Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 27, 2023

Cancún, Quintana Roo: Natanael Cano Suffers An Armed Attack

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Natanael Cano celebrated his birthday last weekend in Cancun, Quintana Roo.

In the last hours it was reported that Natanael Cano almost didn’t reach his 22nd birthday after suffering an alleged attack when he was celebrating his birthday early on the beaches of Cancun.

According to journalist Nelssie Carrillo, the author of corridos tumbados had a fierce fight with a businessman last weekend when he was celebrating his birthday in the company of singer Dan Sanchez.
According to the information, the Sonoran was inside a night club with his friend when he started to have problems with a businessman who was in the establishment, who like Natanel, had bodyguards.

After the heated argument, the interpreter of the "AMG" single left the place, but when he was driving through the hotel zone, along Kukulcan Boulevard, he became the victim of an alleged chase.

Unofficially it is said that the singer's car ended up with considerable exterior damage on Kabah Avenue. It had two flat tires and several bullet impacts in the driver's window.  

Fortunately, Natanael Cano was able to get out of his car unharmed.  So far the incident is being investigated by the authorities.

Natanael claims that his birthday party was ruined

Some videos circulated in social networks of the moment in which the Sonora native was celebrating his birthday in the nightclub. Hours later he published that his celebration was ruined.

"They ruined my birthday for something I didn't even do. Oh well", Natanel Cano wrote next to some laughing emojis and later, he published another photo in which he apologizes to the citizens of Cancun.

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  1. This little dude actually punked out Pepe Aguilar some time back. 😆

    1. Punked out ? Bro que te metiste.
      Pepe Aquilar es un orgullo mexicano. Y si deveras quisiera le hubiera dado unos cintarazos a este Payaso

    2. Pepe is a great singer and all. But this new generation of musicians are all about that bad boy lifestyle. The only reason Natanael didn't bust him the fuck up right then and there is cause Pepe bitched up. He had that wtf look ecthed across his face that day. He's better off rehashing his old love songs instead of wondering why a new genre of music came about.

    3. Pepe garza was right too they all talk about the same thing! That they been betrayed they came up etc

    4. That scrawny dude ain’t punking no one 😂😂😂

    5. Pepe aguilar and his family are legendary this lil punk only makes songs for payasos.

    6. To 1:28 PM i think you misunderstood what SOL said. He just meant that the little guy being scrawny got the better of someone else. SOL wasn’t calling that other artist a punk. That’s his way of talking.

      Rubio NYC

    7. Natanael said this:

      And then this happened:

      Now tell me who freaked out first? It sure wasn't Natanael. 😄

    8. le fuera hablado al chile

    9. Sol you cant be serious..

    10. Sol estás drogada

    11. 6:18. No wey como crees. No me gustan los drogas. La tomada es otro pedo.

      PatoLukas did you notice how right away Pepe mando saludos to the Escorpión Dorado. Yeah. He had no other choice than to reword how he had to direct himself lol.

    12. 1:28 si pepe es muy buen cantante pero al mismo tiempo es muy mamon el culon, se cree muy verga pero esta bien pendejo, apenas escuche en Don cheto que entrevistaron a su hija y dijo que no hace mucho tiempo estavan volando en un avion y el capitan del avion dijo abrochense que vamos a aterrizar de emergencia, el muy verga del pepe se paro y dijo Aver que esta pasando ahorita lo arreglo y al pararse casi se desmalla por que el avion estava bajando muy rapido y la precion de adentro vajo se volada 🤣🤣🤣 lo que tiene de grande lo tiene de pendejo, a y tambien esta bien pendejo Natanael tanta mota lla le chingo las pocas neuronas que le quedavan, si a sus 22 asi esta de pendejo lla te imajinaras en un par de años mas 😂😂😂

    13. What is this Sol dude talking about? How did Pepe bitch out? He's right, they're just producing crappy music and they all talk about the same thing. Cano is like 120 pounds, he ain't busting anyone up 🤦🏽 an the end of the day Pepe will be known for the next 50 years, Cano not so much.

    14. 3:16 how? Pepe started asking around who the little guy was. And word came back that Nate dog is a motero who hangs out with other moteros. And they roll deep. Now do you actually think that if they ran into each other Pepe was gonna talk his way out of it? Hell to the no son. That shit would've gone down quick with Pepe getting smashed the fuck up. So instead Pepe calmed the fuck down and started trying to make amends right away rather than continue saying some off shit. His choice of words at the beginning is what caused Nate to go off on him.

    15. Why wasnt my last comment posted?! Anyways Dude If any of “Nate Dogs moteros” tried to roll up on Pepe that would be the ebd of his career

  2. If Peso Pluma would have been there nothing would have happened.
    He is protected by CH y La Pizza.

    1. En Tamaulipas no

    2. 5:02 se alucina machin el compa, siempre que acava de escuchar esa cancion se canbia de tanga porque la deja bien mojada

  3. How could have this type of violence happened to such an iconic figure, role model, a pioneer to music. Prrrrrrrrrt

    1. He’s literally non of that. SMH

  4. Canta igual de culero que yo ,pero pues en gustos se rompen géneros.

  5. Cancun is unsafe yet Hearst likes to vacation there.

    1. To 2:24
      Mannnnnnm some of you guys can’t say anything with context?????🤷🏼

      It doesn’t matter where Ms Hearst vacations. As long as she keeps those great articles coming. Who cares.

      Rubio NYC

    2. I've never been to Cancun. That's just something people made up out of boredom and it keeps getting repeated.

    3. To Ms Hearst. I think that’s one of those things that some guys on here do possibly trying to insinuate some relations to Ms Chivis. I hope she’s good and safe wherever she’s at. And making the best of life, like some of us would.

      Rubio NYC

    4. We're very different writers.

      Glad you're back, Rubio.

    5. To Ms Hearst; Thank you. I really appreciate you and the love back.
      I see today was a quiet day in Mexico ( which is great for the Mexican people. They deserve so much better than all this out of control cartel violence )
      And talk about how that adds to the sexiness of a woman. You being Smart and down to earth !!!!!

      Thank you again.


      Rubio NYC

    6. 4:05PM - I have often wondered about Chivis myself. I know she had major health issues that she mentioned fairly openly. Hopefully she is ok, and just laying low for her own well-being.

  6. A nadie le importa esa mierda de música

  7. I guess the business man is about those that like to play games. Doesn’t let artist make them less.

  8. I didint no hearst likes to visit Quintana Roo

  9. Ese Me ko se Cree la gran Cosa. Lo que sabemos es que es una gran Mier da , puras Pen de ja das habla y canta

  10. Ms. hearst your ok in my book, but cancun has gotten dangerous, your better off staying at your house swimming pool.

  11. Let hearst enjoy her spring break more likely to catch a std then a gunshot…spring break forever

  12. Pepe is an ass, for sure. But he’s also smart with knowing that he has WAY more to lose compared to these bitch ass corrido singers who can’t even rhyme, but other potheads buy their music. It’s one of those moments in which a hornet gets tested by bees.

  13. Replies
    1. I am not disputing what you said, but I'm not sure if you realize that corridos tumbados are played all over the world, in Peru, Chile, Venezuela, and Argentina even.

    2. @5:52 what are you basing this off on? Numbers from those select markets or YouTube comments?

  14. He should have been tried for making terrible music.


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