Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, February 10, 2023

Woman From Barahona Abducted And Tortured In Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Family members of a woman, who left the Dominican Republic for Mexico to reach the United States, received a video from kidnappers who are holding her.

The video shows Isabel Maria Ferrera, alias Mella, 31, being assaulted with a board by one of the kidnappers.

Ferrera in the middle of the short video says to do it slowly, but the kidnapper tells her that if her family doesn’t care about her, neither do they.

The woman is a native of Barahona. A large sum of money has been demanded for her ransom.

Video translation is as follows:

Female: Isn’t that enough already?

Male: We don’t give a fuck. If you’re family doesn’t care then neither do we. 

Video translation is as follows:

Male: If you don’t deposit that money right away you fool. I’ll fucking shoot her and bury her right here. I don’t give a fuck you fool. I need that fucking money within half an hour. If you don’t give it to me I’m going to kill her. You’ve been warned you dumb ass. 

Despierta El Sur  La Masakr3

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  1. Replies
    1. I was also thinking the same thing. Chilangos are hated for good reason.

    2. especially here in Guadalajara

    3. Is that true or sarcasm.
      That Guada’s despise chilangos?…

    4. 7:46 back and forth, chilangos dont like tapatios and tapatios dont like chilangos, the two biggest citys in mexico, Chivas vs America in soccer kind of shit, than again most of mexico dont really like chilangos

    5. 746 - You must be from Tennessee or Kentucky. Nothing to do with soccer. Chilangos are short little square headed little motherfuckers that were birthed by ugly little fat assed toads. Some of them are smart enough to want to bring any more toads into the world so they bribe Tapatios to be with them. On second thought, you could be from Georgia. End of todays class.

    6. I wish you guys weren't so honest about Chilangos. Cause they get their feelings hurt when you're too honest and right away ask why. 🤣

    7. Damm Latinos are some of the biggest racist to each other...what happened to all that mi Raza talk

    8. 3:15 its bot really about been racist its more of a place of birth kind of a thing, it goes from rancho to barrio to town to city to state and than to country, if you dont get what ive just said you will never get it

  2. I wanna say...she does not look too worried. I would be crying my eyes out!

    1. She knows she is going to soon be killed, they have full control over her.
      The value over human life in Mexico is cheap.
      Similar issue happened in Tijuana.
      A relative got deported to Tijuana.
      He paid a so called honest coyote/smuggler $1,500 deposit.
      They then kept him in a safehouse, tied him up , was told to have relatives wire another $6,000. Relatives sensed, he was already killed, they would not let him talk to them.
      Thier intention was easy money , sure enough he was dead.

    2. Thought the same thing. I think she made a chilango boyfriend. I think the spanking was her idea. Lol

  3. La Masakuat3 grada sur siempre presente

  4. Otro grupo de culos!

  5. A little bit of internal regional racism!! But of course racism doesn’t exist in Mexico!!🙀

  6. She trying to come up

  7. That money they will try to get from her family won't last eitherway and it will come with bad karma. Alrato te va cargar la verga ati wey!

    1. The Chinese are trying to become the next super power
      Glad they shot the spy balloon down.

    2. Trying?

      The US is trillions in debt to them, they are buying US properties by the swaths, and nearly every item in every US home is made in China…

      That sounds like a superpower to me.

  8. Pinche gente que secuestra por dinero son unas bestias muertas de hambre.
    Ojala y los encuentren y les hagan lo mismo y lo pongan en video para que sientan lo que ellos le hicieron a esta mujer!

  9. Culos pegandole a una mujer.

  10. So did the family of the woman did something to the dudes hitting her ? Sounds more like a revenge than anything to be honest

    1. 12:54
      No comprendes Mijo.
      Your looking at a typical kidnapping for ransom, in progress.
      1. Lady from Dominican Republic, journeys thru Mexico to pursue the dream of living in USA.
      2. Lady gets kidnapped along the way.
      3.Torture, violence starts with wood spanking.
      4. They put family members on the line, they hear her yelling.
      5. Family or relatives do not wire the money, she gets tortured and killed.

  11. I saw a video where she says she is fine that that happened a long time ago. If you look her up by her name, there’s a video where she says she’s still in Mexico and she is fine.

    1. 1:16

      Wait till you see the next video, all cut up and her head in a XOXO ice chest.
      Lol at totally fine🤣😂

  12. There is a video going around where she says. She is fine that she is still in Mexico and that that happened a while back so I don’t know if she was playing around or involved in starting her own family or watt but there’s a video going around where she is fine.

  13. What is she gonna do here in u.s.a now that she is going to suffer mental issues because this ....another state dependent immigrant

    1. No worse than normal americans putting up with white trash racists maga morons. Shes welcome

    2. It's not USAs fault, that she now has PTSD.
      2:46 you can sponsor her, have a heart.

    3. Racism,fuck racism,name calling being used used by bitter losers.

    4. Didn't ye know its racist for the U.S.TO SAFEGUARD ITS BORDERS,not for mexico or anyone else,racism?Fuckin pathetic,dont believe in it,sheep do and losers who need to blame someone for their sad life

    5. Mexicans calling people racist?
      Absolutely hilarious

    6. 306
      Crying about whites and heres mexicans fucking her up?Thats how pathetic its become,dont talk about mexicans kidnapping her and hitting her talk about whites?

    7. @Resistance 1881. Like you? You are all immigrants, and all utterly dependent on your government, you just don't understand the funding that's been propping you up.

    8. Here you are again breakinglegs....just blabbering in everyone's comments like you know everything....

    9. You punk ass muthfucker dicen que trian muchos huevos come by to a prison

  14. Shes in on it,and shes a racist lmao

  15. Or...her family would only send money for something like this..maybe it was a trick her and boyfriend played on her family to get money? Maybe. Trust no one. Black Kitty

    1. I think it’s a ploy too… these aren’t academy award winners by any means Lmao

  16. Who started this whole wooden paddle stuff? I remember Wikipedia saying Lazca started it, and it was called “The Lolipop” or something…

    It’s just crazy how it evolved; with the customization of the paddles, the branding/insignia, and how it’s just become commonplace in the narco world…

    I mean that sh*t was originally for frat guys to get off on their “urges” lmao… and now we see it being used for some fat chicks ass, in a possibly fake kidnapping video…

    1. Police have been doing the tablazo for a long long time before narcos


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