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Monday, February 20, 2023

San Martín Texmelucan de Labastida, Puebla: CJNG Announce Another Purge Against Their Enemies

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Another video from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has appeared online today. For this broadcast, a contingent of armed enforcers find themselves outside in daylight hours announcing another purge of theirs. 

A major portion of these men are dressed in civvies. While only a select few are donning camo attire. All men have masked their identities with balaclavas and baseball caps.

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: This message goes out to all of society within the town of San Martin Texmelucan. The reason behind this broadcast is that there are individuals who have passed themselves off as belonging to our enterprise. 

All of the names that will be mentioned are dedicated to extortions, kidnappings, and fee protections. Here recently they opened fire on two innocent civilians. 

Citizens, our problem isn’t against anyone of you guys. We’ve come here to eradicate this gang of thieves who have been extorting the city of Texmelucan for many years now. 

Guitarras, El Gallo, Ismael, Teyes aka El Pecas, Barretas, Gustavo Villegas, Chatarras, and Patillas. We’re coming after everyone of you guys. 

This plaza already has an owner. Yours truly, The Barredora of Mr. Mencho and Comandante 3. To the government we say this: our problem isn’t against you guys. Lets us do our jobs here. Sincerely, The Jalisco New Generation Cartel you assholes. 

Sicarios all scream: We are the absolute mob of Lord Mencho!

Sicario #2: The Barredora!

Sicario #3: We are the four letters cartel you faggots!

Sicario #4: And Commander 3 you fucks!


  1. Very fit, well trained looking group of guys, elite.

    1. The gonads to choose these fatasses to intimidate the public. In any other world, these public threats to society would've been cannon fodder for drones and apache. If drug trafficking were to eventually exist, make them go deep underground with their bullshit. Mexico doesn't need narco money to prosper and flourish like any other 1st world nation.

  2. De ahí es su servidor .

  3. Clowns in the ground are already asleep fat pigs 🤣

  4. At least by there voice and skin color you can tell they are natives and not sent from outer state

  5. Haaaayyyy dios mio very bad doubt cjng is going broke n in need of guys.... poorly dressed n equipped not to mention these fat rats

  6. FINALLY some good guys arrive to protect the population. What great news.

    1. This is not good news! They are NOT here to help

    2. 3:27 I assume it was sarcasm

    3. Definite sarcasm, funny stuff!

  7. Mencho must be rolling over in his grave.

  8. A lot of them look unfit

    1. Agree, I want Canada Girl to critique!! She is funny!!

  9. Replies
    1. @billy Jean they gotta prove themselves first Before the start looking like special ops. Shit man!


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