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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

AMLO Calls Initiatives to Use US Army to Combat Cartels 'Propaganda'

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Mexican President AMLO and Texas Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw.

An initiative referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the US Congress would authorize the US Armed Forces to act against "those responsible for trafficking fentanyl" or any substance related to that drug on US soil.

Resolution 18 was introduced by Representative Dan Crenshaw, also on behalf of Mike Waltz, both Republicans, on January 12, but it gained attention this Sunday, in the midst of the debate on the possibility of designating cartels as terrorists. The initiative enlists Mexican cartels such as the Sinaloa, Jalisco Nueva Generación, and Los Zetas, among others, which bring fentanyl to the United States.

Called the "Resolution on the Authorization of the Use of Military Force to Combat, Attack, Resist, Target, Eliminate, and Limit Influence," or AUMF Resolution, it would authorize the United States government to resort to military force. armed forces to act "against those responsible for trafficking fentanyl or a fentanyl-related substance into the United States" and also against those "carrying out other related activities that cause regional destabilization in the Western Hemisphere."

AMLO's Response

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador considered propaganda the initiative promoted by prosecutors from 21 states and a United States legislator to designate Mexican cartels as terrorists.

“It is more than anything propaganda, because on February 27 the State Department presented its report on terrorism to the US Congress, and it made it known that there is no link in Mexico with terrorist groups and that cooperation on this issue is good. between governments, that is the report of the Department of State,” he mentioned.

“I think that some legislators, one from Texas, Dan Crenshaw, are one of those who are against Mexico, I pass it on at the cost to our countrymen or there, who remember that he who does not love his country does not love his mother because they are always insulting Mexico to get an electoral crack," he said.

“The Mexicans who live there, who are already United States citizens and who vote, should not forget these things, these grievances, that when they appear on the ballot, even if they do not know the other candidate, say the other is better off. Vote for the other or for the other, because imagine if it is not even acceptable for them to certify us, that they say there is or is not terrorism in a country, what gives them that power”.

Response from Ricardo Monreal

"As leader of the majority of @senadomexicano, I express my rejection and concern about the initiative presented in January of this year in the US Congress by the Texan legislator @DanCrenshawTX, which I hope will be rejected."

Dan Crenshaw responded to the Tweet: "Did the cartel leaders write this tweet for you?"

After the recent shooting deaths of 2 of the 4 kidnapped Americans in Matamoros. Dan Crenshaw reiterated his claims and offered the US military to 'help' Mexico against the cartels. 

"2 of the 4 Americans kidnapped by the cartels in Mexico were murdered, and we still haven’t declared the cartels a military target. It’s time we authorize military force against them. 

Are you listening, @lopezobrador_? We would love for you to be a partner. Help us help you."

White House Response

The White House of the United States assured that designating the Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups "would not give us additional authority to the one we already have," this after the demands of some Republican legislators who want the North American Army to fight these drug gangs.

At a press conference, the White House spokeswoman, Karine Jean-Pierre, was questioned again about whether US President Joe Biden considered classifying the Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations.

"Designating drug cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) would not give us any additional authority that we don't really already have at this point," the White House spokeswoman said.

Jean-Pierre assured that the US "has sanctions to combat these cartels and we are not afraid to use them", for which she recalled that the Treasury Department has announced sanctions against these drug trafficking groups, as well as those who benefit from and help them. The White House spokeswoman specified that cartel members can no longer use their relatives to manage their assets and evade authority because they too will be sanctioned.


  1. Oh boy. Make way for the cowboys.

    1. well I wonder if all Cartels ended say. Mexico would have to have Jobs for all the hang members and Pay them health care housing etc. he won't do it . He figures they work get paid feed their families etc When working for Cartels. better then paying them Unemployment.

  2. Dan Crenshaw can't even control what goes on under his own roof much less Mexico.
    Stay in your lane Dan.

  3. A couple weeks ago- the U.S government released a "anti-cartel" propaganda video highlighting the atrocities the cartels commit on a daily basis in México. Witch was fair because it true right???

    México did the same- however it highlighted Americas "zombies cities" - "drug sanctuary" zones- witch is fair, because it's true right?? America has an extreme addiction problem with no clear solution?

    Turns out, the U.S didn't like those videos because it put a "bad spotlight" on Americans struggling with drug habits, they demanded an apology and the video to be removed?????? I hate the hypocrisy, I hate the one sided narrative. It's ok to demonize others but don't let "others" put exposure on your existing issues because it's "jeopardizing"...

  4. This type of Propaganda is used by all the candidates from California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas just to get votes and get elected. After they become elected they do nothing of what they claimed they would do 😂
    Stop cartels, stop illegals, stop drugs and Yada Yada Yada bla bla bla

  5. I can certainly understand this being interpreted as "propaganda" or political posturing but something significant is going to happen. The fentanyl deaths, the human smuggling/trafficking at the Southern Border, and now the death of two Americans has agitated an already sensitive issue. The Mexican gov't has no choice but to cooperate, if the American gov't decides to declare war on the Mexican Drug Cartels. The Biden Administration will do nothing but as that administration comes to an end, and if a Republican is elected, there will be action taken. We will have to see.....

    1. The republicans won't do squat if they win the 2024 election. This is all smoke and mirrors on their part. Trump failed to get the military involved and any republican elected will not send in the military as well.
      ELMO isn't helping the situation by decreasing cooperation with the U.S. The U.S. has had too many opportunities to send the military into Mexico and haven't yet. ELMO's down to his last months in office. If Mexicans elect a president that is serious about taking on the cartels in 2024, the situation will improve.
      Maybe ELMO can give the republicans hugs so that they calm down.

    2. @2:21 What makes you think México is just going to roll over and let the Americans do as they please? The media is at fault for the ignorance of its citizens? México didn't pay for the wall, México will never allow American troops? Now continue day dreaming.
      Maybe the democrats and Republicans can just throw daily tantrums and hopefully they'll get over those perverted dreams of steeping foot in México.

    3. 3:11:
      I don't think you understood the comment.

    4. Rhetoric aka wolf tickets

    5. @3:11 what makes you think Mexico can stop the US using military force against the cartels in Mexico?

    6. 2:37 at that point the US will be doing what Russia is doing to Ukraine.
      But you hypocrites will say it's OK when the US doest it 🤦‍♂️

  6. i think it is because the dollar gt weak in mexico. start a war. devalue the peso

    1. El peso is stronger than its ever been.@253
      It's the de dollarization the west needs to worry about. Some global powers are already starting to trade in different currency.

    2. 3:47 yes the peso is gaining value against a weakening dollar like 2:53 wrote.

  7. I feel safer in a majority of Mexican cities than my home town of Portland Oregon! No joke

    1. What a fuckin liar,why dont you live in mexcio?Boolshitt

  8. Watch the US military try to invade Mexico. Mark my words that people in the US would get hit for this, even Fox News knows this.

    Semper Fi

    1. Unless they want to turn Mexico into the next Palestine

    2. Mexico has an open border in the south they would gladly welcome any terrorist to come in

    3. Just come an arrest AMLo

  9. This dude doesn’t realize what a real democracy is about. If enough people over here get behind this then people will put pressure on law makers. It won’t be a hard sell to Congress to get a law passed. Look at what fentanyl is doing. It’s killing police over here that arrest people. You’ll see.

  10. 4 COLOMBIANS killed in Puebla Mexico…

  11. Everyone gets killed in Mexico not only u.s Americans … 4 colombianos popped

  12. I don't think Mexico will ever allow US troops to go into their territory to annihilate the cartels. It will hurt their ego, pride, and pockets. I also don't understand how you can observe all this violence around you and see your country is going to sh#t and you do nothing about it. They need to either arm its citizens or send out all their cavalry they parade on their indepence day. Fn BS already with all these killings and poison.

    1. America won't need troops on the ground when there are drones available

    2. The cartels have drones too and not amateurs with the technology. You must be new to this site. Like I mentioned earlier. If the gabachos want to start shit with Mexico, you better be sure plenty of Americans whites especially will suffer since the cartels have been in the US for more than a decade.

      Semper Fi

    3. @7:56 and howis Mexico goingot be able to stop the US military?

    4. @9:41, let them try and then you will see a whole new world of pain for Mexico and its cartels

  13. The comments are funny.

  14. Morons.No mention of the millions of American addicts who demand drugs. What are you gonna do about them.


    1. You blame Malaysia?Remember mexicans caught showing malays how to cook meth to open up a market?No,dont remember that.

    2. Mexico is the way it is because of drugs?Willy wonka is inventing everlasting condoms just for you bro

  15. Mexico won't be stupid enough or physically able to try and confront the US military if they come in and do lightning drone and troop strikes against cartels. Its probably the only strategy that will work. Especially with a corrupt narco government in place. After that, the problem will be to extradite and charge senior Mexican officials and for Mexico to clean up its act. Let's not pretend Mexico is in any way shape or form on a par with European countries, it's not it's a corrupt narco state. And I guarantee a majority of Americans support some sort of armed action agaisnt drug cartels

    1. Go back to sleep, no Period Dude, your here up at night and day, go to sleep.

    2. AMLO is the biggest cartel leader. The US should do to AMLO what they did to Mummar Gaddaffi

  16. It's time to stop pretending Mexico is a functioning country. It's not, it's a failed narco state that is a danger to its people and its neighbours. US military intervention is probably the best solution to its problems. Followed by polygraph testing and jailing of every single corrupt government employee and politician. Otherwise, this nightmare open wound will carry on leaking poison for decades more

    1. That’s not for you to decide . A war will definitely happen like never before because Mexico is so close to the US , cartel are already in the US . It’s a lose -lose situation the US is not ready for .

    2. @6:33 Mexico has had its chances to make those choices and has chosen incorrectly. Time for the USA to start making those decisions since the narco state is incapable of fixing itself

    3. @6:33 If Mexicans were only harming themselves, nobody could care less. They are harming the rest of the world, so it's now our problem. If you don't sort out your problem then expect a new level of pain

    4. 3:14 so america should stop crying about Russia

  17. I wouldnt touch mexico with a fuckin pole vault pole

  18. Big pharma is the true cartel.

  19. Don’t waste valuable resources on a cartel. I’m sure cartels would fold easily, if the US used it’s unmanned drones and wiped them out lmao


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