Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, March 18, 2023

6 Women Who Went Missing in Mexico Were Killed, Burned

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Prosecutors in Mexico confirmed Friday that six women who went missing on March 7 were killed and their bodies burned by a gang of armed men

Prosecutors in Mexico confirmed Friday that six women who went missing on March 7 were killed and their bodies burned by a gang of armed men.

It was one of the largest collective killings of a group of women in recent years in Mexico.

The women disappeared earlier this month on a road near the city of Celaya in the farming and industrial state of Guanajuato. Relatives had held out hope they might be found alive.

But state prosecutor Carlos Zamarripa said Friday that experts had found skeletal remains “almostly completely burned” in raids on several properties Thursday. The amount of bone fragments found — Zamarripa said they were “hundreds” — suggests the women's bodies were burned and the bones were ground up and scattered, a common drug cartel tactic.

“They took the six women to Juventino Rosas, where they later killed them,” Zamarripa said. He said the motive for the killings was still under investigation.

DNA tests matched five of the missing women, and more tests were being conducted.

Nearly two dozen guns, explosives, and thousands of doses of drugs were also found at the properties, he said. The plastic-wrapped body of a male kidnapped victim was also found at one of the properties.

Zamarripa said 14 men arrested in connection with that and other killings. At least five of the suspects were from the northern border state of Tamaulipas, and one of them was a Honduran man.

Tamaulipas is split between the Gulf cartel and the Northeast Cartel. It was not clear what either group would be doing in Guanajuato, which is hundreds of miles to the south.

Authorities had posted search bulletins for the six women on March 9, and had said for more than a week, they hoped to find them alive.

For years, the industrial and farming hub of Guanajuato has been Mexico’s most violent state, with the Jalisco cartel waging a turf war there against local gangs, including the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel, which is apparently being supported by the much larger Sinaloa cartel.

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  1. Just proofs CJNG has no control of Guanajuato if CDN operatives are going in n out like if its their Home

    1. Look at the area this took place? It didn't happen in Leon, Irapuato, Moreleon, Silao or Guanajuato. CJNG has been forced to take things slower in Guanajuato. With the Parjaro Sierra's flipping in parts of Jalisco and Michoacan. La Vaca flipping in Colima, some trying to flip in Nayarit it has slowed them down some what.

      If El Abuelo Farias hadn't flipped on CJNG in 2018. Michoacan, Guanajuato would have been CJNG 100%. Zacatecas would have been CJNG 100%. Aguas Callaientes and Teocaltiche Jalisco would be CJNG. CJNG and CDS would be fighting in Durango, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon. CDS would have lost Sonora to the Olivas Payans.

      The treachery El Abuelo Farias did saved CDS from having CJNG on their necks years ago. El abuelo Farias was the most important person CJNG had in Michoacan and Mexico at the time he was the one that would break or make CJNG expansion and control of what they invested in when they backed the Narco Defenses in 2012. Now they are forced to fight what they created. El 85 is in Michoacan commanding the troops with El M2, RR, Maximo Delta, Los Guerrero, La Tuta ,El Chaparro, and a couple more following his orders. The guy they say was M2 dead was another guy I seen a picture of his while he was alive he was in a forest camp dressed in green starring at the camera. Bald, beard and everything. Current criminal make up of Mexico is CJNG and their allies against CDS and their allies CU, FM, CDN, Matamoros, ZVE, CDSRL, Chilangos, other small crews backed by CDS against CJNG and their expansion. CJNG backing CDS and allies enemies or rivals.

    2. lmao what? this dude has to be from reddit or something to be this slow. how many time have cartels gone and killed people to heat up the plaza? there is even a term for it that's how often cartels do this shit "calentando la plaza". and no cartel controls entire state, there is always presence of someone around.

    3. Ok so 1034 do you feel better now?

    4. 10:34 🤣🤣🤣😭 o yea killing 6 women really shows how strong CSR are 😂😂😂 and remember they are been backed by CDS another cartel that loves killing women

    5. Dude M2 was a burn crisp. These young dudes ain’t smart enough to pull something like that off. Sorry CJNG cheerleader your guy is gone. The sicarios that left him and didn’t come to help him all got killed.

    6. Lmaooo M2 is dead, La tuta? The one in prison?

    7. 11:58 guy put pipe down goofy and stop listening to delusional chimuelo he be making shit up lmao ya so gullible to believe his make believe stories lmao shit is sad real talk

    8. 1:23 your uncle still rotting up in the sierra sm?

  2. Abrazzos no balazos ! That means
    Cartels do what ever you want ! Just keep the bribes coming!

  3. mira no más hasta donde putas llegamos como sociedad...

  4. Burned to get rid of the culprits dna

  5. CSRDL y sus aliados del CDG Matamoros del La Kena. Puro lacra

    1. Defendiendo a los Jalislacras que estan peor que los Z's y expandidos en mas lugares. Su unico interes es controlar todo el C.O. por eso tienen desmadre en todos lados 🤦🏽‍♂️

    2. 1117
      Bro thats what i was thinking,CDG/CSRL remember the videos'we are here at the service of Snr Marro'all that bollocks.
      Poor women and their families.Sad

    3. 12:24 no es defender a nadie porque so fueron ellos puñetas los de Cdg/ CSRDL, no llore chillaloa

  6. I don't want to think what those poor girls went through before they were killed. I suspect these types of murders are going on a lot more than the public realize. Abduction for rape and then murder by tweaker cartel gunmen. But don't worry, Amlo has a plan and Mexico will be perfect, safe and crime free by the next election

    1. You know same thing been going on in Juarez since 90s. Lots of theories. But one I believe to have credible backing. It’s some sort of hunting ground for several serial killers. They know it’s chaos around that stretch of border. Also said snuff flicks could also be at play in some of these murders. It’s some sick twisted stuff going on and honestly nobody seems to care. The haves and have nots are so far apart in Mexico it’s like being on different planets.

    2. Mexico is great destination for serial killers then use the cartel related killing as a scapegoat

    3. Some dude’s on Podcasts, say there are tunnels in Juárez, where women where taken to make “snuff” film’s… normally id dismiss it, but in Mexico anything goes..

    4. Organ theft, snuff vids, adrenochrome harvesting, ordinary serial killers, religious cult serial killing for ritual.all of the above

    5. 9:25 only if got the government on your side if not you will be caught even mexico

    6. Right. Strange that your sympathy turned so quickly into a weird rant about AMLO. Feminicides have dropped since he came in btw.

    7. @7.48. This is a different thing, I think. From the information released it sounds like these were women caught during a roundup with their men. They were taken somewhere else not because they were women but because they were there.

    8. 5:19 can you point out where it was written or said these women were picked because of their men and that's why they were murdered? I'm trying to make sense of what you write to 7:48

  7. It's in Sonora, too. 6 people just found in graves at a house in Nogales.

  8. God damn savages, they should all be exterminated...

    1. You sound like an old cowboy talking about the Indians.

  9. Is this fuckin CDG/CSRDL?Scrub rats desperate for money women,sicarios all the way from Tamaulipas to help the midget Marro,fucked up these things runnin around.

  10. Dont want to imagine what these poor women had to endure with these fuckin dogs.Justice,thats it,lock them up?Maybe even walk out sometime?Im serious they should be shot on the spot if they own up to it.
    So sad these poor women

  11. Fake news! ELMO said mexico is safer than the US. These things don't happen in the US much less in Mexico.


    2. 7:08 yes fake news made by the Obrador speech writer, Obrador will say anything the speech writer writes, even if it's beyond this World.

  12. @12.05. That speech was written about young people with no future being seduced by cartels, to signal that old catastrophic policies was being re-thought. But idiots who don't bother following through always pretend, for their own cynical purposes (or coz they are dumb, or too lazy to get a grip on the context)), that the ''hugs'' were meant for the cartel. Not talking about you here, just the old bullshit that always surrounds that quote.


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