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Thursday, March 9, 2023

CDG Gives Up Hitmen Who Were Behind the Attack on Americans in Matamoros

"HEARST", "Itzli", and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Gulf Cartel (CDG) left five of their hitmen, who they say were behind the attack on the four Americans, bound at wrist with zip ties on a street in Matamoros. 

The cartel group claimed they did not give the order for the abduction and offered up the hitmen to  police. 

The Offering

During the pre-dawn hours of March 9, 2023, rumors began spreading online that the Gulf Cartel - Matamoros faction had left a group of their own hitmen, tied up, for police as a kind of offering. 

The hitmen, the rumors alleged, were the members responsible for the recent attack on 4 Americans, which left two dead and two injured. 

A tweet posted hours earlier, warning that Primera Street and Lauro Villar Avenue were being closed off by law enforcement, hinted that the rumors might be true because that was the location of the fateful kidnapping. 

Later, pictures were posted online by Twitter accounts such as Noticia Morelos and Gildo Garza which seemingly confirm the rumors. 

In the images five hitmen can be seen, bound at the wrist, lying facedown on the ground with their shirts flipped over their heads - a non-threatening pose used by law enforcement after someone had already been searched for a weapon. 

Later photos, such as the ones shown above, appear to show the men with some of the bindings removed, sitting up. This was presumably done by officers at the scene as they began to speak with them and document the scene. 

A black Silverado pickup truck is photographed in the background of many of the images. It was presumably handed over as part of the offering. Initial versions of events alleged that hitmen were riding in a white pickup truck during the March 3rd incident but later video shown by the Attorney General’s Office depicts an additional black pickup truck, driven by cartel members, which was also involved.

The black pickup that was left alongside the men is presumably the same one driven by hitmen on March 3rd. 

Tactical vests, firearms, and corresponding ammo was left on a sidewalk nearby. The items may have been used in the initial attack. 

A narco message sign was left alongside the hitmen with an explanation from the Gulf Cartel. The message read as follows, as translated by Sol Prendido:

The Gulf Cartel Grupo Escorpiones strongly condemns the events of Friday, March 3. In which unfortunately an innocent working mother died. And 4 American citizens were kidnapped, of which 2 died. For this reason we have decided to hand over those involved and directly responsible for the events who at all times acted under their own determination and indiscipline and against the rules in which the CDG has always operated. 


We respect the life, tranquility and integrity of the innocent. The CDG apologizes to the society of Matamoros, the relatives of Mrs. Arely, the affected American individuals, and families. In addition the CDG asks society to remain calm because we are committed to ensure that these errors caused by indiscipline aren’t repeated. The guilty parties will pay, regardless of who they are.  

CDG Grupo Escorpiones

Why Do This?

For those wondering why a cartel group would potentially give up their own men like this - it's because the kidnapping "calento la plaza", or heated up the region, meaning that kidnapping brought increased law enforcement attention to the area.

Anything which brings "heat" to an area where a cartel group operates is bad for business, as far as the cartel is concerned. 

The last thing an organized crime group wants is an increase in media attention, particularly American media attention, that's focused on the criminal activity of their territory. 

Handing over these hitmen is an attempt by the Gulf Cartel to appease the American cries for justice, believing that once the perpetrators are arrested, the focus will shift to prosecuting the men for the kidnapping and ease off the larger criminal scene in Matamoros. 

It's important to remember, however, that the aggressive attack on the four Americans is the result of the environment of Matamoros - a city where Gulf Cartel leadership has thoroughly corrupted local law enforcement, paying out weekly bribes to municipal police officers. The collusion of Mexican law enforcement with organized crime is what emboldened the hitmen to act as they did on March 3rd.

Sources: César Jiménez Mtz, GEO-ONE, CÓDIGO MX, Hector de Mauleon, Menny, Transformerescp

Update 12:00 PM CST:

The alleged names of four of the five men have been posted by cartel news Twitter account Codigo Rojo. They are:

Antonio de Jesús Vidaurri Castillo

ALIAS: "Chuy" or "Chucho"

AGE: 33

ORIGINALLY FROM: Río Bravo, Tamaulipas

Luis Valdez Trejo

AGE: 33
ORIGINALLY FROM: Tula, Tamaulipas. 

Gustavo Marcelino Rodarte

AGE: 31 

ORIGINALLY FROM: Matamoros, Tamaulipas 

Ever Noel Hernández Mora

AGE: 28




  1. What a surprise, most likely none of this guys were involved but were at the bottom of the barrel so they had to take the blame, just like when you start a new job, whatever a mistake is made is your fault 🤣🤣

    1. There’s video. That should be them

    2. 11:04 they wont show the video with their faces, plus they had their faces covered in the video

    3. will that keep the drone from arriving? that is the question. kids that should teach kids a lesson to study and become useful in life. the cartel will turn you over to wash their hands.

    4. 6/19 you can only dream about a drone strike

  2. Yeah they don’t want that heat. Sad thing is every single day this happens in Mexico to Mexican citizens and their bodies are disposed of never seen or heard from again and the president just smiles and laughs. Sounds like someone doesn’t want that heat near their plaza. Hate to say it that ain’t gonna be good enough.

  3. Nice to know that CDG respects the life, tranquility and integrity of the innocent, lol.
    The CDG chayoteros are giving the ELMO chayoteros a run for their money in the propaganda department.

    1. It’s ironic how y’all put Elmo for Amlo,
      When the only joke here is people believing things would be any different with someone Else in charge.

    2. @1045 — I prefer to call him AIM-LO

  4. Una de vaqueros y les creo

    1. Una de Clint Eastwood y les creo

  5. HA HA the cartel fear of US action is real. Let's hear the cartel fanboys now. The time for armed US intervention is long overdue. CDG are praying this takes away the heat. It wont

    1. Us won't do anything. It is all talk. In fact the is goverment likes it.

    2. Nah it’s all about business not about fear. This is bad for their drug business. The cartels are already in the US are connected with mostly all gangs plus extended family members everywhere. Americans whites especially would start getting killed. It would be a mess believe me.

      Semper Fi

    3. Also forgot to add that cartels have family members serving or who have served in the US military.

      Semper Fi

    4. I’m too old to rejoin the military again but If the US creates a PMC( like Wagner group, Blackwater) I’d sign up

    5. 5:46 im sure you can join the police forces in chicago or new orleans or one of those nice cities


    7. The US and mexican governments work with cartels (example Bill Clinton). There's no end to it

  6. 100K drug overdose deaths annually!
    23K murders annually!
    45K suicides annually!
    In hell yeah muricka!
    Business is growing each year!

    1. Close to 3 times more people than Mexico but half the murders.

    2. 2:44 yes Merika is almost 3 times the population than mexico but the murders is not half of that of mexico, plues the overdosis and suicides are off the chart in the USA, so i really think Merika has bigger problems than worring about Cartels really invading the USA, how about use all those resources they want to use to invade mexico and use them to treat the addicts and mental ill, that i guarantee you would work way better than try to invade your neighboor country, like Russia did to Ukrain

    3. How about ridding the US of all the brown ass mexican leaching scum?

    4. how about leaving the american southwest if you dont like it? its brown and always will be...

    5. 9:06 how about you go back to school and learn some real history?

  7. Where is the big guy that was directing the others in loading them on to the truck. We need to start comparing photos.
    Also, news media has repeatedly stated that their was a fifth American, Cheryl Orange, that was refused entry to Mexico by U.S. Customs because she lacked an ID to return to the U.S. This story seems to be gaining traction.

    1. They don’t even check your documents when entering Mexico by car.

    2. Detroit 10:17 that was the same aspect I was thinking.....
      Match the photos and videos, see if the facials match, of the ones they now have. My theory will be, they got them from the street and they will be scapegoats, take the fall for the real ones that did the kidnapping.
      Still the issue, regarding Cartels, Drugs, Curuption of Mexico will not go away, unfortunately Elmo felt the heat on this one, and his advisors, had to come up, with something to quell tensions with USA.
      This is similar to Lebron's issue, the killing of ladies and kids, then burn the vans...they were quick to scapegoat 2 farmers, that were never involved in the killings, it backfired on the government, when families protested, they were being framed, and let them go.

    3. Good call, Detroit. I think these are fall guys; I believe they would have left them dead, but that’s just me.

    4. 10:46:
      They randomly check your I.D. when crossing into Mexico. They have been doing this for more than a decade. I have been stopped several times exiting the U.S. and asked for I.D. along with the usual questions of $ over $10,000/guns, etc. You must not cross into Mexico much.

    5. Los Escorpiones need to look out because the BB detectives are on the case.

  8. CDG just put a big target on their backs for the US

  9. Thing’s must be going well running all those pollos leaving all that gear and truck behind!! Maybe someone will get lucky and get there stolen truck back!!

    1. Lmao bunch of freebies tossed out, that’s definitely a stolen truck.

  10. The big guy with the thick neck isn't in this group. He probably was too high up to give up.

    1. Detroit your right, I tried matching too and the NO-NECK guy is not any of them.
      Also the other funny thing...why were there names published and the faces not covered, which is usually standard procedure in Mexico.

    2. In all serious when I say this… it’s starting to look like a conspiracy!

    3. If it really was an accident wich I doubt they probably killed the leader of that cell who ordered it. I highly doubt it was random though. They killed those guys for a reason. The problem was it was caught on camera and blew up in US media so they had to bow down to the govt amd give someone up.

  11. @10:01am Life isn't fair. It's no fun thinking that but that's the way it is. Not to sound callous about the stolen lives of Mexican victims, but there is a way to look at this that kinda explains what is going on.
    How many average Mexican citizens disappear/murdered every year. Would tens of thousands be a fair estimate? I will run with that. Now, how many American medical tourists are slain every year? Far fewer than Mexican murders. So right there we have a sea of - forgive me- "faceless" Mexican victims vs a couple of American medical tourists who got murdered.
    The American media will leap on the story of the murdered medical tourists. Mexican media will too. In sum, it is partly a numbers game as to why Mexican homicide victims receive less media publicity.
    There is such a thing as victim fatigue. With an endless stream of victims, they kind of get anonymous.

    1. When the Mexicans do it to their own people, it's an internal problem. But when Mexicans behaviour affects other countries, it's an international problem. I hope Amlo ends up like Gaddafi if he doesn't start to play nicely and let the US military do armed strikes. If he does then Mencho and the other cartel bosses will soon be on Blackhawks heading for Florence ADX with a Delta or SEAL bodyguard

    2. Lol.Mexico will never allow a large scale American operation in Mexico

    3. 11:05 never gonna happen, i bet you also believe mexico was gonna pay for the wall that was never made 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Lmao. Typical, it was so obvious this was going to happen before the week ended once they gave up(yes, gave up…cops did NOT find them) the victims. All this attention was not good for the Government, SPECIALLY not good for the local Tamaulipas/Matamoros government and of course the Cartel… since at least those 2 at the end, are very close connected with eachother.

  13. Old news .. we all got an expiration date so what

  14. That's a lie,.....Chubby light skin dude in crime video. All these guys are skinny small and dark skin.

    1. 11.03. You can't tell anything from the blurry CCTV- skin will always looks paler in that light, and the dude in the red shirt on the left and the dude in the middle are anything but ''skinny''. CCTV cameras can often make figures look shorter and squatter. I'm not saying the ''Missing Man'' is one of the 5, just that it should go without saying that they will look different in daytime footage on their feet in full tactical gear than they will sat down at night under streetlights.

  15. Se le arrugo el chiquito a todo el liderazgo del CDG, ja ja ja, hey Sol how do I say that in English?

    1. Sería asi:

      The CDG leadership bitched up.


    2. 11:13 their little one got wrinckled

  16. They respect the innocent so much they forgot about lady that was killed by a stray bullet or the countless others they kill .. smh

    1. They mentioned that lady also. Pay attention.

  17. I doubt it's them but there is DNA all over the white truck that was in the video and the same white truck was at the shack that they found the Americans in, see if it matches.

    1. 11:58 🤣🤣🤣 DNA in mexico? Good one, by now that white truck has been tainted so much that maybe even you can even find from AMLO

    2. Of course they wouldn't, and that is the difference of them being corrupt and our govt not, poor innocent (most likely) 5 vatos have to rot in jail when they were probably abducted at the local taco stand enjoying some carne asada to take the fall.

    3. 3:53 they were probably newbees in the cartel

  18. These are the fall guys .. The ones who were chosen to give there self up Sacrificial lambs

    1. Agreed — latest news says there were 5 Americans, not 4… so there were conveniently 5 guys to give up?

  19. I remember there was one fat guy next to the white tuck when they’re loading those Americans .where is el Gordo?

    1. He went for some carnitas snack, by the time he came back the others had been captured

    2. Estos weyes han de ser nomas halcones, los carteles sacrifican gente asi todo el tiempo.

  20. M-22 taken in Reynosa

    1. Thanks for the heads up 12:35. I wonder if this has to do with the kidnapping, although I think he is with the Metro faction, not Escorpiones.

  21. They CDG saw the American dream flash right before their eyes

  22. They probably gave up some low level hit men and said do the time or we’ll kill the whole fuckin family…. Probably ain’t even the guys in the video… we know cartel would just kill the responsible ones….

    1. yep they wouldnt risk them ratting on anyone.

  23. Tengo familia en el Valle que va a Matamoros y yo vivo en Arkansas y eh ido a Matamoros y ni cerca que me a pasado eso. Si los miraron negros y con tatuajes algo an deber sospechado para levantaros pienso yo

  24. It's over for CDG. There gonna go after them like they did AFO after they killed the cardinal.

    1. Didn’t think about that… what if it’s a group inside CDG trying to frame another? Then they put together 5 fall guys to give up (alive) to further fuel the “fact” …

      If we see some mantas coming out from Metros or Ciclones, we should have a better idea of what’s really going on..

    2. 2:35 i highly daught it, first of all there's like 20 CDG cells, there is not a big figure like Ramon, Benja or the other AF brothers that they focua on catching and second of all the Cardenal was pretty much the second most important figure in mexico at the time after the president, thats why they came down so hard on the AFOo

    3. 02:35 yup, just as soon as the other Chapitos are hunted down, dismembered and dumped at the DoJ headquarters in an old styrofoam cooler, to get the $20 Million Dollars US

  25. The United States of America will never be allowed to enter and do what they please, ALMO, Said they offered and he said Thanks but no thanks...
    Yes, the USA can just barge in there and do it as they claim can be done...
    Don't matter what the USA says and uses as threats MEXICO is a foreign country a side by side of the USA territory that's not gonna happen...Before the USA was always in the whole cartel buisness....
    BUT the CIA is the reason why the Cartels are what they are...During the WORLD WARS, they introduced poppy to the FARMERS of the Mexico states they are now cultivated....The Farmer got organized, what they thought was going to happen....Before it was calm and everyone followed rules, this cutting the head didn't work...There's 3 in line to take that place of the Big SNAKE....Example The "CHAPITOS"....Matamoros was once a quite city, everyone played they role and they had Supreme structure....
    Now it's basically gangs on hood gangs....
    This is a everyday thing basically in any state of MEXICO...THE FACT that they was 4 American citizens don't make it any better chance for the USA to do anything inisde mexico territory..
    They killed Like Camerena....The ICE agents near Zacatecas....Mexico do enough to keep the USA somewhat happy and content....I'm from the area where the CDG was a power house, then after Osiel Cardenas was arrested things changed...But the change didn't go to well for all those border towns...what has the USA done nothing....Bullets on the river side of the Mexican border have even hit buildings on the USA side...and nothing has been done....The Senators who are speaking on that they want to invade Mexico and all that politic propaganda is just for VOTES...
    The Cartels have become so hard to control, no matter what size they are now...CDG, CDS,CDN,BLO, all these are products of the actions of the United States sticking there nose in Mexico....
    Sorry for the comment being so long but the USA planted this grain in Mexico soil and now the spread of the fruits has taken over the country....

    1. If Mexico can't get, thier fuken cartels in order, US will be involved, now go get me a beer.

    2. The USA( the biggest, baddest, ruthless war machine) doesn’t need to ask permission to kick some ass in Mexico, just like they didn’t ask permission in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Panama. L0L

    3. 05:51 Lol 😂

    4. The US government should put a puppet president dictator in Mexico, like Duerte from the Philippines. Killed the corruption, consolidate power. Perfect solution , none of this huggy 🤗 Elmo.

    5. 12:53 you talking out of your ass. Duterte wasn’t an American puppet. Duterte fought against narco and general politicians and most of them were liberals. Don’t embarrass yourself talking nonsense.

  26. I knew cartel members had a code of conduct. Lol.

    1. 3:08:
      They brush their teeth every morning and do what mama tells them.

    2. 03:08 it’s very serious if you violate the code of ethics and conduct unbecoming of a Cartel Elite leased Sicario006 - Animo

  27. That's a crock of shit those are innocent people that they captured we know don't act stupid they know they got to much heat from the USA now they don't know what to do.

  28. Rule #1 if you are a criminal group in MX. Don't kill American citizens in MX. Period. Ask RCQ, Don Neto and Felix Gallardo what happens when you do.

    1. Kiki Camarena is what happened to those three individuals. @4:02

  29. Those guys are going to American prison and they will snitch out anything they can. The downfall of CDG has begun. Either they let the US DEA in matamoros or they will face economic sanctions..America will make sure this doesn’t not happen again

  30. PBS is reporting that Mexican authorities have seized the clinic where the American was treated and the ambulance that transported him.

    1. Dr. Detroit
      Also in USA Today, they mentioned a fifth person, was supposed to accompany the 4 that went in the van, because they did not have the proper paperwork, it's like Final destination, a life saved.

  31. The fact that these men were not killed shows that they were probably scape goats. You know full well the CDG would've killed those responsible.

    1. Nah. They want the dog and pony show of them getting arrested and tried for optics. If the victims were mexican...they would've been dismembered and thrown in a fosa

  32. That's crazy shit!

  33. The funny thing is how Republicans are running around with this story when they them selfs could care less if a black person gets killed int the USA by their police, when they actually do something about their shit maybe they can go into mexico but without a gun, believe it or not there are international laws that protect Mexico against any invation from another country, again the only ones making a big fuzz are the republicans who know how rile up their Trumpanzees supporters, but get something straight, its never gonna happen, the best thing they can actually do is get a hold on their high power rifles so that the Cartels have a hard time to get their hands on them, are you gonna do that my republican friends? This shit is just for votes, just how the wall was used

  34. These guys are what they call in jail “crash dummies.” They are being set up to save face for the cartel

  35. In my 20 years living in Mexico, I have never seen "cartel hitmen" without tattoos. Must be a new trend... LOL. Local sicarios are tatooing their faces now though.

    1. sicarios and cartel members rarely have tattoos you watch too much netflix.

    2. 9:36 depends on the cartel, for example have you seen the CDN sicarios?

  36. Interesting comments... From years of following Gringos going into Mexico "crime" cases...What's the big deal? Back in 1the late 70s my good friend's son went to Rosarito Beach to enjoy the beach and was robbed and murdered by thugs. In the 1980s, My step-mom was robbed in the middle of nowhere by highwaymen while driving back from Guadalajara to the USA. I bet some of you readers can tell "victimization" stories about Americans traveling to Mexico.... There is much more on this theme, and I don't have, time ...Suffice it to say that for many years, way before narco-cartels "gringos" traveling in Mexico "had better know" how to look, behave, and have good knowledge of the culture.
    Blaaa, blaaa, blaaaa,

  37. The people at the top of gave em the ok, and when there was a big outcry for the Americans then they sold em out to try and take the heat off them ....and don't lie

  38. ""In the wake of the kidnapping, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said that he was prepared to introduce legislation to designate certain Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and “set the stage to use military force if necessary.”

    “I would tell the Mexican government if you don’t clean up your act, we’re going to clean it up for you,” he told Fox News on Monday."" I agree

    1. It will never be implemented. That means more people fleeing warzones into the US. Asylum cases will go through the roof. War mongering dumbass. You wouldn't know shit about war but thinks its cool to post comment like these.

    2. I know a lot more about war than you. There is a hard rain coming for Mexico if they don't sort this out. And if they try to stop it being sorted out, then they are on the side of the cartels. It can be easy or hard rain, but it's coming

    3. 8:14 you have to stop and consider that there's a reason behind his words. As it is many people in the US don't want to work anymore. Which just leads to a good reason behind that influx of foreign nationals.

    4. It's about standards. Standards in the work place here In America have vastly deteriorated. The new generation of labor is a woke, condescending, and inconsiderate nightmare. They lack standards and since the government has been incentivizing lethargy lately it's no surprise people have stopped caring.
      Mexico has always relied on skirting standards to the point where it now runs on a sort of calculated mediocrity. America has never 'mickey-moused' it this long and the consequences will continue to be devastating for them as it makes its way into other areas of society, especially politics.

      The trend of Americans relocating to Mexico is a good indication of where things are headed.

    5. The job openings to unemployed workers was released in this week's JOLTS report quoted in Barrons. For February, its 1 worker per 1.9 job openings

    6. yep, just like pershing did before the 1st war world, went after pancho Villa, and can back with his tail between his legs and no Villa!

  39. Donde esta el gordito

    1. El Gordo was switched for a Buracho, that was walking the street at night.

  40. Legalize it all over and if you’re against it, just don’t use it quite simple. Educate yourself life is about enjoying it and sometimes these drugs help not me I’m not a drug user, but if you use them, use them safely and company should make a profit out of it cause I can Canada is going to change the game.

  41. Also, if you’re posting comments on here, the government is watching us too. I’m sure that an alphabet boy, or girl is reading comments right now. The The truth is that someone’s making a profit and they don’t wanna let go of that

    1. Ever heard of the NSA scandal? Lol

  42. I think the world is reaching a no holds barred point, perhaps the US will attack the cartels when WWIII happens, which sounds like a stretch, but if nuclear weapons are use in europe, China will invade Taiwan, the Mexican government flirts too much with Russia, so I am just saying, the world might become a sanwich of shit, and we are all going to take a bite, hope not but....

    1. perhaps the US will attack the cartels when WWIII happens.... the Mexican government flirts too much with Russia.
      And what happend in the past in such countries??? The gringos would support any groups fighting the gov and what groups might that be in mexico???


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