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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Calls Grow for Mexican Cartel Crackdown After Americans Killed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A deadly Mexico kidnapping revealed this week the dangers Americans face in their pursuit of health care abroad as medical tourism continues to escalate.

Fox 32 Chicago


  1. Sounds like the US needs better healthcare access…

  2. The US is scared of Mexico's relationship with China and Russia. They want to put boots on the ground before China or Russia do, in order to stop a modern day Cuban missile crisis scenario.

    1. Not really Mijo, you and your rumors, it's all related to drugs.

    2. 'The US is scared of Mexico's relationship with China and Russia'
      Shouldn't the whole world BIG BRAIN

    3. 8:43 not really, just dumb brainwashed Americans 😂

    4. 8:43 Another one creating False Flags.

      Mexico has no relationship with Russia.
      Mexico has no relationship with China.
      And no USA is not scared of Mexico.

    5. Again people are too stupid to realize... Mexicos economy would absolutely be destroyed on account of dumb shit like that. Mexico also has to play ball to also hold on to the world cup. If they keep up the Danger zone, they will easily cancel any games or events to be held in Mexico. FiFa can't afford to be be tied up with in this also can't endanger people from ALL OVER THE WORLD at one moment

    6. 324
      Bro please TRY and educate these small thinkers and their blinkered view of their small world where they think everything is a conspiracy against lil old mexico.North America will host World Cup,Qatar money predictions were $17 Billion,and they have not got what U.S.Canada.Mexico has,imagine how much money?

    7. No way would Mexico allow Russian or Chinese missiles to be placed there. The U.S. would never tolerate that and the Mexicans don't want a war with the United States, they just want to continue trading with us and sending their drugs here.

    8. Right , but if the US doesn’t play ball too and choose to threaten Mexicos sovereignty , then Mexico has a plan B , China and Russia . Mexico is keeping its options open after seeing that the US is capable of electing any idiot as president (Trump).

    9. China's been raping the sea of cortez for decades with the help of poor, drunken mex fisherman. The chinamen literally back a huge, refrigerated semi up to the beach n load up shark fins & whatever else is marketable. Legality isnt even a formality- chinese are even MORE corrupt than the mexs- one hand washes the other, but it's the WORLD'S hand that always has to 'wipe' their asses.

    10. 08:48 when did Russia leave Cuba? Are there still nukes on the island??

  3. Fox news stirring the pot and trying to help out republicans in 2024.

    1. Fox News owner, Rupert Murdoch is one of the biggest share holders of Disney.
      Fox News is controlled opposition,
      It’s a big club and you’re not in it

    2. @10:47, sure thing, George...Carlin.

  4. @8:20 yes blame news entertainment and not the narco-state

    1. @8:37 AM "The narco state is trying to help out Republicans in 2024"

    2. Read the PBS news story published today about the Fox lawsuit which explains how Fox News helps republicans win elections. Fox News isn't unbiased reporting.

  5. Sounds like the U.S. isn't sharing affordable health care...

    1. Essential health care is very affordable if not free. But plastic surgery is what they call “ elective procedures “ and no insurance will pay for it. All those procedures have to be paid for out of pocket. You guys are talking about healthcare in USA. Missing the whole point of how big of shit hole your country is moron. No wonder you let dumb brute narcos and slick talking politicians keep you down. You can’t think properly. Must be something in the water down there.

  6. Morons on here are so blinded by animosity to the U.S. they are blind to bigger issues.

    1. If the person who is reporting your news is getting emotional then it is not news but propaganda.

  7. I say anybody that is in favor of stopping drug cartels including politicians should be given a drug test!
    Bet you more than half those shit talkers will fail!
    Prove me wrong!!!

    1. I worked for the government for many years. And yes they constantly drug test you. So just shut the fuck up.

    2. I work for the City, we get drug tested, and I always pass, because I don't use drugs.

    3. 847
      'I say anybody that is in favor of stopping drug cartels'
      Just what we need more laws to take away more freedom,fuckin idiots talk out their arse.Bro you leave me speechless

    4. Sol:
      I think you just proved him wrong.

  8. Lol yall scared to publish my comments .. pussie

    1. Ya está comprobado que aquí no hay miedo culito

    2. Sol:
      Stomp on him with your paratrooper boots.

    3. Connor gots to be a Southerner, the only HB, uses "ya all "in every sentence.

    4. Sol, this is off topic but how can I change my screen name on here. Also, much love for all you and the crew do.

    5. Just make a new blogger account. Gmail accounts can be used as dummy accounts.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. They don't need to look very hard, the narco state of Mexico is making itself an enemy of the rest of the world

    2. 8:56 you got a dirty fukn potty mouth, your theory is wrong.

    3. 8:56: What are you, about 12? You're grounded.

  10. "847
    'I say anybody that is in favor of stopping drug cartels'
    The people of Matamoros are crying out for help and your here safe spouting your silly shit about cartels

    1. It's not about defending cartels dumb fuckers.
      It's about the US once again wanting to attack Mexico for whatever reason they can think of.
      First it was Manifest Destiny.
      Now claiming cartels.
      Then people wonder why Russia doesn't trust the US???

    2. 447 but you trust Russia??

    3. 04:47 yo, what's wrong with your brain 🧠

      Hitler Manifest Destiny and Drug Cartels consist with Russia.

      Putin/Russia is committing genocide against Ukraine 🇺🇦

      Cartel Ruso runs Sinaloa and the Russian Mafia (people's mob Russia) is highly organized and active in Baja California, Durango, Chihuahua, and Sierra Leon and Guerrero

  11. Democrats and Republicans and 21 attorney generals so far are asking for military action. Classifying cartels as terrorists allows legal military action inside Mexico. Going to be a lot of very scared Mexican government officials and a lot of dead cartel members. It's not if, it's just when, as I have been saying for months

    1. Will never happen!! All BS media coverage. Stop people from using drugs and you solve the issue or legalize drugs.

    2. Read the book A clear and present danger.All about justifying military action.Read it years ago but a very good read

    3. Better still, Mexico stops being a narco state and starts to look after its own people by providing security and law and order for its people, or is that daydreaming? Either way, a lot of very worried Mexican politicians right now

    4. 9:19 These supposed actions you think are going to happen are creations of your imagination. SERIOUSLY.
      Before any actions are taken by USA armed forces many high level meetings, even presidential talks, will take place where they agree on the objectives, intelligence sharing, rules of engagement if México allows armed USA soldiers, 90%+ not going to happen, and in case of collateral civilian casualties the money that will be paid by the USA government to the victims next of kin.

    5. 09:19 do you have sources?

    6. There is definitely gonna be a bunch of dead politicians, you can't be crooked, take bribes, kill citizens and think that u will never get caught. Everyone on both sides of the borders has made DOX and evidence implicating that they are "dirty"

  12. What is the difference between a well armed drug cartel and a terrorist group??
    That you can't bomb an destabilize a country right next to the great country and economy of the world

    1. Bro that's an easy answer both are the SAME.

  13. Amlo already said in the morning no boots on the ground it’s NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Very smart man

    1. Yeah, like they care what Amlo thinks. Terrorist classification allows for armed action in foreign countries

    2. I bet amlo is special needs.

    3. fuck AMLO and his corruption and Morena party.

  14. @9:39 because BLM lol

  15. Drugs will always come one way or another defeating the cartels might mean that people start doing even more synthetics because they will try to make their own

    1. These meth heads tried that and around 2000-2001 they made a lot of harsh laws dealing with manufacturing and it basically shut that shit down and sent production down south.

  16. Muy macho este buey

  17. I just knew there was some agenda involved…‘perhaps the guy warning about a false flag to blame on the cartels was true!

  18. In culiacan they seized almost 100kgs of fentanyl and 177k pills

    1. Almost half a ton total… not bad.

  19. Nothing is goong to happen. But if this oncodent keeps americans from gambling with their lifes in other countries something positive came out of it but too bad it cost 2 ppl their lives.

  20. The whole time im thinking they cld of been set up like the clinic was in on it and let cartel members now they were ppl coming into town with a few thousand dollars which is a lot in mexico. They did raid the clinic too. Or may be they looking for escape goats. The whole city of matamoros does belong to the cdg from police to the mayor.

  21. How old is this picture Sol?…
    You grabbed it from something previous right my brotha?

    1. I used the Documents app on an IPad to download the video from Fox 32 Chicago. And so whatever pic they used is what I went with. It's obvious they chose this specific picture to emphasize their message there. Anyways this particular app can also be used to download whatever video YouTube, Twitter, or Reddit publishes.

  22. Freaking golfas out here burning up the spot

  23. US better of leaving mexico alone and watching it turn to a bigger dumpster fire than what it already is lol

  24. I also wonder why it was this incident that prompted such a response.

  25. There's a cheap ser-uh-jia down here for your face or any other part of your body if you feel like going under a knife for some change. Porque is physical ese y nada matters more than lo feesical. Ven cambia te guey con los doctores del Golf. Es puro pinche swing for hole in one everytime.


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