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Sunday, February 12, 2023

Tijuana: Grupo Arriesgado Threatened by CJNG, Shots Fired At Event, Concert Canceled

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

In Tijuana, the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) threatened the Sinaloa Cartel-associated band Grupo Arriesgado by firing shots into the air near an autograph signing and placing threatening banners in the city.  The band canceled their upcoming concert.

3:00pm, approximately

February 10, 2023 

Shots Fired at Grupo Arriesgado Event

On February 10, the narco-ballad band Grupo Arriesgado hosted an autograph signing event on the eastern side of the border city of Tijuana. 

The Sinaloa Cartel-associated band hosted the signing with radio station La Invasora 94.5 at Plaza 2000, a shopping center which includes a Cinépolis movie theater, a Walmart, and a Telcel electronics store, among other businesses. The event was meant to promote their upcoming Tijuana concert which was taking place the next night, on February 11.

During the event, armed men showed up at Plaza 2000 and fired into the air, which caused the crowd of people at the signing to panic. The video below shows the band and the crowd reacting to the shots.

Video contains no graphic content. Video Source: Calvarie Locus

The band was quickly escorted by their team to a safer location and police arrived. 

Some initial reports, like those from La Jornada, alleged that the shots were due to the armed robbery of a cell phone vendor however it later emerged, in articles like this one from El Universal, that investigators now believe the shots were meant to intimidate Grupo Arriesgado. 

10:00 pm, approximately

February 10, 2023 

CJNG Banner Threatening Grupo Arriesgado Singer

Later that day, at approximately 10:00 pm a narco banner from the CJNG was discovered hanging from a bridge in Tijuana.

The banner read as follows, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

Arturo Gonzalez, or ‘Panther Bélico’, from Grupo Arriesgado,

This is not a place where you can act violent/aggressive and sing your songs. See, this place has an owner. But we’re not some common thugs, so we have not killed you for it yet. Instead, we give you this official warning: 

You’re not in your territory here, nor are you with your people. You have hours to leave Tijuana, or else. So, go grab your gun and your radio and go back to where you are allowed to sing your songs. Because if you stay here, you’re going to get fucked . 

Yours Truly, 


1:00 pm, approximately 

February 11, 2023 

CJNG Banner Threatening Grupo Arriesgado Singer

The next day, at least two narco banners threatening Arturo Gonzalez appeared in Tijuana. 

One appeared outside the offices of Uniradio, a local media outlet, a funeral wreath of flowers and a narco message were placed. 

The banner reads as follows, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

If that faggot El Panther doesn't show up for his event you guys will pay for the loss of money. Therefore, stop bringing in gunmen from Sinaloa. The only thing it does is sicken the youth. 


Meanwhile, another similar narco message against the group was placed at the Tijuana Heroic City monument on Aguacaliente Avenue, in Tijuana.

2:00 pm, approximately 

February 11, 2023 

Singer Posts Video Saying the Concert Will Still Happen

Arturo Gonzalez posted a video on social media, shown below, in which he confirmed that they would still be performing that night. 

Video Source: Jhair Jimenez

It's worth noting that Arturo Gonzalez was wearing a diamond encrusted skull ring in this video. 

Skull rings were famously worn by members of the CDS - Mayo group “Los Antrax”, so the ring maybe be signaling his continued allegiance to the CDS - Mayo faction, however the specific design of Arturo ring’s varies significantly from the design seen on Antrax members. 

6:00 pm, approximately 

February 11, 2023 

Grupo Arriesgado Concert Cancelled 

A few hours later, Arturo Gonzalez posted a video on social media in which he said that, by order of the government, they were now cancelling their show.

Video Source: Regional Mexicano

He said, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

Fans, we were ready. But we won't be able to hold this concert until next time. On the orders of the government, this event has been canceled. 

Shortly after, the official instagram account of the band posted the following image which confirmed the cancellation.

Who is Arturo Gonzalez? 

Arturo Gonzalez is the lead singer of Grupo Arriesgado, a band which releases and performs narco-corridos, which are ballads which celebrate various cartel figures

These songs are almost always commissioned by the cartel figures themselves, who pay the artists to create songs which praise them and their various escapades, creating a kind of musical propaganda which glorifies them.

Some narco-corrido artists will write songs celebrating cartel figures from just one cartel group (such as the artist Panchito Arredondo who only sings about CDS - Chapitos). Other artists (such as Los Alegres del Barranco) will sing about cartel figures from multiple cartel groups.

Groups which sing about multiple cartel groups often find it easier to tour across the country because they can adjust their setlist to only include songs which praise the cartel groups local to the venue they are playing. 

Grupo Arriesgado appears to only sing corridos which praise CDS - Mayo cartel figures.

Arturo Gonzalez has previously taken a photo with the CDS figure “El 30”, who operates in the state of Sinaloa (not to be confused with CDS figure El 30 from the state of Aguascalientes, who is a different person). 

El 30 is known to be a more public CDS - Mayo figure, posting often on social media under the name “Chitooon___”.

Arturo Gonzalez is rumored to be financially sponsored by the high-ranking CDS- Mayo faction figure Héctor Manuel Avendaño Ojeda, alias "El Meño". 

El Meño is one of the three Avendaño Ojeda brothers, who are: 

Héctor Manuel Avendaño Ojeda, alias "El Meño" 

Martín Avendaño Ojeda, alias “El Chiquilín”  

Sergio Avendaño Ojeda

The Avendaño Ojeda brothers were shown on a chart in 2011 by the US Treasury Department. El Meño’s assets were frozen and he was economically sanctioned by the US in 2016 and his brother El Chiquilín was captured later that year in Jalisco.

El Meño was arrested in 2016 as well. Meño then spent years in prison fighting US extradition. In 2020, a judge denied Meño’s appeal against extradition. 

In November 2022, Zeta Tijuana named El Meño as one of the top prisoners who could be extradited but had not been extradited yet. El Chiquilín and El Meño are both alleged to be actively involved in the CDS Mayo faction.

As far as El Meño being a financial sponsor of Grupo Arriesgado, its unclear but its safe to say that the band has dedicated a number of songs to him.

Grupo Arriesgado’s song El Fugitivo describes a time when El Meño was attacked and El Mayo ordered the rescue of Meno because “he loves him and wants him working with him.”

Sources: Grupo Arriesgado Instagram Statement, El Universal, La Jornada, Zeta Tijuana, El Financiero, La Jornada, Zeta Tijuana, Punto Norte, US Treasury Chart on Avendaño Ojeda 2011, Previous BB Article, Noroeste, Mundo Now


  1. Tijuana has a long history, and a recent escalation (5 years or so) of not at all being with contras bandas playing in the city

    I remember in 2017 when they left a dead dog outside Las Pulgas, I think one of those Commandante singers show, and said

    "inside or outside we will roll you up"

    but the Aquiles/Sinaloa factions can push back the same way, there's no complete control, each side can flex when they can

    1. But the aquiles can push back? La Rana has been doing all the singer killings in Tijuana these last ten years my friend J against he’s older brother advise. What push back? Incompetence and insecurity in the streets at its best. Going after a singer only makes you look weak.

  2. and I remember when things were so tense, corridos were banned from the radio, in the Teo/Inge days or just before

    Thanks for the reporting and in depth analysis!

    1. Thanks for the insightful comments, as always, J.

      The history Tijuana has with violence over corridos is interesting and makes a lot of sense considering how many groups have a strong presence there.

    2. Those were some crazy days. Anybody remember the site? The messages under their posts were in fucking sane. People threatening each other by name... Calling out each other's families, saying they were going to kill their rivals' girlfriends, then posting right after they had killed their girlfriends. Never seen anything like it before or since. There was so much self-snitching and crazy info posted, I have always wondered if that site wasn't created by the DEA or something.

  3. los avendaño se aliniaron con los chapitos hace ya varios años

    1. No. The Avendaños are split now. Some are with Mayo, some are with Chapitos.

    2. thats not the chiquilin el 3

    3. There are two El Chiquilins with Mayo.

    4. how we know if el 3 is mayos

    5. Soy José, Avendaño,
      Me dicen “El Chiquilín”,
      De una familia muy grande,
      De ahí viene mi porvenir,
      Con mis primos y hermanos,
      Logramos sobresalir…
      Soy “El 3”, por mi clave,
      Mi hermano Diego es “El Diez”,
      Con grandes composiciones,
      Siempre nos va sorprender,
      Con los otros ni se diga,
      Saben que estamos al cien…
      Soy buscado por la DEA,
      En los Estados Unidos,
      Pero eso a mí no me asusta,
      De peores hemos salido,
      Pero nunca hay que confiarnos,
      Hay que estar muy prevenidos.
      Compa “Meño”, y Santiago,
      Dos compadres de nivel,
      Sin faltar mí primo Junior,
      Ya sabe lo que hay que hacer,
      Somos gente sinaloense,
      Quiero que lo sepan bien…
      Con mis botas, y sombrero,
      Es como me gusta andar,
      Mi pistola adiamantada,
      En el cinto ha de brillar,
      Bailando con bellas damas,
      Seguido me han de mirar…
      Sírvanme otro de Buchanan's,
      Que esta noche va pa' largo,
      Rodeado de mis amigos,
      Y bailando los caballos,
      Festejando el año nuevo,
      Que siga la mata dando.

    6. If you replace the names in those lyrics, isn’t that essentially every single corrido? Lol

    7. que el tal meño trai camisa de la fea en un corrido nuevo, compadre del chiquilín!?

    8. Descendientes del señorón Juan Avendaño del mero Chihuahua llegaron a Culiacán a levantar su imperio

    9. 5:57 Juan Avendaño wasn’t from Chihuas lol he’s 100% Sinaloense

    10. @1:28 Cheke el dato compa y luego me cuenta

    11. Ni uno ni el otro mangueras el señor era durangense

  4. Not a good look for CJNG, it projects insecurity and pettiness and they dare talk about "corrientes". Oh, the irony.

    1. Mad because they cant get rid of CDS in Jalisco, got their hands slapped in Durango and currently taking a beating in Zacatecas. Where's the CTNG?😅

    2. 2:12 Are you a female? "Mad because they can't get rid of..." Criminals don't think in those terms, they'll send a clear message, if they need to they have their braindead sicarios kill a contra or even innocent person to make it known shits real.
      For all we know this is a ploy, even those dumb fucks that put up bogus mantas can be the authors.
      They had to cancel this time what makes them think he won't be threatened next time? They going to bring sicarios foquemones to provide security next time so they can turn a profit? Puro pedo

    3. Ah yes, the ultimate insult. Being female.

    4. Ctnj is long gone lol n cjng is very weak in tijuas just hanging up mantas to let people know they "exist" LoL

    5. 2:12 What? I think 12:42 is with you on this one, 🤣🤣🤣 ni leyendo los comentarios se entienden entre ustedes, 1/2 of sinaloa is BLO, the only state that CDS controls mayority of is Durango, and i said "mayority" cause theres also other groups in la comarca Lagunera and creeping around, so pretty much CJNG has the same control of Jalisco as CDS has of Durango, in other words CDS should change their name to CDDurango cause they control more of (but not 100% of Durango) than they control Sinaloa 👍

    6. 3:34 Nope Ms HEARST, I am not offending females as I have an adult daughter. IDK you but it's obvious to me that you are a critical thinker and very through, a credit to BB.
      I think both 12:42 and 2:12 are males but the supposed "motives" they claim for CJNG doing this are "queen", I was mocking them.

      Go 🦅

    7. When did any cartel have a good look?

    8. @Hearst … what was that John Lennon song called again? Lol… I agree tho… With the evils that men do, nobody has suffered more than our women.

    9. Not a fan boy but BLO does not control 1/2 of Sinaloa they have a small area controlled..BLO ain’t trying to control no plazas they are fine with moving a shit load of white and paying the tax at the border crossings

    10. 7:44 sure buddy whatever you say, technically is not half of sinaloa but they do control a good 40% of sinaloa, than again sinaloa os not that big of a state, just a long state, but come on CDS doesnt mess with them cause they know what they can do

    11. 7:57 chapitos literally took Mazatlán and surrounding areas from Blo. Now they have a truce. All the areas Blo is at chapitos are There aswell.

    12. 757. There are two brothers that move the most weight out of Mazatlan directly from Colombia. They do not have to fight over who controls what. As long as they have ties to Nauticos and Marina. All you need. They are independente but their tax is to Ismael. 100%

  5. TJ will always be CAF territory

    1. I'm guessing that you haven't paid any attention to Tijuana in the last decade, huh?

    2. TJ=No man's land.

    3. Im sorry to break it to you, but tijuana has been on lockdown by cds since like 15 years ago. Flaquito was the one opposing but he‘s with the other side of the town now. For business purposes, and doing better than ever.

    4. TJ in 2022 had the highest homicide rate in the WORLD…

      Wonder what 2023 will have in store for this battered down city…

    5. 12:54 well if thats the case CAF is looking really weak

    6. TJ will forever be a hot city. It’s proximity to border and corrupt law enforcement make it a smugglers paradise literally.

    7. As they say ‘when you’re enemies are both fighting each other, do not interfere just step back and watch’ iykyk

    8. Tij down through baja is split between CDS, and CJNG. However if you live down ther and ask. The population is in favor of CJNG since CDS is extorting way too much. BB actually posted articles on this case!

  6. Did he ask the govt to cancel just to not look weak or afraid? He didn't want to be Valentin 2.0? I would think if you get those threats you have to take them serious!

    1. That final line of the first manta was pretty damn serious lol…

  7. I think I’ll hang some around my neighborhood and see if I can get the dummies to stop !!playing that crap

    1. Es Sencillon Pero Lo miran con Un equipon

  8. How is it that some singers can sing about any Cartel in any city without any threats ? Do the have to ask for permission ?

    1. It depends on the type of corridos

  9. If they didn't cancel, they would have absolutely killed them

    it's not like they can trust the municipals, ministerials, State police to protect them

    1. The message was directed at Arturo González aka "Pantera Bélico", never listened to their music even when a "promotor" of theirs kept posting comments here about their music. He made a video the next day at the venue where their concert was supposed to take place talking shit about his fellow members who were not willing to perform.
      Sígale jugando al mafioso aver si no lo levantan para arreglarle las cejas |:^{

    2. To be that confident, no doubt his grandfather had that venue surrounded with plain clothed gunmen. His whole stay in TJ he was escorted deep

    3. I haven't found the rumours about Mayo being his grandfather very credible, personally.

    4. @J, I doubt that they would have killed him. Maybe in Jalisco but not in Tijuana. CJNG doesn't have the pull they had 2-3 years ago. But they probably chose to be safe than sorry...

  10. Good no show for the fake corridos to be played

  11. Guess this geezer is deeply involved with CDS and plying at tough guy wont fly

  12. Jaliska tweakers scared of the supposed "fake" Chinola corridos even though Grupo Arriesgado has one for RR. Reminds me of Beto Cervantes of Explosion Norteña DEP when he got caught with CAF people

    1. I think Beto got dropped in Rosarito in 2017, by Aquiles people, for something similar.

    2. La Rana had Beto killed. La Rana has had roughly 5-7 Tijuana singers killed over the last 10 yrs. Incompetence at its best.

    3. No the government killed him, when he was speaking bad about them.

  13. Esta mamalon su corrido

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Agreed, however TJ is a free-for-all and has been for years

    2. The people of Michoacan are of higher percentage of indigenous blood not as insecure as the Europeans of Sinaloa who specialize in killing innocent singers

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. If you actually paid attention to how things are playing out Mencho & Chapitos don’t seem to have an issue with each other it’s only Mencho Vs Mayos Faction

    5. 7:45 if u actually weren't so stupid u would know that chapitos n cjng do go at it with each other.....El flaquito switched to cds who is dropping cjng clowns

    6. Heres mexicans race hating on each other again,hes indio dark michoacan,hes light european sinaloa fuck outta here with that shite

  15. BB shiningly illuminates the nexus between music and the drug wars.

  16. Sad to say it but that dude is a dead man walking

    1. All I know is he needs to something about that god damn unibrow man!

    2. 3:52 yea once you get threaten by a cartel is just a matter of time if you keep at it

    3. This is Mayos top Artist,
      He’s not just any man.
      Y’all literally just hate on Sinaloa

    4. Lol even looks like dude grooms it lol lines it up nice and crisp then dyes with the jet black color dye from just for men hair dyes lol

    5. 8:56the fudge that have to do with this..other cartels dont care ...if anything homeboy a trophy for their rivals if they do drop him lol

  17. Once again you'd have to go back learn reading a map. To draw that straight line in the sea from Central America to Jalisco. See how far from common sence we have come? To eradicate and implement a new trajectory one must think along those lines. It is the lines we cross losing common sense.

    1. If you told me that a chat bot wrote this comment, I'd believe you.

    2. GPT coming in to take over the world!

  18. Jng feeling played right about now cuz they getting slapped around by el 30 from CDS in aguas calientes. Now they come out with this banner, cds came out with a similar one before this one in aguas calientes. Jng getting hit left and right from the Mexican government to c.u to el Mayo not counting the other factions. They feeling the heat now they gonna start calentando the plazas. They throwing a bitch fit

  19. Interesting stuff, I have been studying the cartel situation for a decade and still learnt a lot from this article. Thanks for the great service you do BB, I am a massive fan.

    1. Thank you. Comments like this mean a lot to me.

  20. Completely different Meño then the one posted

    1. What's the name of the Meno they meant?

    2. Meños name is Manuel!! He’s Ninis worst nightmare. Nomas dicen Meño y se caga los calzones.

    3. 611 you’re correct. It’s a different Meño. This Meño is locked up and the Meño 611 is talking about is from las Higueras. His Nickname is 4X1 and his brother mago dead but he’s high in the chain and good standing with el M.

    4. You right meno locked up,but his tio is 4+4- and his primo is 4+4 Injection?Mago went by Doble Carb but now muerte

    5. El 80 gente de Los chapitos whooped, el Flechas ass and made him leave his hometown.
      But NiNi is afraid of Meno,
      Sheeesh y’all literally post the dumbest shit

    6. This meños is MG's brother , they aren't Avendaños

    7. Can you guys give me a little more about this other El Meno? I've tried researching all these aliases you mentioned and come up with nothing.

  21. Excellent marketing tool

    1. I thought the same.

    2. Never thought of that… there’s no such thing as bad publicity anymore..

  22. Replies
    1. Jalisco, Mayo, & from what I hear chapitos. Sadly Jalisco makes the most noise there though. That’s what I hear from my cousins who stay there.

    2. That’s b.s we know who really runs tecate

    3. 5:26 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are a wise man 👍

  23. They have a cousin in Maywood, CA who owns like 4 barber shops their washing money through those businesses

    1. Tell them to shave that unibrow off their cousin..

    2. ya nomas te falto poner los nombres de las barberías…

    3. Tell them to shave that unibrow off their cousin.
      Cold bro lmao

    4. Maywood barber lounge

  24. Nothing more ironic than being named “Grupo Arriesgado” and not playing due to threats. I get their concert was cancelled, but let’s have an unplugged event.

    1. The singer was at the stadium but his band members left him because of the threats

    2. It's 4 barber shops... 2 in Maywood, ca... One in Bell, ca....and one in commerce, ca... That Dudes stays bragging about being chiqilin avendanos cuz...

  25. El cejon belico is in trouble…. Thanks Hearst you’re awesome

  26. No se Arriesgaron pun intended lol

  27. se cambiaron el nombre a "grupo sinriesgos"

  28. De arriesgados no tienen nada

  29. I guess the group is not as united as his eyebrows

  30. Something somewhat similar is happening in the Black rap world, at least in Houston. Rap-a-Lot records founder J Prince put the word out that any rapper coming to perform in Houston must check-in with him first. This reportedly contributed to the murder of Migos rapper Takeoff.

    1. Lil J managed FM Jr for a bit and would take a good chunk of his purse but the fear he had of J and his connections had him quiet, I think it was when he left Top Rank and became "self managed and promoted".

    2. Man I just started reading up on this and it's crazy. I remember when this happened you didn't hear shit about it being j princes Jr's bday. There's even an article on Google explicitly saying he left at the time of the shooting..but there's video of him walking casually by takeoffs body. Rapalot definitely has some connections and influence. Scary. Surprised the feds haven't gone after them

    3. Would love to hear any more info anyone has

  31. As humans let’s not continue to glorify violence and wars within our beautiful country. As humans we should hate that these type of people exist and push for our beautiful and peaceful Mexico can once again become what it used to be like.

    1. At this point mexico needs a fucking miracle or a revolution. Pandoras box has been opened and most likely it will never be like mexico before 2006 when you cld actually go visit in relative safety. The fact that big cartels controlled vast territories and were ran by true bosses made maxico safer. Like all of tamaulipas was one cartel you cld travel thru different towns or go to tampico or veracruz safe. Now you got to go thru 2 or 3 cartel factions to do same and they all at war and paranoid and people can get killed by any faction at their illegal checkpoints.

  32. Thank you for a great article. The band got a break from the head's up, so they can keep their own.

  33. At least this guy was not killed. Like valentin elizaldes hard headed ass whom was told not to sing that one song and he did it and he was put down.

    1. Valentin wasn't because of that, his cousin betrayed him since he was sleeping with his girlfriend

  34. Damn this guy got the border crossing on his head 😂

  35. I’m in Tijuana often and this is what I’ve noticed. Everyone has their areas that they run. It’s a mixture of different factions. Nobody really wants to heat up the area to the point where they lose control. The connections are pretty strong if you have them. Everyone’s trying to get a piece of the pie even if it means making pacts for the meantime. The ones really running the show are the ones you don’t really hear about. It’s not easy going in there and trying to take over. Last but not least just because you’re not hearing corridos about somebody or certain factions doesn’t mean they aren’t running shit. Some people prefer to spend their money where it counts than on music.

    1. And it has the highest homicide rate… IN THE ENTIRE WORLD

  36. Arriesgado si le ha hecho corrido al doble r

  37. He said on his Video, he will be back again but things will be different next time he returns to perform in TJ, Almost in a threatening manner.. I sure hope CDS does have his back like he believes, because to me his days are counted..


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