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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Rocha Reports "2 Or 3 Arrests" In Operation To Capture "El Guano"

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

He mentions that he has no further information on the fact that it was a federal operation carried out by SEDENA.

Culiacán, Sin.- Governor Rubén Rocha Moya announced that in preliminary information there are 2 or 3 arrests in the operation by federal forces to capture Aureliano Guzmán, alias "El Guano" and brother of "El Chapo" Guzmán, carried out in the mountains between Tamazula and Durango this Friday.


"I only know that there are 2 or 3 arrests over there, I don't know where and I don't have more information, why? because they are reports given to me by the Secretary of Security, we don't have more information because it's not us," stated Rocha Moya.


The authorities of the State of Durango were the ones who confirmed this operation, in which confrontations between the armed forces and organized crime groups were registered in Tamazula, Durango, where the use of 8 helicopters and the deployment of 200 elements in the area are reported.


The state governor of Sinaloa said he did not know more information about the operation and that he was merely informed that there was an operation in the mountains, without specifying if it was in Durango or Sinaloa.


"No, what I am telling you, I do not know more, you are telling me about Tamazula-Durango, they told me that it was in the sierra but I did not know if it was in the Sinaloa or Durango sierra", added the governor.


He said he had not received any request from the armed forces for support from the state forces to carry out the operation, which is reported to have been active supposedly since early Friday morning.


"There is no, we have no request for anything or official information from anyone, the secretary simply says that is what it is, it is supposed, it is said that there is an operation in the sierra, as imprecise as that," reiterated Rocha.

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  1. As of yet nothing official on if Guano Guzman was captured.. Navy is going after Guano though so stay tune.

    Security reinforced in Sinaloa's mountainous region due to operation to capture "El Guano", says governor

    link :

  2. What ever happened to the narco el cuatro culos?

  3. Seems many people underestimated El Guano. He must be a big shot and powerful if they cant capture him with 8 helicopters and more than 200 marines . I wonder how many people he has under his command. Interesting

    1. El Guano runs an extensive drug-trafficking operation in northern Mexico, Arizona and Texas. He's not stupid like his brother, he would rather have $$ than fame.

    2. Not really its mostly the location he stays at , that makes his capture harder . Durango is mountainous region making it hard for outsiders who don’t know the terrain

    3. 2:53 PM I quoted directly from the indictment in AZ. Yes, he operates in the mountains, but he has a vast smuggling network.

    4. they didn't tell the Gov. Because he would have tip them off So of course he know nada

    5. They would catch him if they used dogs. He is always hiding underneath the raids. Marina only uses dogs in cities.

  4. The internal beef is between lutenists the higher ups ate very well still intact por aka en durango se dise q los chapitos no dejaron q se llevaran al tio

  5. Se les pelo el viejon

  6. Animo Sicarios !
    El Patron Guano is safe drinking Buchanon del 18 and eating Russian Caviar.
    El Señor has a team of 300 highly trained Special Mission Unit Operators ! This commando force was trained by an ex Colonel of KGB Spetsnaz Alpha Group (Spetsgruppa A ).
    They carry
    Kalashnikov SV-99 bolt action sniper rifle specially modified by FSB/GRU. 2B25 “silent” 82mm mortar system,Dragunov SVD ,AKM fitted with a GP-25 grenade launcher.
    Level 7 bulletproof Land Rovers along with Ford Raptors convoys equipped with surface to air missiles provide mobile security .

    1. Lol thanks for the update

    2. And you don't think the government has the same equipment.?

    3. 4:30:
      Sicario 006 is the Borderlandbeat special ops expert. You can't ever second guess Sirario 006.

    4. If it wasn’t for sicario006 I don’t think cds would of lasted this long lol

  7. Guano far more smarter and far more lay low type of guy he don’t be doing none of that “extra” like chapo

  8. los.demas.carteles.

  9. Slowly but surely; Ivan's next.

  10. They captured el Guano its on the news just Google his name his been captured.

  11. Amlo was eating carnitas tacos with him at one point! It's captured on camera , we know where he's at! What everyone on this site needs to remember, these drug Lords only buy time that is it. Once a bounty is on your head you only buy time ! The government will always be above you no matter what. They will never be above the government! Once the government cuts the stings on the puppets they will fall! They all fall eventually

    1. That guy was a doctor not guano haha

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised, they reak femininity 💯

  13. This guano guy is the sane that was trying to kill his other half brother for the top spot?
    These guys are scumbags

    1. This is how mafia works. In NYC there are opposing crews who beef with each other on the street where one is run by a dad and the other by his son. In Mafia business comes before anything else.

  14. I am surprised his immature son Pelon never gets caught or popped. Always firing shots at restaurants and nightclubs. Owns many illegal dispensaries under Ivans umbrella. He is a wreck. Even his Father Aurelio was told to take him to the mountains, orders from the higher ups because no one wanted problems In case he was killed. Not many like Pelon. Straight clown.


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