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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Sinaloa Wants To Be The Next California

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Join me to learn how the Sinaloa Cartel wants to take back a multi-million business that they say, "belongs to us". 

Luis Chaparro


  1. They did control it with dusty bricks laden with dead bugs. It's a different market now

    1. Well, Rafa was first to introduce sensilla bud in mass scale… first ever without seeds in bulk, and higher quality than anywhere else

    2. 8:20 Which was taught to them by cultivators in California and Oregon

  2. Fine marijuana specifically indica requires simulating fall which can require the temp to drop pretty low as long as you can cool the environment it possible but seems like a stretch talent wise Chapitos could never compete.

    1. Are you locked away in a cave...sinaloa can cook meth an fental...little alone grow indoor pot...

    2. They have money.
      So hiring talent and getting the right equipment is possible.
      Time will tell...

    3. 8:44 I am well aware of CDS ability's sorry little guy that ship has sailed

    4. Clearly you know zero about cannabis cultivation, particularly indoor. Indoors growing cycles can mimic any season. With the proper equipment co2 & ac etc it’s pretty easy. Indoor weed is top self. Outdoor weed is more for the masses and not top shelf.

    5. There already doing it growing indoor and outdoor greenhouse and concentrates. They been ahead of the game I’ve been saying there going to become legit cash cows.

    6. My buddy runs two different 100 light projects with Avendaños. I am talking about 50/50. He not being financed. My boy got bread. Their infrastructures are on point. Their genetics are not. Greenthumb not so much. Since they do not want to expose their spots they got cousin's who work their projects. They are lazy and self entitled.

    7. They will have there genetics right soon I promise you that.

    8. 11:46 well aware of how to grow cannabis you realise you have to cool all that heat even with LEDs. 100 lights is small time

    9. I’ve seen bigger than 100 lights in culiacan warehouse sized operations y’all have no idea what’s going on.

    10. 8:26 you don't know what you're talking about. Both Indica and Sativa strands require "stimulating fall" if taken from out of their normal habitat and then grown with "Light Dep" or Greenhouse or Indoor.... They are photo sensitive..

      But there are strands like Ruderalis from Siberia that automatically grow when they are ready to bloom regardless of light

    11. 842 I know who you *may be talking about. Which are friends to my buddies. All they pump out of there is mediocre Bubba Kush. They only pull 1 per light too. Their rooms get to hot. They do not circulate the air good enough with the mini splits. If they were to do 1:1 led to hps would be better. Not mentioning names but am I right bout your boy

    12. Yes of course both require simulating fall but you don't want to get get as low with Sativa's. Indicas color up nicely with you run as low as 76 but then it starts to effect yeild

    13. 10:10 you a hater straight up

    14. 6:04 You trippin. Just saying it how it is.

  3. Free Ovidio!
    Attentamente y se la saben

    1. @8:58 What a loser.
      Imagine cheering for someone who puts fent on the street.

  4. Just wait til SEDENA sees dudes in the background them foos getting locked up. All for clout. Fukn idiots. Then they’re gonna snitch

  5. They will be the next California they invented sinsemilla sinaloans been ahead of the game

    1. 12:03 Colombia invented sensibility weed in the 70s and 80s. Kruse Jush and Chapitos have shit for brains, no genetics, no experience and kill people who don’t worship them

    2. Bull shit Rafael caro Quintero invented it gtfo

    3. Yep Colombia 🇨🇴 invented sin similla (no seeds in Spanish). Not Mexico or Bob Marley🩸👊🏽💚

    4. They invented it like 30years ago and still just shitty weed in mx. The weed would be different if they “invented” it. But its still mostly shitty weed.
      It aint much if it aint from the dutch!

    5. 09:45 is a. Real smoker 🤣

    6. There’s only one fact here and that’s Rafael caro invented it other than that those are opinions and feelings lol.

    7. 06:06 Rafael didn't invent shit, he learned from Escobar's crew in Colombia. Most of the Mexican Cartels didn't start gaining as much power and wealth until the 90s (later 80s)and earlier 2000s..... Because that's when they started pumping out heroine, cannabis, alcohol and middle manning cocaine and cannabis from Colombian associates.....

      Now they (Mexican Cartels) primarily manufacture synthetic drugs like meth and fent.

      Not doing weed too much anymore for America but still selling well in Mexico but you have to buy from th cartel that controls the region you are in otherwise they cut you up and put you in the bucket

    8. 8:24 you're right regarding the product from Colombia but on the others nope. If you were around and involved during the times you write you must've been on the East Coast, hence your skewed perspective

  6. They cannot compete with California Oklahoma Oregon Washington they lost the market for a reason they still living in the past and trying to hold on to dreams..they are loosing money and markets daily..that’s why they are killing each other and snitching on each other.. also weed is still illegal in all Mexico…even a joint can land you in jail with fines..the cartels are blind and in love with themselves and their temporary power..they make cities and towns economically and socially stagnant..until they bleed the city out and it dies..cartels are not corporations or are they run by business minded least not anymore maybe at one time they were. For them to even come close to competing with the USA too much has to happen and by then the USA will be on another level..cartels are a thing of the past and their time is counted they are on their way out…all that will be left is thugs fighting for scraps and territories to extort just like is happening now..soon they will be labeled terrorist because they are affecting the economy and when your labeled a Terrorist we all know what happens..

    1. You’re wrong

    2. 1227am You can tap power in Mexico with less risk than the states. So you can still produce cannabis a little more cost efficient.

    3. 12:27 weed is legal in Mexico and personal use and possession is permissible under the Constitution of the United States of Mexico. Amparo grant citizens right to grow at home and possess said plant or alternative substance and be the best Mexican we can be.

      Now, your cartel might not allow you to grow, but that's a different story
      They cut people's heads off for all kinds of reasons.

      Is you didn't go to El Raton's party, if you don't say good things about El Chapo, ....

    4. @3:19 bro marijuana is not legal in Mexico will be taken to jail your money will be taken and if it’s not the local cartels product you can be spanked with a wooden plank. You obviously have no idea what you talking about. I go to Mexico very often and I always either bring my own vapes or personal tree. And I always make sure to buy from local sell points..if I do buy weed in Mexico and it’s almost always trash trash..but it’s still 100% illegal local cops will bust you state cops will bust you guardia Nacional and sedena soldiers will beat you up.. try and tell them exactly what you posted 🤣

  7. Marijuana is at an all time low it has never been this cheap it’s almost free..decent pounds are going for as little as 200$ per pound..and it’s still better than anything they got it’s not even close..if you don’t believe me google it..

    1. 01:52 is that lab tested ?. Do it have mold, pesticides, fentanyl fertilizer?

    2. Brother I was talking about American marijuana packs..there is a complete downturn in the market it has collapsed..the market is at the bottom with no sight of recovery. So what would Mexican cartels gain from entering this down market? Nothing and more even cross marijuana across the border requires lots of money and logistics. They will end up loosing money..this is why they lost the market to begin with

  8. All it takes for sinaloa to take over is a legal market.
    They have the cheaper labor , licensing, overhead and taxes.
    The knowledge is not some magic skill.
    It can be bought and learned.
    In fact they don't even need to take over.
    As it is even now the market is overlooked.
    With the cali and Oklahoma weed.
    And prices are a bottom los.
    Which drives alot of growers to go out of business.
    Even trappers are calling it a day in large droves.
    Imagine what would happen if the market gets overlooked with cheap Mexican legal weed.

    1. It will never happen, Cali is too far ahead and efficient. They hardly use labor in the technical indoor grows anymore aside from trimming. Anyone anywhere can mass produce indoor, the difference is Cali is far more efficient and effective at producing the absolute best indoor and their networks are already established.

    2. 2:45 all it takes is some alicines like you to think they can catch up to cali 🤣🤣🤣

    3. 7:44am you’re wrong these cats have longer money than cali they have what it takes they use to own the weed market they even created the sinsemilla

    4. 0% percent chance they can overtake Cali,Oregon and Washington.

    5. 07:44 no doubt Cali has hood indoor but so does Canada, Michigan, Georgia, and…… pick a state any state

      Might not be legal but it’s going down and long gone are the days when you could grow a couple hundred clones and make a milli

      I’m sure the next thing will be domestically manufactured heroin, opium, and morphine from hydroponic poppies… made in the USA 🇺🇸

    6. 02:45 what does that even mean dude!!

      All it takes for sinaloa to take over is a legal market.

      Are you meaning in Mexico or the USA?

  9. Mexico got some fire they up next

  10. Oh, now the "gringos" stole weed. One of the most virulent strains of plant species on the planet, hence the name "weed". Funny how the "gringos" figured out how to perfect it by creating new strains, increasing the THC content ect. and now the have to get their seed and strains from those thieving "gringos". It sure is swell that only white people can be racist though, otherwise I would swear that maybe...

    1. Yes we stole it because you guys were happy with the crap, lazy chilangos. Stop bitching and start action

    2. 9:48 your the guy, that forgets a period at the end. 😂😂

    3. Mexican immigrants brought it to America. White people hated it because the blacks and Mexicans smoked it and they said it made white women want to have sex with them.

      Now they made all the laws so that only white people with vast resources can get into the legitimate weed market. Meanwhile countless Mexicans are still in jail for weed charges

  11. 08:26 what do you expect from a bunch of meth heads who can't think for themselves (they're not allowed to).

  12. This will obviously work. They will run the local markets. No one really believes CA growers or wholesalers are going to ship to Culiacan, to independents, it's laughable. No one is going to go against this in Culiacan.

    1. 11:48 that shit can stay in culiacan, nobody wants it, maybe broke kids will buy thar cheap shit

  13. They might have money but nothing belongs to them .... They put out crap weed and just get the money ....then they think everybody is afraid of em if somebody says something they just threaten em .....

  14. FUCK marijuana!! How about 💧 water you dumb fucks! Fighting over who makes the best or who made it first gtfoh.
    You need water to grow anything and water is going away because people pollute and don’t take care of natural resources.

  15. Mexican weed would stay in Mexico. No demand for imported anymore, we got all buds we need.

  16. Too bad they can't trade the Chinese for chemicals.

  17. Typical Snitchaloas, delusional. There’s no way that they can compete or come close to growing some gas.. good luck


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