearers

  9. El "bat shit" got captured? Thank you Mr.Mencho!

    1. More like thank you mr ovidio lol

  10. Looks like el raton gave up his uncle. Water boarding must be tough.

    1. Nope they don't like each other

  11. AMLO has a strategy, not just go after cartels " a lo pendejo"

    1. Jajaja. Nope.
      Right now he has no say regarding these operations. He doesn't order or is even told who the objective is.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Last year when AMLO replaced the Merida Initiative with the Bicentennial agreement he pretty much outlined his objective.

      Cooperation Area 2.3:  Disrupt the capacity of TCOs and their illicit supply chains

      Joint objective 2.3.1:  Disrupt and dismantle narcotics production.

      Joint objective 2.3.2:  Reduce the capacity of TCOs to distribute and sell controlled substances.

      Joint objective 2.3.3:  Strengthen and expand regulatory and law enforcement capacity to address the trafficking of synthetic drugs and precursors

      If we touch on the points I copied and pasted we can find plenty of articles on BB as proof that he is meeting those goals.

      Ultimately it is his call. He is the President of Mexico, the commander and chief and just as he decided to release Obvidio the first time and just as he decided to suspend DEA agents visa's and remove their planes from the mexico city airport, he also gives the green light on these high profile operations. Obviously it's the military officials that coordinate these operations but for you to think he has no say so or that these arrest are made without his knowledge is wrong. Now I highly doubt he is doing anything for the gringos, especially if you consider that he has openly had Cuban, Nicaraguan, Venezuelan and Peruvian leaders over for dinner. Again, take a look at the link I provided and watch Monday's mañanera as he speaks about today's capture. You'd be surprised at how much information is divulged.

    4. 11:18 many politios before and hopefully less after AMLO have paid lip service to grand ideas, agreements and achievements where they want their public to lap up their "logros". I'll admit that I haven't read any of the new framework of the Bicentennial agreement but to me it sounds like it's what I previously mentioned about politicos. Does the USA "give" money to México like they used to in the certification program and Merida Initiative? If yes do you think it has any strings attached?
      Right now the drug monster is fentanyl and rightly so since it can be cheaply produced and smuggled, many different generations are consuming it and some are ODing and dying from it. I don't think many people can use it recreationally so those that don't OD and die are still emotionally, psychologically and physically damaged from it's use. DEA knows where it's coming from and will provide information to SEDENA and SEMAR in operations to capture the individuals who traffick it, the seizure and dismantling of labs that were publicized as "financial" and "debilitating" won't suffice any longer. Hence the comments made by the DEA administrator recently.
      To me AMLO is a bit too defensive when asked if the USA participated in operations of high impact, it doesn't make a difference if the objective was captured, but I believe it irks him since he can't say no, especially lately. After all his rhetoric and snubs to the USA you mention regarding his defense of the "leftist" Latin American gobiernos he stands united with, my opinion is he will now stand aside and whichever criminal has to be held accountable will be marked for a capture or kill operation. In some cases they may not get extradited immediately but his term is half way over already. I made the previous comment @8:31

    5. Lol 😆 ALMO has a strategy, give me a break. I can't stop laughing . Approximately 30,000-35,000 yearly homicides on his watch.
      They had gotten Cienfuegos back, he was set free, yet general's that puppetize ALMO, was made to have less DEA in Mexico.


      Here's a BB article stating that AMLO rejected money from the Merida Initiative.

    7. "Here's a BB article stating that AMLO rejected money from the Merida Initiative"
      And that tells us what?A multi millionaire rejects money that could be put to good use if it weren't so corrupt? Who turns money down?

    8. 330 you should read the Bicentennial agreement. I provided the link. It's really insightful, especially when you relate it to all of the captures and drug bust that we have been witnessing on the mexican side as of the last year and half or so. Also, if we analyze all of these major operations, they coincide with the Bicentennial's initiation. That's when the government really started to amp things up.

    9. 118, maybe the money was turned down for the very reason 330 mentioned, "...If yes do you think it has any strings attached?..." too many strings attached
      Under the old Merida Initiative the U.S was still selling Mexico used military equipment and training mexican personnel. What happened as a result, the equipment was put in the hands of corrupt officials and sold to the cartels and the trained personnel took that training and turned into cartel members.
      Under this Bicentennial Framework AMLO is rejecting a lot of assistance from the U.S. the mexican government has gone into self sufficiency mode by producing their own firearms and ammunition, military style vehicles and purchasing military equipment from France, China, and Russia. Just my opinion based off the information available online though. You're free to believe what you want.

  12. El informador de jalisco y silly rota que se presume que uno de los capturados fue el guano

  13. Corrido of Guano came out not long ago. Seems like whenever they make corridos for them they get caught😅😂.

  14. They popped el guano 🤦🏽‍♂️

  15. Replies
    1. No they were not close so would not share locations with one another doubt he could give info even if he wanted to.

  16. Vamonos ah la berga. Ah que dejar este pedo en el reflejo asomando la distancia poco que no se puede amarar el Saco. Amara la cochee y burlense de lo barrato.

  17. It's The Fentanyl they want to abolish

  18. Chapo told raton to snitch!!

  19. Joe Biden wants. Joe Biden gets. Glad AMLO is following orders. Get all those bastards.

  20. It worked good for el mayo divide and conquer, first beltranes then damaso, now el guano

  21. Didn’t these guys absorb the infamous gavillas ? I know these guys are hardcore gatilleros that’s live in the sierras and pillage towns and whoever they feel like it. If you’re from the sierras of Sinaloa Durango or chihuahua you know what I’m talking about.

  22. Fuck the chaputos and all the cartel fentie dealing scum. Skinner goofs. From Canada yoooo

    1. "Skinner goofs" its confirmed this mans from Canada via Surrey BC

    2. 😂😂😂 I'd take that bet

  23. Several Mexican news outlets say El Guano was arrested among 10 suspected criminals. Will see what’s up.

  24. Sicario 006 and a team of highly trained Tier 1 Special Forces rescued el Guano .

  25. A shingar a su madre los Sinaloas!!! Con todo el apoyo de los pinos y no pudieron!!! Y hasta Ratones se hicieron!! Pinches corridos falsos

    1. Poco a poco se fueron revelando sus verdaderos colores como dise el disho no todo lo que bria es oro.

    2. De que se murieron los quemados? 🤣

    3. 12:01 pues que esperavas? Esos Sinaloas son mas falsos que un billete de 3 dolares

    4. 12:42 de lo k se estan muriendo los chinolas porque los de jalisco/michoacan tienen los pinos lol

    5. 12:42 Se murieron porque los Sinaloas les pusieron el dedo?


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