Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 27, 2023

Jalisco Advance Threatens Cotija, Jacona and Los Reyes, Strongholds of Michoacan Cartels: They Ask Authorities For Help to Defend Themselves

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) is maintaining an offensive in western Michoacan, which has put the Michoacán can cartels led by Alfonso Fernandez Magallon, alias "Poncho La Quiringua", and Luis Barragan Chavez, alias "Güicho el de Los Reyes", on alert.

Since 2022, following the breakup of the CJNG with its armed wing "Pájaros Sierra," western Michoacan has been plunged into a spiral of violence, with constant homicides and confrontations in the municipalities of Cotija, Jiquilpan, Jacona, Los Reyes and Sahuayo, and the entire strip that divides Jalisco and Michoacan.

The offensive has recently focused on Cotija, Jacona and Los Reyes, the latter a stronghold of the United Cartels and their bosses "Poncho La Quiringua" and "Güicho el de Los Reyes," who flourished under the government of Silvano Aureoles Conejo.

This, together with state operations in conjunction with the Army to pacify the area in the face of constant clashes between cartels, have made the local bosses nervous.

Villagers interviewed by the national press have acknowledged that the local cartels had barricades to protect themselves from the CJNG incursion, but these were removed by the authorities.

"The government came in and removed all the people who were fighting, because it was a war zone, and the government just left, and then the CJNG came up," said one of the residents interviewed.

This highlighted the fear that exists among Michoacan plaza bosses due to the advance of the CJNG, who are trying to pass themselves off as self-defense groups in order to maintain their control in the region.

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  1. The more I see it with these organizations is that at some point this can turn any one of these cartels into some dictatorship ( I mean I don’t know 🤷‍♂️). I’m trying to understand what comes after you gather all that territory. I mean these guys are always looking for more and more and more. So you have to wonder what would come next after have secured all these different states and towns and pueblos etc.

    It might sound like some ignorant comment. But it still makes you wonder.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Said it for a while,what is CJNGs end game?
      Could they possibly be looking at real power in mexico?

    2. De los cuatro hijos de rosalinda cuanto son del MeNcho?

    3. Sea con govierno o sea por que jalisco son pura trompa pero a michoacan no an podido entrar se murio mencho con las ganas de volver al naranjo de chila michoacan les quedo grande hasta la fresa de la fm los trae fuidos en huetamo

    4. 2:00 si si si Secret management nomas porque los Jaliscos le pusieron una putiza a tus tios los chirrios, pero si no se uviera metido la sedena CJNG lla controlaria por lo menos 3/4 de michoacan, orita nomas estan en la mitad y no lo controlan, pero andan tumbe y tumbe CU's por todos lados, si esta vez no se mete otra vez el govierno pal año que entra tu pueblo va aser de El Mencho, aunque segun tu esta "muerto" 🤣

  2. About time las 4 gonna gonna enter for all does traders

  3. It seems like CJNG had security forces clear out, or at the very least, weaken CU in that area so they could come in afterwards and take over.

    1. No, the security forces retreated cause there were a lot of videos of them having dinners with the CU, they caught to much heat, the security forces were the only thing keeping CJNG out but now that they left, CJNG came back and are hitting CU hard as a MF'r, shit CU are openly asking the government dor protection 😭 pinches nenas chillonas

  4. I thought el guicho was arrested a year ago during a shootout in the outskirst of zamora? Hopefully cjng takes over. Zamora been dangerous for a few years now. Lots of extortion, home invasions, kidnappings, and murders. It be better if the authorities were to take control but that is farfetched.

    1. Nah hat dude don’t fight he only comes in after the top on to shoot dead sicarios and make videos he’s not on the frontline

    2. @10:42 that shits not gonna change with CJNG, the territories east of Zamora have been held by CJNG for years and the same shit goes on there. No hay Buenos con estos vatos, todos hacen la mismas pendejadas.

  5. So cjng has never had control of the border area of Jalisco and michoacan?? lol how long have they been “advancing” in michoacan lmao and still don’t have any plaza on lock.

    1. Hahaha so hilarious!

    2. 7:07 yeah these 12 year olds 11:13 are pretty funny acting like they would have Mexico on lock or theyre idols in CDS who pretty much turn out to be a duds.

    3. The Guerreros (08 and Lako's people) have had control of all the municipios east of Zamora for years now, La Piedad, Ecuandureo, Tanhuato, Yurecuaro a few others. Id say they were the only real stable CJNG presence in the northern half of Michoacan. They've made their push into Zamora for a while but haven't taken full control as of yet, with the new push they're making who knows.

    4. Tio lakos territorio has been tranquilo since they kicked out templarios

  6. Sol have you seen the most recent pic of El 85. Sargy says he is the one leading the advance into all of Michoacan with support of the local cells. So Maguey and El X who he has had calls with on his live streams have confirmed that their is an advance. From Cotija to Aguillila, Uruapan, Zitacuaro, La Costa they are going in from everywhere. I wonder why it takes years to take plazas when in the past they were taken in weeks to months. Lack of Government support might be the main reason.

    1. "Lack of government support might be the main reason" For the advance and capture of territory in Michoacán by CJNG?
      State and Federal forces are the only reason Carteles Unidos hasn't been smashed on since MORENA gobernador Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla protects them by order of his uncle Fructuoso Comparan Rodríguez.
      "Fruto" was sentenced last year to 132months for trafficking a metric ton of methamphetamine to Miami.
      Must have hired a supremely intelligent and connected attorney to receive that sentence...

    2. It’s because the governor has relatives with in CU,that’s why CU gets government help that’s why CJNG hasn’t been successful advancing in Michoacan but maybe el 85 has a huge plug on the military side cause lately they’ve been letting them fight and not helping CU much

    3. Link to new pic of 85?
      Was he quietly released?

    4. 8:46 if he was released that's pretty telling as to who holds the power in Mexico

    5. Can anybody confirm that 85 is out of jail?

  7. Does anyone know who canchola or Canché is? People from Apatzingan are saying that he is from Michoacán helping the Jalisco.

  8. Remember when everyone thought the Sinaloa Cartel would outlast CJNG? Cartel de Synthetics has set forth the motions to make CJNG the country‘s top criminal organization.

    1. 9:18 By "Top" criminal organization, do you mean the organization that moves more product or the organization that extorts more people? I believe there is a difference. Everyone knows who is who.

    2. 10:40 both buddy both, biggest and strongest criminal organization, remember the bigger the criminal organization the more problems aka extortion fees and shit, its common sence bud, and at the same time they will be moving way more meeca than the competition and the bottom feeders will be extorting, they are criminals what do you expect? Dont tell you think CDS dont do that, maybe in a frw places just like CJNG dont extort in a few places


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