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Saturday, February 25, 2023

U.S. Treasury Sanctions Sinaloa Cartel Suppliers For Fentanyl Production

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has named six Mexican members of the Sinaloa Cartel, as well as six Culiacan-based companies, involved in the illicit trade of methamphetamine and fentanyl.

The network is led by brothers Ludim Zamudio Lerma and Luis Alfonso Zamudio Lerma, responsible for providing illicit precursor chemicals directly to Sinaloa Cartel members and laboratory operators, "further reinforcing the Sinaloa Cartel's role as the preeminent facilitator of illicit fentanyl and other lethal. drugs trafficked to the United States." 

According to the statement, the Zamudio Lerma brothers are based in Culiacan, as is Ludim's son Ludim Zamudio Ibarra, and are responsible for supplying illicit precursor chemicals to high-level cartel members such as Luis Gerardo Flores Madrid, who works for Ovidio Guzman Lopez, and lab operators, including Ernesto Machado Torres and Jose Santana Arredondo Beltran, who is also based in Culiacan.

These precursor chemicals are used in super labs to produce illicit fentanyl and methamphetamine, OFAC adds.

It adds that the Zamudio family owns several companies, two of which, Aceros y Refacciones del Humaya, SA de CV and Farmacia Ludim, were designated by OFAC as having engaged in, or attempted to engage in, activities or transactions that have materially contributed to, or posed a significant risk of materially contributing to, the international proliferation of illicit drugs or their means of production. 

It also designated each of the above persons pursuant to EO 14059 for having engaged, or attempted to engage, in activities or transactions that have materially contributed to, or pose a significant risk of materially contributing to, the international proliferation of illicit drugs or their means.

Additionally, it designated a real estate company, Inmobiliaria del Rio Humaya, SA de CV , for being owned, controlled or directed by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Ludim Zamudio Lerma.

While a second real estate company, Operadora Zait, SA de CV , was designated for being owned, controlled or directed by, or having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Luis Alfonso Zamudio Lerma. 

OFAC also designated two import/export companies, Operadora del Humaya, SA de CV and Operadora Parque Alamedas, S. de RL de CV, as being owned, controlled or directed by, or having acted for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Ludim Zamudio Lerma and Ludim Zamudio Ibarra. 

Therefore, all properties and interests in property of the designated persons that are located in the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons must be blocked.



  1. They missing a big picture here: chinese is the biggest chemical supplier that makes drugs around the world. Start there.

    1. According to the article the Mexican cartels are using shell companies to aquire these chemicals. It's going to be very difficult to pin it on the Chinese.

    2. Difficult or not, its the ONLY way to stop the production of these pills!!

      The US been blaming abd busting hundreds of Mexican capos but the production is at an all time high.
      You go to any major city and it's flooded with meth and cheap pills 💊

    3. It's not the only way. Remember, there is more than one way to skin a cat amigo. I'm sure the U.S would love to hold some Asian providers responsible but as I mentioned before, it's going to be very difficult. All them Asian companies have to prove is that they were selling to what appeared to be legitimate companies. This article is high lighting the sanctions imposed on those Mexican shell and shelf companies.

    4. 2:04 whatever they are doing isn't working because it's not nent to work. US and nexico make BILLIONS of these drugs so why give that up?


  3. Pronto va caer markitos toys por hacerle al mameluco

    1. 12:34 Llantitas Toys. Su compadre Nini tambien va caer. Many Jr's do not even like him. My buddies think he is a joke

  4. Theres a video where CJNG says they don't sell FETANILO but respect those who sell it 😮 which are The sinaloas, i thought it was there enemy

    1. 12:49 that video message came from the top and was for their own people and allies, nothing to do with CDS

    2. 12:49 there is also a video of cds saying they dont snitch 🤷🏽

    3. I find it interesting it was never posted in here in BB it was in grillo tho here the link

    4. 7:48 it was posted here

    5. Gee willikers.

  5. Cooperation Area 2.3:  Disrupt the capacity of TCOs and their illicit supply chains

    Joint objective 2.3.1:  Disrupt and dismantle narcotics production.

    Joint objective 2.3.2:  Reduce the capacity of TCOs to distribute and sell controlled substances.

    Joint objective 2.3.3:  Strengthen and expand regulatory and law enforcement capacity to address the trafficking of synthetic drugs and precursors.

    I think its important that we continue to look at the Bicentennial Agreement and compare it to a lot of the operations that are taking place to understand what's going on.

    Look at the first point in the framework, " disrupt supply chains" this very article is the perfect example of the Bicentennial agreement in action.
    Look at the second point in the framework, "Disrupt and dismantle narcotics production" how many articles have we not seen on BB of clandestine labs being found and destroyed.
    The Mexican government's agenda for combating crime and corruption is outlined here in the Bicentennial Agreement. It's not top secret information, there is no conspiracy.
    I believe the strategy is, 1. catch low hanging fruit, easy targets first, when opportunity allows, go for top tier operators with enough power to weaken the organization but not leave a void to were the organization is splintered and violence breaks out.

  6. China's Ministry of State Security controls the Fentanyl business. Revenge for the Opium Wars.

  7. You see large shipments getting busted all the time. It must be super easy to synthesize.

  8. Based on the title I figured this would be sanctions on the Chinese chemical suppliers

  9. China and usa trying hard to kill off the brown people whether you are Mexican Salvadorian Guatemala with out you even knowing. the drugs they supply to criminal groups having them kill each other then having them turned over or killed after they did the dirty work. Oh well

    1. Dude all it takes is one button push to blow you out this world. Stop being stupid. You’re are of no consequence good or bad to China or USA

    2. Minus all the suburban people dying. If they wanted us “brown” people dead, they wouldn’t put so much money and attention on this. They let it be a silent brown purge.

    3. 8:30 is a smart man that actually thinks unlike 99.99 of humans that get brain washed with a few stories or documentaries.
      Good stuff, don't let these dummies get to you 💯

  10. yeah why does 8:30 say stupid shit I mean come on sounds like he has a huge chip on his shoulder

  11. Zamudios been having money sinxe the 80s. They also got a hotel in Altata. Very well known prominent family like the Ritz family in Sinaloa that owns all kinds of hotels(idk if its the same relationship from the Ritz Carlton only rumors saying its the same family)

  12. if the cartels stop producing fent i might go back to being a h user again…

    1. They don’t care about the casual users anymore.

  13. Won't do much with China making this stuff at the level they are. Also I live in Philadelphia and the demand. I mean I don't see this stuff being wanted by people or accepted by the population in other areas of the world. Here no one seems to think or care that people missing limbs are shooting this shit on sidewalk across from city hall!
    Normal! It's insane!


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