Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Ruben Payan, Caro Quintero's Nephew, Arrested In Quintana Roo

"Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

In an operation carried out by the FGR and Semar, one of the leaders of the Caborca Cartel was arrested in Bacalar.

On Saturday afternoon, Quintana Roo authorities reported that Ruben Payan Adame, nephew of Jose Gil Caro Quintero Payan alias "Don Jose", known to be one of the leaders of the Caborca Cartel, was arrested.

On February 18, Rubén Payán Adame was arrested following a series of searches carried out by the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) and the Special Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO), in conjunction with the Attorney General's Office (FGR), at several properties located in Bacalar.

According to information from Milenio, elements of FEMDO, FGR and Semar, arrived from Mexico City (CDMX) last weekend, however, they carried out the searches since 03:00 hours on Friday in Bacalar, where Rubén Payán was detained inside a residence in the town of Xul-Ha.

The Caborca Cartel operates drug shipments in the southern area of Quintana Roo, where Payán, who was identified as the nephew of José Gil Caro Quintero, brother of Rafael Caro Quintero, a drug trafficker who is facing extradition proceedings in the United States, leads.

Rubén Payán Adame was transferred in a Semar Navy aircraft from the International Airport of Chetumal City to the CDMX, where he was handed over to federal authorities.


IVAN Twitter Account 

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  1. Ruben Payan is the reportedly the son of El Gringo Payan.. that would make Ruben the brother or half bother of El Rubio of Babunica

    1. Looks like the soldier is sticking his thumb up dudes ass lol

    2. Ruben Payan is el Rubio, hermano de el G3 corrido hijo del ingeniero

    3. Hijo del Gringo, Hermano de el G1* y ahijado del MZ

    4. Damn I think they’re going to get Don Felipe next

    5. por favor alguien puede confirmar si Ruben Payan es El Rubio de Babunica? Ruben es hermano de El G1 ? lo que si es confirmado Ruben es hijo de El Gringo Payan o El Ingeniero

      gracias mi gente de Sinaloa !!!!!

    6. can someone confirm if Ruben Payan is El Rubio of Babunica ? we can say that Ruben is the brother of el G1. Also, confirm that Ruben is the son of El Gringo Payan or El Ingeniero

    7. Ruben Payan is step brother of Rex Ryan

    8. Lol no mms guey this ain't the nfl

    9. Hijo del ingeniero is in phoenix, masonry division not this pill pusher


    10. In fact in phoenix. He is one of my clients here in the metropolitan area.

  2. Damn, in Bacalar! That's maybe a good spot to work low profile. It's really isolated.

  3. Them caborca Boyz got presence in jrz

  4. They steady busting cds asses…
    Chapo, trying for criminal procedure 35b. Do you guys have a copy of chapo psi you could post?

  5. Why do they always get sent to cdmx … is this why nobody like chilangos?…

    1. It's where the Attorney General of the country is located and since he's highly likely to be charged with drug trafficking, which is a federal crime, that's the reason he's taken to the FGR headquarters.

    2. @525 that was Amazin!
      Them ‘capitalindos’ think they are Mexico… and maybe they are but they ain’t the Mexico that I know and grew up loving. That’s why those accents to me meant disrespect a potential beat down from some guacho/feo it’s crazy tho how like I grew up in the us not understanding that I’m a redneck ass Mexican the accent I associate with being real Mexican is some what white people call some back wood ass shit! But them little dark motherfuckers show up in your town and act like some real assholes and if you think about it how much shit do these fuckers do and later try to pin on ‘cartels’

    3. Cuerpo de chile cara de chango!

  6. Major blow to rqc structure

    1. They Kidnap young girls as their "sex toys" and extort old people.. Among other crimes.. Send 'em all to USA,in ADX Florence to enjoy a life of solitary.

    2. rather have death pentaly why pay for them to eat breath and run drugs in prisons US have enough prisoners that to stay in jail

  7. Off topic, I looked up Victor Emilio Cazares-Gastellum being thats how is name is spelled on the indictment and court documents, and according to BOP he was released March 17th of last year. You guys have any info on that?

    1. Boss been out chilling in the us. Didn’t go back to culiacan

    2. Víctor was released on march 2022. He’s living in the USA now. His inmate number was 05659-748

    3. Crazy all these dudes do less time than dudes who sell zips or pounds in the US

    4. 832 Right. DA come up all the time. As long as they choose a lawyer that has a good relationship with the DA that is assigned

    5. victor is a u.s citezen he was born in bell cali. his oldest son is my friend but he lives here in culiacan

    6. My Tia Coca was born in Michoacan, but now a citizen of the USA, and now lives in El Monte, CA.

  8. 99 % of comments you dont read,always whining about the U.S. and hating on gringos,who hopefully could care less


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