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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

FECH Or Special Forces Chuta Using A Wooden Paddle On Local Gang: Sinaloa (Video)

"Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The following video was publish on twitter on March 26, 2023,  FECH members beating with a wooden paddle about 5-6 males subjects in their buttocks. FECH are a criminal cell working for the Guzman or Los Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. The six males 5-6 male subjects captured by FECH members are believed to be a local gang of thugs called "macheteros" causing mayhem in the in the local towns. The FECH members besides beating the 6 males with a wooden paddle also force the "macheteros" gang to kiss each other. 

Video Source: LaMasakr3

Video Source: LaMasakr3

FECH or Fuerzas Especiales Chuta is a criminal cell working directly for Ivan Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzman Salazar. 

FECH are being lead by a former Los Damaso enforcer "El Chuta" that opted to side with Los Chapitos once the war erupted between Damaso vs Chapitos. FECH members are distinguish by using bulletproof vests with logos "FECH".  El Chuta now is believed to be one of Los Chapitos top liutenants other than El Panu and Los Gueritos (Jorge and Angel). 

FECH locations of operation are Ahome, and El Fuerte. Important to note that FECH territories are next to areas controlled by Chapito Isidro. 

Besides FECH other criminal cells in Sinaloa that are under the Guzman flag are Los Ranas, Los Cholo Vagos, Los Chimalis, Los Ninis, Los Duendes, FEA or Fuerzas Especiales Avendaño. I know that I am missing a few, but this are some of the groups I have researched on. 

For example, in an audio recording released during the failed attempt in January 5, 2023, to rescue Ovidio Guzman Lopez, "El Nini or El 19" can be heard through the radio asking for criminal cells of the Guzman flag to come and support in JM or Jesus Maria. The groups that showed support in the rescue attempt of Ovidio are Equipo de Lalo or team Lalo, Cholo Vagos, Los Ranas, El 14- FEA or Fuerzas Especiales Avendaño-La Campana. 

Video Source: La Voz Del Pueblo

The audio goes as follows, translated by Sol Prendido:

(Speaker 1, Alleged to be El Nini)

Everyone needs to hurry the fuck up! Hurry the fuck up! Hurry the fuck up! 

I need for everyone to come give me a hand out here! I need every fucking group! Come towards us!

Come in through Tamarindo, come out by La Campana, towards Jesus Maria.

Néstor Isidro García, alias “El Nini”, is alleged to be a Sinaloa Cartel leadership figure with strong ties to los Chapitos. To read more about his criminal history, please see this previous story

There have been rumors within the last year that Nini has fallen out of favor with the sons of El Chapo, as some allege that Nini was deposed as the plaza boss of Culiacan and the position was given to another leadership figure, however, it is still likely that Nini heavily participated in the attempts to free Ovidio and retaliate against government figures. 


  1. In Sinaloa they force you to kiss if you are a criminal.

    1. In sinaloa I don't think they force u to kiss each other , ya es maña de los puñales 🤣

    2. Hahahahahha on your second offense they suk each other off... pinche Sinaloa bien gallos... lmfao why would you even think of some shit like making men kiss.. how about a bat to the fave instead.

    3. They should of made them lick each others culos instead while they filmed it 😂. That by itself would of been worse than anything….. No matter how many people you kill or how much drugs you sell after being filmed with your tongue in some vatos buttcheeks it’ll never be enough to get a serious corrido made about you without them mentioning you licked a dudes culo on film …. Even if you did go on to kill 10,000 vatos with your bare hands 😂😂😂

    4. 8:31
      Era bien bravo el Gallo
      Con pelo en pecho
      Pero un dia todo cambio
      Lo torcieron por ahi
      Su castigo fue
      Peor que la muerte
      Le pego la lengua a la rosca...
      Tatan Tara rararaaa 🎶

    5. 831 I got better one have a horse mount up on the opp record that shit cut both hands and feet let him live now hes pretty much useless in any war plus the worst a video existing of him getting plowed by a Caballo poor guy will probably commit suicide if not wish for death instead of the humiliation

    6. @ 12:49 😂😂😂 I spilt my coffee over my shirt laughing so hard when I read that 😂 Seriously

    7. 2:59 ok you win. That is worse. If either scenario was really the only 2 options they were willing to give a person , how many people would take the bullet instead🤔 ? I think there definitely would be some that ask for the bullet instead . Humiliation to that degree is worse than death.

    8. @12:49 bravo bro! Puro corrido Perron

    9. 12:49 your corrido actually sounds like what CDS actually do for reals not like the thousands of fake corridos that they have like JGL and Soy el raton and so many others

  2. Beats getting dismembered alive!!

  3. Talk about the most gayest thing you can possibly do…

  4. Humiliating but then in the second video captive number 4 seemed a little too eager to kiss the tall dude. Mejor pónganse a trabajar honradamente porque pa delincuentes no la arman plebes

  5. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, guys. But things are worse than you can imagine for Cartel de Sinaloa. A video came out on Telegram recently where a Comandante Arellano 110 from the Operativa MZ caught a CJNG operative. And the captive is literally being fucked from behind. The film is uglier than what happened to Daniel Gustavo “El Muletas” or Crutches Valencia Treviño from Cartel del Noreste. The kissing that these dudes are doing to each other is just the tip of the iceberg. If these guys can just go back to snitching on their enemies, I'd be ok with it versus having to know that they're raping dudes.

    1. Damn! That's as low as you can get..

    2. People should learn from this...
      It all started with skinny jeans.

    3. That's the new trend now. No more beheadings. Now it's kisses and man on man love from the rear.

    4. Welcome to 2023…

    5. If there no video there’s no proof post it

    6. Woke totrure.

    7. I want to see it.

    8. Wtf is wrong with you guys? 😅 If you want to see that dude getting plugged from behind, go to El Blog de Los Guachos Telegram channel. It just came out a few days ago. So be sure to scroll back a bit. If anyone has any info on who this crazed commander is, let me know, and I'll see what can be put together

    9. Didn't see your original post before creating mine. My bad.


    10. Not really rape if he had the common courtesy to give him a reach around... No homo, just saying.

    11. You also tease us like that.

    12. It's all about the good vibes and having a good time.

    13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 come on guys if you get a boner when fucking a dude you are gay, CDS= CDSirenita 😂😂😂

    14. Joto el q se deje 10-4 comandante arrellano al 100 aki se ve quien es mas hombre

    15. Imagine being interrogated by a gay cold blooded sicario, thats actually scary af 😂

    16. 11:25 a cuantos jotos te has hechado? Y tu pensando que no eres joto tambien 🤣🤣🤣

    17. @sol many cartel members are required to be homosexuals to join their “Cartel”. This helps ensue that they stay loyal and aren’t distracted by vaginas and babies.

      This is true for CJNG, CDS, CDN, and several others I won’t name.

      Only carnals of high rank a tree allowed to have girlfriends and wives.

    18. 6:26 🤣 what the fuck? Stop it man, that might be the case in Sinaloa but not in the other cartel, if you are gay in a cartel you arecmore likely to get destracted by your fellow gun man and that my friend would end up in a lot of problems, thats the reason why in a lot of jobs the dont allow dating between fellow workers

  6. If this trends stays, it's gonna escalate.
    They'll keep trying to outdo eachother and before you know it, they'll be making actual hardcore gay porn.

    1. @2:59 you are eagerly waiting for those videos aint you sweet dude

    2. It's just a matter of time.

    3. El Juan Holmes

    4. 3:49
      You're waiting to get captured and forced to engage in such carnal activities.

    5. This all started with Obama kissing Michael

    6. @3:49
      You are absolutely right. My chorizo is getting hard just thinking about it. The release of Sicario Suck Fest volume 2 can't come fast enough.


  7. Well i wouldn't wanna be on video kissing dudes.fuck no

  8. los Guero Ranas,guero ranas was supposedly one of the leaders of the el kevin ambush on military under el guano,they killed 5 millitary,military aint forgetting that shit or culiacanozo,the military sneaked in with civilian clothes supposedly in unmarked cars so they wouldnt be clocked and ribboned the motherfuckers guero ranas and his compa primo

  9. Wow no comment about the whole kissing each other thing.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Sol, knowing his audience, has pointed everybody towards a full-penetration post on Blog de los Guachos, and said he'll see what he can do about putting something together to satisfy people, if they can educate him about the who/what /when/why. Still seems to have no idea who funds these blogs.

  10. What the hell is this gay stuff cartel men are becoming cartel wimps

  11. Are los cholos vagos the vangancia in the Guamuchil plaza?

  12. Pretty sure it lopez obrador who gave this order because this seems like a “hugs not bullets” kind of approach

    1. Go back to sleep, BB will be here in the morning.

  13. Them tablazos have ben going down since the zetas .. nothing new


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