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Friday, February 24, 2023

Tres Valles, Veracruz: State Policeman Fredy Peralta Mendoza Abducted, Tortured, And Killed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

On the morning of February 21, an intense operation was mounted in the municipal capital of Tres Valles in the Cuenca del Papaloapan and unofficially it was reported that an active member of the State Police had been kidnapped allegedly by armed men.

The facts according to the report of some citizens occurred near the facilities of the Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Veracruz Plantel 01, when it was reported that a person had been kidnapped in that place and it was quickly confirmed that a search operation would be carried out.

Later it was learned that the person who had been kidnapped was a member of the Veracruz State Police, the search operation was intensified and operations were mounted in various parts of the city, as well as on the federal highway 145 La Tinaja to Ciudad Aleman where elements of the Civil Force placed their units in search of the police officer.

During the course of midday a Civil Force helicopter began to fly over the urban area of the municipal capital, as well as part of some of the communities where the search operation was being focused, so people began to be alarmed by what was happening in the municipality of Tres Valles.

Very close to the Municipal Palace and the Park, the Civil Force helicopter circled several times and even flew over the northern area of the city and later towards the eastern area, since it was presumed that the kidnappers could be hiding somewhere in that area.

Since last year, the Municipality of Tres Valles has been under the security of the State Police after the PAN administration of Dr. José Manuel Díaz, the Secretary of Public Security cleaned out the Municipal Police, who were allegedly linked to organized crime, so for more than a year now the State Police have been in charge of security in this municipality of Cuenca.

The Municipal Police has practically disappeared, and there are only a few elements that act as security guards in places such as the Municipal Palace and the House of Culture, but they are not armed.

In the course of the afternoon it was confirmed that the State Police had been freed and rescued by the elements that mounted the operation, and he was quickly taken for treatment, since he was beaten in various parts of his body. The State Policeman died of his injuries days later. 


  1. Just minutes away in the town of Papaloapan the CJNG killed some CDS gunmen about a year ago. Take a pick which piece of shit cartel is responsible for having sodomized the State Policeman.

  2. R u high bro, u wrote killed but then he was rescued?

    1. Pay attention to the sources at the bottom. Take the time to look into them. Yes he was rescued all busted up and then days later he died from his injuries. The sources are in red at the bottom in case you missed them.

    2. Good article. Keep it coming. You wrote it correctly idk what these other goof troops are talking about. The police officer must have screwed someone over to be done like that.

    3. 12:21
      The people who keep this blog going do it for nothing for girls like you to complain.
      Read the fuckin thing balloon head or fuck off

    4. @Sol Outstanding article, thank you so very very much. Are you high & drunk??????

      Because if you aren't you should be.

      Thanks again ✌️🦌

    5. I only drink. I don't believe in drug use.

    6. @Sol. Ah yes. THOSE sources. I did miss them, first time around, when you sent it out there with no source except for Ed Calderon.

    7. We have a bigger is Sol. The sources are in blue on my device not red. Is my Laptop high?

  3. Real tough guys. Outnumbered and outgunned.
    @Sol - both sacks or increment now perform depraved video productions; but my guess is CJNG.

    1. 1:20 borderland did a post not to long ago of jng in veracruz they were all wearing civilian clothing they still hadn’t proved them selves yet to be dressed as special ops 😂. Any way look at the dudes a$$ cheeks el doble r autographed his ass cheeks

  4. Was this the guy with a stick up the rear end

  5. I think there's a video of this just's CJNG if I'm not mistaken. So this cop is either working for CDS or ZVE

  6. Told you suckas it was “Jarocho” accent from Veracruz

    1. 🤦‍♂️ just cause it happened there doesn't mean the individual who filmed it is a Veracruzano.

    2. Yeah right dude you did

  7. Les dije que era acento de Veracruz

    1. Um ok congratulations !

    2. De todos modos los Jarochos y los Sinaloas suenan igual

  8. Good article Sol, you need to write more we like reading The Sol prendido point of view not just translations I know that you are s busy ofc just the thoughts of a reader

  9. No respect for police and in return the police show no respect … and we wonder why Mexico cops are so brutal … they are at war!

    1. 1024
      Succinct and to the point explanation

    2. @10.41. No. This is the State Police. The State police in Veracruz aren't brutal because they are treated like this, they are brutal because they are employed by the cartels, not the state. If police and cartel members are on different sides it is because they are paid by different groups, not because one is on the side of good and the other on the side of evil.

    3. 2:02 PM
      You completely missed his point big brain ?

    4. He didn't make any point, except completely misunderstanding how state police operate in Veracruz. Again- they don't behave more violently because they have been provoked by criminals. The State Police have been in control of the violence that protects the cartel leaders for decades.

  10. I don't understand all the extra overkill work. It's pointless. Yes your trying to send a message. But the more you do it the more it Looses it's Shock value. It becomes normal

    1. It never loses it's shock value to the people the message is being sent to. You might have seen hundreds of thesze videos, but when your family is involved and a video comes to your phone direct, you mate change your mind about diluted shock value.

    2. They enjoy it goof troop that’s why they do it. Now sit down and be a good boy or they’ll get you in your dreams. And split your spleen.

    3. @2.31. No. Have you ever had a video sent to you, on your personal phone? Somebody screaming? You're a fucking child. These videos are available to you because they are leaked. The original target is terrified. They get sent on an outward wave, until somebody panics and leaks it, and then fuckers like you get the chance to joke about shit you don't understand. They didn't split my spleen tho.

  11. This the poor guy(cop)from story Sol posted few days ago same clothes,fuckin dogs...

  12. Dirty CJNG ...RR on his leg

  13. Replies
    1. Pay attention when masters speak here

  14. Thanks. Pretty brutal what they did to this cop though, nobody deserves that. Scary to think that the cartels have killed many innocents - just civilians at the wrong place at the wrong time! Thanks Sol


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