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Friday, March 10, 2023

CIA Reveals It Supported AMLO Government Against the Sinaloa Cartel

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

William Burns, Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), revealed that this agency has collaborated with the government of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the recent coups against the Sinaloa Cartel and the production of fentanyl.

Burns testified before the US Senate Intelligence Committee last Wednesday, where he responded to a question from Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn about the number of American lives lost to fentanyl addiction.

The hearing took place in a context in which Republican legislators propose that the US military combat Mexican drug cartels, an initiative that has been repeatedly opposed by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“Just last year we lost 108,000 Americans to drugs that cross the Southwest border, approximately 71,000 of those deaths were caused by synthetic opioids, fentanyl,” Cornyn explained during the hearing and exemplified:

“This is like losing a large passenger plane every day for over a year. If, in fact, passenger planes fell from the sky every day for a year, we would react overwhelmingly. However, the Attorney General of the United States has said that he is doing everything he can”.

In that context, he asked Burns what additional resources are needed to save American lives from this threat.

The CIA director responded: “We have tried to transform our strategy through our Counternarcotics Center, working with partners across the intelligence community and domestic and foreign partners as well, focusing on the entire network that you described: in other words, chemical precursors, financial flows, the production of fentanyl pills and the equipment that is used, in addition to interrupting that traffic as well”.

And it was there at that moment that Burns mentioned collaboration with the Mexican government.

“Section 702 I think has helped us illuminate that network and has helped us in some recent successful actions where the intelligence collected by the CIA abroad has contributed so much to the recent successes that our Mexican partners have had against the Cartel. of Sinaloa, as well as recent successes against fentanyl production and processing teams in Mexico and the United States.

“I couldn't agree more with you about the seriousness of this problem; For all of us, protecting the lives of Americans is our top priority," the official said.

Section 702 to which Burns referred is a section of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that allows the collection of calls, e-mails, and SMS from non-US persons without the need for a warrant. judicial.

At the Senate Intelligence Select Committee's annual hearing on global threats, Cornyn also questioned Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines.


  1. Senator Lindsey Graham calling for US military to go full-out Rambo on Mexican drug cartels

    1. Yes he said if , the current government of Mexico, can't take care of the cartels, US will.

    2. That's a negative chief .. the USA works with the cartels . All a smokescreen for people like you too read and believe action wants to be taken . When in reality the USA has a hand in the pot also

    3. MSN funnybrown u r. Commercial GMO pot I believe.

    4. Full Rambo? Load blown!

    5. 8:29 yes we know lol

    6. @12:50pm I never couched it as breaking news, Señor Snark Breath.

    7. 10:07 your delusional

    8. 10:07 exactly 💯
      Zambadas are the main ones. Just look at vicentillo's case. He said they (cds) were government informants in exchange for a green light to deal drugs freely.
      That dude is known to be a top capo and is MAYO's older son that only got 10 years for leading a cartel organization 😂
      2:54:What excuse do you have for that?

  2. The corrupt and racist CIA is the real drug pushers that pump poison into our inner cities with the help of Latin American crime groups. People in power have known for decades that the CIA has long work with criminal organizations across the globe to push their agendas based solely on political views. For example, the funding of anti communist movements in Central and South America with the help of MX DTOs like CDS in the 80s and 90s. Mayo Zambada whose family emigrated from Cuba to MX and have anti communist links has been their main plug in their covert operations to destabilize governments not friendly towards the US. That's why he hasn't been arrested.

    1. Antonio Cruz Vazquez (some say he was CIA & same say he was Cuban inteligence )married the sister of MZ. This is how his empire began

    2. Can anyone verify that the Zambadas emigrated from Cuba to Mexico?

    3. "Upon his release, he travelled back to Mexico where he married the sister of El Mayo, Modesta Zambada. Through this arrangement, the Zambadas, who were from a family of Cuban exiles themselves, became suppliers for Vazquez and his heroin enterprise. Under the wing of his brother-in-law"

    4. 1:36
      You have Google at your finger tips, give it a try, don't be afraid.

    5. Not since the 80s/90s and definitely not for fent kid.

    6. 08:44 oh, fascinating data.

      Do you have any references for your research into this issue?

      Do you work for the CIA?

      How many millions of Americans can Zambada kill with impunity?

    7. 08:44 facts.

      How does MZ Zambada accomplish this objective for the CIA? Making shitty dope and shipping it worldwide?

    8. 739 funding, arming, training rebel groups that protect US and cartels interest across Latin America. Basicalky, it's a matter of national security based on the Monroe Doctrine that no one but the US will control the Americas.

    9. Read Vicente’s book “El Traidor”, he explains how Mayo is Cuban and so are his brothers…

      Mayo actually came into the game by another Cuban named “Antonio Cruz Vazquez”, a huge trafficker that married his sister… Allegedly, Mayo’s uncles were smugglers as well (from Cuba), and if you want to read more about all this look up “ Drug Smuggling, Gambling and the Shadowland of Vegas” …you should be able to find this Washington Post article from 1978..

    10. If a country is destabilized it usually leads to CIA and the US making money 💵
      That Cuban has Mexico by the balls eith help from the gringos.
      No wonder MAYO is untouchable 🤔

    11. 11:16 isn’t that what CIA stands for “Cuban Intelligence Agency”

  3. Garland already noted that the Jalisco and Sinaloa DTO's are the primary culprits of the tidal wave of fentanyl opioids crossing the U.S. No boots will be on the ground but death will come from above for these scoundrels. Drug trafficking will never end, the demand is too high and Mexico will keep producing and pushing it, but the DTO's will once again be forced underground with their silly convoys and public intimidations ceased. This in turn will put the fear of God into corrupt authorities who will rather do their job than keep accepting bribes since all their cartel comrades will be blown to pieces from an enemy they can't see. Dead cartel members equals less bribes paid out

    1. Today I broke a finger nail, cleaning out the cabinet, but I am glad it's Friday.

    2. Wow u thought out that whole paragraph chief I am amazed

    3. Demand is actually not high for synthetics at this point. They’re just flooding the streets as much as they can with them because it’s dumb cheap to them and there’s such an oversupply of synthetic chemical/precursors and getting them intercepted by law-enforcement doesn’t really lead to any significant loss.

  4. Tide is changing for the cartels. Lesson learned kids. NOTHING last forever. It was sweet when is was just weed and a little coke. Now it’s on biological weapons scale and effectiveness. You know the real government of the western hemisphere isn’t gonna allow that. Get your popcorn and snacks it’s about to get good.

    1. Lmao. Come back in a year and let us know what really happened. NADA.

    2. This guy said “the real government of the western hemisphere”, you mean the one who has the most drug addicts in the world haha . Face it China has outgrown the US along time ago as the real superpower of the world.

    3. I can’t tell. China nor Russia run shit in the west. Mexico, all of Latin America and Canada knows who daddy is. So shut up tonto and get fix me some beans and rice.

    4. Yeah the USA. has so much influence over Venezuela

    5. When China pays the money owed to China I will believe they are the super power. The US owes China 3 TRILLION dollars last time I checked, it could be higher now.
      That's the reason the US can't put pressure on US, all they have to say is "DONT YOU OWE US MONEY?" Haha

    6. 09:28 well said!

  5. We can bang it out

  6. Lies… we all know the truth!

  7. But AMLOS on his way out next year... Looks like hes running out of time to finish the job

    1. Nobody wants to be the one. Just like US presidents with legalization.

    2. I don't think it was ever his intention to " finish the job" he sees himself as the one to lay the foundation. Get the ball rolling.

    3. That was never his intention

  8. Of course Mexico and the U.S are cooperating to combat these drug trafficking organizations. Each one has to live up to their end of the Bicentennial Agreement signed
    early last year.

    1. 11:08 my tooth fell off last year and I put it under my pillow but the tooth fairy hasn't got it yet, maybe next year...

  9. AMLO had a press conference.He was mad at the suggestion that US armed force comes in to Mexico to fight cartels.He was specifically mad at the Republicans.Yes AMLO,Republicans are scummy and pre-teens.

    1. Well said. I agree republicans used to be somewhat reasonable back in the days …now they just use whatever excuse to go to war , it’s pretty pathetic .

  10. U.S. agents working in Mex. 50 or 500 ?
    Any good scholarship on this ?

    1. It’s hard to say since Amlo kicked so many out, and made took away the security from the others…

  11. These foos act like all these ppl stuck on opiods right now in the US are just gonna quit getting high because they go after mexico. If they were to do this, all that would happen is ppl from the DR, Haiti, S America, and Asians gonna be using the Caribbean to get to the US.

    1. 11:35 it’s way more likely that the addicts just get prescribed drugs instead of illegal dirty poisonous poorly synthesized industrial grade novel synthetic designer drugs in an attempt to be more like the mad chemists of Berlin and Rotterdam.

    2. 6:01 Prescribed recreational drugs in America in 2023? How you figure that?

    3. @6:01 — Hopefully…

      Earlier this year the CDC lifted the restrictions that Doctors had when it comes to prescribing opiate based pain meds… even going as far as now letting them prescribe them for long term.

    4. 12:51 Barley. People who need them are still not gonna be able to get them.

  12. “the number of American lives lost to fentanyl addiction”


    1. Wtf you have a lot of free time.

    2. 1:42 Lol did you really just say that with no level of self awareness

    3. 1:42 ya so much time that they read the first two sentences…

    4. Yep it’s getting especially tiresome hearing this over and over when more verified evidence telling us the opposite keeps coming out. No one I know who passed from this drug was an addict; even for the drugs they ‘thought’ they were taking. Almost all casual users.

    5. @4:55 — Even so, there are absolutely LOADS of Americans who are addicted specifically to the drug… and they absolutely outnumber the casual drug users…

    6. 12:53 What does that mean? Addicts outnumber the casual drug users? It’s literally the opposite and we’re talking about the people who died.

  13. You gotta get the resources you have working in the right space. Synthetic drugs are poison and need to be labeled as such. Take a year off weed and cocaine and focus every resource you have on synthetic drugs from the street level on upward. The problem is that there is no money to be recovered from going after the meth and fet at the low levels so it leaves LE little incentive. Coke and weed busts is where the $$ is at

    1. 2:09 They do steal lots of water in California for those cartel weed grows though

    2. 02:09 WTF

      There is not any money in weed busts.

  14. Andres Lopez Obradors speech writer, had him read an out of this world remark, at his morning conference.....
    "To the USA, Mexico does not produce Fentanyl", despite enormous evidence, to the contrary.
    They need to fire the clown speechwriter.

    1. Fentanyl is produced in other countries and smuggled through Mexico.

    2. @12:59 — umm no..

  15. CIA mad because VZ told on them haha


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