Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Bryssa Zambada from Grupo Flechas Operativa MZ

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Grillonautas is a space for information on events occurring in Mexico and the world.

Grillonautas does not promote violence or advocate crime, the videos that are broadcast here may have content for people of broad criteria and is not recommended for viewing by minors without an adult explaining the context of what is shown. 

Content may appear in our space where armed people are shown, always with the intention to inform, we never promote any act of violence under any circumstances.

Video translation is as follows:

On her social network TikTok she calls herself Bryssa Zambada. And according to her posts, she belongs to Mayo Zambada's faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. Specifically to the group known as Grupo Flechas Operativo MZ. Which is known to be one of Mayo Zambada's armed wing. 

Who along with Operativa MZ currently maintain a confrontation with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel for the control of the state of Zacatecas.Through her publications we can see her transporting herself with armed men in a truck, images of large caliber weapons, convoys, and even photographs of her pet. 

Currently, dear friends, in Mexico there is not a single criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking and other organized crime activities that has dedicated the participation of women in their illicit activities. The main cartels have no qualms about recruiting women into their ranks to assign them jobs ranging from administration, drug sales, spying, assassination, and even as plaza bosses. 

According to a source from the Attorney General's Office, the main criminal organizations that use women to carry out their activities include the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, the Cartel de Sinaloa, and La Familia Michoacána, where it is estimated that at least 5 to 8 percent of their assets are women.

According to the same source, other cartels such as the Gulf Cartel and the Northeast Cartel have at least 3 to 4 percent of their members as women. And there are more and more women participating directly in the different labor structures of the different drug trafficking cartels that exist in this country.

Gente del Mayo by Estilo DGO is the narco ballad that plays within this broadcast.

Grillonautas 2

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    This would've been more appropriate for the human rights article biut the video just came out today.

  2. Oh shit ladies and gentlemen. WATCH OUT!

    “Special operations Unit Fox Hound.
    My former unit and one I was a commander of.” 😂

    I give this hyna a couple of more weeks or even a few months before she ends on here BB like La Catrina in a stretcher. Everyone trying to famous with views and likes. They should ban all of social media world wide!

    Semper Fi

    1. That's if she runs into SEDENA. She could wind up in an Oxxo cooler like La Flaca.

  3. Cartels getting woke with affirmative action.

    1. Cartels have always been at the forefront of affirmative action. Have you ever read about an EOCC complaint being filed against a cartel? I can't find any at

    2. Did you guys forget lol

    3. " woke with affirmative action"
      In this upside down fucked world bro,why not,common sense and truth dont matter

    4. The cartels are the kings of affirmative action. They hire kids, convicts, transgenders, child molestors, dogs, pigeons and canaries. And of course, we can't forget Sicario Monkey. Trump Inc. and the rest of corporate America could learn a lot from cartel's affirmative action policies.

    5. 616
      a collage of sicario videos? 😂 wtf lmao

    6. "Trump Inc. and the rest of corporate America could learn a lot from cartel's affirmative action policies."
      Fuck you on about,whites will be whining with the rest cause they DONT get a job cause of skin tone?

  4. She’s a hottie but dangerous, stay away kids.

    1. If you look at her non filtered pictures she short and stubby nothing pretty

  5. Mexico is running out of men so women have to pick up the slack

  6. 4 Americans kidnapped in Matamoros

  7. she will end up the same way as la flaca lets be honest

  8. Another example of a person who can't resist "fame" and blows their own cover. The next time will be her shown dead as a result.

    1. Interestingly, she hasn’t posted on TikTok since November.

  9. Putting herself on front street is her way of immortality'look here i am'before she gets leaked out on a lonely road somewhere?

  10. Lot of guys on here be in love now tellin ye,lookin her shit up on snide tit toc,everyone's a star

  11. Evil has many forms, some of them have tits

    1. Whole new urgency to "dont stick your dick in crazy"

    2. Her insta bio says she is daughter of mayo zambada

    3. @1:25 maybe that is why her last name is zambada

  12. I would love to Cut that ugly piece of 💩 head off For supporting 🐀 ZAMBADDA

  13. No te dejes agarrar por los jaliscos
    Vas a vivir el infierno en vida inepta vieja
    Retachese para la cocina que quiero mi sammich.


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